Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange, Fashion & Style Part 1: December 2021- June 2024

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It's true. Unless you would comment on the bodies of her young royal contemporaries, there's almost no need to say anything about Amalia, either. Believe it or not, she does have other things to talk about, even with regards to her appearance.

Hoping Amalia develops a healthy self-image however she might appear is even more important than having a nonstandard princess who draws easy comment.
I like the overall look. The dress is ok, maybe not fantastic, but it’s a nice colour on her. I don’t mind her hair down, and I really like the hat!

I think Amalia can do better, and has the potential to be a very stylish, eye catching woman, if that’s something she chooses to focus on (and it’s not a bad thing if she doesn’t, as long as she never looks entirely inappropriate). Right now she’s still young, and this is the time in her life to experiment and develop a style of her own.
I like the overall look. The dress is ok, maybe not fantastic, but it’s a nice colour on her. I don’t mind her hair down, and I really like the hat!

I think Amalia can do better, and has the potential to be a very stylish, eye catching woman, if that’s something she chooses to focus on (and it’s not a bad thing if she doesn’t, as long as she never looks entirely inappropriate). Right now she’s still young, and this is the time in her life to experiment and develop a style of her own.

Agreed with a lot of that. To me, what’s most important is that she’s inherited her mother’s appreciation for serious jewelry and we have that to look forward to.
I think the gown is okay, it's loose but her hair still looks tidy to me, but I think she shall sweep her hair behind her shoulders. I hope she won't wear messy hair like her mother in future.
It did until the breeze took undue liberties however, the beautifully styled and textured front looked truly lovely under the hat (Noooo, give it back to your mother) okay I'm not a fan of the hat but it did its job beautifully. That the rest of her hair got windblown is a learning lesson for both she and her hairdresser . . . updo or stronger hair product and spray.

Anything else wrong with princess Amalia appearance??
Honestly, kind of amazing to me that people can find that much to pick apart about the appearance of an 18 year old girl. Stuff like saying she has a “fuller figure” may be more diplomatic than calling her fat, but it‘s still body-shaming. We’ve all read about how hard that has been on other royals, like Crown Princwess Victoria. We’d all be wise not to repeat that history.
I think you are forgetting that this is a "fashion" thread and when we critique a woman's ensemble their shape is a major part of how they dress. A super slim woman is going to vanish in a sheath when she turns sideways while a fuller-figured woman has an edge. We come in a wide array of sizes and shapes and the trick we are looking for is when, in this case, Princess Catharina-Amalia finds her sweet spot. When it all comes together to become her own "style".

Let us be honest, Amalia definitely has a fuller figure and that means two big things. Firstly, she has a decolletage that will enable her to wear the most beautiful historic necklaces without having to shorten them. (Both HMQM and QEII were also similarly blessed) and she is long-legged and that is going to give her the stature required to wear them and a lot of other jewellery besides. I am looking forward to this young woman stepping out and knocking our socks off.

I am not a fan of body shaming as at eighteen I was short and, to put it politely, my body had yet to mature fully and I couldn't find a dress off the rack that fitted both my hips, bust and dress or pants length. To say that Amalia is fuller figured is not, and I repeat not body shaming. I think we have learned a lot over the years about what is or is not appropriate to say and from what I have seen, people on the board seem to pitch their fashion critiques to the individual concerned and not the size 0 runway.
The color of Princess Catharina-Amalia's dress is spectacular!
It did until the breeze took undue liberties however, the beautifully styled and textured front looked truly lovely under the hat (Noooo, give it back to your mother) okay I'm not a fan of the hat but it did its job beautifully. That the rest of her hair got windblown is a learning lesson for both she and her hairdresser . . . updo or stronger hair product and spray.

I think you are forgetting that this is a "fashion" thread and when we critique a woman's ensemble their shape is a major part of how they dress. A super slim woman is going to vanish in a sheath when she turns sideways while a fuller-figured woman has an edge. We come in a wide array of sizes and shapes and the trick we are looking for is when, in this case, Princess Catharina-Amalia finds her sweet spot. When it all comes together to become her own "style".

Let us be honest, Amalia definitely has a fuller figure and that means two big things. Firstly, she has a decolletage that will enable her to wear the most beautiful historic necklaces without having to shorten them. (Both HMQM and QEII were also similarly blessed) and she is long-legged and that is going to give her the stature required to wear them and a lot of other jewellery besides. I am looking forward to this young woman stepping out and knocking our socks off.

