Restoration of the Serbian Monarchy

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Didn't she run for political office in Serbia? Which political party is she tied to?

Those were Presidential elections and as such she was not tied with any political party.She had 63.991 votes which was 2.1 % of the population!
So not a lot of public support for her then. Is she still politically active? Has she given any indication she might wish to run for President of Serbia again?
In regards to Albania and Montenegro, their returned Royal families now have official State recognition, some property restitution, State salaries & pension allowance, and official diplomatic status and Government positions or roles.
I know that C.Prince Alexander lives in one of his family palaces, but other than this, i know nothing of their official and legal status and position in Serbia?
Thank you.

The situation is still not defined like recently in Montenegro...They don't get ant money from the state(except rent free living in a palaces for which they pay bills)...

They still have hold some ceremonial functions when they have a dinner or a cocktail party in the palace when most of the politician gather(even the ones against the monarchy),but their position in the country is not yet clear and defined...

They still didn't get their properties back,not just in Serbia but in all former Yugoslav Republics,including the ones that are now in European Union!
So not a lot of public support for her then. Is she still politically active? Has she given any indication she might wish to run for President of Serbia again?

No,people here still don't take women seriously when such positions are concerned and as she is herself not a politician,not a member of any political party that stands behind her back and was never ever even active in politics,not even now-it is regarded as a success!
Serbian Royal Restitution.

The situation is still not defined like recently in Montenegro...They don't get ant money from the state(except rent free living in a palaces for which they pay bills)...

They still have hold some ceremonial functions when they have a dinner or a cocktail party in the palace when most of the politician gather(even the ones against the monarchy),but their position in the country is not yet clear and defined...

They still didn't get their properties back,not just in Serbia but in all former Yugoslav Republics,including the ones that are now in European Union!

Thats really interesting.
Do they live free-for-life in the palace (is it in Belgrade?) and is it still officially owned by the Serbian State, or returned or gifted to The Serbian Royal Family ownership?
The ownership and restitution of other properties in other Republics (Croatia, Montenegro?) must be a very difficult situation.

Restitution is a serious issue and should not be underestimated by those who would still seek the restoration of the Serbian throne. The Serbian government would clearly resist any attempt by the Royal family to seek the return of all properties and assets, illegally seized from them in 1945, which would surely be the family`s right, under resoration. This fear of restitution is, i believe, a key factor in the Serbian governments reluctance to even discuss restoration, and is replicated by the governments of Romania, Bulgaria, et al. For those who are working for restoration of the throne ( and i confess i am not one of them ) the crude argument that " Greedy " ex-royals are attempting to regain property, is one which is extremely potent.
Restitution is a serious issue and should not be underestimated by those who would still seek the restoration of the Serbian throne. The Serbian government would clearly resist any attempt by the Royal family to seek the return of all properties and assets, illegally seized from them in 1945, which would surely be the family`s right, under resoration. This fear of restitution is, i believe, a key factor in the Serbian governments reluctance to even discuss restoration, and is replicated by the governments of Romania, Bulgaria, et al. For those who are working for restoration of the throne ( and i confess i am not one of them ) the crude argument that " Greedy " ex-royals are attempting to regain property, is one which is extremely potent.

In many ways i would think that restitution and the compromise of official recognition and status, particularly as has happened to varying degrees in Montenegro and Albania, would somewhat appease those Republicans who fear the subject of restoration.
I think this as a monarchist in favour of constitutional restoration, as it seems the balance in Montenegro and Albania has in many ways satisfied those in favour of restitution and those who are against official restoration.
Serbia and Romania could find a similar happy medium, and that seems to be realised more in Romania with recent acknowledgement of King Michael at his 90th BDay and speach in Parliament.
Does Crown Prince Alexander have a State salary or pension, or just the former palace home?
CP Alexander gets to live in the palace for free, that the end of his state support. No state income.
I take on board your point about the compromises which have been reached in Albania, Monte negro and to a lesser extent, Romania. But i do still believe that restitution is the elephant in the room. As to the position of Crown Prince Alexander, he and his family do have use of one of the former palaces in Belgrade, but as to his financial position, i really could`nt say. He does undertake semi-official duties, therefor one would imagine that the Serbian government would provide him with expenses, if not a salary. I suppose we should wait for Marc23 `s next posting, i`m sure he`ll know!!
Royal Status of C.Prince Alexander.

Could someone who is up-to-date or specialised in information on The Serbian Royal Family please explain to me the exact official status on the returned Serbian Royal Family and Crown Prince Alexander in Serbia?
Im very well informed on the situation of The Albanian Zogu Royal Family, and im particularly interested to know the official status and position of The Serbian Royal Family in comparison with that of the Albanian, Montenegro, and Romanian Royal families and their new positions since returning from exile.
In regards to Albania and Montenegro, their returned Royal families now have official State recognition, some property restitution, State salaries & pension allowance, and official diplomatic status and Government positions or roles.
I know that C.Prince Alexander lives in one of his family palaces, but other than this, i know nothing of their official and legal status and position in Serbia?
Thank you.

