Prince Harry Current Events 15: November 2006-January 2007

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I don't think this is a good idea. I know, Prince Harry just as a normal citizen, nothing special, they show this... but if he died, what a catastrophy! And right, he probably would attract terrorists. Not a good idea in my opinion.
I realize Harry’s military career is very important to him and he wants to be treated like everyone else but he is to senior of a member in the royal family for this. There to me are just too many problems associated with him going.
Personally I have no problem with him going.

If he really wants to make a career in the army then he will have to see active service.

Note that Mark Philips left the army because he wasn't allowed to have the opportunity for active service, in danger areas - in his case Northern Ireland I believe - whereas Prince Andrew was allowed that opportunity in the Falklands (as second in line to the throne at the start of that conflict with William on the way).

To stop Harry and/or William from serving would be a travesty of natural justice for these two young men.

There are plenty of other young royals to pick up the slack if anything happened but to stop them because they are royal is wrong IMHO.

Afterall Prince Albert, later George VI, saw active service in the Battle of Jutland in WWI as second in line to the throne and his elder brother the POW toured the trenches and served as a Staff Officer (if anyone thinks that senior officers in the British army didn't die then check some facts - some 79 generals actually were killed during WWI in the first year or so and then the parliament made it illegal for them to go too close to the front - which is why it is unfair to criticise them as chateau officers).

The late Duke of Kent, was fifth in line to the throne when killed on active duty.

If Harry's unit is sent then either he goes with it or he will, IMO, have to resign his commission. His position would be untenable as an officer in that situation. His troops would have difficulty respecting an officer who couldn't go everywhere with them, regardless of who he is.
Well if they allow Harry then they have to allow William and I don't know if everyone is prepared for that.
Caswallan said:
Well if they allow Harry then they have to allow William and I don't know if everyone is prepared for that.

Why not?

They are both commissioned officers.

If people weren't prepared for the possibility that these two young men would be deployed into war zones then they shouldn't have been allowed to take up places and cost the British taxpayers money to be trained at Sandhurst during a time of war.

It isn't as if they did their training during a time of peace - when both entered the military academy Britain was at war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Both young men knew that, as did their families, the government and the people - everyone knew that there was a war on and that young people being trained as officers were being trained to fight in those wars - if the powers that be aren't prepared to let William and/or Harry fight then they shouldn't have allowed them to be trained.
Caswallan said:
Well if they allow Harry then they have to allow William and I don't know if everyone is prepared for that.

Not really, It has already been announced that William will be spending some time training with the RAF and Navy.

It is possible that before William started training at RMAS, everyone agreed that he would never see active service. As he will one day be head of the armed forces, it is only right that he should have completed the full training in at least one arm.

Harry on the other hand, wants to make his career the army. The main danger for Harry, is the media telling the world where he will be and when he will be there. Not only does that endanger Harry, but it puts his colleagues and the men serving under him at an increased risk.
Skydragon said:
Harry on the other hand, wants to make his career the army. The main danger for Harry, is the media telling the world where he will be and when he will be there. Not only does that endanger Harry, but it puts his colleagues and the men serving under him at an increased risk.
what is with the media, his friends, girlfriend? etc. Can't one of them use a modicum of common sense and keep their big mouths shut!:bang:
chrissy57 said:
Of course, Harry at age 25 will be wealthy enough in his own right, thanks to his inheritance from his mother, not to mention anything he got from his great-grandmother and will get from his grandmother, that he could actually renounce his right to the throne to marry her, if he really wanted to. That I think would be worse for the family than marrying Chelsy up front - after all it isn't as if Chelsy is the one with the connections to Mugabe directly and why should she be punished and stopped from marrying the man she loves because of the actions of her father?

I don't think Harry is that crazy and it would greatly upset his father and brother, not to mention his grandmother if she's still reigning.

