General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 20: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Very nice, the changes are taking place.
DRF shared the news on Instagram as well, you can see the plaque
I was wondering when/if this was going to happen. Quite a lot of things needing to be handled bts that many don't realize or even think of having to be done. One more change is now completed.
"From the Royal Lodge in the Opera, Their Majesties the King and Queen attended the premiere of the Royal Theater's production of Handel's oratorio Saul on Wednesday evening 🎭
Saul is the Old Testament story of the Israelites' first king, who, out of envy and fear of losing power, wants to destroy the young David, who has won the people's favor after killing the giant Goliath.
During the break, the royal couple had the opportunity to greet the team behind the set-up and theater manager Kasper Holten."

@Muhler , look they took turns keeping their hands in their pockets ; )
Yes, Queen Mary is very much her husband's wife...

On another note, while they were in the opera, or rather when they entered their box (or whatever you call it, Google translate doesn't know) it's tradition that the audience rise. A personage took the opportunity to shout: "Republic now!" He was quickly silenced with a barrage of booing from the rest of the audience.
Well, he can get away with it here and let's be grateful for that. In other countries with self-proclaimed tzars he would likely be regretting this big time now!
You know, FX always looks like he's choking himself when he wears scarves like that. At least he looks warm. I'd hate for him to catch a chill. LOL. He should have matched QMary and put his glasses on. ;)
I know what you mean. Either Frederik doesn't wear clothes well or he has the worst tailors in the world. Unless he's in military uniform or casual clothes, he looks like he's wearing clothes two sizes too small and he's bursting out of them.

I suspect that those most affected had way more notice than a few days. I recall a report that stated that Margrethe gave a few days notice regarding some aspect, but I did not interpret that to mean that that was the first notice. Forget Fred and Mary, that would have been an absolute disservice to Christian to have him become the Crown Prince with all that entails.with only a few days notice.
I have to think that the abdication was in planning for a months, so it was probably just a matter of Margrethe announcing the exact date. She and Frederik seemed to have been working pretty closely in recent years.
Yes, Queen Mary is very much her husband's wife...

On another note, while they were in the opera, or rather when they entered their box (or whatever you call it, Google translate doesn't know) it's tradition that the audience rise. A personage took the opportunity to shout: "Republic now!" He was quickly silenced with a barrage of booing from the rest of the audience.
Well, he can get away with it here and let's be grateful for that. In other countries with self-proclaimed tzars he would likely be regretting this big time now!

It's good to see that most Danes support having a monarchy and rather roundly told that gentleman to stuff it. There is a time and a place to voice your opinion on how your country should be run, and that's not it.

I know what you mean. Either Frederik doesn't wear clothes well or he has the worst tailors in the world. Unless he's in military uniform or casual clothes, he looks like he's wearing clothes two sizes too small and he's bursting out of them.

I rather disagree. I think Frederik wears most clothes very well, and I don't mind if they're a little more closely fitted. I'm just not a fan of scarves knotted right beneath the chin. It looks uncomfortable. LOL
"King Frederik and Queen Mary have gone on an Easter holiday abroad with Crown Prince Christian, 18, Princess Isabella, 16, Prince Vincent, 13, and Princess Josephine, 13.
The Royal House's Communications Department confirms to HER&NU that Queen Margrethe is head of state, as the royal family is on a private stay abroad in connection with Easter."
"King Frederik and Queen Mary have gone on an Easter holiday abroad with Crown Prince Christian, 18, Princess Isabella, 16, Prince Vincent, 13, and Princess Josephine, 13.
The Royal House's Communications Department confirms to HER&NU that Queen Margrethe is head of state, as the royal family is on a private stay abroad in connection with Easter."
This is what... the 3rd time in 3 months Queen Margrethe has stepped in as regent since abdicating? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

King Frederik's vacationing seems a bit excessive to me, but I don't know Denmark's culture and relationship with their monarch - they may not even care.
I guess that's an important difference between Europe and the USA. Europeans very much value their vacation time and have many more days off than most Americans (only 10-15 paid vacation days a year sounds very unhealthy from a European perspective). So, I don't think that the Danes are concerned that the family spends time together during the school holidays of the children, rather the contrary.

