General News for the Wales Family 2: March 2024-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The body double conspiracy theories are now getting beyond ridiculous!
Most of this is ridiculous! Kate had some surgery that we may or may not hear about in the future and Charles has cancer is getting treated for it. That's it, no more no less. I wish that all this craziness would stop. It's actually making the media and social media look stupid.

I think that sadly happens a lot. Not only medical institutions but also at banks, the tax office etc. I remember a case from 2022 in the Netherlands where a 23 y/o employee of the mental health services was found guilty & was sentenced for searching for information of friends, family and celebrities. It seems rather curious that people risk their carreer for this (apart from having no moral hesitations about the matter).
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a financial motive. Newspapers will pay a fortune for a good story, and it can be very tempting.
Of course, others may simply be curious, and have no intention of cashing in.
I work in a lab and we get blood samples from family doctors, pediatricians ... and the local hospital we're connected to. If I wanted to I could out any HIV positiv person in the county with just a click into the system . People being interested in somebody's medical history doesn't mean they have a right to them.
Precisely. I once handled the account of a Major League Baseball player - and not some benchwarmer but a recognizable player who was a starter for his team - and had access to not just his annual income, assets & expenses (which, theoretically, for any customer could include health care benefits or costs) but also his SSN, address (present and past), number of dependents, marital status, etc. Everyone gets annual privacy training in my industry, as happens in the healthcare industry, and we are constantly reminded about different levels of information and especially protecting sensitive personal information. There is a lot we could learn or know about our clients and none of it is anything that I would be allowed to reveal to anyone outside of our organization - and even within our organization, the question always needs to be asked "does this person have a business need to know?"

This information breach against Kate is a significant attack on her basic, human right to privacy and I'm appalled that anyone working at the London Clinic would be willing to violate that for any reason.
Precisely. I once handled the account of a Major League Baseball player - and not some benchwarmer but a recognizable player who was a starter for his team - and had access to not just his annual income, assets & expenses (which, theoretically, for any customer could include health care benefits or costs) but also his SSN, address (present and past), number of dependents, marital status, etc. Everyone gets annual privacy training in my industry, as happens in the healthcare industry, and we are constantly reminded about different levels of information and especially protecting sensitive personal information. There is a lot we could learn or know about our clients and none of it is anything that I would be allowed to reveal to anyone outside of our organization - and even within our organization, the question always needs to be asked "does this person have a business need to know?"

This information breach against Kate is a significant attack on her basic, human right to privacy and I'm appalled that anyone working at the London Clinic would be willing to violate that for any reason.

It’s appalling, but not shocking sadly. It’s also exceedingly stupid.

I think that sadly happens a lot. Not only medical institutions but also at banks, the tax office etc. I remember a case from 2022 in the Netherlands where a 23 y/o employee of the mental health services was found guilty & was sentenced for searching for information of friends, family and celebrities. It seems rather curious that people risk their carreer for this (apart from having no moral hesitations about the matter).

A member of my family works at the hospital where Michael Schumacher was taken after his terrible skiing accident and she said that some others workers had gone reading his medical record on the hospital's internal IT service when they were not treating him. So I am not all surprised that someone tried to get access to the PoW's medical record. I wholeheartedly disapprove but it is alas no surprise to me.
My sister is a physician and there are systems in place to make sure that not everyone can see everything. For example, you have to prove that you are or will be in the future on that patient's care team. You will be penalized if you are "caught" doing random look-ins on someone's account. It may take time, but trust me -- you will be caught and penalized -- including being fired!
Everything is need to know in public services like health and education. The systems would have levels of clearance and passwords and the lot. Whoever it was may not have known that or that traffic is monitored and what you look at monitored. Awful for her. Absolute madness.
I don't know how things works legally but I hope Rose can sue Colbert.
I imagine that will be difficult. His ticket out -as it is for magazines or online publications and such- is that he simply referred to internet rumours, which is not untrue.
I hope not. I don't think giving the story more oxygen by having long drawn litigation is the way forward.
Personally, I think she should make the source of the story bleed. People will believe what they want anyway--if if I were her and I can afford to have lawyers on it, I'd rather be on record of having fought back on something so untrue and damaging. I wouldn't be after money, but an admission from the originating tabloid that the story was completely fabricated. Rose is not a member of the Royal Family and is under no obligation to "never explain, never complain."
Personally, I think she should make the source of the story bleed. People will believe what they want anyway--if if I were her and I can afford to have lawyers on it, I'd rather be on record of having fought back on something so untrue and damaging. I wouldn't be after money, but an admission from the originating tabloid that the story was completely fabricated. Rose is not a member of the Royal Family and is under no obligation to "never explain, never complain."
I think such a course of action is quite unbritish. And people who do go on this course often win the battle but lose the war.
I like the late Queen's motto, Never complain or explain. a lot of people really need to get a life. So what if they photoshop, what difference does it make. A tiny weeny bit of sleeve. My goodness, what terrible state secrets was that bit of sleeve hiding. leave them alone and go for a walk around the block in the open air. Thee whingers will feel a lot better and some people may get a little peace.
Why? A comedian making a joke about Internet rumors isn't a lawsuit.
I think the comedian has plenty to keep him occupied with the forthcoming American elections. Or making jokes about your home country is maybe not acceptable, but it is acceptable to run down people and families that do not affect you, conveniently forgetting that they have children who can hear / read all this. Vile people.
My thoughts entirely. I couldn’t believe when the BBC chose to treat it as one of their leading stories with the catastrophes which are currently taking place around the world relegated to a lower slot. They even had a reporter at the farm shop where the video was filmed. This story is not newsworthy and definitely not in the public interest.
The BBC is running another story on their website, the excuse is to let people understand how things go wild in Social Media. Unbelievable
I think the comedian has plenty to keep him occupied with the forthcoming American elections. Or making jokes about your home country is maybe not acceptable, but it is acceptable to run down people and families that do not affect you, conveniently forgetting that they have children who can hear / read all this. Vile people.
Agreed. He’s a comedian. It’s actually NOT funny to “joke” about internet based affair rumors. These are real people with real families and real lives. Or is that somehow forgotten?

