Princess Delphine & Family, News & Events 1; 2020 - 2023

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Maybe, just maybe, everyone involved realizes life is to short to hold grudges, be mad, get even. Age for many is involved, then Covid for some has opened their eyes to how a life could be taken in minutes. Whatever the reasoning I hope all involved are able to find peace and have a nice is too short.
My first thought when I read about this and saw the photo was Wow! I didn't see this coming so soon after Philippe and Delphine had their meeting. Very pleased for all concerned that this happened and I believe time will heal some of the wounds. But lots of time is not on their side.
At least we have another good news story for 2020, when there have been so few good stories about.
I can't help but feel that Albert's lawyer was giving very bad advice to him over this saga. Just a feeling I have, no concrete evidence.
Anyway I am delighted for Delphine that there has been so much positive progress made in such a short amount of time.
Its not insincere, if he's willing to be civil and friendly to Delphine... I think that's fair enough. I would not ask him to be best friends with her.. However I think he's younger than Albert and is better aware that A's behaviour was horrible and seems really bad to a younger generation, and so Phil has possibly shown some polite friendship to his sister to improve the monarchy's image.
No one in the family has an obligation to be anything but civil to her. You would hope her father could manage more then that but not holding my breath.

Philippe and his siblings didnt grow up with her. She is the product of their father's infidelity. Should they be civil to her and polite? Of course. Do they need to become best friends with her and have her to open gifts Christmas morning or something? No, not unless they choose to.

Philippe being willing to get to know her and her children is a nice extension of the hand from him to his half sister. And a good place at this point.

I may be alone but I don't think Paola has anything to save face for. Her husband cheated on her and had a love child. She is not obligated in any way to be welcoming and affectionate with his love child. She should be supportive of Albert having a relationship with her, but she doesn't need to have one. Unlike her children, she has no connection to Delphine.

But it was nice to see the photo and hopefully it isnt an one time thing for Delphine and Albert. And perhaps, if they were not there (may not have been in photo), her kids will have a chance to meet him.
I think hte fact that Alb and Paola made this very public gesture suggests that they both feel they have to do some damage control.
Its not insincere, if he's willing to be civil and friendly to Delphine... I think that's fair enough. I would not ask him to be best friends with her.. However I think he's younger than Albert and is better aware that A's behaviour was horrible and seems really bad to a younger generation, and so Phil has possibly shown some polite friendship to his sister to improve the monarchy's image.

Plus they have a lot of things in common, like their love of art and having a terrible father :cool:

Generationally speaking, he's not THAT much older than her (in fact, she's older than his wife) and they have children of similar ages, so it's understandable that they would "get" along with each other much easier than with their father.

Very interesting breakdown of the room by WD, no pics of Laurent and his kids anywhere, surprisingly a lot of pics of Philippe, Mathilde and their kids knowing that the older couple doesn't have a very good relationship with the younger.

The untouched shortbread plate speaks volumes IMO :cool:
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Plus they have a lot of things in common, like their love of art and having a terrible father :cool:

Generationally speaking, he's not THAT much older than her (in fact, she's older than his wife) and they have children of similar ages, so it's understandable that they would "get" along with each other much easier than with their father.

Very interesting breakdown of the room by WD, no pics of Laurent and his kids anywhere, surprisingly a lot of pics of Philippe, Mathilde and their kids knowing that the older couple doesn't have a very good relationship with the younger.

The untouched shortbread plate speaks volumes IMO :cool:

On an Instagram page someone has been able to post a couple more pictures of Philippe's family. Knowing the cold relationship between father and son and the even colder one between mother and daughter-in law, the room decor speaks volumes indeed.

I don't know who is portrayed in the collage on the mantlepiece. Maybe it's Claire with her kids when they were babies, maybe it's Amedeo with Anna Astrid. Hard to tell.

As for the shortbread Wim Dehandschutter explains that in this kind of meeting usually photos are taken at the beginning when the table is still tidy. Most likely tea has been served afterwards.

However it is another detail that interests me: Paola has her purse with her. Not exactly the way one would welcome someone over for tea....:whistling:
I believe the collage on the mantelpiece is of Amedeo, Lili en Anna Astrid:

As for Paola holding her handbag, apparently it is not unusual to do so.