We'll have to wait and see.
I have no problems with Prince Harry being sent to Iraq, not because he is a Prince anyway.
But I am really afraid that sending the third in line to the British Throne will attract potential insurgent attacks, which will put not only Prince Harry but also his fellow soldiers in more danger.
sure if harry go to irak will be a very danger situation, don't only for an terrorist attack, irak is a very uncertain place.

but, buckingham or clarence confirm this romur?
So much for "Careless talk costs lives".
corazon said:
sure if harry go to irak will be a very danger situation, don't only for an terrorist attack, irak is a very uncertain place.

but, buckingham or clarence confirm this romur?

Actually, neither Clarence House, nor Buckingham Palace confirmed it.
The whole thing started from a single article in the Sun, which stated 'someone close to Chelsy' said Chelsy had confirmed to her that Prince Harry would be sent to Iraq.
So the whole story can be just another made-up one.
Harry's free holiday

Prince Harry has jetted off on an all-expenses paid holiday to Mozambique, courtesy of his girlfriend's father.
The 22-year-old prince was invited to join 21-year-old Chelsy Davy and her family for a ten-day break on Bazaurto Island by Zimbabwean-born businessman Charles Davy.
Avalon said:
I have no problems with Prince Harry being sent to Iraq, not because he is a Prince anyway.
But I am really afraid that sending the third in line to the British Throne will attract potential insurgent attacks, which will put not only Prince Harry but also his fellow soldiers in more danger.

Exactly i agree with you.
Prince Harry is a brave man he is not afraid about going over to Iraq and fighting in the war he said in a interview that he was not going to sit back and watch his fellow british soliders die on the battle field if he wants to fight in the war let him go ahead. The prince does not want special treatment even though he is third in line to the British throne he wants to treated equal just like others in his military unit that is what I like about Harry.
Yes, but it is not about him being in danger- it's about our loved ones that are in 4X the danger becuase they are next to him. ;) They are going to be doing everything in their power to kill Harry, and they don't care who they have to go through to do it.
He actually said "There's no way I'm going to put myself through Sandhurst and then sit on my arse back home while my boys are out fighting for their country".
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Skydragon said:
He actually said "There's no way I'm going to put myself through Sandhurst and then sit on my arse back home while my boys are out fighting for their country".
Ah Skydragon. I rely on you to keep us on the straight and narrow.
Good call. I remember that quote.:winkiss: It is altogether too easy to go screeching off on a tangent.
^20 cigs a night! Thats a lot. Good luck to him.
Prince Harry current events 12: November 2006-

Do you really think he smokes or can smoke 20 cigs night? He will stop.,,2-2006600572,00.html
Harry plans to fly home on Friday, when he will be told officially whether his regiment will go to Iraq.
Cornet H. Wales is a green officer but he is trianed. He should go if his unit/squad gets sent overseas. Skydragon, do you think he would be deployed to Iraq? Do you think that it is more likly that he would deployed to a place that is not as hot as Iraq is?
kpusa1981 said:
do you think he would be deployed to Iraq? Do you think that it is more likly that he would deployed to a place that is not as hot as Iraq is?

Anything is possible, where would be 'safer', Afghanistan? He will go where he is sent, simple as that. Hopefully, if he is sent, we won't hear about it!
Skydragon said:
Hopefully, if he is sent, we won't hear about it!
With the size of the British Army is it possible to sort of disappear into the amorphos 'green'? I hope so.:neutral:
MARG said:
With the size of the British Army is it possible to sort of disappear into the amorphos 'green'? I hope so.:neutral:

Oh yes, when they are all in uniform or especially camo, it can be very difficult for even a wife or mother to recognise them, (army or airforce). :whistling: :blush:
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Is there an official date as to when Harry will be deployed to Iraq?
Hopefully, we won't see it published anywhere, until he gets back!
Unfortunately, if the whole regiment got the assignment, I doubt that will be a secret long.
Incas said:
Unfortunately, if the whole regiment got the assignment, I doubt that will be a secret long.

Just because some of the regiment gets an assignment in Iraq, it doesn't mean to say Harry will specifically be with that unit! The whole regiment is rarely sent. :flowers:
is a rumor yet or palce confirmed it?
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