Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Ah yes, cancer.

The Norwegian press went into depth about what he had to say about cancer in his recent book Spirit Hacking which was stopped by the publishers in Norway to the considerable anger of Durek.

The paper VG have counted Verrek using the words cancer no less than 26 times, so it's not just a passing mentioning as Durek tried to explain to the press in connection with the book being stopped.

In the chapter: It's all about the root.
Durek writes about illnesses. He writes that conventional doctors consider too few factors when they look for the cause of an illness.
"For example they believe the cause for cancer is basically in the genes."
Durek says that genetic codes can be inherited, but they must be activated. Such codes are activated by markers, according to Durek.
Such markers can be "mental stress" or "emotional pollution."
"These markers is what makes the (cancer) cells to develop (he uses the word "morph") and that's what creates the toxic, internal environments where these cells can multiply, become tumors, grow and grow and grow and grow."
He writes on that it makes no difference what hyper-extra-über-super-strong allopatic cancer-killer you attack the tumor with, if you don't change the inner environment.
"The only way to change the inner environment is by adjusting the makers and go to the core."
From a shamanistic perspective this core or marker can be anything: Like what words you tell yourself, the house you live in, the people you are with among a long list of examples mentioned in the book.
"Or it can be because they (the patients) hate their lives, hate themselves, but because they can be honest about it they create an illness, because they don't want to be here anymore."
It's actually pretty common - that people become ill as a -quick fix- and as a simple way out."

Verrek claims in his book, that people would rather fall ill than admit the truth, which is: "I really don't want to live."

He elaborates:
"The conscious brain can't handle this level of truth, just as most people can't handle this level of truth from a friend or family member. So the conscious part of the brain denies the truth, while the subconscious part turn it into an incurable disease."

And this is how he works with cancer patients on a hospital:
"The first question I always ask is: Why do you want this cancer? A few are upset about this. Children on the other hand don't feel the same way. When I work with children and ask them why they want their cancer, they respond directly: Because I don't want to be here anymore."

In another chapter: Attention creates reality, he explains why attention controls what becomes a reality.

"To control our attention is like deciding how we want the world to look like."

Again he takes up cancer.
"Let's say that someone is diagnosed with cancer and they say: I must fight cancer. I must conquer this cancer. I must not let the cancer kill me.
I really doesn't matter what they do and how many treatments they go through. I can at once tell that they are creating an experience for themselves, where it becomes unlikely that they will triumph over cancer. To focus so much of the attention on fighting cancer and standing up to cancer, only strengthen cancer, because it is all about cancer, cancer, cancer."

Because when the attention is directed towards fighting cancer, we are dependent on the cancer being in the body, giving us something to fight against.
Instead he believe that a cancer patient must focus away from the cancer and commit himself to thrive in a healthy body and to live a long, active life.
"Because then we change focus to the health and the recovery we experience, rather than the illness we wish to transform. That gives the universe the opportunity to reinforce our health correspondingly."

- Right, this was very easy to translate, but does it make sense to you what he says and means?
To me it means that all illness is psychosomatic and ignoring it not only keeps you free from decease but cures you should you (somewhat contradictory) contract one.

Don't know about the legislation in your countries but Norway has a legislation about "kvaksalveri" = being a practicing quack, especially if it constitutes a direct (even if it is only a potential) danger to the lives and health of the patients. Durek could face prosecution under the penal code if he actively "practiced" this in Norway.
As such the book being turned down by the publishers is no surprise.

Wow, good for Norway! Verrett's cancer explanation is pure gobbledygook. As an RN and having had renal cell CA I know what I speaketh. Complimentary and alternative medicine or CAM as an adjunct to conventional medicine is one thing but what he purports is, I have no earthly idea what he's talking about. I'll say it again he's dangerous.
Update on their relationship.

The gossip magazine Se & Hør (the Norwegian branch) has revealed that ML and her daughters spend time together on Hawaii.
Together with Dureks sister Angelina and her children, the party lived in a villa in the district of Haleiwa on the island of Oahu.
Here ML and Durak were observed bathing together and showing some form of personal mutual intimacy. kongligt/darfor-har-martha-louise-och-durek-inte-setts-ihop-pa-63-dagar/

ADDED: Se & Hør publish visible proof in the form of photos in their magazine edition that is published today:

ML apparently left for Hawaii after the speculations about their possible break-up surfaced in the media.