One thing I am curious about is how Mario Danneels feels about this. I believe he must be proud of Delphine (as he already was) and happy for her.
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I am skeptical too and I understand that part of it is damage control, PR and the old saying that "if you can't beat your enemy, join him/her". Having said that, it is a fact that, regardless of their personal sins, the Belgian RF is said to be very religious (including even Albert). To give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they are being influenced by their Catholic faith (or maybe even guidance from spiritual advisers whom I believe they keep) to seek reconciliation and make amends with Delphine.
I think there's an easy analysis in that Albert had the least comfortable chair, by far. :cool:
If this had been done before by the Royal Household then all of this dirty laundry may not have needed to be aired .. I am afraid the religious aspect for the former King anyway has long gone down the drain .... it's all been so poorly managed that it is difficult to have any other view than the former King was really just unkind ungracious and to be frank a hypocrite
If he had not done this, Albert would have continued to look equally bad if not worse, so whether Philippe forced his hand by example or some kind of arm-twisting, this is mitigation by Albert.

The fact that it is damage control and PR doesn't mean something sincere and better can't come out of it.

I really wonder if Paola was just there for the picture and left them alone? Kind of hope so. (Is she legally Delphine's stepmother now?)
If he had not done this, Albert would have continued to look equally bad if not worse, so whether Philippe forced his hand by example or some kind of arm-twisting, this is mitigation by Albert.

The fact that it is damage control and PR doesn't mean something sincere and better can't come out of it.

I really wonder if Paola was just there for the picture and left them alone? Kind of hope so. (Is she legally Delphine's stepmother now?)

IMO its a photo opp probably through arm twisting by Philippe to try and mitigage his bad image. Possibly Delphine will try and be generous nad remember her father's good points, but I suspect it will take her some time
I am skeptical too and I understand that part of it is damage control, PR and the old saying that "if you can't beat your enemy, join him/her". Having said that, it is a fact that, regardless of their personal sins, the Belgian RF is said to be very religious (including even Albert). To give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they are being influenced by their Catholic faith (or maybe even guidance from spiritual advisers whom I believe they keep) to seek reconciliation and make amends with Delphine.

Sometimes in certain milieux (where power is involved) the spiritual guides do not advise the people they counsel for the best - and this is not just something related to the Catholic faith.
It is believed anyway that Albert received pressure from the high ranks of the Belgian Catholic Church to distance himself from Delphine when he broke up with her mother (together with Paola's request), after so many year, things have changes in the Belgian church as well and the current Primate may have advised the Royal Family to change their attitude.
Actually, how was this able to take place with the current Covid situation in Belgium? I'm sure the palace has enough rapid response tests, but when others aren't able to see the elderly parents they actually deeply love and care for, couldn't this backfire once again? (Perhaps that explains why Paola is there and cutting down on meetings...)
Actually, how was this able to take place with the current Covid situation in Belgium? I'm sure the palace has enough rapid response tests, but when others aren't able to see the elderly parents they actually deeply love and care for, couldn't this backfire once again? (Perhaps that explains why Paola is there and cutting down on meetings...)

Not sure that a one off meeting between people who have probably been tested would prove a risk.. and its not a pleasure meeting exactly is it?
Possibly Delphine herself will mention something about it in due time. I can imagine she'll have to let this all sink in.

From years of nothing and fighting to meeting her half-brother ánd father in a month time. It's quite something. She has persistence.
I was must I was shocked how Paola looked like in the latest photo with Mrs Boel.
She looks so old and her bag hung round her neck like in my country only very weak or confused old ladies do.
But it is very honest if it shows their daily life and style. makes them even more sympathetic
By the way body language of Mrs Boel is interesting in the picture. I believe the photo was taken ag the beginning, or I do hope it, so things had time to develop more positive than what can be seen in the picture, though Albert looks relaxed.
all the best to this old couple, time is to precious to spend it with troubles.
By Mrs. Boel, you of course mean the now legally known, HRH Princess Delphine.
I was must I was shocked how Paola looked like in the latest photo with Mrs Boel.
She looks so old and her bag hung round her neck like in my country only very weak or confused old ladies do.
But it is very honest if it shows their daily life and style. makes them even more sympathetic
By the way body language of Mrs Boel is interesting in the picture. I believe the photo was taken ag the beginning, or I do hope it, so things had time to develop more positive than what can be seen in the picture, though Albert looks relaxed.
all the best to this old couple, time is to precious to spend it with troubles.

