Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It's mind-boggling how Marius transformed into a gangster (because that's what he is) under the watchful eye of court, government and police. Whether its incompetence, neglience or a cover-up; it's a massive scandal for all involved and it won't go away any time soon. I shudder what new revelations will come to light next!
If Marius doesn’t come back from Italy, would Interpol get involved, or is he still too ‘minor’ for them? (Or would they not get involved if they were persuaded off?)
Well, he can't stay away from a police investigation forever. (Especially due to the huge public interest.)
So if Marius is told to show up at a police station at this and that date and he doesn't. His lawyer will first be told to persuade him. (Because no one are interested in making this more dramatic than it already is.) His family will be told to try and persuade him. - Or face arrest and extradition.
If he still doesn't show up. A judge will issue a warrant for his arrest. The Norwegian authorities (In this case probably on government level) will contact the Italian government and ask for Marius to be discreetly arrested. And a couple of days later he will be put on a plane to Norway, accompanied by a couple of Italian police officers, where he will be arrested formally upon touching down in Norway and detained while police investigation is going on. And given that he has shown a reluctance to show up when told to, I would find it very likely he would remain in jail until the trial.

That's pretty much what happens to any fugitive who is rounded up.

No need to involve Interpol, unless Marius decides to vanish. In which case an international warrant for his arrest will be send out. - And that would yet anther huge scandal, so let's hope it doesn't get to that point. It would also be stupid beyond belief if Marius did that.
It is a pity that he seemingly did not make use of this opportunity that most of his fellow citizens in similar situations would need to be very lucky to receive.

We don’t know if he’s ever had to face consequences for anything, though, and so it would be very hard for a couple of well-meaning police officers to “scare him straight”. Here I agree with Muhler; they don’t demonstrate enough force, so they wouldn’t impress him.

Furthermore, since he’s been associating with successful criminals, I don’t think he has much respect, let alone fear, for what the police might do.

It would also be stupid beyond belief if Marius did that.

Including severe and repeated violence against people who trust him with little real remorse, Marius has not thus far done much to indicate he is not stupid beyond belief. (You don’t need to be stupid to be a massively-entitled thug, but it helps.)
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If there is some truth to the pics of Marius hanging around with the gangsters, his diplomatic immunity must be immediately stripped from him - because this immunity might make him a strong asset in cross borders activities of the gangsters....

My, how has this story developed?
And is still developing...
I am amazed at how many leaks there have been!

The latest being this recording from the police-talk with Marius.
At this rate it's only a matter of time before the harassing calls and texts by Marius are also leaked.
We almost know what color of socks Marius wore when he was arrested.
Any reasonably competent investigation should be able to figure out where most of these leaks come from. Especially in a case like this, where you'd think everybody was told to keep quiet. Or else!

I suspect there has been a lot of frustration within the Norwegian police. Because it is now obvious that the police has a considerable file on him and as we know from recent articles Marius even bragged about how "he is protected by the police."
I believe the police have for a long time been annoyed by Marius probably openly been doing cocaine, openly associating with known criminals, they probably knew about his abusive behavior as well. And given that it is my impression that Marius is not a rocket-scientist and never will be, he may very well have taunted the police - knowing that he so far has gotten away with everything.
So I think that when the police got the chance to nail him, knife in wall and all, they did so. Because come on, two uniforms opening a case against Marius on their own? Forget it. Unless they wanted to spend the rest of their career patrolling the third island to left 100 km west of Lofoten, they got an OK from way high up. The question is of course: How high up? Certainly high enough up to prevent someone else from overriding that decision.
Otherwise this episode with the third victim would have been swept under the carpet as well, as she seemingly needed some persuasion to press charges against Marius.

So I imagine someone finally had enough of Marius and the NRF and gave the order: When you get the chance, nail him!
I wonder though whether that someone expected it would blow up this much.
I wonder though whether that someone expected it would blow up this much.
Why would the anti-cover up person not expect it, though? He’s the CP couple’s child with a substantial file somewhere, and they obviously needed something quite severe and drastic to bust him. That alone would have blown up a small country without the leaks – and we have the leaks.
According to what Se og Hør knows, there is now a fourth person offended in the case - in addition to his three ex-girlfriends.
Marius is said to have made death threats against this person. Se og Hør knows the person's identity, and has contacted for a comment but hasn't got an answer.
Se og Hør has also submitted their information to the police, and asked whether it is the new victim who has reported the threats, or whether it is the police who have reported the case on their own initiative. That's what the police did in the case with the woman in the apartment, the last ex-girlfriend.