Verrett's IG account shows he has been in Hawaii Looks like he and ML are keeping their rendezvous under wraps (definitely no pun intended) as no mention of ML on his Instagram.

He says on IG "doing a ceremony of cleansing with fire #chango and offering to #yemeya with Hawaiian lays on my Hawaiian family's land". Saying that his grandparents are both buried at Punchbowl cemetery. Really?!

Verrett might want to check with his Hawaiian family on the spelling of lay... it's lei!

He has claimed he was born a 3rd generation shaman in Northern California to an African-Haitian father and an East Indian/Norwegian mother. Interestingly, Marlene Eilers Koenig of Royal Musings did a little genealogy on Mr. Verrett. "His father's family appear in genealogical records, living in Louisiana (New Orleans), and Virginia and Georgia, going back to the early 1800." My think, having done a fair share of genealogy, is the Haitian African roots came prior with the slave trade. His mother Sheilah Farmer he claims is of East Indian and Norwegian ancestry and now goes by the name Veruschka Urquhart. His parents LV marriage certificate in 1972 gives Sheilah's residence as New Mexico which has a long Indian history and culture just not East Indian ie Mumbai?
Royal Musings: Princess Martha Louise announces she is in love again

And the beat:heart: goes on. I'm wishing Martha and her daughters best wishes and hope they have enjoyed Oahu. They truly deserve a lovely vacation to somewhere beautiful as Hawaii is.

I posted before polyesco's magazine cover post. They look to be having fun, take care Princess ML.
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The first law against "kvaksalveri" in Denmark - and as such also in Norway - is from 1794.
From 2007 that has been replaced by the Law of Authorization. = You have to be licensed (proved qualified) to perform various kinds of treatments. The law specifies which fields you have to have an authorization in, in order to treat specific patients or illnesses.
So anyone not authorized is a quack.
Presumably Norway has a similar law today.

That means that in DK, Durek would face up to one year in prison, if he took a person under treatment as described above. In particular if the patient's health or life was at risk as a result of Durek's treatment.

Again, presumably Norway has a similar law regarding the punishment for being a quack.
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:previous:While on the subject of quackery, I was glancing over the tv lineup for tonight's debates here in the US and I saw this gem.
Shaman Durek’s Guide to Love! Why Am I Single? Trigger Happy with the Shaman!

I've never watched "The Doctors" but apparently it's popular here on daytime tv in the US. :ohmy:
"The Emmy® Award-winning daytime talk show The Doctors is hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon and reconstructive surgery expert Dr. Andrew Ordon; along with co-host Dr. Nita Landry and co-host Dr. Sonia Batra."

Instead of a post about ML's boyfriend Verrett guesting on a show called "The Doctor's" - I was going to do a post about what constitutes practicing medicine without a license here in the US.

So big week for Verrett, holidaymaking with ML in Hawaii and maxing a second guest spot on... "The Doctors".
I guess stay tuned for more to come.:sick:
I like the idea the part with the Vodka - Even if it not helps, this old russian medicine has always it's benefits.

Couldn't agree more. Schnapps works too. :D

And chocolate, I've been told. :D
- Or perhaps I dreamed it? It's not always clear... :ermm:
But it's worth a try, eh. ;)

Anyway, as a shaman he should perhaps merely suggest washing your hands with water and soap and often!
And what happened with his theory about not contracting a decease in the first place?
:previous: You should read what the Norwegian and Swedish doctors are saying to this!
Dan Larhammar, a professor from Upsala university, Sweden, says among other things: "This is among the worst things I've (ever) heard. The dude (*) seems to be completely mad. It's so idiotic and sad. It's shameful that spreads this to so many."

(*) He is using a Swedish term for men, that here is very derogatory.
Coronavirus is a very serious health threat to people everywhere, regardless of status or beliefs. To have anyone like this shaman who has a following to put forth half baked ideas that may become dangerous to people is not helpful.