I think it is the second time, Margrethe is stepping in as rigsforstander. Christian also stepped in as regent when his father was abroad on an official visit.
"King Frederik and Queen Mary have gone on an Easter holiday abroad with Crown Prince Christian, 18, Princess Isabella, 16, Prince Vincent, 13, and Princess Josephine, 13.
The Royal House's Communications Department confirms to HER&NU that Queen Margrethe is head of state, as the royal family is on a private stay abroad in connection with Easter."
Good for them. Spending time with the kids during their teenage years is also very important. They always take time off during the kids' Easter holidays. And, it is only a week...not like it is a month holiday off or anything. In fact, so far this year they have not taken any more time off than they've always done during winter and Easter holidays.
This is what... the 3rd time in 3 months Queen Margrethe has stepped in as regent since abdicating? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

King Frederik's vacationing seems a bit excessive to me, but I don't know Denmark's culture and relationship with their monarch - they may not even care.

It's a school holiday. It sure would have been nice when my sister and I were younger if we could have gone somewhere on vacation during our school holidays, but our parents weren't the King and Queen of the United States, so it wasn't an option.

Considering this is only the second time they've traveled as a family since the abdication, it's not the end of the world. FX and QMary do a great deal of work otherwise, and if they want to spend the time the kids are away from school out of Denmark and maybe somewhere what?
Yep. Two times since he is King. Winter holidays during the kids school holidays and now for Easter also school holidays. The kids, even young teenagers, need family time and togetherness.
Life changes in an instance.

Christian was regent in January while Frederik was on an already scheduled official business trip to Poland. Mary was suppose to join him, but now as Regent couple their first official trip abroad per tradition is to Sweden and Norway. May will be quite busy with the Royal Run taking place too.
This is what... the 3rd time in 3 months Queen Margrethe has stepped in as regent since abdicating? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

King Frederik's vacationing seems a bit excessive to me, but I don't know Denmark's culture and relationship with their monarch - they may not even care.
We don't care, because it's normal. The school winter holiday is always in week #7 and many families go on vacation during that week. Many people take time off during the three days before Easter, especially if they have children and as such get an extended week of holiday. I'd say about a third of my colleagues are taking off next week.
Family time is very much a priority here. So in that respect FX&QM are seen as normal parents but also as model-parents because they prioritize their family-life.
And as their lives has changed quite a bit since they the Regent Couple, it's also seen as a good thing that they are aware and careful about giving their children attention especially the twins during the often tumultuous teen-years.
As we all know, you can give your children gifts and all sorts of stuff but what they really treasure is quality time with their parents (or anyone else who truly care for them).
King Frederik has also made it very clear that family-time is a priority. Period!

All Danish employees are by law entitled to 25 days of paid holidays and you are are expected to use them, otherwise you may risk losing them altogether. The money allocated to these holidays are paid by the employer and constitute the equivalent of 12½ % of your salary
On top of that after a certain period of employment most (today de facto all) employees are entitled to five additional paid days off. They were originally intended as days to be used for doctors appointments, visiting the vet, the "car's first sick-day" and other things where you would otherwise take a day off. But as so much is done online nowadays most use several of these five days for periods when things are say a little quiet at work.
Apart from that there is a mandatory employer-paid disposal account that is the equivalent of 7-11% of your salary (it depend on the type of employment) which cover holidays that fall on a weekday (During Easter that's three days covered by this account.) which means you get your normal salary these days. - Once there holidays are covered, you can use the money for whatever you want: Convert them into additional days off, or use them for your retirement fund or have them paid out to you. By next year that will roughly constitute an additional months of extra salary after taxes for most.
If you have children under the age of 14 and have been employed for a given period you are usually entitled to have the first day off, when you child falls ill. There are a multitude of rules and they may have changed since our children were that young. These days off (within reason of course) are either fully paid or constitute 80% of your salary. - The reason is of course to ensure that future taxpayers are produced in sufficient numbers... The practical reason for the parents is to ensure that they can find time to get someone to look after their child the next days.

