King Felipe's Current Events 5, May 2022-June 2024

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Here's a video:

King Felipe today also presided over the opening ceremony of the 2022/2023 University Course, he received Dimitri S. Kerkentzes, Secretary General of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE), accompanied by a delegation from that organization and he attended the VIII edition of the "Jaime Fernández de Araoz Award for Corporate Finance":

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King Felipe visited the Central Command and Control Group (GRUCEMAC), the Space Surveillance Operations Center (COVE) and the Center for Aerospace Observation Systems (CESAEROB) this morning, September 27:

** casareal photos ** casareal **

This evening King Felipe delivered the “2022 Influential Awards” in Madrid:

** casareal photos ** casareal **

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King Felipe received the President of the Supreme Court and of the General Council of the Judiciary, Carlos Lesmes Serrano, for the presentation of the annual report 2021 today, September 28:

** rex gallery ** casareal **

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King Felipe as Honorary President of the CEDE Foundation-Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives presided over the institutional act of the "XXI Conference of CEDE Directors" this year entitled "The manager facing the transition to a new world":

** casareal photos ** casareal **

In the afternoon King Felipe presided over the inauguration of the Foro La Toja 2022:

** casareal **

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King Felipe hosted the 8th edition of the "Enrique V. Iglesias for the development of the Ibero-American business space" awards at the Royal Palace today, September 30:

** gtresnews gallery ** casareal **

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Here are two videos of today:
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This morning, October 7, King Felipe received representatives of the organization "SOMOS Community Care":

** casareal **

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King Felipe presided over the opening of the academic year of the Royal Academies in Madrid this evening, October 10:

** casareal ** gtresnews gallery **

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King Felipe presented the 2021 National Prize for Sociology and Political Science to the Professor of Sociology at the Carlos III University, Constanza Tobío Soler, he received Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission, and he met the he Board of Trustees of the Carlos de Antwerp Foundation today, October 11:

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King Felipe presided over the inauguration of the 60th edition of the Barcelona International Boat Show today, October 13:

** casareal photos ** casareal **

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King Felipe presided over the inauguration of the First Academic Course of the University Training Center of the National Police in Ávila today, October 24:

** casareal photos ** casareal **

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King Felipe attended the 7th edition of the Global Youth Leadership Forum in Santander today, October 25:

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King Felipe met participants in the programme to strengthen the Public Function in Latin America, with the Organizing Committee of the National Congress of Civil Society and with members of the Higher Corps of Actuaries, Statisticians and Economists of the Social Security Admin for audiences today, November 2:

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King Felipe received US congressmen who traveled to Madrid to participate in the Congress “Transatlantic Capital to Capital Exchange” today, November 10:

** casareal **

And this evening King Felipe attended a dinner marking the Annual Conference of the International Committee of Museums and Collections of Modern Art in Palma, Mallorca:

** casareal ** gtresnews gallery **
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This morning, November 11, King Felipe attended the inauguration of the 54th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Committee of Museums and Collections of Modern Art in Palma, Mallorca:

** gtresnews gallery ** casareal **

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Today, November 18, King Felipe received a group of officers commemorating their 40th anniversary of graduation from the Military Academies as well as a group of colonels and ship captains:

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