The problem is that lots of people do believe these things, even BBC reporters are calling the Windsor photograph a fake, and I do not think it is right for any child of a famous person to hear and read things about their parents. That is why it is so dangerous for untruths to be spouted as jokes. Fair enough make jokes about the truth if that is your preference, William knows what it is like to grow up with the media, comedians etc all saying things about your parents, then facing people at school, and I am sure he does not want that for his children especially when it is untrue. IMO that is why William tries to draw a line between his private and working lives.
By the way you have yet to see me over react, even a touch.
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You are right Have I got New for You will joke about all this as well, and I will not think that is right either. The point I was trying to make is there is a difference between joking
( whoever makes the jokes) about real events, or behaviours even political policies or royal speeches, and making jokes about the personal lives of individuals where there is no evidence that any of what you are saying is true . That is a dangerous road to go down, because people believe it. Especially when you know they will not respond.
I think it is also unfair as the victim of this particular comedy routine, has been unwell, we are not sure how serious but still unwell, so I find it all rather crue[.....] I dislike cruel humour.
I am sure we can agree to disagree on this .It all makes up lives tapestries.
I sure if we dug enough we would find clips of past late night host making jokes about Charles, Diana and Camilla in the 1980s and 1990s.

Colbert didn’t say that they were true just that they were internet rumors and then made jokes which are written by writers. Late Night hosts typically make jokes about the news of the day national and international. Colbert made jokes about a husband of an Italian Politician awhile back who was having an affair.

If it was a cable news host leading with it and saying or taking as is were true without evidence then yes I could understand.
I sure if we dug enough we would find clips of past late night host making jokes about Charles, Diana and Camilla in the 1980s and 1990s.

Colbert didn’t say that they were true just that they were internet rumors and then made jokes which are written by writers. Late Night hosts typically make jokes about the news of the day national and international. Colbert made jokes about a husband of an Italian Politician awhile back who was having an affair.

If it was a cable news host leading with it and saying or taking as is were true without evidence then yes I could understand.
I don't doubt there were plenty of comedy monologues that included jokes about Charles, Diana and Camilla, but I'd also bet that those jokes didn't start until after the affairs were publicly confirmed. Your example of the Italian politician? Again, was the joke made while it was only a rumor circulating around on social media or did it come after there was an admission or evidence to support the rumor's accuracy had surfaced?

Let's stop being so disingenuous as to say that Colbert is merely delivering the lines written by others. While the show certainly has a writing staff who work hard to craft the jokes he is part of that team and isn't delivering them cold and with no input. That's not how it works on these shows.
I don't know how things works legally but I hope Rose can sue Colbert.
If Rose knows best she would leave it alone and let it die out. Colbert is just one of many American late night comedians. He has no real influence.

Furthermore, this debacle has shown the power of the internet and social media. The last thing the Wales' need is internet sleuths digging into things and giving legs to any possibility of there being an affair between Rose and the PoW.
If Rose knows best she would leave it alone and let it die out. Colbert is just one of many American late night comedians. He has no real influence.

Furthermore, this debacle has shown the power of the internet and social media. The last thing the Wales' need is internet sleuths digging into things and giving legs to any possibility of there being an affair between Rose and the PoW.
It will never die because there are people out there who hate Kate and use this affair rumour as their favourite weapon. They've been doing that for the last almost 5 years.
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