Princess Leonor's Military Studies

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The visit and publication of the photos coincides with the fact that tomorrow is Father's Day in Spain

Those military training Leonor is going through are something. She seems in good spirits though 😎
Her father visit helps her emotionally, I’m sure. Looking at Felipe’s face I have impression that he is proud of his daughter.🌹
Princess of Asturias already has a driving license.
As Monarquia Confidencial has learned, Princess Leonor signed up for driving school to advance in her theoretical classes. Now, in Zaragoza, she has been able to continue with her driving studies to finally obtain her driving license.
Happy for Leonor that she's reached this milestone in her life.
Several weeks ago it was announced that she would not be able to attend because she is participating in the last military maneuvers of the course.
Can you put the link please. Maybe she should attend the October 12th parade
Princess Leonor finishes her training practices in the Army in Soria

This Friday, Princess Leonor closed the maneuver practices in her training in the Army in the mountains of Navaleno and San Leonardo de Yagüe, where she participated along with three hundred cadets from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.

I think we are all waiting on Leonor's first royal gala event and if she would be in military uniform next to the King, or full gown and tiara glam, like the Queen. Maybe a warrior princess combination? Military uniform and a tiara? Can't wait!
When she will graduate in the Army?
When does she have to report to the Navy? August?
The date being reported to go to the navy academy is the 30th of August. She will embark in the Elcano, the Spanish navy trainship vessel in January 2025 and spend the next 6 months on the ship.
Their Majesties the King and Queen, accompanied by Infanta Sofía, will preside on July 3rd the ceremony for the delivery of Royal Dispatches and appointments to the new officers of the Army, where the King will present to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias the appointment as a cadet lady of the Army and the Grand Cross of Military Merit with a white badge.

Grand Cross of Military Merit after one year of military study sounds as if it is not corresponding. I assume it has little to do with military merit but purely with her position as heir to the throne, so a bit weird to award it to her at a more general ceremony - when her fellow students won't get it.
Grand Cross of Military Merit after one year of military study sounds as if it is not corresponding. I assume it has little to do with military merit but purely with her position as heir to the throne, so a bit weird to award it to her at a more general ceremony - when her fellow students won't get it.
She already has the Golden Fleece and Carlos III as well as several other things purely because of who she is. I doubt this will cause any controversy.

Not sure why you keep assuming her fellow students will resent or envy Leonor for not having the slightest freedom to pick what she wants to do (or turn down this award, even). It's equally plausible some of them are entertained by the novelty of having the princess in the class for the year, not to mention she's a nice person who seems to be rather popular wherever she goes.
Grand Cross of Military Merit after one year of military study sounds as if it is not corresponding. I assume it has little to do with military merit but purely with her position as heir to the throne, so a bit weird to award it to her at a more general ceremony - when her fellow students won't get it.

Members of royalty receive decorations for who they are or for the position they occupy, some when they are born, others just for reaching the age of 18... why won't the Princess of Asturias receive a military decoration when she is training to be the future Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces and the Grand Master of the military orders?

She does not follow the training of a normal officer, her training will not last 5 years but 3, and she will not be trained in one branch but in all three. At the end of each course, she will receive the title of lady cadet and the white order of merit corresponding to each branch. Exactly as it was done with her father. The white badge is the lowest of the order and is given to many civilians from diverse fields who collaborate with the army.

In the Spanish Royal House they are quite strict with military issues... while other princes were promoted for no apparent reason or as a gift for a commemoration, Felipe's promotions were only allowed when his classmates reached a certain rank and never before.
My issue was not with her receiving it per se but receiving it during a general ceremony where her fellow students (at least that's what I assume) will be promoted in the ranks without such decoration. Lula's explanation that she is receiving this as some kind of initial 'end decoration' for the specific branch as she will never fully complete her training, provides a helpful perspective/explanation.

Nonetheless, I don't see why Felipe receiving the same promotions as his classmates who -unlike him- worked for it after initial training is more commendable than other practices.

All in all, I hope Leonor is enjoying her years of training in the armed forces - especially, since she had little choice in the matter. Like her fellow royal heirs, she is clearly taking her training as future head of state seriously.
Princess Leonor will always be an exception, and soldiers who receive the same rank as her will have spent more years of training. It is also not unusual for a military event to be used to present military decorations, so we really do not know if she will be the only one to receive a decoration for military merit or there will be other people.

Regarding the promotions of military royals, doing so at the same time as their fellow promotions indicates that they have a rank that they could have achieved if they worked as full-time soldiers... they have a criterion, a reason that explains the promotions and it is not something that occurs by a random decision or outside the military sphere.
Royal Decree 646/2024, of July 2, by which Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias, Mrs. Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz, is appointed Second Lieutenant of Infantry.

Royal Decree 655/2024, of July 2, by which the Grand Cross of Military Merit with white insignia is awarded to the Student Second Lieutenant of Infantry, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias, Mrs. Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz.

Live at 11.30 a.m.


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Loved Leonor wearing the Gala Spanish Arm forces attire, including the hat, they are always recognised with.

We're all so proud of Leonor.

What a wonderful day and ceremony for Leonor,her parents must be so proud.
Would have been nice to see Queen Sofia in attendance for this family event.
More photos:

Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía together with Tomas Paramo (a guest of the ceremony) after the appointment ceremony as Dame Second Lieutenant Cadet at the General Military Academy in Zaragoza.

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What a wonderful day and ceremony for Leonor,her parents must be so proud.
Would have been nice to see Queen Sofia in attendance for this family event.

Queen Sofia couldn't be there unless she was part of the guest public as a family member. The military ceremony in the tribune is strictly reserved to the King of Spain, wife and children.
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Queen Sofia couldn't be there. She is the queen consort of the previous king. This military ceremony is strictly limited to the King of Spain, wife and children.
Who also happens to be Leonors grandmother.
(I under it was limited to just the 4 of them )
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