Princess Marie as Patron of the Tønder Festival 2009 - 2024

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Marie always looks cute and today was no exception.
Billed Bladet says that Marie is still studying Danish, and that she didn't hesitate at all to write a greeting in Danish in the official visitor's book at the Tonder Festival:
Billed-Bladet - Se Maries søde hilsen til Tønderfestivalen

The article says that she caught herself making a mistake by forgetting the word "er" which translates to "is" in English, and wrote the word above the line where it belonged. The author says that Marie told the festival organizers to greet her only in Danish; it wasn't necessary to greet her in English.

I really am very disappointed in Marie. Seems she could have spent some time to study how to sign the book properly. I just do not think she understands her position in the DRF. She understands the perks perfectly, but the working part of it seems to be ignored.
I really am very disappointed in Marie. Seems she could have spent some time to study how to sign the book properly. I just do not think she understands her position in the DRF. She understands the perks perfectly, but the working part of it seems to be ignored.

I have to disagree. Marie has only been a member of the Danish Royal Family for little over a year. She is still learning. From reading posts from Danish members I am of the opinion that Danish is a very difficult language to learn. Perhaps Marie is finding it difficult but if she is still persisting this has to be admired. She has also had to become a step-mother and public figure and then mother in a relatively short space. I admire her for her bubbly personality and her obvious dedication to her husband and family
This is all true. She has had to become a stepmother, but the boys are usually in Copenhagen, while she and Joachim are in Jutland, so it isn't living together on a day to day basis, like Martin.

She does have to learn Danish, though, nothing about still persisting. She had her first baby right away, that could have been expected, as she is already in her 30s and Joachim in his late 30s.

That age brings a certain level of maturity that carries her through royal events with grace. She is not a teenager, or just ut of her teens, as Diana was when she married Charles. She also work experience in the US and Switzerland, as well as vacations with Joachim at least in France and Turkey in addition to many visits in Denmark prior to the engagement.

All in all, she had a pretty good idea of what becoming a princess of the realm would entail and is now getting on with it.
I have heard that Danish isn't so difficult when you speak for example Dutch, but I think Danish is about as difficult to learn as Dutch, and what I've heard is that Dutch is pretty difficult.

So what I mean is that we can't expect thas she has learned it right away, I think she has made a progress during her time since she became a princess. It's not like she is so important as her sister in law.

Btw : isn't it better to continue this discussion in the propper topic ?

She looked verry nice at the festival !
Being a patron of a Danish organization entails the topic of speaking Danish when acting as such, it is hard to split one from the other.

Otherwise, the comments are all pretty much based on the appearance at the event, or who was or wasn't present, which becomes repetitive and empty.

If Marie asked the organizers to greet her in Danish, that is very good. It does take about 7 years to become fluent. Right now she is speaking Danish at a novice level, but that is where everyone starts, isn't it? There is nothing wrong with that. The more she practices, the better she will become, this is obvious and holds true for learning any language.
On Friday 27, Princess Marie will open the anual Tonder Festival.

H.K.H. Prinsesse Marie åbner som protektor Tønder Festival, Tønder Torv, kl. 16.00
I really am very disappointed in Marie. Seems she could have spent some time to study how to sign the book properly. I just do not think she understands her position in the DRF. She understands the perks perfectly, but the working part of it seems to be ignored.

i disagree completely. marie has shown in such little time her progress in danish (which according to what her sister in law said it's a hard language to learn), and now you are nailing her to the wall for forgetting to write "is" in the book? i think you can hardly say she knows the perks very well: i don't think we have seen marie out on holidays or profitting for her new status that much for you to say that.
On Friday 27, Princess Marie will open the anual Tonder Festival.

Thank yoy, Paty :flowers:

The Tønder Festival is a folk music festival and it has been around for many years.
It's not bad, I've been there a couple of times, mainly to listen to the Irish bands.
Thank yoy, Paty :flowers:

The Tønder Festival is a folk music festival and it has been around for many years.
It's not bad, I've been there a couple of times, mainly to listen to the Irish bands.

I've read today in newspapers that Hollywood actor Tim Bobbins is creating a folk band...and he will give some shows in Europe this year, may be his band could be an addition to the Tonder Festival in 2011;)
i disagree completely. marie has shown in such little time her progress in danish (which according to what her sister in law said it's a hard language to learn), and now you are nailing her to the wall for forgetting to write "is" in the book? i think you can hardly say she knows the perks very well: i don't think we have seen marie out on holidays or profitting for her new status that much for you to say that.

I couldn't agree more! All the holidays they've taken as a family together don't seem any bigger or more luxurious as any other family's annual holiday. Of course being a royal means you have some privileges other people don't have, but you'd be stupid if you didn't enjoy them. Because let's face it, if you were a royal and could enjoy some free things, you wouldn't turn it down either (at least I wouldn't)

I've learned Danish myself for about 2 years, and I must say that if I hear a Danish speaking person on tv or so, I don't understand much, so respect where respect is due!
I think Marie is fabulous, but I don't think this outfit is very festive! It's indistinguishable from office gear... come to think of it, royals tend not to wear black to events, or such dark colours as to photograph black. Is that right? Might be a "rookie error" ...

Thank you, Iceflower :flowers:
The fair Marie said in her Speech: "It's lovely to be back. Last year I went to visit the Tønder Festival and the event impressed me very much. I look forward to yet another festival with really good music. A very happy festival to all".