Any other information or up-to-date news on Crown Prince Alexander's official status and role? Thanks.
Serbian government would provide him with expenses, if not a salary. I suppose we should wait for Marc23 `s next posting, i`m sure he`ll know!!

Right,he doesn't have the salary,but pays his own bills from his personal funds.The state pays for keeping up the Royal Complex consisting of White Palace and the Old Palace...CP and his wife live in Old Palace while White Place is mostly used for dinners,banquets and as a lodge when some of his foreign guests arrive...As I said in one of my earlier posts in previous five years the state gave 5 million euros from the budget just for keeping up the complex ...
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Princess Elizabeth was very well known in high society circles when she was young and had a very interesting life...

She was a rebel princess who escaped her life of protocol and royal form by going away from home to US when scheduled to meet Belgian Prince Baudoin and was famous for her marriages,once to a Russian Jew millionaire Howard Oxenberg(17 years older than her),once to British aristocrat Neil Roxburgh Balfour(now married to Serena Mary Churchill Russell,niece of the Duke of Marlborough) and thirdly to Prime minister of Peru Manuell Ulloa Ellias.She was even engaged to Richard Burton,but broke up with him because he was an alcoholic(quoting her:"Absolutely fascinating guy when he was straight,but when he was drunk-it was just unbearable.") and had many lovers.

Among them where Frank Sinatra and American President John.F Kennedy with whom it is speculated she has her second daughter Christina Oxenberg(Christina herself suggested in her book "Royal blue" that J.F.Kennedy is her biological father).

It is said that he was crazy about her promising her that he would leave Merilyn and would divorce Jacky...There was also a rumor that Merilyn Monroe committed a suicide when she heard about this...

During the Cuban crises when Soviet ships were floating towards Cuba,Kennedy abandoned War Council sessions just to be with her.CIA didn't like it at all and did everything to break up the relationship between the President and Princess Elizabeth as they were afraid that she could have influenced him in some political matters concerning Soviet Union as she has grown up influenced and very proud of her Russian roots from both sides(Demidoff and Romanov)...

Other than that she had many friends worldwide including Michail Gorbachov...She was some kind of host during conference in Moscow organized by Gorbachov where Yugoslav Minister for Religious Affairs,Orthodox Bishop Sava and Mufti of Belgrade were all invited by her...She was also friends with Mother Theresa,Dalaj Lama,the Archbishop of Canterbury,Al Gore and astronomer Carl Sagan...

So,she was not a saint,but despite all this,she is still very well respected in Serbia due to her love for Sebia,due to her charity work,due to her sense of style and appearance and due to public behavior of a real princess as people say or comment about her...

What is more interesting is that all her former husbands still loved her...Howard Oxenberg visited her in Belgrade when he was 89 years old,some time before he died and Neil Balfour regularely still visits her in Belgrade even writing a book about his ex father in law-Prince seems she has some kind of charisma!

When asked about her love life she said that she loved her every partner differently and for each of them had a clear reason for marrying...In one interview she says:"Greek people have 6 words for love as all loves are not the same."

In her book "Royal Blue" which metaphorically has a very bad meaning Christina Oxenberg described again metaphorically her mother and her elder sister Katherine as very much alike,calling them "Ice Princesses" who were smiling all the time but their hearts "remained cold" while she lived in their shadow.She also said that they practiced themselves in using their beauty and charm,literally "eating man for breakfast" just to get what they want...and the men often did what they wanted!

When asked about the book of her daughter Christina(now a designer) Princess Elizabeth replied:"Very funny and ironic book...she just likes to be ironic and to provoke...but we are still close and we even wrote some fashion articles together."

Some of the "stuff" Christina suggests might actually be true when it is widely known that Catherine Oxenberg,like her mother,also had a long list of love affairs:

Some of them being with King Juan Carlos of Spain whose wife Sofia is her cousin,with Prince Albert of Monaco she had an affair which started at a ball somewhere in France,with Prince Andrew of Great Britain with whom she was pictured by the paparazzi on a beach,with former American Presidential candidate John Kerry with whom it is rumored she has an illegitimate daughter-India...

She is now married to an actor Casper van Dien whose passion is to buy jewels for her(as he said himself)...Inspired by her royal ancestry,he even bought a diamond tiara specially made for her by "Tacori"...

After she played a role of Diana,her cousin King Constantine II of Greece said to her:"Catherine dear,you really need to find another occupation,you aren't quite good."

