This 2019 report includes information on surrogacy law in Germany. Presumably, the child will be born overseas as surrogacy is illegal in Germany. As the Berleburgs intend to continue living in Germany, it seems that Carina, at least, will need to adopt the child in order to establish legal maternity.
(Apr. 29, 2019) In a decision published on April 23, 2019, the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH), Germany’s supreme court for civil and criminal cases, held that German law must be used to determine the parentage of a child born to a surrogate in Ukraine and brought to Germany immediately after birth to stay there permanently. (BGH, Mar. 20, 2019, Docket No. XII ZB 530/17, ECLI: DE:BGH:2019:200319BXIIZB530.17.0, BGH website.) The Court concluded that the surrogate must be registered as the mother of the child because only the woman who bears the child is considered the mother under German law. According to the Court, a divergent registration in Ukraine is irrelevant.
German law provides that only the woman who bears the child can be regarded as the legal mother. (BÜRGERLICHES GESETZBUCH [BGB] [CIVIL CODE], Jan. 2, 2002, BUNDESGESETZBLATT [BGBl.] [FEDERAL LAW GAZETTE] I at 42, 2909; corrected in 2003 BGBl. I at 738, as amended, § 1591, German Laws Online website.) It is a criminal offense to perform in vitro fertilization on surrogate mothers. (Embryonenschutzgesetz [ESchG] [Embryo Protection Act], Dec. 13, 1990, BGBl. I at 2746, as amended, § 1, para. 1, no. 7, German Laws Online website). Maternal surrogacy is illegal in Germany, with the Adoption Placement Act stating that “the bringing together of people who will adopt or otherwise take permanent care of a child conceived via surrogacy (purchasing parents) with a woman who agrees to act as a surrogate” is prohibited, punishable by a term of imprisonment of one year or a fine. (Adoptionsvermittlungsgesetz [AdVermiG] [Adoption Placement Act], Dec. 22, 2001, 2002 BGBl. I at 354, as amended, §§ 13b, 13c, 14, translated by author).) Surrogacy agreements are not legally valid in Germany as they violate the Embryo Protection Act and are seen by the courts as contrary to morality. (CIVIL CODE §§ 134, 138; Oberlandesgericht Hamm [OLG Hamm] [Higher Regional Court Hamm], Dec. 2, 1985, Docket No. 11 W 18/85, available in 39 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT [NJW] 781,783 (1986).)
The Federal Court of Justice held that German law must be applied to determine the legal parentage of the child in the case in question. (BGH para. 15.) German conflict-of-law rules provide that the parentage of a child is governed by the law of the place where the child habitually resides, by the law of the country of his or her parents’ nationality, or by the law that governs the general effects of the marriage of the parents. (Id. at 16; Einführungsgesetz zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche [EGBGB], Introductory Act to the Civil Code [Sept. 21, 1994, BGBl. I at 2494; corrected in 1997 BGBl. I at 1061, as amended, art. 19, para. 1, German Laws Online website.) The Court reiterated that persons have their habitual residence in the place where they have the center of their lives. Their presence in this place must reflect an adequate degree of permanence and cannot be just temporary or intermittent. In order to determine the habitual residence of minors, particularly of infants, it is necessary to assess the parents’ integration in their social and family environment as the child generally shares their social and family environment. The habitual residence of a child and its parents will only differ in exceptional cases. (BGH para. 19.)
In the case at issue, the child had its habitual residence in Germany, because all parties to the surrogacy agreement agreed that the child would go to Germany with the plaintiffs immediately after the birth and remain there permanently. (Id. at 22.) In addition, both Ukrainian and German law recognize the husband as the legal father of the child. The child therefore has German citizenship and is legally present in Germany. (Id.; Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz [StAG] [Nationality Act], July 22, 1913, REICHSGESETZBLATT [RGBl.] [IMPERIAL LAW GAZETTE] at 583, as amended, § 4, para. 1, German Laws Online website.) In the opinion of the Court, as the child never had his habitual residence in Ukraine, only the surrogate could be registered as the legal mother and not the wife. (BGH paras. 27 & 28.) The Court concluded that the wife must adopt the child in order to become its legal mother. (Id. at 28.)
Ironic that after relying on Civil Code § 138 in his court filings in the inheritance dispute (which turned out to be unnecessary), Gustav's arrangements for the birth of his child are seemingly similar to agreements which courts have ruled are in violation of § 138...