I'm a little confused by this. Did Se og Hor just learn about this fourth person? Have the police made the existence of crimes against this fourth alleged victim public?


Mbruno and kalnel make good points that the police intervention may have been the best possible attempt at a resolution at the time, and I agree that there is no need to criticize the police officers on the basis of the current information. I believe though that it demonstrates how fortunate Marius has been in many ways (which is not to dispute that he surely also met with challenges from his unique position in the royal family). I would think that even in a small and wealthy country, the average drug user/criminal associate would not receive personal visits from police detectives offering them help to turn their lives around without putting them behind bars - and Se og Hør's other report that "The detectives are said to have told to Marius that this meeting is a special treatment he received, because he belongs to the royal family. 'A conversation like this is not something we would have included everyone, we only do that because it is you'." supports my assumption - let alone one ordered from "Above my f**king pay grade".

It is my feeling that if had he accepted the offer of help, he truly would have received meaningful and quality assistance in some form. It is a pity that he seemingly did not make use of this opportunity that most of his fellow citizens in similar situations would need to be very lucky to receive.
You're probably right, but let me suggest a different scenario: Maybe the police said those things to Marius to make him feel like a big shot, so he would be more inclined to cooperate and listen. "You're important and powerful, and we're just the messengers" might diffuse a very nasty reaction from him.
Every time I come to this thread it just keeps getting worse.
He's fortunate as in many places strangling a woman could be interpreted as attempted murder.

Several things need to be done promptly:
1. Marius needs to leave Skaugum
2. His diplomatic passport needs to be taken
3. He needs to go back to Norway to face his the consequences for his heinous crimes.

Those 3 things will serve the purpose of distancing him from the royal family and showing that he is receiving fair, no favors or specialty treatment and is being tried as any average Norwegian.
I'm a little confused by this. Did Se og Hor just learn about this fourth person? Have the police made the existence of crimes against this fourth alleged victim public?

It could be the person, which was mentioned at the audio recordings of Marius' phone calls to the third victim, published by VG. During the phone calls, a third person was mentioned. Marius said this person is scared. "Fordi jeg skal drepe ham" = Because I'm going to kill him, said Marius.
I find it disgusting and disturbing that Se og Hør, keep posting these leaks!!
Why would the anti-cover up person not expect it, though? He’s the CP couple’s child with a substantial file somewhere, and they obviously needed something quite severe and drastic to bust him. That alone would have blown up a small country without the leaks – and we have the leaks.
Because when we do things we expect it to go according to how we imagine it will. But more often it doesn't.
Perhaps the original intention was to scare Marius for real this time by letting him feel some consequences for once.
And probably also to serve as a serious wake-up call for the NRF: Do something about Marius!

But perhaps it wasn't expected that there would be so many leaks. (Because there may very well be a lot of resentment towards Marius within the police force.)
It may not have been expected that two previous girlfriends stood up.
It may not have been expected the Mette Marit would call the third victim.
It may not have been expected that Marius would call the third victim 24/7 - and succeed.
It may not have been expected that the press would drop all previous considerations towards the NRF - or perhaps more correct King Harald. - Combined with the public frustration with ML and her shaman.
It may not have been expected that Marius would ran off to Italy, basically thumbing his nose at the police. Leading to even more resentment - and leaks.)
- So now the snowball is rolling downhill, growing ever bigger.
So now the snowball is rolling downhill, growing ever bigger.
I’m sure the Norwegians are aware it’s not winter yet, and that hills stop eventually.

He’s going to be formally charged and arraigned at some point. Assuming he doesn’t make a run for it, then things will be in a new phase and there’ll be different angles to discuss.
I’m sure the Norwegians are aware it’s not winter yet, and that hills stop eventually.

He’s going to be formally charged and arraigned at some point. Assuming he doesn’t make a run for it, then things will be in a new phase and there’ll be different angles to discuss.
Them hills in Norway are awfully big, some with permanent snow.
If there is some truth to the pics of Marius hanging around with the gangsters, his diplomatic immunity must be immediately stripped from him - because this immunity might make him a strong asset in cross borders activities of the gangsters....

