Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, parents at least means one person, Mette Marit. So unless Marius lied, she knew, and she knew way before this police-intervention.
If Mette Marit knew, surely her husband knew. Unless she keeps major things secret from her husband and that would be odd IMO.

So, what were Mette Marit and Haakon doing before the police was finally told to intervene and warn Marius?

I can understand a normal citizen may be powerless in preventing a son from associating known criminals, but if I had the power to basically ask the police to lean heavily on Marius friends, (Please don't tell me they don't have that power, they have. If you still don't believe it, then I have some genuine pieces of RMS Titanic for sale...) I would tell Marius: You go hang out with your friends. Just remember to tell them that they are being watched sooo much! Especially when you are around. And then see how long they remain your friends...
I'm afraid we will never know how much Mette and Haakon knew about Marius circles. They might not have known the whole dimension of his criminal life. They also might have been feeling helpless what to do without making their actions known to the public, being such a prominent family.
I remember reading of international known movie stars many of their offsprings having severe drug problems, That is always in the media, they don't have the power to prevent publishing.
But a royal family, that is something else.

If my son, being not privileged or royal, would be messed up in drugs and criminal actions, I surely wouldn't tell my friends or family, at least not those family members or friends that I am not close with.

But I surely would do everything possible to get him back on the right way. As they don't want to publicly comment on the case, which in a way is understandable in their position, we don't know what kind of help or measures they have taken in the past. I just cannot believe that they didn't know and didn't take any kind of initiative.

As to his half siblings of his biological father's family I really hope for that family that they aren't being dragged into this whole mess. So far the press has left them alone. And there is no indication so far that his siblings from that marriage have anything to do with those criminal circles that Marius has been a part of.
As to his half siblings of his biological father's family [...] And there is no indication so far that his siblings from that marriage have anything to do with those criminal circles that Marius has been a part of.

Thank you for the answer. On a related note, it was my understanding that Lucas Borg was his only half-sibling on his father's side, but you refer to plural "siblings from that marriage". Did Morten and Celine have further children?
Thank you for the answer. On a related note, it was my understanding that Lucas Borg was his only half-sibling on his father's side, but you refer to plural "siblings from that marriage". Did Morten and Celine have further children?
From the names mentioned it sounds as if it is Celine's child.
Here is an article in "OK" magazine about the patchwork family. It confirms Snowangel's post. New to me is that the marriage was over in 2019, after 15 years.

Thank you for the answer. On a related note, it was my understanding that Lucas Borg was his only half-sibling on his father's side, but you refer to plural "siblings from that marriage". Did Morten and Celine have further children?
Sorry, I should have written stepbrother. Somehow I always thought that Celine had 2 children from a previous marriage, but that was not the case.
A new dramatic turn. According to Se og Hør Marius has broken the restraining order.
He hasn't left the offended girl alone, as the restraining order requires, and his behavior has led to a new report. It is not clear whether it is the woman herself - or the police - who has reported him.
A breach of a restraining order can therefore lead to up to one year in prison.
Se og Hør has contacted the victim's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen and Marius' lawyer Øyvind Bratlien for comment on this case. No comments yet.
Unni T. Grøndal, press manager in the Oslo police district in a text message to Se og Hør: We will give an update on the case later today, and will come back to it.
I'm sorry but what on earth is he thinking? Or is he not thinking? Or is he incapable of thinking? Or is he still convinced that he can get away anything solely based on who his parents are?

To violate the restraining order is the last thing he should have done and he should have realised how this will be portrayed.
I'm sorry but what on earth is he thinking? Or is he not thinking? Or is he incapable of thinking? Or is he still convinced that he can get away anything solely based on who his parents are?

To violate the restraining order is the last thing he should have done and he should have realised how this will be portrayed.
IMO the answer to your questions is: Yes.
Each day the mess is getting worse.
My god. This guy sees himself as untouchable. There’s no other reason why his lawyers cannot advise him, no, make him cooperate and lie low somewhere until his day in court. Contrition would be very helpful to all parties involved however.
A new dramatic turn. According to Se og Hør Marius has broken the restraining order.
He hasn't left the offended girl alone, as the restraining order requires, and his behavior has led to a new report. It is not clear whether it is the woman herself - or the police - who has reported him.
A breach of a restraining order can therefore lead to up to one year in prison.
Se og Hør has contacted the victim's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen and Marius' lawyer Øyvind Bratlien for comment on this case. No comments yet.
Unni T. Grøndal, press manager in the Oslo police district in a text message to Se og Hør: We will give an update on the case later today, and will come back to it.

