Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It’s also her role not just Haakon and that’s a choice she made. There is no us vs the world here or at least it shouldn’t be. She’s endangering Ingrid’s position and she’s her responsibility as well. If Mette-Marit can’t do anything about this, I’m not sure what Haakon can as it relates to Marius that is.
kick him to curb
:previous: Loving him means she has the hard task of doing whatever is necessary for him to get well and be a productive member of society. I don’t envy her situation, and I can sympathize that he or both have experienced trauma, but we all have to various degrees. I also understand that we don’t all have the same coping mechanisms or resilience, but you are never allowed to hurt people no matter what your justification is or might be. Once is a mistake. Twice you need to be watched. A third is showing a pattern that needs to be rectified, and if not, here we are.
:previous: Loving him means she has the hard task of doing whatever is necessary for him to get well and be a productive member of society. I don’t envy her situation, and I can sympathize that he or both have experienced trauma, but we all have to various degrees. I also understand that we don’t all have the same coping mechanisms or resilience, but you are never allowed to hurt people no matter what your justification is or might be. Once is a mistake. Twice you need to be watched. A third is showing a pattern that needs to be rectified, and if not, here we are.
I was referring to haakon doing that (..)
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Does the NRF employ any PR people at all? A true professional will throw up his hands in dispair and horror.
I'd guess the PR people recommended that they go shopping together. It suggests they have nothing to hide, life is normal, and they do "regular people" things. They're not ashamed or hiding in the dark with lawyers.
I was referring to haakon doing that (..)
Oh, sorry I misinterpreted your comment. There seems to be a lot of paralysis and guilt going around in this family. I was very impressed with the way in which the King and Queen specifically embraced the little boy. I think everyone is allowing their own experiences to cloud their judgments, and that’s very human, but overstepping boundaries when you’re in a position of leadership is not something that should be done.
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yes norway need a monarchy a republic would be terrible

i dont think u all realize that marius is likely abusing his mother too who via trauma wiill do what ever to calm him down

also i am sure the sliverware wasnt being carried out in the opened
The silver wear concerned was offered for sale publicly , the gas card was used publicly , the tour of the private house of the CP couple was broadcast publicly , footage of the dangerous driving of Marius , on the royal estate , in his own words almost wiping out a guard , is public. However whilst I do realise and accept that grown children can terrorise their parents into protecting them , in this case I believe that much of Marius behaviour comes from the fact that MM believes firmly that she ruined any chance of Marius having a "normal life " by her marriage to Haakon . For over two decades she has tried to make up for the "twisted dynamic" that resulted from the different status of her children . Drawing in not only her husband , but his parents and the press etc . The CP couple need some speedy damage control , and MM needs to accept her responsibility for her actions , as she did before her marriage , I include Haakon in this, as he has in my opinion been an equal partner .
I think it's premature talking about the end of the Norwegian monarchy because of this scandal. Frankly, all European monarchies have had some pretty serious scandals in the last 20 years, and they've all survived.

Marius is being charged with some pretty serious issues, and, hopefully, Norway's justice system can deal with them without too much interfering from the Royal House and other institutions.

Lets give time to the Police, and the judiciary to deal with a pretty difficult subject, considering the institutional implications. Until the charges are brought to Court, and a sentence is passed, all our countries function on the premise of "being innocent until proven guilty".

Marius may very well be guilty of everything he's been charged with but, until the matter comes to Court, and he's sentenced, the Royal House may choose not to act against him.
I'd guess the PR people recommended that they go shopping together. It suggests they have nothing to hide, life is normal, and they do "regular people" things. They're not ashamed or hiding in the dark with lawyers.
oh dear, the last I'd suggest is go shopping for furniture after Marius smashed up the furniture in his ex girlfriends flat.
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