My, how has this story developed?
He don’t have immunity

Every time I come to this thread it just keeps getting worse.
He's fortunate as in many places strangling a woman could be interpreted as attempted murder.

Several things need to be done promptly:
1. Marius needs to leave Skaugum
2. His diplomatic passport needs to be taken
3. He needs to go back to Norway to face his the consequences for his heinous crimes.

Those 3 things will serve the purpose of distancing him from the royal family and showing that he is receiving fair, no favors or specialty treatment and is being tried as any average Norwegian.
Think they will be done?
Think they will be done?
I am not Norwegian , much of what limited knowledge of Norway I have, has been sparked by this forum , I think British humour must be very similar to Norwegian . Anyway I digress , this is only my personal opinion. I believe that for many years the Royal family , and court have bent over backwards to protect Marius. In part because of his unique situation . Yes , he is not alone in being born out of wedlock , and being part of a Royal family . Monaco being the most public example in modern times . However Marius was /is very much a public member of the family , despite MM's earlier statement . The family and court , particularly MM have enabled his continued flouting of the law . They reinforced a belief he seems to have , that there are no limits he cannot cross ." Oh look , I've just been charged with assaulting my partner , strangulation etc , I know what ,I'll go party in Italy for a couple of week's ". I can well believe that a couple of officers were dispatched to have an unofficial word with Marius , unfortunately it seems that they failed to , as we would say , " put the fear of God in him ". I sincerely believe that both of his birth parent's , and step- parents have indeed tried to reach him , unfortunately it seems that they have failed . Instead they seem to have inflated his ego to a violent extreme . MM in particular seems to blame the press for all her precious Marius's , um difficulties , i.e no career , I mean , a motor mechanic whose client has to go to the police in order to get back her bike, that he has had , in order to repair it , for over a year !!! They seem ,to have , within the same environment managed to raise other well adjusted children/ young adults , who , especially in the case of IA are going to face a lifetime of high expectation's . I truly hope that the "alleged" victims in this case receive justice , I hesitated to type "alleged" , because Marius has already stated/ admitted the offences against the third victim . Albeit with the" excuse" that he had been taking drugs / alcohol . I understand that Norway is tolerant, as long as you respect other people's views etc , but , seriously .
Se og Hør publishes now a new extract of the conversation between Marius and two detectives from the Oslo police at Marius' home in Skaugum last autumn.
Marius: Yes, I don't quite understand why I'm sitting in a car with org. criminals like.
- Police: No, you. Because you are who you are. No other reason. There is no one else we would have bothered to do it with. And it's not because we think you're the coolest guy in the world, because we don't know you.
No, no, I'm crazy.
- But we respect, and we wish, and we hope that you can try to address this now. And if you feel like you should get help now, that's great.
Yes, it absolutely is.
- If you have people around you who you trust, who help you, and who are an anchor for you in a situation that can be a bit demanding with drugs, then that's great.

Se og Hør repeated to the Police the questions they haven't got answers to and added new ones. They asked for concrete clarification as to whether the Police chief was informed about the meeting at Skaugum. And whether the police chief was informed about Marius' drug problem.
The Police still won't answer that, but now confirm that the Deputy Chief of Police was informed. The police claims that a unit manager decided to seek out Marius, which does not match what the police say in the audio recording with Marius.
- The decision was taken by the center's unit manager. The police have an extended security responsibility for the royal family and its members, and the Deputy Chief of Police was therefore briefed. The police had concerns about Marius Høiby based on the environment he was in. And we therefore chose to have a preventive conversation with him, writes unit leader Frode Larsen at the Center Unit.

Police unit leader Frode Larsen claims to NRK that the audio recording published by Se og Hør is not a police recording.

Spokesperson Andreas Sjalg Unneland of the Socialist Left Party describes the recordings of Marius' conversations with the police as disturbing.
He says that it is not unusual for the police to have calls of concern. But what makes this case special is that it oozes class justice. He thinks this stinks. If you give special treatment to people because they have power and positions, it is serious. When asked whether Marius' connection to the royal family does not make the situation special, he replies that they expect the police to act professionally and equally. He expects the Minister of Justice to always ensure that the police treat people equally and fairly, regardless of their class background.
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Marius' association with serious criminals is a major concern in my opinion. My initial reaction was to assume that the criminals he associated with were just the people who supplied him with drugs and other "needs" he might have. But now I am starting to ask myself if Marius is not more deeply linked to those gangs. For example, is he dealing drugs himself? Has he ever used his diplomatic passport to transport illegal items across borders? Was his home at the Skaungum estate ever used for illegal activities (other than personal consumption of drugs, which is probably a given now)?