All that is to illustrate that family-time is important in DK. As in: I can't find anyone to work for me-important!

In return you get some serious work done, when you are on the job and you also work, even if there are no one to check on you, also at the lowest levels. In fact we prefer not having anyone to check on us, they are in the way and prevent us from getting the work done.

So in that context FX&QM are not taking much time off. The criticism that King Frederik sometimes got when he was a CP was about the amount of work he (seemingly) did or didn't do between holidays, not the holidays he went on.
Interesting, please correct me if I'm wrong but the fact Margrethe is acting as Regent (I know the Danish word is slightly different but can't even attempt it here) doesn't seem to be listed on their official website, as it used to be?
Won't blame you. Try pronounce Rigsforstander and you'll be even more discouraged. :cry:

I can't see it either. Perhaps they'll update tomorrow?

- And talking about words: I can't pronounce refrigerator, even if my life depended on it. My tongue always ends up in impossible places in my mouth when I try. Fortunately you have prudently shortened it to fridge.
It is no longer included in the Calendar on kongehuset since Frederik became king.
We don't care, because it's normal. The school winter holiday is always in week #7 and many families go on vacation during that week. Many people take time off during the three days before Easter, especially if they have children and as such get an extended week of holiday. I'd say about a third of my colleagues are taking off next week.
Family time is very much a priority here. So in that respect FX&QM are seen as normal parents but also as model-parents because they prioritize their family-life.
And as their lives has changed quite a bit since they the Regent Couple, it's also seen as a good thing that they are aware and careful about giving their children attention especially the twins during the often tumultuous teen-years.
As we all know, you can give your children gifts and all sorts of stuff but what they really treasure is quality time with their parents (or anyone else who truly care for them).
King Frederik has also made it very clear that family-time is a priority. Period!

All Danish employees are by law entitled to 25 days of paid holidays and you are are expected to use them, otherwise you may risk losing them altogether. The money allocated to these holidays are paid by the employer and constitute the equivalent of 12½ % of your salary
On top of that after a certain period of employment most (today de facto all) employees are entitled to five additional paid days off. They were originally intended as days to be used for doctors appointments, visiting the vet, the "car's first sick-day" and other things where you would otherwise take a day off. But as so much is done online nowadays most use several of these five days for periods when things are say a little quiet at work.
Apart from that there is a mandatory employer-paid disposal account that is the equivalent of 7-11% of your salary (it depend on the type of employment) which cover holidays that fall on a weekday (During Easter that's three days covered by this account.) which means you get your normal salary these days. - Once there holidays are covered, you can use the money for whatever you want: Convert them into additional days off, or use them for your retirement fund or have them paid out to you. By next year that will roughly constitute an additional months of extra salary after taxes for most.
If you have children under the age of 14 and have been employed for a given period you are usually entitled to have the first day off, when you child falls ill. There are a multitude of rules and they may have changed since our children were that young. These days off (within reason of course) are either fully paid or constitute 80% of your salary. - The reason is of course to ensure that future taxpayers are produced in sufficient numbers... The practical reason for the parents is to ensure that they can find time to get someone to look after their child the next days.

All that is to illustrate that family-time is important in DK. As in: I can't find anyone to work for me-important!

In return you get some serious work done, when you are on the job and you also work, even if there are no one to check on you, also at the lowest levels. In fact we prefer not having anyone to check on us, they are in the way and prevent us from getting the work done.

