Denmark : Abdication & Accession Day - January 14, 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm sure QMargrethe is feeling a lot of things today, but I hope one of the biggest emotions is pride. Frederik and Mary are highly loved by the people, judging by the reception they both got today, so the monarchy is no danger with them at the helm. She can rest easy now knowing everything is in good hands.

As Queen Ingrid said: Now I can safely close my eyes.

I'm very glad that QMII got to see and feel how appreciated she really it. It's quite difficult to experience from a coffin.

This was a tribal celebration more than a national celebration. This was an opportunity for the tribe to be together. To celebrate. To show appreciation for the old Monarch and show support for the new Monarch.

I don't think the police has released the estimated figures of the number of people at Christiansborg, Amalienborg and the streets along which the carriage drove. I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if we talk about 400-500.000 people or somewhere around 7-8% of the total population showing up in person.

And when QMII dies at some point the DRF can focus on mourning her, without having to be back in the office two minutes after she's buried.

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Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen's speech and proclamation of King Frederik X:

I dag er det søndag den 14. januar 2024.
Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe den Anden er abdiceret.
Jeg vil på vegne af Kongeriget sige Dronning Margrethe en dybtfølt og hengiven tak.

Tak for at løfte arven, pligten og ansvaret.
Tak for at forbinde os til fortiden og forberede os til fremtiden.
Tak, fordi De gjorde Dem umage. Og meget mere til.

Hver dronning og hver konge er et led i en mere end tusindårig kæde. Når den ene træder tilbage, står den næste klar.

Og den Kronprins, der nu bliver vores regent, er en Konge, vi kender. En Konge, vi holder af. En Konge, vi stoler på.

Idet vi hilser Danmarks nye statsoverhoved. Og ønsker lykke for hans liv og gerning – og dermed for Danmark – skal jeg efter dansk statsskik tre gange udråbe:

Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe den Anden er abdiceret.
Længe leve Hans Majestæt Kong Frederik den Tiende!

Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe den Anden er abdiceret.
Længe leve Hans Majestæt Kong Frederik den Tiende!

Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe den Anden er abdiceret.
Længe leve Hans Majestæt Kong Frederik den Tiende!

Et nifoldigt leve for Hans Majestæt Kongen.


The article says that Margrethe got it awarded automatic at her father's succession in 1947. But then it was not opened yet for woman. So did she really get it then or later?

I could be wrong, but I thought her and her sisters' award of the Order of the Elephant when it was opened to women was retroactively backdated to the date of their father's accession.
Thanks, Muhler.

I am surprised that the children were awarded the Order of the Elephant before turning 18, but it is , as you said, the King's prerogative as Sovereign and Grand Master of the Order to knight his children.

Does it work like in Sweden where the royal children are awarded the Order of the Seraphim when they are baptized, but do not wear the insignia until they turn 18? It would be a bit grotesque to see children wearing the sash and star or the collar of the Elephant.

We've also seen this in Monaco where Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella (aged 9!) both are Grand Officer of the Order of Grimaldi.
An incomplete compilation of messages from foreign monarchs congratulating King Frederik X on his accession to the throne of Denmark. Unofficial English translations provided by the site owner are shown and, sometimes, only an excerpt of the message is displayed (rather than the full text), so there may be inaccuracies.
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I just spent the last half hour reading the articles and watching the videos of the abdication and ascension.

Wow! Denmark and the Danish people do not disappoint! Incredible scenes of the sheer number of people out there to see a glimpse of their new King. Woooow!

The one thing that stood out was how King Frederik did not suppress or hide his emotions and I am glad he didn't and there is no doubt in my mind he is ready to lead. He and Mary are a team and that was clear to see on the balcony. Their kiss was perfect - showing their unity but also quashing those ridiculous rumours. You cannot fake the emotions they showed to one another. Mary had such pride and love in her eyes when she came on the balcony.

I love Frederik's motto and it shows exactly what a monarch is - bounded and committed to his country and his subjects. Long live Federik X!
Updated website is finally live:

I just spent the last half hour reading the articles and watching the videos of the abdication and ascension.

Wow! Denmark and the Danish people do not disappoint! Incredible scenes of the sheer number of people out there to see a glimpse of their new King. Woooow!

The one thing that stood out was how King Frederik did not suppress or hide his emotions and I am glad he didn't and there is no doubt in my mind he is ready to lead. He and Mary are a team and that was clear to see on the balcony. Their kiss was perfect - showing their unity but also quashing those ridiculous rumours. You cannot fake the emotions they showed to one another. Mary had such pride and love in her eyes when she came on the balcony.

I love Frederik's motto and it shows exactly what a monarch is - bounded and committed to his country and his subjects. Long live Federik X!

Frederik the emotive!
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Her Majesty Margareta, the Guardian of the Romanian Crown and the Prince Consort today sent a letter to King Frederik X and Queen Mary. At the same time, Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Crown, sent a letter to Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II.