We know that Marius has violent tendencies since he has allegedly beaten and strangled at least 3 of his former girlfriends and caused damaged to property. Now there is a recording where he threatens to kill someone, which I take seriously. He also took a picture posing as a gangster with money stuffed into his pants, a (fake?) gun on his hand and an expensive watch on his wrist (note that that some of his associates, according to reports by Lady Finn, have been linked to shady watch businesses). He is also a drug addict, which makes him highly vulnerable to blackmailing and coercion by people who may want to take advantage of him or of his position within the Royal Family.

My point is that, even if Marius is not involved yet in organized criminal activity, which I think is probably still the case, there is a non-neglible probability that he might be driven into it if he keeps his current lifestyle (either voluntarily, or by coercion/blackmail). And it is not out of the realm of possibility that his violent tendencies might progress to actually causing more serious physical injury to someone, even to the point of being life-threatening, if he doesn't get treatment for his mental illnesses and drug addiction. Needless to say, any of the above would be a much greater personal tragedy for Marius and a much bigger problem for the Royal Family than the already very bad situation is.

I am not an expert on those isssues, but it seems to me that, at this point, some form of court mandated rehab program, or even a jail sentence would be the best options to protect Marius from himself and prevent him from getting into more trouble than he already is in. In any case, what is happening now, where he is allowed to go to Italy and do exactly what he has been doing (wrongly) for the past 10 years probably is exactly the opposite of what I would expect his family and the authorities to allow him to do, if they really want to protect him.
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Marius' association with serious criminals is a major concern in my opinion. My initial reaction was to assume that the criminals he associated with were just the people who supplied him with drugs and other "needs" he might have. But now I am starting to ask myself if Marius is not more deeply linked to those gangs. For example, is he dealing drugs himself? Has he ever used his diplomatic passport to transport illegal items across borders? Was his home at the Skaungum estate ever used for illegal activities (other than personal consumption of drugs, which is probably a given now)?

TV 2 has sought access to Marius' criminal history in all the country's police districts. Where some are completely open, others practice secrecy.
Vest, Troms, Nordland, Finnmark and Innlandet police districts state that they have no registered cases with Marius Borg Høiby.
South-East, East, Møre and Romsdal and Trøndelag police districts have refused the access request.
The Oslo police district has forwarded the access request to the Sør-East police district, but has not said anything about whether they have previously registered cases with Marius Borg Høiby.
The Sør-West police district, the police district and the Governor of Svalbard have not responded to TV 2's inquiry.

On both Tuesday and Wednesday, Se og Hør published audio recordings they claim are of a conversation Marius had with the police.
And on Wednesday, Police press manager Unni Grøndal confirms to Aftenposten that the recording is from the conversation the police had with Høiby in 2023. She also confirms that it is employees from the Oslo police district who can be heard in the conversation. However, the police say it is not their recording.
The police can be heard giving various advice to Høiby and there is talk, among other things, about cocaine use.

In Se og Hør's new audio recording, the police say that they have a clear impression that Marius has a problem with cocaine, a situation that is not under control.
"But of course, it depends on who you ask, I deal with it in my own way, and have ... I'm going on a short holiday", says Marius in the recording.
The holiday Marius is talking about is not this holiday in Italy now, but a completely different stay at a special rehab. Marius also tells the police that he is aware that drugs are not vitamins:
"I also know that drugs are not good," says Marius.
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It's mind-boggling how Marius transformed into a gangster (because that's what he is) under the watchful eye of court, government and police. Whether its incompetence, neglience or a cover-up; it's a massive scandal for all involved and it won't go away any time soon. I shudder what new revelations will come to light next!

I think the fact that law enforcement potentially enabled Marius’s behaviour is where most of the public’s attention should be focused. Much attention has been paid to what MM and Haakon did or didn’t do as parents, but the bottom line is that parents can’t be expected to police their delinquent adult children. It may not be the correct thing to do, but it’s understandable that parents will do what they can to protect their children in a crisis. Investigating potentially illegal acts and imposing consequences for them is the job of law enforcement and the legal system, not families.