We must follow proper medical advice.

Good hygiene is a must, use common sense when in crowds and use the Ebola handshake if you must. That is Elbow to Elbow touching. And as Muhler says handwashing regularly. With Soap!!
Regular cleaning/disinfecting of doorhandles, tv remotes, the computer mouse, the steering wheel.
We just need to all take care and extra precautions.

This Sharman needs to be careful with his preaching now as he runs the risk of becoming a laughing stock if he pushes ridiculous theories.
:previous: Indeed.

The problem is that Durek has quite a few followers, who believe this is great advise!
And Durek is hardly the only one who is spewing nonsense like this. :ohmy:

As for Corona. It's here. We may be able to delay it spreading - for a few weeks - but it's here and we might just as well face the fact that a lot of us here on this forum will contract it.
As I see it it's basically a bad flu - that is for those of us who are reasonably healthy. For those who are old, weak or sick it's another matter.
So I think the best advise is to go home in bed at the first onset of symptoms and stay home until we are well again. The main thing is to avoid the following deceases like pneumonia that is the real killer at any flu-epidemic.
- The cemeteries are after all full of people who were indispensable at work...

I've seen people, also here in DK, wear masks. Forget it. Why waste money on that, when a scarf works just as well - or simply keeping your mouth closed.
Wear gloves in public and wash your hands often and avoid crowded places if you can at the height of the epidemic. That I think is pretty much all we can do.
Otherwise resign to the fact that you will contract it and work from that.

The latest figures I've seen is that Corona is about three times as contagious as normal flu. The fatality rate is a little more than 2 % - but that's an average. (*) For those who are already weakened, sick or old it is considerably higher. For those who are healthy it's correspondingly lower. I.e. pretty good odds.
So I'm not particularly worried about this on a purely selfish and personal basis.

(*) The average fatality rate for a "normal" flu is around 1%.
Oh gosh, I was waiting for Durek to jump into the Coronavirus topics... right up his street. :rolleyes:
:previous: Tarlita and Muhler have already given very solid and sound advice and information in their most recent posts regarding the coronavirus or Covid-19.:flowers:

For those in the US I also recommend the Center for Disease Control or CDC prevention/treatment guidelines

Good handwashing

Also, my favorite immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dir. NIAID - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Regarding Princess Martha Louise, so glad to hear she and her daughters are back home as reported previously by Muhler.

Regarding Shaman Durek Verrett enough already! :mad:
When I think about it, the more Mr. Verrett shoots off his mouth and proposes things that insult human intelligence, its like giving him enough rope which he will eventually hang himself with.

Its one thing to postulate how the spirit world works because, frankly, there's no empirical proof to prove him wrong but to speak with self given authority on how to "protect" oneself from something so virulent as COVID-19, he's setting himself up for ridicule and exposure as the quack he is. In other words, his "advice" basically is worthless. Regular soap and water and frequent hand washing is what is recommended. If there isn't a antidote for this virus, Mr. Verrett's "potion" ranks right up there with old timey elixirs guaranteed to make you feel better but were actually very high in alcohol content. :D

I've read his suggestions for a hand sanitizer and although its quite possible that it actually is a good mix (vodka being a natural disinfectant that can be used in a pinch) and the ingredients of value, for me, its attention grabbing away from the purpose of asking people to be sensible and take proper precautions which we've just seen exhibited by our own Lady Daly here.

For the Shaman to purport that he *alone* knows how to prevent being infected by using *his* method, for me, feeds into urging a level of mass panic from which only *he* has the answers to. This isn't the behavior of any kind of "spiritual" person that has the welfare of his fellowman at heart.

For the record here, I am very much in favor of homeopathic remedies such as sodium bicarbonate (baking powder) in water for heartburn. In fact, my nephrologist has me on sodium bicarbonate tablets for kidney disease (I didn't care to drink the stuff) but they should *never* replace professional medical advice.
Well, the Norwegians are up in arms today, because someone in Norway actually managed to trump Durek several times over!

