The visit was certainly well covered and very well received here in NZ and Christchurch and Greymouth in particular. I don't think they allowed media from overseas much access as the Memorial service was sent out in a pool from the State broadcaster TV NZ. We watched the introduction on our TV3 because we prefer the anchors but the service itself was TVNZ totally uninterrupted and as for his travel into the Red Zone, I can't see a massive journo train being given permission to follow there either.
This was for us and Prince William did his Father and Grandmother proud. For those who have muttered republican rhetoric of late, well I think that just got well and truly squashed by the
"Prince William Charm Offensive", which was impressive to say the least.
On his visit to the Eastern suburbs he was all but mobbed by those who were both touched and a little overwhelmed that he took time out to visit them when they know he has a "real" job and a wedding within the month. That meant a lot and he came across as an honest, caring and compassionate man without gushing platitudes. We don't need them and he did not insult us by offering any.