Somehow I'm doubtful that his high-profile criminal defense lawyer approved this move.

Out of interest, do the relevant laws and codes of ethics permit his lawyer to drop him as a client if, as some of us suspect, Marius has been flouting his lawyer's advice repeatedly?

Here is an article in "OK" magazine about the patchwork family. It confirms Snowangel's post. New to me is that the marriage was over in 2019, after 15 years.

Thank you, hereditarytitles. I also missed that they were divorced. Marius would have been in his twenties at the time; I hope Celine and Emanuel were able to remain part of his life given that he grew up with them.
IMO the answer to your questions is: Yes.
Each day the mess is getting worse.
Absolutely unbelievable! I am wondering if he is still in Italy and called/texted her (in violation of the restraining order) or if he showed up in person - also violating the restraining order. What an …….:evil:
I'm no expert in norwegian law at all, but I find it increasingly hard to imagine that he will escape jail time. Maybe that would be the shock he needs to straighten himself out. Because this far he shows no signs of remorse or guilt whatsoever.
It's past time for him to face some consequences. What in the world was he thinking???
Upthread I remember reading that the abused woman has blocked all communication with him. How is it possible that his messages can still reach her?
Somehow I'm doubtful that his high-profile criminal defense lawyer approved this move.

Out of interest, do the relevant laws and codes of ethics permit his lawyer to drop him as a client if, as some of us suspect, Marius has been flouting his lawyer's advice repeatedly?

Thank you, hereditarytitles. I also missed that they were divorced. Marius would have been in his twenties at the time; I hope Celine and Emanuel were able to remain part of his life given that he grew up with them.
I would not be surprised if Marius layer resigns from this case.
Marius obviously doesn't listen and the NRF has no, or will not exercise any, control over Marius.
Even though this must be a dream-case for a layer, if your client ignore all your advise, surely at some point your patience will run out.

Let me phrase it like this: I believe that Marius think he is so bright that he doesn't realize how bright he really is.
I mean most gangsta, and being a gangster clearly is something Marius has some admiration for, would listen to the advise of their layer and at least pretend to be co-operating and remorseful.

I think it's very likely that he is still in Italy, with no particular intention of returning home, and that he from Italy use borrowed and bought phones to call his (hopefully) ex-girlfriend. Probably having deduced that as long as he is in Italy and has his diplomatic passport in his pocket, he has both immunity and what he is doing cannot be illegal in Norway...
Like I said: He be mighty clever gangsta.
I begin to fear that the so far hypothetical scenario of Marius being arrested in Italy and extradited to Norway may not be that far away.

As for the NRF. I have no idea what they are doing. Probably nothing, as usual. - Perhaps trawling the yellow pages for a used backbone...
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No update from the Police yet.

About Marius' arrest
National Police Directorate (POD) notified the Ministry of Justice and Public Security of the arrest of Marius.
- This follows from POD's notification routines to Ministry of Justice. The Ministry did not ask follow-up questions and did not receive any updates either, says Martin Todnem, department director for Social Security in the Ministry of Justice to Dagbladet.
Dagbladet has asked the Ministry of Justice about who was informed about the arrest and when they were informed, but has not received an answer.
No update from the Police yet.

About Marius' arrest
National Police Directorate (POD) notified the Ministry of Justice and Public Security of the arrest of Marius.
- This follows from POD's notification routines to Ministry of Justice. The Ministry did not ask follow-up questions and did not receive any updates either, says Martin Todnem, department director for Social Security in the Ministry of Justice to Dagbladet.
Dagbladet has asked the Ministry of Justice about who was informed about the arrest and when they were informed, but has not received an answer.
As I suspected. The government was informed - and I'm absolutely sure - not for the first time, about Marius. Because you don't inform the Ministry of Justice, without also informing the Minister of Justice. I.e the government.
This seems to spin more and more out of control for every week….

