Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Current Events 1: November 2017 - May 2018

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The Daily Mail actually has a positive article about Meghan. They interviewed Alice Thompson one of the co-founders of Social Bite and she gave more context on what prompted yesterday's hug. I'm still hopeful that at some point gender equality will become a pillar of the Royal Foundation. In the meantime, it's good to see Meghan's reputation as a feminist being highlighted in her interactions with the public.

Charity worker tells of moment Meghan Markle hugged her | Daily Mail Online

Here is the video of that moment:

I love how proud Harry looks!
Harry has made it no secret that he fell hard and fast for Meghan. He shouts it from the rooftops. Not surprised by that comment though it is very sweet and I love that he is not afraid to tell anyone who asks how much he loves her. Very much looking forward to their wedding and how he reacts. Will he let his emotions get the best of him or will he fight it and not show much? I think Meghan will be a mess. Haha.
Harry has made it no secret that he fell hard and fast for Meghan. He shouts it from the rooftops. Not surprised by that comment though it is very sweet and I love that he is not afraid to tell anyone who asks how much he loves her. Very much looking forward to their wedding and how he reacts. Will he let his emotions get the best of him or will he fight it and not show much? I think Meghan will be a mess. Haha.

Try as he might ACO, I doubt he’ll be able to hide his emotions (a round of tissues please)!!!
that pony tried to bite Harry! :lol::lol::lol:

The pony thought Harry had a treat! That's what he was after. He wasn't being sour or nasty. There's a difference in body language than what we saw.

:previous: Agreed - animals often bite when they get excited, often food is in the equation. I have two kittens and they often bite me, unintentionally, when I'm giving them treats because they do love their food and go a little crazy when they can smell it! I'm sure the pony was feeling the same way. It was a cute moment:D
The youtube channel Scottish Moments has aerial footage of Harry and Meghan's arrival at Edinburgh Castle (including some footage of the pony well before their arrival that demonstrates that he was, indeed, best described as snappy that day).

It really gives a sense of the size of the crowd, including the people who didn't make it to the Esplanade and had to line up on the Royal Mile outside the castle grounds.

Lovely little video, I wish I could have been there !
I love the video too. Makes me laugh at comments on boards saying Meghan is not welcome in the UK. The crowds at their engagements say otherwise; and there are no protesters with signs. The naysayers would probably claim the crowd are paid actors.
I'm enjoying some of the stories that are coming from the crowd videos at the engagements. They're brief but do give some small bit of insight into H&M. This one shows Meghan with a couple from the Philippines during Edinburgh walkabout. She speaks a bit of Tagalog (national language) to them and totally takes them by surprise. Video is in the article.
Very nice. Brings so much good feeling for something so simple.

I'm enjoying some of the stories that are coming from the crowd videos at the engagements. They're brief but do give some small bit of insight into H&M. This one shows Meghan with a couple from the Philippines during Edinburgh walkabout. She speaks a bit of Tagalog (national language) to them and totally takes them by surprise. Video is in the article.

I love this and their reaction to her saying it was super cute. It is just the little things, ya know. I know Meghan said she loved to learn other languages and here she proving it. She keeps surprising us.
She will do well with Harry's new focus on the commonwealth.
I'm enjoying some of the stories that are coming from the crowd videos at the engagements. They're brief but do give some small bit of insight into H&M. This one shows Meghan with a couple from the Philippines during Edinburgh walkabout. She speaks a bit of Tagalog (national language) to them and totally takes them by surprise. Video is in the article.

These small touches are what make Meghan stand out for me. :flowers:
Lovely touch being able to add a bit of tagalog. Can see it made the lady's day :flowers:
I’m always sad to be the party pooper but, it doesn’t look like she really knows the language, but more like knows a handful of words of it, kind of like how I know a few wordsmith in Arabic and Russian because my country has a a large population of both, or how I know some words in French and Spanish. It’s the kind of words you pick up and learn when you either live in an area that has a huge population of that culture and you need to communicate better with them, or if you go as a tourist and learn some basic words to be able to get by.

