General News for the Cambridge Family Part 3: March 2017-September 2022

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There are boundaries in place to protect the children from being relentlessly papped in the UK and most of the time the papers stick to it 100%. The recent photos of the kids with Kate that were online and in overseas media weren't published by any UK media.

The Sun still has the pictures up on their website so it's possible that KP agreed to them being released as they didn't really show any of the kids faces clearly. They have done that on occasion IIRC.

If the Cambridges are unhappy then they probably will report them to IPSO.

I do feel sorry for them that there's always the possibility of a private family outing ending up online but it actually ending up in the papers is rare these days so there's a chance the Sun had permission to do so.
Why do you all think this is acceptable? Yes, they're in public but the press has differentiated between occasions with an expectation of privacy, like this, the photos of Kate and the children picking up school supplies, the school run etc and the occasions where consent has been given for photos, such as the polo outings.

There is NO "in the public interest" defence for photos like these and I hope the Sun is reported to OFCOM. Interestingly, so far the Mail online has reported the story but not shown the photo, which I take to mean they're uncertain about breaching what seemed to be a press concensus on what's acceptable and what's not regarding the children.

Imagine never being able to be yourself because some scumbag is intent on making money off your children.

I am in complete agreement. I was disappointed (and surprised) to see these pictures printed, even in The Sun, and surprised that it took as long as it did for a poster here to voice the problem.
There are boundaries in place to protect the children from being relentlessly papped in the UK and most of the time the papers stick to it 100%. The recent photos of the kids with Kate that were online and in overseas media weren't published by any UK media.

The Sun still has the pictures up on their website so it's possible that KP agreed to them being released as they didn't really show any of the kids faces clearly. They have done that on occasion IIRC.

If the Cambridges are unhappy then they probably will report them to IPSO.

I do feel sorry for them that there's always the possibility of a private family outing ending up online but it actually ending up in the papers is rare these days so there's a chance the Sun had permission to do so.

I doubt it. Remember the blurry photo of the Cambridges on a walk meeting the Wessexes during the high of lockdown? Similar to that photos, I don't think they even ask the palace on whether they're "allowed" to publish it.

It's a bad move if KP did give them "permission". What about the other papers? Because if they gave one OK for one papers, means it's OK for the other publication then it's open season for the paps to hunt pictures of the kids.
I am in complete agreement. I was disappointed (and surprised) to see these pictures printed, even in The Sun, and surprised that it took as long as it did for a poster here to voice the problem.

I am going to play devils advocate here, I had read an article about the pub meal but I only saw a photograph because I clicked on to a link on this forum.
I doubt it. Remember the blurry photo of the Cambridges on a walk meeting the Wessexes during the high of lockdown? Similar to that photos, I don't think they even ask the palace on whether they're "allowed" to publish it.

It's a bad move if KP did give them "permission". What about the other papers? Because if they gave one OK for one papers, means it's OK for the other publication then it's open season for the paps to hunt pictures of the kids.

No I doubt they did for the lockdown walk one. And the media could certainly get away with claiming that was in the "national interest" if the royals complained, even though it wasn't really. Just like they did with a lot of celebrities as well.

I have no idea if they were "allowed" to print them. The only reason I suggested that they might be is that the UK press is generally good about following the rules with the kids and even the adults off duty and if/when they break them KP is good about getting them taken down and they're still up almost 24 hours later. This is the first pap/public pic we've had of them in Norfolk in years. Usually it's just descriptions of what they've been up to.

Of course they may have just decided it's not worth it.
I checked online today - 28th, 1.10pm in the UK - and couldn't find the Sun photo. The Sun's US edition has the story but now has the same old photo that the Mail used, so maybe action has been taken. I hope so.
As for the photos, I don't think it's one that William and Catherine would get upset about but I do see your point and it's a very valid one.

As for never having to be themselves, this family (the adults mostly) are professionals when it comes to their "public facade". They most likely put it on the minute they leave privacy automatically by now.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say they can’t be themselves when they’re in public. The children are well behaved but, off the top of my head, I can remember Charlotte having a meltdown as a toddler while boarding a plane, George getting a bit of a telling off from his mother, I think at someone’s wedding, and George and one of his cousins goofing around during an appearance on the balcony one year. The Cambridges probably put more effort than most parents do into emphasizing good behaviour and manners from an early age, but I think they’re broadly doing what most parents do by enforcing the idea that there are different standards of behaviour in different situations. I don’t get the sense that the kids have been led to believe they have to be perfect or somehow unnatural whenever they leave the house, and William and Catherine don’t seem to go overboard in policing their behaviour.

The issue of the family being photographed in public is tricky. They seem to have settled into a relationship with the British press that everyone involved can live with, but it’s an issue that’s going to require ongoing fine tuning and attention, especially as the children get older.
"As for never having to be themselves, this family (the adults mostly) are professionals when it comes to their "public facade". They most likely put it on the minute they leave privacy automatically by now."

I'm sure that's true but no 8 year old, 6 year old and 2 year old should have to learn that lesson.

Why not? Childrne should be taught how to behave in public and for kids who are definitely going to be photographed at times during their life, even during childhood, its all the more improtant to learn
Judging by their clothes they must be heading to a sunny destination.
Why not? Childrne should be taught how to behave in public and for kids who are definitely going to be photographed at times during their life, even during childhood, its all the more improtant to learn

But there's a difference between having good manners and having to expect that every time you're in public someone might take advantage of you to invade your privacy and that therefore you can never feel at ease just being yourself.

