Royals at Wimbledon 2008 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Indeed! And by now more photos have been taken and shared - the Duke of Kent attended as well which gives us the rare chance to see grandfather and grandson on one photo! That's really nice!

** Pic **

And Zara and husband Mike attended as well:

** gettyimages gallery **
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This is the first time since she announced her pregnancy that I have thought Beatrice looked great. That maternity dress is beautiful!
This is the first time since she announced her pregnancy that I have thought Beatrice looked great. That maternity dress is beautiful!

I'm not a fan of polka-dots, but Beatrice looked very happy.
No Royals ;) but the Duchess of Cambridge's parents - Carole and Michael Middleton - and her sister Pippa with husband James attended day 11 today, July 9:

** rex gallery **

And so did Prince Michael of Kent, Lord Frederick and wife Sophie:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** rex gallery **
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The Duchess of Cambridge will attend the Ladies Wimbledon Final tomorrow after a period of being in isolation. The Duke of Cambridge will also attend.

The Duchess of Cambridge will attend also the the Mens’ Singles Final on Sunday.

"After over five decades as President of @Wimbledon, The Duke of Kent will present the Gentlemen’s Singles trophy for the last time on Sunday, before stepping down from the role."

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He's been a wonderful patron.

I am happy to see the Duke of Kent still out and about, as he looked quite poorly at Remembrance Sunday 2020.
He's been a wonderful patron.

I am happy to see the Duke of Kent still out and about, as he looked quite poorly at Remembrance Sunday 2020.
I so agree that he's been a wonderful President and perhaps his health is why he's stepping down. For most of his tenure the Patron was HM the Queen but she has handed down that role to the Duchess of Cambridge.

I have to wonder if both of the Kent siblings are considering retirement in the near future? In the last week or so, Alexandra has just passed on her guide dog patronage to Sophie. Both brother and sister have had health concerns in recent years.
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Catherine is a (royal) Patron (taking over from the Queen), while Duke of Kent is President (from his late mother).

I'm curious about this patron-president thing so I did some google and found this:

However, there is no such clarity about the roles of Patrons and Presidents or the differences between them. Among the top fifty charities by voluntary income, there are some that have one Patron, others that have well over a hundred; some have a President or Presidents but no Patron; others have a list of Vice-Presidents but no President. There are still other charities that function perfectly well without Patrons and/or Presidents. At first sight this seems a bewildering maze of inconsistency badly in need of some standardisation. Yet it works. The charity world has never subscribed to the principle of conformity; indeed, every charity was brought into existence to make changes to the existing order of things in order to right a wrong or to meet a need. And they do that, not by conforming to a norm but by taking innovative measures relevant to their own particular objectives. So this diversity of practice regarding Patrons and Presidents should be seen as an aspect of the freedom each charitable organisation has to organise its affairs in the way it deems most effective in the achievement of its aims.


The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines a patron as (among other things) ‘a distinguished person who takes an honorary position in a charity’. Unliketrustees, patrons have no legal status or binding obligations. Neither do they have any responsibility for the management of the organisation or the manner in which funds are spent. Their role is, in most cases, that of a ‘figurehead’ or ‘flag bearer’, a leader whose example people are willing to follow and whose name can lend credibility and status to the organisation which, in turn, can increase the effectiveness of its fundraising, campaigning and public relations activities.


'The Head of a Society, council or other organisation.’ This definition (again taken from the Concise Oxford Dictionary)makes clear that the role of a president is a more ‘hands-on’ role than that of a patron. Because of this, it is important that the person appointed should have credibility and relevance within the area of the charity’s core activity, thus enhancing the charity’s profile among appropriate audiences.


It would seem that in practice the roles of patron and president can be very similar – it is down to the individual charity to decide whether they have a patron or a president or sometimes both. The majority of charities have patrons and rather fewer have presidents.

So in this Wimbledon-DoC-DoK case, one possibility is to combine the two roles, or Wimbledon can decide to just go with President and no Royal Patron (just like the FA). Catherine presenting men's trophy two years ago should mean something right?

From google I also found that The KidsOut (a charity supporting disadvantaged children) announced that they combine the Chairman and President role whilst a Chairman is vacant (both now chaired by Helen Pitcher who was/is the previous chairman). So it seems like it can be very flexible.
"Patron" suggests someone who just lends their name to something, whereas "president" suggests someone who is actively involved, but I suppose any organisation can do what works for them. One option would be for someone like Tim Henman, who's very involved with the AELTC, to take over as president, but, with all due respect to Tim, it's a very prestigious organisation and the role really ought to go to a member of the Royal Family.
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If this is the D of K's last Wimbledon as President it's only fitting that he should do both trophy presentations I think.
Here's a video of the Duke and Duchess from the Wimbledon Women's Final

Wimbledon: Duke of Kent steps down as president of All England Club



But the Duke of Kent, 85, has revealed that he is stepping down as president of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (AELTC), with his duties effectively absorbed by its patron, the Duchess of Cambridge.

The AELTC has no plans to directly replace the Duke, the Telegraph understands.

The club greatly values the Duchess of Cambridge’s patronage and has no wish to detract from such a prestigious royal endorsement. The Duchess, an avid tennis fan and enthusiastic supporter of the Championships, is expected to take on the responsibility of presenting the trophies.

The Duke’s retirement therefore brings to a close a role that has been in his family since 1929, when his father took the title, followed by his mother.


It is not yet known who will succeed the Duke as president.


There's something about Finals Day at #Wimbledon
(Narration by The Duke of Kent)
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The Duchess of Cambridge was accompanied by her father Michael today, July 11.

The Duke of Kent, Princess Alexandra, Prince Michael of Kent, Lady Helen with husband Tim and Lady Amelia were present as well.

** gettyimages gallery ** rex gallery ** dailymail article **
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So glad a lot of the family came out to support him - they just don't make them like that any more.
How wonderful for the Duke of Kent that not only his siblings but also some of his children, grandchildren and nieces/nephews were present.

I’m also sure I’ve seen Flora Olgivy (unsure of her married name) in the box too.

Yes, she was. Here with her uncle the duke of Kent. She is now known as Flora Vesterberg (see also her website).

Some other family members (as it is a bit of a search among the many pictures):
Lady Amelia
Lady Helen and Timothy
Lady Helen and her nice Lady Amelia
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He was presented with a replica trophy, which was a lovely moment.

(Andrew Castle, having talked drivel all through the match, then announced that "Prince Michael" would be presenting the trophies and retiring as president as the AELTC. I do wish the BBC wouldn't let him commentate on big matches! But never mind.)
Oddly the Duchess of Gloucester was not present today. She usually never misses the Gentlemen’s finale.
Wimbledon 2022: June 27 - July 1

This year's Wimbledon Championships take place from June 27 to July 10.

Today, June 27, Prince Michael of Kent was seen attending:

** Pic **
It wouldn’t be Wimbledon without the Kents.

Indeed, they are the branch of the family very much associated with it and I expect to see most of them attend over the next fortnight. The Duke, when President, attended most days even though the earlier matches are not always so great. Who is President now?
The Duke, when President, attended most days even though the earlier matches are not always so great. Who is President now?

Last year it was said that the Duchess of Cambridge would take over the Duke of Kent's role as President.
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