She does indeed,but her behavior is very questionable...she is very sweet in public,but when the lights turn off she is a different person...
I had a chance to be with CP,Katharine and some members of Crown Council in one restaurant where she drank too much wine and started loudly proclaiming herself a Queen of Serbia.Other members noticed her behavior but did not say anything...
Day after that President of the Crown Council Mr.Dragomir Acovic sent a written note to Crown Prince just to talk to her and to try to calm her down because she might do such things again and people in general get the wrong impression.CP has shown that message to Katherine and she called Mr. Acovic to inform him that there is no more need for him to come to the Palace every day despite the fact that his office is also there...
She was also the reason why CP Alexander and Princess Elizabeth are no longer in speaking terms...she tried to forbade Princess Elizabeth doing charity work as she felt overshadowed by her...this resulted in the fact that Princess Elizabeth is forbidden to enter Royal Complex,despite the fact that whole complex has been returned for use to all Karadjordjevic dynasty members...
There have been also many other disputes in the family between CP,his wife and other family members...
Prince Tomislav,his uncle,was hugely popular in the country...he raised CP as his own son with his family due to the facts that we all know.Several moths before Tomislav died Alexander visited him in Oplenac where Tomislav lived for several years...Because of his popularity he accused Tomislav of wanting to take the throne away from him...Tomislav replied:"How could I take from you something that neither of us has?"
The family is not united and that is what creates a very bad PR in the public when these kind of stories you read in the interviews given by royals...