It's also a novelty for the festival to have a royal patron and they were not quite sure how to use a patron.
Well, for starters they get more attention in the press. Apart from the local papers, festivals like Tønder (unfortunately) don't get much attention in the nation wide papers.
There's something I really like about Marie, she gives off a natural aura, at least she seems to in photo's and video's. As an aside, she is very pretty also.
I think Marie is fabulous, but I don't think this outfit is very festive! It's indistinguishable from office gear... come to think of it, royals tend not to wear black to events, or such dark colours as to photograph black. Is that right? Might be a "rookie error" ...

I've actually reconsidered my own criticism here - I think her outfit is very appropriate - it's a "bohemian" sort of festival, and Marie can't exactly outfit herself in hippie gear, so plain almost-casual was the best way to go!

First official appearance since the announcement of her second pregnancy:

As patron of the Tønder Festival Princess Marie has attended this year's festival today, August 26, 2011.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

** Se festivalens protektor prinsesse Marie ankomme til Torvet **

** Se billederne: Prinsesse Marie var rundt på festivalpladsen **

** Gravid prinsesse Marie på festival ** translation **

** Tønder Festival 2011 - Prinsesse Marie, hvordan er det så at skulle få barn nummer fire? ** translation **
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It would appear Iceflower and Marika86 :flowers: are stille asleep, otherwise they would have beaten me to this: Billed-Bladet - Prinsesse Marie: En pige vil også være dejligt

Our Marie was, as you know, at the opening of the Tønder Folk Music Festival yesterday.
Tønder town is located about three kilometres from Schackenborg and as such she's probably very familiar with the town.
Anyway, she was naturally asked about her pregnancy: I'm so happy and we are very much looking forward".
Someone must have referred to what Joachim said recently, to which she smiled: "What has my husband said"?
She added: "As long as it's a healthy child, I'm happy. However, a girl would be nice".

This is a folk music festival, right? Let's have some folk music then. :cool:
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Iceflower never gets up later than 6:30 am, earlier if needed, but never later :D

What a pity that video isn't available in Germany, would have loved to hear what you've chosen..

Here are some additions:

** danapress/belga gallery **

** Prinsessen fik grineflip på festival ** translation **

** BB: Fin og rund - Her er prinsesse Maries gravide mave **

Someone must have been tying you down then, you are usually among the first with the news. :lol:
Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:
It's strange. For whatever reason Google translate flatly refuse to translate the BT article into English for me. It' insists on switching back to the original article, even though I've checked the settings. Weird!
I sometimes check the google translations to see if there are nuances or details that are missed. I can't in this case... :ermm:

So to be on the safe side: Our Marie was asked (by a reporter from Ekstra Bladet I understand) how it was to be pregnant for the fourth time (yeah, I didn't get the joke either) and that made her crack up completely. Actually it took Marie quite a while before she could stop laughing.
La belle Marie: "For the fourth time?!?" Going down laughing.
- "I don't think it will ever become routine to be pregnant. It's always something new and that's very exciting".
- "Everything is fine. I'm really fine".
- "I don't know if I'm going to have more children".

The video: That was Bruce Springsteen: Pay me my money down. :cool:
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It's strange. For whatever reason Google translate flatly refuse to translate the BT article into English for me. It' insists on switching back to the original article, even though I've checked the settings. Weird!
I sometimes check the google translations to see if there are nuances or details that are missed. I can't in this case... :ermm:

I've also noticed that problem some days ago, so far only with links from For me it helps
to click on "translate"/"übersetzen" again after the page has switched back to the Danish version,
then it stays - at least for me, not sure if that's the general solution.

Here's a gallery from ppe!
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Thanks for the photos iceflower, Princess Marie looked nice. I'm pleased that she bought little Henrik with her too, it's good to see that he's starting to appear at more at events with his parents. He's a little cutie.
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #35, 2013.
Written by Ken Richter.

The Tønder Festival is a folk music festival. As Tønder is a cosy little town the atmosphere tend to be almost intimate and it's almost impossible to get lost. Just use the church as a gathering point.
Located some three kilometres straight down the road from Schackenborg the town is within a comfortable walking distance. And M&J have indeed been to the festival in private at different occasions, alone or together.
Our Marie is patron of the festival and this year she brought her husband and son with her. Both adults and child were issued with a festival-armband. Marie were handed flowers, bette Henrik a couple of drumsticks, Joachim got nothing...

And now we know that apart from cars music, or rather drumming, is something that seems to interest the boy!
He drummed away on everythingh within reach, including his mother's behind. - Judging from the picture in the article he wasn't teasing, he looked like he was geniunely playing to some tune in his head and as far as I can tell this is not the first time he has got a pair of drumsticks in his hands. Indeed the article informs us that he has a set of drums at home. (*)
Marie laughed: "Don't hit me". (**)

This was a hot day and a soft ice, now that's something to your son's mind away from drums and bette Henrik did indeed enjoy his ice. - Wearing a festival T-shirt bette Henrik was completely undisturbed by the photographer.

M&J had seen two concerts Joachim told, with Caroline Chocolate Drops from USA and Irish Hudson Taylor. Joachim said: "It's utterly fantastic to be here with really good music and then there is a very special atmosphere. Apart from that the weather is excellent. - It's the first time Henrik is here".

(*) Try imagine Schackenborg with three lively boys and a soon just as lively girl - and a set of drums! :frazzled:

(**) I guess some mothers would take this as a compliment. Having a behind as tight as drum skin.
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