So in that context FX&QM are not taking much time off. The criticism that King Frederik sometimes got when he was a CP was about the amount of work he (seemingly) did or didn't do between holidays, not the holidays he went on.
Thank you for the insight! My American upbringing influences my views on work culture and vacation time. I always feel like royals in general could be doing more given their comfortable lifestyles, but if Danes aren’t complaining then I’ll leave it alone lol
American work culture is a scourge. We should be more like Europeans when it comes to vacations, maternity/paternity leave, etc. We're conditioned to work until we drop dead because if we don't, we're lazy moochers. It's sick, and it's killing us.
Hate to be the Debbie Downer but I must say, I think M&F's vacation to work ratio since 14 January is looking grim. I mean, sure. Do 3 vacations in 3 months if you have tallied a decent amount of work between. But... have M&F done that? 😬

Mary has had 10 more or less official engagements (12 if we really stretch to include what mainly seemed like semi-private church and theatre visits) spanning over 7 days since the accession. As someone who's deeply fond of Mary, unless it turns out she's been out doing something extracurricular, I genuinely can't justify that for a Queen Consort.

(For comparison – though without doing a more extensive search for engagements not figuring in the official calendar – I see 79-year-old Benedikte who's 10th in line of succession to the throne has tallied 8 engagements over the same span of days...)

BT says Frederik has had 45 official engagements spanning over 24 days – a bit more packed than Mary's calendar due to an official visit (18 engagements) and audiences (5) – but still pretty unimpressive for a total of 67 days (counting from 22 January – the day after Aarhus' celebration of the accession) for a head of state in his prime (fit, healthy and no more small children).

I'm very curious about the reason for the sudden decrease in engagements post-accession. Are they still working out the patronages among QMII, Mary and Frederik? If so, maybe they should prioritise getting that sorted over these so-called "time-outs". I mean, time-outs from what? Doubt anyone's about to get stressed from the current workload 🫣

Combined with a newfound unwillingness from the court to disclose who the regent is... I must say, I don't think this is a good look for the DRF at all.
Hate to be the Debbie Downer but I must say, I think M&F's vacation to work ratio since 14 January is looking grim. I mean, sure. Do 3 vacations in 3 months if you have tallied a decent amount of work between. But... have M&F done that? 😬

Mary has had 10 more or less official engagements (12 if we really stretch to include what mainly seemed like semi-private church and theatre visits) spanning over 7 days since the accession. As someone who's deeply fond of Mary, unless it turns out she's been out doing something extracurricular, I genuinely can't justify that for a Queen Consort.

(For comparison – though without doing a more extensive search for engagements not figuring in the official calendar – I see 79-year-old Benedikte who's 10th in line of succession to the throne has tallied 8 engagements over the same span of days...)

BT says Frederik has had 45 official engagements spanning over 24 days – a bit more packed than Mary's calendar due to an official visit (18 engagements) and audiences (5) – but still pretty unimpressive for a total of 67 days (counting from 22 January – the day after Aarhus' celebration of the accession) for a head of state in his prime (fit, healthy and no more small children).

I'm very curious about the reason for the sudden decrease in engagements post-accession. Are they still working out the patronages among QMII, Mary and Frederik? If so, maybe they should prioritise getting that sorted over these so-called "time-outs". I mean, time-outs from what? Doubt anyone's about to get stressed from the current workload 🫣