I guess my question is whether the police were aware of illegal activity of the sort that would have gotten a random guy from Oslo arrested, or did they just see Marius as a troubled young man who was potentially heading into criminal territory due to his habits and associates? Because if it’s the latter, I can see why they would have gone to basically tell him to get his act together and save everyone a boat load of trouble. If it’s the former then they’ve got big problems.
TV 2 has sought access to Marius' criminal history in all the country's police districts. Where some are completely open, others practice secrecy.
Vest, Troms, Nordland, Finnmark and Innlandet police districts state that they have no registered cases with Marius Borg Høiby.
South-East, East, Møre and Romsdal and Trøndelag police districts have refused the access request.
The Oslo police district has forwarded the access request to the Sør-East police district, but has not said anything about whether they have previously registered cases with Marius Borg Høiby.
The Sør-West police district, the police district and the Governor of Svalbard have not responded to TV 2's inquiry.
Nordland? Finnmark!?! And Svalbard!! - Come on, this is getting ridiculous.
That's like asking the police in North Dakota, Alaska and Oregon whether they have something on a guy in New York.

I found a now deleted post about a Norwegian politician from a left wing party speaking out, much more interesting.
Of course that's a free shot for a left wing party. - But... Soon other politicians will follow. First back-benchers, then more senior opposition politicians. The government parties will avoid commenting for as long as possible, even though they may send out a back-bencher or a retired politician to basically voice the unofficial opinion of the government parties. And that will happen this month. Perhaps already next week if more revelations come out about Marius - or if he is still partying away in Italy.

Marius seriously needs to get home from Italy! What is it? Almost three weeks now? If I was a legal and PR advisor to the NRF I would be pleading the NRF to get Marius back ASAP.
In Se og Hør's new audio recording, the police say that they have a clear impression that Marius has a problem with cocaine, a situation that is not under control.
"But of course, it depends on who you ask, I deal with it in my own way, and have ... I'm going on a short holiday", says Marius in the recording.
The holiday Marius is talking about is not this holiday in Italy now, but a completely different stay at a special rehab. Marius also tells the police that he is aware that drugs are not vitamins:
"I also know that drugs are not good," says Marius.
So based on this, am I understanding that Marius reported to the police that he was going to rehab? So there was awareness of his problems at some level and he was seeking help.
So based on this, am I understanding that Marius reported to the police that he was going to rehab? So there was awareness of his problems at some level and he was seeking help.
I have a feeling that Marius cannot be trusted with his statements. This has been going on for such a long time and he could have tried to seek help long time ago, but obviously didn't. It's not that we have heard he has been in a clinic or rehab even though he was aware of his serious drug addiction. Hopefully all that will change soon.
So based on this, am I understanding that Marius reported to the police that he was going to rehab? So there was awareness of his problems at some level and he was seeking help.
Or he just told them what he believed they would like to hear.
I.e. drugs bad. I'm taking this serious. I'm going to get help. - But we don't know whether he actually took this serious, whether he actually went on rehab or whether he snorted some cocaine while laughing his head off.

Personally I'd like to believe that Marius can be reached - at the right moment - and that he will listen and that he does realize deep down that he has a problem. But then it all goes out the window.
I have a feeling that Marius cannot be trusted with his statements. This has been going on for such a long time and he could have tried to seek help long time ago, but obviously didn't. It's not that we have heard he has been in a clinic or rehab even though he was aware of his serious drug addiction. Hopefully all that will change soon.
Yes, I should have put allegedly seeking help in my post.

Also, he could have entered rehab a dozen times and left early or wasn't able to stay sober/clean after completing the program. That has happened a lot to family members of friends who are addicted to drugs/alcohol. Each time my friends hope that this will be the time rehab "takes" for their loved one.
I found a now deleted post about a Norwegian politician from a left wing party speaking out, much more interesting.
Of course that's a free shot for a left wing party. - But... Soon other politicians will follow. First back-benchers, then more senior opposition politicians.
Well, in the end Marius is not a real Royal - no drop of blue or even royal blood... Until now he was just happy to become a part of the First Family of Norway. And that can suddenly change... But he will surely fall soft, if at all.