None of the scandinavian countries sends people to prison lightly, but it’s getting more and more difficult for every week now to see how Marius would escape with a hefty fine and community service… Breaking a restriction order is extremly serious in itself as it could possibly put other peoples lives in immediate danger…

He is showing absolutely no sign of gult or remorse…. Rather the opposite as not even his lawyer seems to have any form of control over him
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A general comment: While reading critical comments directed towards the Royal House or Crown Prince Couple for potentially shielding or enabling Marius Borg Høiby by their actions or inactions, I have been wondering if one upside of the recent saga might be to vanquish any doubts about whether Marius was fully incorporated into and embraced by the "blood" royals.

There has always been a subset of royal watchers (I am not talking about this forum) who, despite the warm family photoshoots, the King designating Marius an official member of the Royal Family from 2006 to 2024 etc., continued to believe that Marius's royal status was in name only and insisted that in practice he has been marginalized and treated as "lesser than" the "real royals".

I am genuinely curious: After everything that has come to light since August (including but not limited to the diplomatic passport, the 2023 police counseling session ordered from "above my f***ing pay grade", Crown Prince Haakon masterfully turning the tables on a journalist to close down a question about Marius's embarrassing money-in-pants photo and, far from trying to disown Marius, acknowledging at the same press conference that they were "close", and King Harald V only removing Marius from the Royal Family by removing four other people at the same time and stating that Marius and Durek were not the reason for the move), are there still royal watchers who believe that Marius has not enjoyed a level of royal treatment at least commensurate with the Behn daughters? Are there royal watchers who still believe that Crown Prince Haakon and King Harald V have not loved and cared for him like their own (grand)child?

As far as I can tell, the only major differences between Marius Borg Høiby's and Prince Sverre Magnus's treatment as members of the Royal Family have been Magnus's title and right to the throne, Magnus being sent to a ritzy international school, and Magnus's future opportunities to perform official duties. I think recent revelations have made it abundantly clear that Marius Borg Høiby has zero interest in cutting ribbons for his country, and he also does not seem the type to care whether he is being given an elite education (and besides, Marius did go on to an elite sports school for high school). As for his lack of a title, it does not seem to have prevented everyone in Norway, including his social circle and the police, from seeing him as someone with royal status anyway. There certainly are differences in their levels of privilege, but apart from the chance of becoming king, just how much "lesser than" has Marius really been treated as in comparison even to Prince Sverre Magnus – let alone in comparison to Maud, Leah, and Emma Behn?
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A general comment: While reading critical comments directed towards the Royal House or Crown Prince Couple for potentially shielding or enabling Marius Borg Høiby by their actions or inactions, I have been wondering if one upside of the recent saga might be to vanquish any doubts about whether Marius was fully incorporated into and embraced by the "blood" royals.

There has always been a subset of royal watchers (I am not talking about this forum) who, despite the warm family photoshoots, the King designating Marius an official member of the Royal Family from 2006 to 2024 etc., continued to believe that Marius's royal status was in name only and insisted that in practice he has been marginalized and treated as "lesser than" the "real royals".

I am genuinely curious: After everything that has come to light since August (including but not limited to the diplomatic passport, the 2023 police counseling session ordered from "above my f***ing pay grade", Crown Prince Haakon masterfully turning the tables on a journalist to close down a question about Marius's embarrassing money-in-pants photo and, far from trying to disown Marius, acknowledging at the same press conference that they were "close", and King Harald V only removing Marius from the Royal Family by removing four other people at the same time and stating that Marius and Durek were not the reason for the move), are there still royal watchers who believe that Marius has not enjoyed a level of royal treatment at least commensurate with the Behn daughters? Are there royal watchers who still believe that Crown Prince Haakon and King Harald V have not loved and cared for him like their own (grand)child?

As far as I can tell, the only major differences between Marius Borg Høiby's and Prince Sverre Magnus's treatment as members of the Royal Family have been Magnus's title and right to the throne, Magnus being sent to a ritzy international school, and Magnus's future opportunities to perform official duties. I think recent revelations have made it abundantly clear that Marius Borg Høiby has zero interest in cutting ribbons for his country, and he also does not seem the type to care whether he is being given an elite education (and besides, Marius did go on to an elite sports school for high school). As for his lack of a title, it does not seem to have prevented everyone in Norway, including his social circle and the police, from seeing him as someone with royal status anyway. There certainly are differences in their levels of privilege, but apart from the chance of becoming king, just how much "lesser than" has Marius really been treated as in comparison even to Prince Sverre Magnus – let alone in comparison to Maud, Leah, and Emma Behn?
Was there ever any doubt that they loved Marius as their own flesh and blood?
After all they've known him since he was a small child.