Message from Crown Prince Alexander, Head of the Royal House of Serbia, and Princess Katarina.
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I love how the Danish Royal House instagram site has been feeding snippets of the days events…the film of King Frederik going out on the balcony with a big gulp is very revealing!
Posts and comments about other possible abdications have been removed as off-topic for this thread. Please see and use this thread instead.

“I want to return the trust I meet… I need trust from my beloved wife, you, and that which is greater than us.”

This phrase seems an elegant and appropriate way to refer to any rumors or misunderstandings in the recent past.

A minor correction though. ?

King Frederik said support, he did not say trust.
The two words "støtte" and "tillid" are very different and have very different meanings.
Fantastic crowds!

The King looked very moved by his reception. And we have a Scottish-Australian queen! A marvellous advert for the advantages of having a constitutional monarchy.
Perhaps that’s because they experienced no “writing instrument” difficulties?

Fountain pens can be full of mischief. - Perhaps that's why they didn't show the signing live?
QMII had by then already killed four fountain pens. :D

Fantastic crowds!

The King looked very moved by his reception. And we have a Scottish-Australian queen! A marvellous advert for the advantages of having a constitutional monarchy.

And a Danish-French King.
And an quarter Danish, quarter French and half Australian Crown Prince.
If he should marry an Australian, not a far out thought. Australia will basically have taken over Denmark.

Hmm.... Was that the plan all along? :ohmy::ermm:
Fountain pens can be full of mischief. - Perhaps that's why they didn't show the signing live?
QMII had by then already killed four fountain pens. :D

And a Danish-French King.
And an quarter Danish, quarter French and half Australian Crown Prince.
If he should marry an Australian, not a far out thought. Australia will basically have taken over Denmark.

Hmm.... Was that the plan all along? :ohmy::ermm:

We'd rather the Danes take over Australia than the other way around! An invasion from here takes too long and now it's summer, we'd rather enjoy the sun and surf. Plus your winters sound horrible :eek:

So they didn't show the signing live? Did Frederik sign anything?
The documentary Frederik X - King of Denmark

"Denmark's new king was born for a very special task, but as a young man the crown prince had difficulty coming to terms with the role and the attention.*In this portrait, friends Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden tell the story of an awkward teenager who became a sportsman, frogman, husband and father.*A journey with ups and downs that has taught Denmark's new king that he can do more than he thinks and that he succeeds when he does things his own way.*"
We'd rather the Danes take over Australia than the other way around! An invasion from here takes too long and now it's summer, we'd rather enjoy the sun and surf. Plus your winters sound horrible :eek:

So they didn't show the signing live? Did Frederik sign anything?

If you insist.
Shall we bring the beer? Or will you cover that?

No, they didn't show it live. Not sure I really understand why. Perhaps that will change at the next abdication.
King Frederik did not sign anything. He didn't have to.
The second QMII had signed the documents, he was King.

There is no such thing as an interregnum in DK. The second a monarch vacates the throne, the next one sits on it.

Considering that the Australian news coverage has been debated here, I thought I would post this 25 minutes special, that I haven't even seen yet myself.
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“I want to return the trust I meet… I need trust from my beloved wife, you, and that which is greater than us.”

This phrase seems an elegant and appropriate way to refer to any rumors or misunderstandings in the recent past.

"Kong Frederik understregede, at han får brug for al den støtte, han kan få. - Fra min elskede hustru, fra min familie, fra jer og fra det, der er større end os. Fremtiden går jeg i møde med visheden om, at jeg ikke står alene."

"King Frederik emphasized that he will need all the support he can get.
- From my beloved wife, from my family, from you and from that which is greater than us. I face the future with the certainty that I am not alone."
Fountain pens can be full of mischief. - Perhaps that's why they didn't show the signing live?
QMII had by then already killed four fountain pens. :D

And a Danish-French King.
And an quarter Danish, quarter French and half Australian Crown Prince.
If he should marry an Australian, not a far out thought. Australia will basically have taken over Denmark.

Hmm.... Was that the plan all along? :ohmy::ermm:

An Australian client state directly across the North Sea! We will need a bigger navy for protection.:lol:
A minor correction though. ?

King Frederik said support, he did not say trust.
The two words "støtte" and "tillid" are very different and have very different meanings.
As always, Muhler, thanks for clarifying this! The words really mean different things, don’t they!

Do you or anyone have the clips of the balcony appearance after their carriage ride? I saw the initial one(s) after the proclamation but can’t find this one. Thanks!:flowers:
Big difference between this and UK coronation: No millions spent, no jewels, no church, no bishop, no fuss, but real emotions and connection with the people.

Agreed, is just a different type of royal transition event. We do love the UKs grand coronations' pomp and circumstance that feels as a religious moment since the monarch also becomes head of the Church of England.