I dont think that Paola looks all that old and certianly not confused... she probalby likes to keep a hold of her bag, or sin't planning on staying long...
I dont think that Paola looks all that old and certianly not confused... she probalby likes to keep a hold of her bag, or sin't planning on staying long...

Well, I did not say she is confused.
But the photo seems very unusually or I have never seen a similar one
neither with Paola or any other Queen, but that's just me and as I wrote
it is very sympathetic if this is simply what she looks like in private surroundings.
I think she looks like she is the sort of person, who likes ot keep a hold of her bag... and that she's not too keen to stay long...
Paola is wearing her bag crossbody, not around her neck. The only strange thing is, why is she doing it in her own home? (We don't even see Delphine's bag.)

It might just be her not-too-subtle protest signal 'I'm not that comfortable with this and not staying long', because otherwise, why bring your bag in and keep it on for the picture?
I wouldn't read too much into it. We have very rarely seen King Albert and Queen Paola at home since his abdication (the only thing I recall is their 2016 Christmas card with Anna Astrid) so who knows what her custom might be.
Some people keep their coats on all the time, even when inside their own house.

I suspect that this meeting has rocked Delphine's world - the last thing she ever expected. I do suspect the meeting lasted rather long, I assume they had a lot to talk about.
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I wouldn't read too much into it. We have never seen King Albert and Queen Paola at home, since his abdication, so who knows what her custom might be.

I suspect that this meeting has rocked Delphine's world - the last thing she ever expected.

Respectfully, I disagree — Elizabeth II has distorted the notion, but it's very very unusual for a woman to carry, let alone wear a bag in her own house. Queen of the UK aside, it either means "I have just come in" or "I am going out".

I suspect Albert and Delphine probably spoke prior to the meeting. Al looks slightly too comfortable dealing with "wife and extramarital daughter in the same room for the first time" and "speaking to child for the very first time in decades" (so I would bet the latter already happened). Yes, Delphine must be stunned, but Albert and Paola probably not less so.
I have edited my post since you quoted it, to give some clarification/elaboration.
And let's leave it at you seem more interested in it than I am, I'm not too interested in Queen Paola anyway ;)

It has been mentioned before in this topic that carrying a bag/purse is not that weird in royal circles. They may have more customs that us commoners could find "weird".

I do not disagree with your last sentence, that Albert and Paola are possibly stunned as well, but I still think Delphine more. She was rejected all those years, they were not, and now she was invited.

This coming Saturday Wim Dehandschutter is a guest on Dutch royalty program Blauw Bloed. He is going to talk about this meeting. Chances are I'll watch it.

And I still wish to know how Mario Danneels feels about this.
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Don't we know that Mario is basically happy for her? (And that she helped establish his career?)

I mean if Mario knew when she was doing her first international interview since the hearing conclusion, it seemed to me that Delphine keeps him in the loop (and why shouldn't she).

Additionally, Albert (and probably Paola) were the ones rejecting her... before this month. Now they've wound up issuing embracing public statements and inviting her over. Different reasons to be stunned, but I'd still say the disbelief is fairly equal.
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In general, yes, he is happy for her and immensely proud of her.

But I mean this meeting - I guess it has exceeded his expectations as well, in case he ever had any :lol:

I bet some people close to the royal family, who let that 16/17 year old teenager in, came to regret that decision for dear life :D
I'm glad Delphine is getting to meet the RF if that's what she wants. I hope that she can clear up their rough patch.
In general, yes, he is happy for her and immensely proud of her.

But I mean this meeting - I guess it has exceeded his expectations as well, in case he ever had any :lol:

I bet some people close to the royal family, who let that 16/17 year old teenager in, came to regret that decision for dear life :D

If it hadn't been Mario, I have a feeling Delphine's story would have broken further than the satire magazines, anyway. Too many people knew, and the Internet age was dawning fast. So if not Mario, someone else would have been the one.
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