It's like the people who said the children had plenty of space in the private grounds of their residences and so should stay there and not complain if they were papped outside. Seriously?

I'm glad to see the airport pictures are being removed but I wonder why the boundaries are now being tested by the Press. I hope this can be nipped in the bud.
well that's life for a senior royal. There is always going to be someone trying to take your picture...I htink that Will and Kate are ready to protect their children's privacy as much as they can but unless the monarchy vanishes, they are public figures....
I supposed that those pictures were not long for this world. Like winifred, though, I am perplexed about this new pushing of boundaries. The times that these rules have been breached since 1997 can almost be counted on one hand; it is now twice in two or three months. To be worth that much rocking of the boat for a mere few hours of clicks, something deeper must be afoot.
I supposed that those pictures were not long for this world. Like winifred, though, I am perplexed about this new pushing of boundaries. The times that these rules have been breached since 1997 can almost be counted on one hand; it is now twice in two or three months. To be worth that much rocking of the boat for a mere few hours of clicks, something deeper must be afoot.

The children are getting older, and we’re coming off a couple of years of relatively low visibility for them due to COVID restrictions, so the timing seems about right for some part of the press to test boundaries just to see what they can get away with.

After Diana’s death I think the press was pretty cowed by the public outrage over the part paparazzi had supposedly played in the accident, and therefore William and Harry’s privacy was almost sacrosanct until they finished school. The tabloid press will be more casual with the privacy of the Cambridge children, I suspect.
I wonder where the picture was taken. We know they went on a holiday a few weeks ago. Looks like the middle east judging from the background. Maybe Jordan?
I wonder where the picture was taken. We know they went on a holiday a few weeks ago. Looks like the middle east judging from the background. Maybe Jordan?

As per the ever "reliable" Twitter, the picture was taken in Jordan.
I wonder where the picture was taken. We know they went on a holiday a few weeks ago. Looks like the middle east judging from the background. Maybe Jordan?

Yes I understand that the photo was taken in Jordan. ? This is a lovely family photo and I'm glad that the children can see the country where their mother, aunt and grandparents lived when Catherine was young.
A Christmas card taken in (a cave? rock house? overhang) Jordan is actually pretty thematic. As well as being a lovely picture and hopefully an opportunity to explore a very beautiful country.

I wonder if they spent any time with any Jordanian royals? It's not been an easy year for the Hashemites
I feel it's rather tasteless to release a card taken on a foreign holiday when so many British families missed out on theirs because of Covid, mine included.
didn't they call out it's staycation time this year, too?
I don't think it was such a wise choice to have this card. One taken in the UK would have been nicer and had shown more empathy.
Just my opinion of course.
didn't they call out it's staycation time this year, too?
I don't think it was such a wise choice to have this card. One taken in the UK would have been nicer and had shown more empathy.
Just my opinion of course.

What differences does it make? If they went away and didn't say anything about it, it would look like they were hiding it. It is legal to go for hols abroad...and other Brits do it.
Plenty of people went abroad this year and plenty stayed at home, we already knew that the Cambridges had done both. The holiday companies are *still* advertising like mad for non UK travel despite Omicron.
Lovely picture! Love this family to bits. And I find nothing wrong with their trip. I didn't travel in 2020 (except January before Covid), because there was no vaccines and lack of information. But 2021 proved to be a year where people tried to live their lives despite the pandemic. I also travelled abroad and within my country. I always followed the rules and nothing bad happened. As long as you follow the country's rules, and be vaccinated and tested for Covid, then I see nothing wrong in travelling (if there are planes and borders are open).
Wonderful picture (it seems Catherine and Charlotte really love to wear dresses also in private). I wonder whether this picture was taken in Wadi Rum (wandered through that desert for 3 days myself about 15 years ago)...

And I agree with TLLK that it is lovely that the children get to know a bit more about their mother's life (and William about his wife's) by visiting the country in which she partly grew up.
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I feel it's rather tasteless to release a card taken on a foreign holiday when so many British families missed out on theirs because of Covid, mine included.

I don't think so. Kind of reminds me of being chastised by mom for not eating my vegetables as a kid. "Think of all the starving children in China that don't have vegetables" was the rebuke. Whether the Cambridges staycationed or vacationed would have no effect on the lives of anyone else besides themselves. If they were able to take this trip, then good for them.

I love the photo. It seems every time we get a family pictures that the kids have grown by leaps and bounds. George seems to be a William mini me and Charlotte has the signs of being a really beautiful girl as she grows older. Now with Louis and my dimming eyesight, I thought he was George at first then realized how much they've all grown.

The Cambridge family definitely has the aura around them that Elizabeth and Bertie did with their two children only with the Cambridges, it's "us five". ?
General News for the Cambridge Family Part 3: March 2017

Lovely family photo.

I almost didn’t recognize Louis!

Charlotte looks so much like William. Loved her dress. So super cute.

Since they could go abroad this year, I’m glad they did. Take the opportunities to go and do when you can imo. You never know what’s going to happen.
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I think it's a lovely picture. There was no reason for them not to travel abroad - if this was taken a few weeks ago, the only requirement would have been for them to be tested on returning to the UK (and whatever the rules for entering Jordan are), which I'm sure they did.
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