It's a Christian network, where two people plead the viewers rather insistently to call in and donate money to the network, so that the viewers can save their children from Corona.
Because the two hosts will pray for the safety of the children of those who donate money. And they have somehow managed to work out an exact price: 2.020 NKR. (Roughly 250 €)
The money will be used for new TV-buses.

You can watch the video with the two, ehh... Samaritans in both links.
First the women shouts in Norwegian, then the man translates to English.
Perhaps you can make out what they say.

Apart from the Faeroe Islands, Norway is undoubtedly the most Christian of the Nordic countries and other Christians are pretty annoyed!
So far it hasn't been possible to get a comment from the TV-network.

- Well, I hope for those two that the atheists are right, otherwise they will have some explaining to do later on...
I imagine something like this:
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What a crazy world we live in.
:previous: I think I know the area where ML and Verrett holed up if the info on the pictures is correct. They were staying at a home owned by surf champion Garrett McNamara who grew up on the North Shore of Hawaii. The property is in the Mokuleia Beach Colony in Waialua on the opposite side of Oahu from Honolulu. I worked in Honolulu at the old St Francis Hosp in the late 80's. That area of Hawaii has some of the best surfing in the world. Its noncommercial, non haole/touristy.

I've seen enough of Verrett to last a life time :eek: I did not see ML's daughters however. As lovely as Hawaii can be I hope our info was either wrong and they didn't holiday with their mom or perhaps they were riding ponies on the beach that day or out whale watching.

And yup, Muhler, it looks like ML was looking up squinting directly at the camera in a couple of the pics.
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Durek is at it again...

As you will recall, he gave a somewhat singular advise in regards to protecting yourself against Corona and ensure the co-operation of the universe. Or something like that.

That has led to quite a few critical comments on his page, which he has responded to.

One of those who commented on Durek's page pointed out that his advise could end up killing someone and that he should merely recommend good old fashion washing hands.
That got Durek agitated!
He responded: "Get off my site! This is about shamanism, not washing hands."

A number of the critical comments are by Norwegians, something Durek has noted as well.
He responds in general to the Norwegians: "Norwegians know everything, eh? Think before talking. Ask what I think before making a lot of assumptions about what I think about science."

In several responses Durek writes that he doesn't mistrust science or the doctors. He claims that he merely want to contribute with alternative methods that will complement that of the doctors.
"If you don't like my advise, then ignore them. They are not for everyone. Some follow the advise of the world health organization, others want a more spiritual approach."
Durek is at it again...

As you will recall, he gave a somewhat singular advise in regards to protecting yourself against Corona and ensure the co-operation of the universe. Or something like that.

That has led to quite a few critical comments on his page, which he has responded to.

One of those who commented on Durek's page pointed out that his advise could end up killing someone and that he should merely recommend good old fashion washing hands.
That got Durek agitated!
He responded: "Get off my site! This is about shamanism, not washing hands."

A number of the critical comments are by Norwegians, something Durek has noted as well.
He responds in general to the Norwegians: "Norwegians know everything, eh? Think before talking. Ask what I think before making a lot of assumptions about what I think about science."

In several responses Durek writes that he doesn't mistrust science or the doctors. He claims that he merely want to contribute with alternative methods that will complement that of the doctors.
"If you don't like my advise, then ignore them. They are not for everyone. Some follow the advise of the world health organization, others want a more spiritual approach."

Wow! What a loon.:wacko: I'm worried for ML's daughters.
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And I see that Norwegians have started to descend in the comments section...

One writes: Så trist = So sad.

You can read for yourselves what the other has to say! :ermm:
Fjelstad is very much a Norwegian name.
I wonder how King Harald and Queen Sonja feel about all this. Their own marriage met with some skepticism - Sonja was a commoner, people weren't sure how she would fare in the royal family. When Harald declared that if he couldn't marry Sonja, he wouldn't marry anyone, parliament came around pretty quickly. And it worked out well, she's a much-loved queen. Then there's Haakon and Mette-Marit, whose past was not ideal, but love prevailed, and she is very popular. Now Martha-Louise is involved with a controversial man. They must feel as though history is repeating itself. But I see they're on a state visit to Jordan, so at least their health is holding up.
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