The NRF sure have their faults but not being a loving family is not among them.

If anything the NRF have been too harmony-seeking, over-indulgent, conflict-shunning and too consensus-seeking. No one can be in doubt that the NRF consists mainly of good and kind-hearted people.
That is essentially good qualities to have - in archetypical American middle-class sitcoms, that always have a happy ending. But when exploited by people in the real world, having only such qualities fall short.
To put it bluntly: Both King Harald and Haakon lack a ruthless streak, to be brought out when needed. - That might have made them less likable though.

Well, the meek shall inherit the Earth. - That is, if the rest of you don't mind...
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The Crown Prince Couple's no-comment responses to questions about Marius Borg Høiby on the last day of their county tour of Trøndelag:

On the police's concern that Marius was connected to criminal circles:

Crown Prince Haakon: "We don't think it would be natural or right for us to go into the matter. So we're not going to say anything more about the questions you're raising."

On when they knew about the police's conversation with Marius last year:

Crown Princess Mette-Marit: "Out of consideration for everyone involved in this case, we don't wish to comment on it for now. I hope you understand. That's not to say we won't do so later, but just as the situation is now, out of consideration for all those involved and us as a family, we don't wish to comment on it for now. I understand very well that you have many questions, that you are trying to do your job, but that's how it is right now, and we ask for your understanding on that."

On the criticism she has received for not commenting:

Crown Princess Mette-Marit: "I'm fine with the criticism." [I am not sure if that sentence is correctly translated.]

Well, in contrast to their formerly over-protective-and-defensive nature with the media and Marius, they now seem calm and professional about it all. Perhaps recognizing they cannot cover for him anymore. Which must be a painful relief?
I apologize to @LadyFinn, as I somehow overlooked that she posted the same article in an earlier post, or perhaps posts were merged after I saw it.

Well, in contrast to their formerly over-protective-and-defensive nature with the media and Marius, they now seem calm and professional about it all. Perhaps recognizing they cannot cover for him anymore. Which must be a painful relief?

Yes, it's certainly a major (and welcome in my view) change of attitude, and it must be a relief to the media and public, at least.

From time to time while reading speculations about what the couple might or should have done to protect their older son's girlfriends, I've flashed back to their statement published on the official Palace website in 2018 (a year after Marius officially retired from public life) scolding Se og Hør for "violating the peace of private life with extremely unfortunate use of headlines and layout" by identifying Juliane Snekkestad as Marius's (then) new girlfriend with the headline "love with Playboy model". I'm sure the crown princely couple had little idea what the future would hold, but it seems quite ironic now in the knowledge that Juliane would suffer far more serious "violations of the peace of private life" than a crude but factually accurate headline.

The police promised an update to Marius' case yesterday. They didn't gave it.

Now VG has new information:
According to VG, Marius was again arrested by the police on Friday evening.
VG hasn't got contact to police attorney Andreas Kruszewski in the Oslo police district, who is handling the case.
- If it concerns the Høiby case, we will give an update on the status during the day. Don't have a time as of now, writes police press manager Unni Grøndahl in a text message to VG.
Marius' defender Øyvind Bratlien doesn't want to comment.
The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen stated to VG just before 10.00 today that she hadn't received information that Marius had been arrested.
If Marius breaks the restraining order, he can be punished with fines or imprisonment. The police may also consider imposing a reverse violence alarm on him.

So we will obviously hear today, if VG has got the right information.
EDIT: Yes, VG had right.

Marius Borg Høiby has been arrested again, the police write that in a press release.
- During the morning we will return to information about the background to the arrest, in addition to the status of the case in general, the police write.
According to NRK, Marius has been charged with breaching a restraining order. NRK is informed that the arrest took place in Innlandet.
Marius is now in central detention in Oslo, according to NRK's information.
- PST is aware of the arrest. Beyond that, we have no comment, says senior adviser Eirik Veum to NRK.

The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen confirms to Dagbladet that she is not aware of the arrest.
Larsen says that neither she nor her client has reported Marius for breaching the restraining order.
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