I am not a fan of body shaming as at eighteen I was short and, to put it politely, my body had yet to mature fully and I couldn't find a dress off the rack that fitted both my hips, bust and dress or pants length. To say that Amalia is fuller figured is not, and I repeat not body shaming. I think we have learned a lot over the years about what is or is not appropriate to say and from what I have seen, people on the board seem to pitch their fashion critiques to the individual concerned and not the size 0 runway.

Thank you. Nothing in my comment was "body shaming," not in the least. I'm a fuller-figured gal myself, so when I see other women built like me, I base my opinions of what they're wearing on if it would look as good or as bad on me.

I never said she was fat or anything derogatory or negative. "Full-figured" is not an insult. I don't need people putting words in my mouth or ascribing meaning to what I said beyond what is visible on the screen.
The dress costs 86 British pounds (!) and is from ASOS own brand:

Ohhh, that's a very reasonable priced dress. Very well done Amalia. I wonder if the young generation of royals are more conscious about the ecological concerns. Princess Ingrid Alexandra is also very interested in environmental protection and climate change.:flowers:

Nobody is body-shaming the Princess. She has a fuller-figure, so what? That's NOT a negative thing. Why are people making a deal of it? She is beautiful the way she is. I don't see anything wrong in being tall or small, slim or fuller. We are just discussing fashion. There was a discussion in the fashion thread for the Duchess of Brabant and how good she looked in the black dress because she has a great figure, and nobody said we were body-shaming her. Amalia shows confidence in her own skin and doesn't show any shame in having a fuller-figure, so why are people sensitive about it? I just don't get it.
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I absolutely love that color on Princess Catharina-Amalia and her makeup is spot on but I'm not loving the cut of the suit coat. I'm not familiar enough with suits to be able to tell what exactly I don't like but something just seems off with the fit.

Seeing the photos of the whole family and the 3 sisters just makes me so excited for the next decade of royal watching, the fashion and jewelry is going to be so much fun. So many beautiful princesses are coming of age :princess3:
Catharina-Amalia on the family’s Christmas card:

** Pic **
That's a beautiful color and style for C-A.
I wonder whether that picture was taken on Amalia's birthday or what other event they dressed up for.

Amalia did get her hands on the family jewels!
Honestly, kind of amazing to me that people can find that much to pick apart about the appearance of an 18 year old girl. Stuff like saying she has a “fuller figure” may be more diplomatic than calling her fat, but it‘s still body-shaming. We’ve all read about how hard that has been on other royals, like Crown Princess Victoria. We’d all be wise not to repeat that history.

I agree with you, we call that in Australia "picky picky" on anything that is not to their liking. Specially with queen Maxima of the Netherlands, the soon there are a few pictures of the queen, I always say "there we go again!", nitpicking about her hair, colors, clothing, etc etc. I always say "nobody is perfect"

Give her time. I am sure the hats when appropriate and elegant updos will come in time as will the tiaras as her style matures :)

I agree, let princess Amalia be princess Amalia.
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Lovely dress! The bag doesn't go well with it though. Maybe she shall cut her hair a bit short to have a neater and sharper look.
Not a fan of the dress, especially the flowing layers. But, it made me smile to see that she has an Apple Watch on -- she's a woman of her time!
This is one of those 'I want to like it and can't'. I think it's the combination of full-length sleeves and long, uneven hem. The dress might've looked a lot better with a little less of it.

Edit: Ah, it's Natan. That explains so much.

I'm amused to see Amalia has a bracelet that says 'AMALIA', though.
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This is one of those 'I want to like it and can't'. I think it's the combination of full-length sleeves and long, uneven hem. The dress might've looked a lot better with a little less of it.

I'm amused to see Amalia has a bracelet that says 'AMALIA', though.
Which one is it as she seems to be wearing lots of bracelets...
I think she looks very lovely for her the Caribbean tour. I think the bracelet would have been a gift from her parents? I've received jewelry from my parents with my name or initials on it.

I love that she's a fan of Hermes. Her bag and bracelet, maybe she'll sport more from the brand during this tour.
She has very elegant hands -- the bracelets and rings suit her!
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