I agree with you, Marg, that it would be too much to expect him to stay home and push paper and that there might be an "outside chance that the 2nd in line may die ridiculous". But, its the targeting of his team and barracks, should that happen and countless soldiers die because of it that would be called into question. However, he may have been foretold this information before the press was given this information. He may have had some time to get through this and may considering other options, just as William; then, maybe not. I'm sure this has broken his 'heart' and 'soul' that his future in a war zone was decided like this. This can be extremely painful.
Hopefully, Harry won't have to be a paper pusher. There are other positions in that regiment that need top military officers that are required at home. A top soldier can either be on the field in a war zone or behind the line training those or even studying reconnaisence (sp) to pass on to the soldiers in the field. In today's military, there is so much done behind the lines directing soldiers in the field through satellite. Back when the US had their space program going to the moon one of their missions, Apollo 13, had an oxygen cannister explosion on board their ship that prevented a moon landing. The work 'behind' the scene of getting those astronauts back to earth came from things being resolved not in the 'battle' zone of space, but on the ground.
He doesn't have to become a 'purely ceremonial soldier'. He can go on to study war operations behind the scenes and advance through the ranks that way. Again, I must iterate that not all men who train to be soldiers of war make it to war. In other words, he can develop skills in using the information that tank personnel transmit back to headquarters about the enemy and with him knowing how the specialty equipment works helps Harry understand the field unit and the dangers they might encounter when planning of future action is warranted. The requirements for successful military service -- strength, bravery, pride, and wisdom is what Harry is getting from his training and his career as a soldier.
And a soldier he is and was trained and taught to be. A soldier that is part of a team, part of company and regiment. I'm hoping he will suck this in and put his best foot forward and come out a better man, soldier, friend and officer. Officer's put their men first and that is what is expected of them. Harry's a good man...let us hope he will get through this with few regrets. Britain needs good soldiers and not for fighting outside of the Isles as the Battle for Britain may come within.