The proclamations are more as an intimate level, almost corporate style. But the moment they go to the balcony and greet the people for the first time as King and Queen is an explosion of emotions.

I'm back and catching up with the posts reading what everyone wrote down since I left this morning...
A very moving occasion and SO lovely to see how the Danish people supported QM and welcomed the new King and Queen! Oh, my heart lurched when QM said God Save the King and turned away, what an emotional moment for her and for her son.

Thank you everyone who shared links and made comments in this thread, it has been absolutely wonderful to read, and my warmest congratulations to the people of Denmark!
As always, Muhler, thanks for clarifying this! The words really mean different things, don’t they!

Do you or anyone have the clips of the balcony appearance after their carriage ride? I saw the initial one(s) after the proclamation but can’t find this one. Thanks!:flowers:

Video from Amalienborg palace, after the carriage ride.
I have a question about residences:

Where will Queen Margrethe live now? Will she be retiring somewhere quiet in the countryside?
A minor correction though. ?

King Frederik said support, he did not say trust.
The two words "støtte" and "tillid" are very different and have very different meanings.

Bad translator? Or wishful thinker? I didn’t think support and trust were particularly similar in meaning. I’ll hope for both words to be important!
Who designed the cypher?

According to it is designed by the danish royal herald Mr Ronny Skov Andersen, with help from the digital painter Mr Stefan Lægaard

I have a question about residences:

Where will Queen Margrethe live now? Will she be retiring somewhere quiet in the countryside?

Nothing has been said officially about that…

I would guess that she keeps her apartment at Christian IX Palace at Amalienborg as her Copenhagen Residence…

Queen Ingrid retained her apartment at Frederik VIII Palace until her death in 2000…
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Oh my god. What a gorgeous documentary!

I knew I was in for a fun time when I saw King Frederik IX commanding the hurrahs for his recently christened grandson, with so many familiar faces, now gone, by his side. One could tell his grandparents loved him to bits.
(It was also funnily shocking to see King Frederik IX wearing Speedos, lol). The image of Queen Marghrete crying this morning has hunted me all day long, seeing footage of her as a young woman, full of life, dancing around with her baby boy, shattered me completely.

CP Haakon is tremendously well spoken, it's obvious how much he admires Frederik (I have to agree with him, to pronounce "rødgrød med fløde på" it's not as easy as it seems).
We get to see footage of little Frederik and little Haakon playing in Fredensborg. CP Victoria, the nicest person on the planet, makes it clear that Frederik X has always been very protective of her, and that her relationship with Haakon and Frederik means a lot to her, because they're like siblings. She speaks wonders of M&F, rightly so.
The amount of beautiful footage is outstanding, not one of stage of his life was neglected.
Unlike other monarchies, they already know who their King is as a person, but this documentary brought him even closer.
Seeing footage of an extremely shy and uncomfortable Frederik at his 18th birthday gala, and comparing him to the man we see in the last shot of the documentary, filmed today, a King in his own right...chapeau, Frederik! You've come a long way.
What song did the crowd sing at the end of the first balcony appearance?

We were singing the national anthem.

This would be the moment to have one of those handy portable chairs around. Everyone has been standing for so many hours it hurts to watch

At that time the crowds were so large that it was impossible to sit down. I had my chair in a bag I kept between my legs (don't ask).
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Oh my god. What a gorgeous documentary!

I knew I was in for a fun time when I saw King Frederik IX commanding the hurrahs for his recently christened grandson, with so many familiar faces, now gone, by his side. One could tell his grandparents loved him to bits.
(It was also funnily shocking to see King Frederik IX wearing Speedos, lol). The image of Queen Marghrete crying this morning has hunted me all day long, seeing footage of her as a young woman, full of life, dancing around with her baby boy, shattered me completely.

CP Haakon is tremendously well spoken, it's obvious how much he admires Frederik (I have to agree with him, to pronounce "rødgrød med fløde på" it's not as easy as it seems).
We get to see footage of little Frederik and little Haakon playing in Fredensborg. CP Victoria, the nicest person on the planet, makes it clear that Frederik X has always been very protective of her, and that her relationship with Haakon and Frederik means a lot to her, because they're like siblings. She speaks wonders of M&F, rightly so.
The amount of beautiful footage is outstanding, not one of stage of his life was neglected.
Unlike other monarchies, they already know who their King is as a person, but this documentary brought him even closer.
Seeing footage of an extremely shy and uncomfortable Frederik at his 18th birthday gala, and comparing him to the man we see in the last shot of the documentary, filmed today, a King in his own right...chapeau, Frederik! You've come a long way.

Wow...that sounds amazing! Looking forward to watching it!
At that time the crowds were so large that it was impossible to sit down. I had my chair in a bag i kept between my legs (don't ask).

Glad you were prepared with the portable chair even if the crowd was elbow-to-elbow. ?
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