What in my humble opinion is more problematic: Here in the Royal Forums was often to read, Norway is a very leveled society and there is a lot of sense for equality. And now, if one reads the linked articles here in the thread, it sounds very much like there has been a special treatment by the Police for Marius.

So, this equality in Norway looks suddenly like everywhere else, nothing special...
I do understand a different treatment if it is related to the security of the royal family (keeping a closer eye on his behavior and social environment as he has full access to the future king and queens) - as they are in a different position in that way than most other Norwegians. Any other difference in treatment will be hard to explain/justify.
Haakon and Mette-Marit were asked today on county visit about the police's concern that Marius was connected to criminal circles.
- We think that it is not natural or right for us to enter into the matter. So we are not going to say anything more about this.
They were asked when they became aware that the police had had a preventive conversation with Marius last year.
- For the sake of everyone involved in this case, we do not wish to comment on it at this time. I hope you understand that. It is not said that we will not do so at a later date, but just as the situation is now, for the sake of all those involved and us as a family, we don't wish to comment at this time. I understand very well that you have many questions, that you are trying to do your job, but that is how it is now, and we ask for your understanding.

Marius is in the middle of the drug fashion scene: money-rich young people from wealthy homes on the west Oslo, in Bærum or Asker who quite freely and carelessly use cocaine as their preferred party drug. Marius lives at Skaugum in Asker.

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Is Marius still in Italy? I think so, surely the Norwegian media would have found out if he has come home.

The police told VG more about the background to the conversation two police officers had with Marius in a car outside the crown prince couple's residence at Skaugum in 2023. They wanted to inform him of observations the police had made of him. The police had observed him in contact with people who are known to be criminals, says unit leader of the Sentrum Unit in the Oslo police district Frode Larsen.
VG doesn't know who the police observed Marius with. VG knows that Marius has been in the circle of several people with criminal convictions and that Marius has been pictured together with serious criminals in social media.
The day before the meeting the police contacted Marius by phone to arrange a meeting with him, and he agreed to do so. Such conversations must be voluntary.
Larsen doesn't want to say how many observations the police have made of Marius, or over how long. Those are to be linked, among others, to him being at nightclubs in Oslo. The police hasn't shared inside information with Marius and hasn't given special treatment to him, they often get information from the public and others, or the police observe things itself. It's a well-known working methodology, neither unique nor special. The police didn't know about the recording of the conversation.
Marius' lawyer Øyvind Bratlien doesn't want to comment on the audio recording and the conversation.

In Se og Hør's latest audio clip, it emerges that Mette-Marit and probably also Haakon were informed about the criminal friends of Marius.
Marius says in the new audio clip among other things:
- My circle of friends has been the same for the last ten years, and that's just the way it is. My parents know it, and so do my friends, I can't do anything about that.
Marius also tells the police that his friends have never involved him "in any nonsense".
Se og Hør contacted the Palace and for a comment from Haakon and Mette-Marit, as well as Morten Borg for comment, no replies so far.
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Have the police or the attorneys talked about any kind of timeline for how this will all proceed? They seem to be turning up new information almost every day, so I suppose they'll take their time, but the longer it drags out, the worse it is for all involved.
I suppose "my parents" could mean Mette-Marit and Haakon (the parents by whom he was primarily raised), Mette-Marit and Morten (his legal and biological parents), or Mette-Marit and Haakon and Morten and Celine (all of the parents and stepparents who have played a part in his upbringing).

It is unsurprising (and appropriate) that Morten Borg refused to comment, but I am surprised he hasn't been more in the spotlight given recent events and his own past. Is anything known about the lifestyles of Marius's paternal siblings Emanuel Maktabi and Lucas Borg? Are they members of the same circles as Marius?

I think the fact that law enforcement potentially enabled Marius’s behaviour is where most of the public’s attention should be focused. Much attention has been paid to what MM and Haakon did or didn’t do as parents, but the bottom line is that parents can’t be expected to police their delinquent adult children. It may not be the correct thing to do, but it’s understandable that parents will do what they can to protect their children in a crisis. Investigating potentially illegal acts and imposing consequences for them is the job of law enforcement and the legal system, not families.

In normal situations I would agree, but in this case the parents are the crown prince and crown princess, and moreover they have publicly instigated fights with news media on several occasions for truthful but undesired reports about their son. Under the circumstances, I think it is reasonable to guess that the police would, directly or indirectly, take the parents' attitudes into account.
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