Combined with a newfound unwillingness from the court to disclose who the regent is... I must say, I don't think this is a good look for the DRF at all.
Green cheese!
Well, because new bosses tend to spend a lot of time at the office when they are taking over a company?
Because by keeping the abdication secret the then M&F couldn't plan for activities where they act in the capacity of a Regent Couple without risking to expose the whole thing?
Because they prioritize time spend with their children? Who may not even have been informed about the upcoming abdication until the last moment? It's after all also a big change for the children. In particular Christian but to an increasing degree also Isabella, who being the first princess for many years to turn eighteen was already very interesting. It's natural, I think, for children, and here I first and foremost think of Vincent and Josephine, to think: What about us? When both their parents are promoted into a new position that will entail a lot of traveling.
I wonder if Frederik looked back at his own teenage years and remembered what he felt with having absent parents. Perhaps they want to avoid that? - If that's the case then I think it's not only a good thing but also wise. It may help to avoid rebellious behavior or unfortunate behavior simply to get attention.
I would also assume that monarchs nowadays never have 100% holidays. Phones and computers travel with them, they are probably in daily exchange with their staff. We know that the red boxes came to the late QEII on a daily basis. For modern Royals there will be less paper and more digital documents, and that can also be done from a holiday home. It's only that the public doesn't see that.
I think there is a lot of invisible work done,
though red boxes are not really of great importance as the countries are not governed by the RF but the parliaments,
they do exist and want to be opened.
Things not only need to be prepared in the longrun but chosen, structured and directed. A new monarch needs to check a lot of things, modernize or preserve, provide a direction.... plus raising your crown prince and shaping his future aswell PLUS you have a partner and other children.
In Mary's case, her father is in his eighties and living abroad, that alone needs time&travel.
Its easier to make changes when the former monarch is still alive because some will not raise questions as long as the King's mother is still there and supports him. Can easily be seen In GB with Charles and all the sudden critics once HM EII had passed.
But with life between war in Europe and global crisis plus climate change the fact if a K&Q do cut ribbons 3 times a week or less will very soon matter less and lesser.
I get your point Archduchess Zelia and personally will wait&see how it develops.
Hate to be the Debbie Downer but I must say, I think M&F's vacation to work ratio since 14 January is looking grim. I mean, sure. Do 3 vacations in 3 months if you have tallied a decent amount of work between. But... have M&F done that? 😬

Mary has had 10 more or less official engagements (12 if we really stretch to include what mainly seemed like semi-private church and theatre visits) spanning over 7 days since the accession. As someone who's deeply fond of Mary, unless it turns out she's been out doing something extracurricular, I genuinely can't justify that for a Queen Consort.

(For comparison – though without doing a more extensive search for engagements not figuring in the official calendar – I see 79-year-old Benedikte who's 10th in line of succession to the throne has tallied 8 engagements over the same span of days...)

BT says Frederik has had 45 official engagements spanning over 24 days – a bit more packed than Mary's calendar due to an official visit (18 engagements) and audiences (5) – but still pretty unimpressive for a total of 67 days (counting from 22 January – the day after Aarhus' celebration of the accession) for a head of state in his prime (fit, healthy and no more small children).

I'm very curious about the reason for the sudden decrease in engagements post-accession. Are they still working out the patronages among QMII, Mary and Frederik? If so, maybe they should prioritise getting that sorted over these so-called "time-outs". I mean, time-outs from what? Doubt anyone's about to get stressed from the current workload 🫣

Combined with a newfound unwillingness from the court to disclose who the regent is... I must say, I don't think this is a good look for the DRF at all.
I agree with you. They have a very light schedule for a new regent couple, that should be seen and present themselves across the country.
I think they do all this simply because they can and get away with it. In other countries, like Belgium or Spain, they wouldn't dream about an attitude like this (work & towards press), could be out of job very quickly.
The Danes do not seem to mind the light work schedule and generous appanages their RF get and use for a luxury lifestyle out in the open (rather like in the Netherlands). Funny enough, both countries share a dominating old Queen who ran the show rather tightly, a heir who is not known to be diligent worker and a strong consort who overshadows all the shortcomings.
I predict that with time they will run into difficulties because the world has changed and it eventually will change in Denmark too, if the RF does not pay close attention. Therefore, enjoy it while you can!
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I agree with you. They have a very light schedule for a new regent couple, that should be seen and present themselves across the country.
I think they do all this simply because they can and get away with it...

Bunte online, the German tabloid, had a piece recently, citing an article of a large Danish newspaper, in which it was critiziced, that the Danish Royal Couple is going to have a vacation again.

So, their behaviour is not uncontested... At least not in parts of the press.
Well, because new bosses tend to spend a lot of time at the office when they are taking over a company?
Because by keeping the abdication secret the then M&F couldn't plan for activities where they act in the capacity of a Regent Couple without risking to expose the whole thing?
Because they prioritize time spend with their children? Who may not even have been informed about the upcoming abdication until the last moment? It's after all also a big change for the children. In particular Christian but to an increasing degree also Isabella, who being the first princess for many years to turn eighteen was already very interesting. It's natural, I think, for children, and here I first and foremost think of Vincent and Josephine, to think: What about us? When both their parents are promoted into a new position that will entail a lot of traveling.
I wonder if Frederik looked back at his own teenage years and remembered what he felt with having absent parents. Perhaps they want to avoid that? - If that's the case then I think it's not only a good thing but also wise. It may help to avoid rebellious behavior or unfortunate behavior simply to get attention.