I can believe she knows Spanish (la has a huge Mexican community) and French better (as they are taught in school in the us) I can even buy her knowing more then basic Italian - which is also taught in school, she may even learned it in college. But it does not look as if she actually knows or speaks more than a handful of Tagalog.

So I fail to see the excitement that she knows two words of it.
I’m always sad to be the party pooper but, it doesn’t look like she really knows the language, but more like knows a handful of words of it, kind of like how I know a few wordsmith in Arabic and Russian because my country has a a large population of both, or how I know some words in French and Spanish. It’s the kind of words you pick up and learn when you either live in an area that has a huge population of that culture and you need to communicate better with them, or if you go as a tourist and learn some basic words to be able to get by.

I can believe she knows Spanish (la has a huge Mexican community) and French better (as they are taught in school in the us) I can even buy her knowing more then basic Italian - which is also taught in school, she may even learned it in college. But it does not look as if she actually knows or speaks more than a handful of Tagalog.

So I fail to see the excitement that she knows two words of it.
The ladies were excited! Meghan made them very happy, and they appreciated her warm response. I guess that's all that really matters, isn't it? Meghan is an extremely gifted and cultured woman.
I’m always sad to be the party pooper but, it doesn’t look like she really knows the language, but more like knows a handful of words of it, kind of like how I know a few wordsmith in Arabic and Russian because my country has a a large population of both, or how I know some words in French and Spanish. It’s the kind of words you pick up and learn when you either live in an area that has a huge population of that culture and you need to communicate better with them, or if you go as a tourist and learn some basic words to be able to get by.

So I fail to see the excitement that she knows two words of it.
It seems there is nothing Megan can't do...
I'm enjoying some of the stories that are coming from the crowd videos at the engagements. They're brief but do give some small bit of insight into H&M. This one shows Meghan with a couple from the Philippines during Edinburgh walkabout. She speaks a bit of Tagalog (national language) to them and totally takes them by surprise. Video is in the article.

Lovely indeed but she literally just said "thank you" to them. Different from speaking "a bit of" of a language. Also don't want to be a party pooper but it is important to put things in context. She's from California, I'd say a lot of people there are able to say "salamat po." :flowers:
Its the thought that counts. A person could speak 14 different languages but the gift is how and when to use them. :D
It seems there is nothing Megan can't do...

Tehe... No doubt she walks on water too... 'HagiographyRUS'
I think the gesture, however small, was sincere and was appreciated.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
-Theodore Roosevelt
As a person who had a experience that failed to respond immediately when a foreigner came to ask me something in English suddenly on the street and needed few seconds to change my channel, I would say it's not something very special but indeed a kind of ability. Not everyone can respond immediately (for example me :lol:). It is fine to show a little appreciation on this, don't need to be that critical or keep nitpicking:rolleyes:.
Lovely indeed but she literally just said "thank you" to them. Different from speaking "a bit of" of a language. Also don't want to be a party pooper but it is important to put things in context. She's from California, I'd say a lot of people there are able to say "salamat po." :flowers:

Exactly my point! Putting things in context. If she knew any Tagalog besides “thank you” why didn’t she speak to them in Tagalog? The entire conversation was in English until she said thank you. That! does not mean she speaks the language.

While I can say a couple of basic words in Russian and Arabic as well as Spanish and French (mainly words that are related to my profession as i am a pastry chef and most terms are originally French), it does not mean I speak any of them as I do English or my native tongue. Meaning: i’d Probably be lost in Russia, France and Spain language wise.

Simple as that. I am a realist and a logic thinker (unless it’s food and fashion and cats), I have also stopped putting people on a pedestal thinking all they do is perfection - which is what I am starting to feel some are doing with Meghan, making her a know it all goddess.
The gesture was sweet, and it was special to the people she said it to. But it does not mean she knows the language, or that she’s some sort of a language wiz.
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