Obviously,she didn't listen too much of his advice and carried on her own...just like her mother did many times!Princess Elizabeth claims that her father Paul used to say to her that she has the same "wild spirit" just like her grandmother Princess Aurora Demidoff of San Donato once had...
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I remember seeing Elizabeth on some American chat show years ago. She was pushing Clinique beauty creams, claiming it made her look years younger than the age she told the audiance she was. Unfortunately someone in the audiance knew exactly how old Elizabeth was and pointed out that she had told the audiance she was 10 yrs older than her actual age in order to make the product sound better.
Some of the "stuff" Christina suggests might actually be true when it is widely known that Catherine Oxenberg,like her mother,also had a long list of love affairs:

Some of them being with King Juan Carlos of Spain whose wife Sofia is her cousin,with Prince Albert of Monaco she had an affair which started at a ball somewhere in France,with Prince Andrew of Great Britain with whom she was pictured by the paparazzi on a beach,with former American Presidential candidate John Kerry with whom it is rumored she has an illegitimate daughter-India...

She is now married to an actor Casper van Dien whose passion is to buy jewels for her(as he said himself)...Inspired by her royal ancestry,he even bought a diamond tiara specially made for her by "Tacori"...

Magazine "People" also linked Catherine Oxenberg with a millionaire Donald is a quotation:

"...Rumors of a dalliance with Dynasty beauty Catherine Oxenberg predated the Maria murmurs, and the whispers continue even now. Oxenberg denies them. "It's a complete joke as far as I'm concerned," she says. "I hardly know the man."

But a friend of Oxenberg's calls them pals, adding, "Occasionally they do stuff, but they're not sleeping together. Donald Trump is not a shabby escort." Many others apparently agree..."

In her blog,she wrote about meeting Prince Andrew and his "love letter" from Falkland Islands:

Quite interesting to read!
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Right,he doesn't have the salary,but pays his own bills from his personal funds.The state pays for keeping up the Royal Complex consisting of White Palace and the Old Palace...CP and his wife live in Old Palace while White Place is mostly used for dinners,banquets and as a lodge when some of his foreign guests arrive...As I said in one of my earlier posts in previous five years the state gave 5 million euros from the budget just for keeping up the complex ...
Thanks, Marc. So the funds provided by the Serbian Government are exclusively for the upkeep of the palace, all other expenses are met by Prince Alexander himself. I thought it unlikely that the Government would provide him with official funding, as this would confer a legitimacy of his position, which i am sure they are reluctant to give. Also, would Alexander himself be happy with a scenario in which the Serbian state still refuses to recognise his claim for restoration, despite funding him, effectively making him nothing more than a state employee?
Also, would Alexander himself be happy with a scenario in which the Serbian state still refuses to recognise his claim for restoration, despite funding him, effectively making him nothing more than a state employee?

I think he knows that at this moment he doesn't have a chance to be a King,so,considering that I guess that right now he is not that unhappy about his life-at least he doesn't have to think about his existence anymore,he lives rent free in a palace(unlike many other deposed royals),he has servants,private secretaries,gardeners,drivers,he is guarded by the state army,he has some semi-official function,he is giving dinners and banquets in the palace,he often travels to other royal events around the world and in the meantime he does a bit of other words he has "royal" quality of life!

He is in similar situation like Prince Michael of Kent...
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I don't seem to be able to open the link. Could you repost it?
I don't seem to be able to open the link. Could you repost it?

Sorry about that, but it is the link i was sent, ive just re-checked it.
Maybe try - www. or equivalent link starts.
Personally i'd try find search BBC News Magazine site, and then see if you can search article within.
Think article title is "What next for the Kings?" or something similar?

Ps - Just found Link correction!
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Very interesting. In fact it isnot easy to manage to have a new life after the gold life of a king.
Prince Vladimir seems to very present in the life of the Serbian society.

Princess Brigitta just posted an article in which Vladimir said that they were treated just like common guests at the palace complex(still owned by the state) his grandfather built and when he asked to be given some rooms for use in the palace he got an answer that he can use only wardrobe room in the basement for keeping up his clothes...
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Without unity between them the Serbian Royals won't become more popular in the country.

supports the monarchy.
What are the rules pertaining to the allocation of titles (e.g. Prince and Princess) among members of the house of Karadordevic?

Every woman that marries into the family automatically becomes a Princess...

Further,descendants of King Peter I have the title Prince/Princess,while descendants of his brother Prince Arsen have the title Fuerst/Fuerstin(Knez/Kneginja)...until second half of 20th century,this line of the family had only predicate Highness,but at some point it was changed to Royal Highness for every member of the family...

As there is no distinction between those titles in English,they are all referred as Prince and Princess...

For example,according to family rules,Aleksandar,son of Crown Prince is Prince,while Aleksandar,son of Paul,is Knez(Fuerst)...
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