I agree. Especially, with Vincent and Josephine. Big changes and they still so young.
Christian and Isabella too.
Nothing wrong with prioritizing family time. I think Frederik in particular knows the hardships of royal teenager and lonely.
2 Vacations in 2 months that are school holidays can't fault them.
They are parents first.

And for many years they were the defecto royal couple doing the brunt of the program for state visits and official visits abroad. Their work rate is fine.
I think some of y'all are making too much of this, particularly those who don't even live in Denmark. The timing of the abdication is what gives the appearance of laziness/do-nothingness. Their kids have had two school holidays since January 14. If QMargrethe abdicated sometime last year or sometime later this year, it would be different. FX and QMary usually go abroad with their kids when they're on school break. This is nothing new. It just looks like a lot because they have had school breaks close together, but that's how schools work in Denmark, apparently.

My sister is a 7th-grade teacher, and Spring Break just started -- here in the US, at least for K-12, it usually starts on Good Friday (or Holy Thursday if it's a Catholic school) and goes through the week after Easter. FX and QMary obviously want to prioritize family time, and I thought I'd read somewhere a while ago that FX wished his mother had done that when he was younger, so perhaps this is his way of righting that.
Well, because new bosses tend to spend a lot of time at the office when they are taking over a company?
Because by keeping the abdication secret the then M&F couldn't plan for activities where they act in the capacity of a Regent Couple without risking to expose the whole thing?
Because they prioritize time spend with their children? Who may not even have been informed about the upcoming abdication until the last moment? It's after all also a big change for the children. In particular Christian but to an increasing degree also Isabella, who being the first princess for many years to turn eighteen was already very interesting. It's natural, I think, for children, and here I first and foremost think of Vincent and Josephine, to think: What about us? When both their parents are promoted into a new position that will entail a lot of traveling.
I wonder if Frederik looked back at his own teenage years and remembered what he felt with having absent parents. Perhaps they want to avoid that? - If that's the case then I think it's not only a good thing but also wise. It may help to avoid rebellious behavior or unfortunate behavior simply to get attention.
I agree that the very short public lead-up time most likely means that during the first months a lot is happening behind the scenes. Had the announcement been made at the same time but the abdication only taken place for example at Margrethe's birthday, they would have been able to spend these months preparing to bringing everything up to speed before the change of thrones.

Luckily, unlike their Spanish counterparts, both of them have had an extensive agenda prior to the accession to the throne, so they were already well-known with the people.
What is wrong with prioritizing family? Is that not the mantra of other RFs these days? Let's not forget that this is a huge transition that requires alot of administrative work. Per King Frederik, he and Queen Mary intend to be much more involved in the day to day running of things - so just because we don't see them cutting a ribbon, unveiling a plaque or appearing to be "learning and listening" 3 times a day 5 days a week does not mean they are not working. Also, if anyone takes a look at the calendar for April, they already have "public" events listed...and moving on to May - in addition to daily events, they have back-to-back State Visits, officially boarding the royal yacht, the Royal Run, etc. Move on to June - a 4 day official visit to the Faroe Islands in the middle of the month and at the end of June into July a 10 day official visit to Greenland. Does not sound idle to me. Besides, IIRC their winter holiday was a week long and this Easter holiday is also just one is not like everytime the kids are off school (other than summer) they take 3-4 weeks off. So, that is literally 14 days technically in relation to their kids' school holidays. It is not as excessive as it is made out to be in the full scheme of things.
Yep, work at the office is also work.
Otherwise you go and tell your boss that only business travels, meetings, visits to sites and associating clients constitute work and see what happens... :devilish:
It's early days yet in their hopefully long reign. Let's see how much work they've done in a year from now.
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