Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 10: September 2010 - August 2013

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Princess Mary Looks Nice , Little Prince Christian Looks Adorable sooo Cute
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #23, 2012.
Christian klar til kamp - Christian ready for the match.
Written by our sports reporter Malan Vincent Joensen.

Ax Frederik was down with a summer-flu and couldn't take Christian to the soccer match (that was also the reason why Frederik didn't go the birthday party with Regent Couple and Mary), Mary stepped in. And shortly before play off they arrived hand in hand. Mary said: "I'm looking very much forward (to the match)".
Once arrived Christian was equipped with a scarf in the Danish colours. He was however a bit unsure about the proper way to wear such a scarf but after a couple of trials and a bit of help from mother, it was wrapped warmly around his neck.
However, Mary left her son in the intermission, as she was to join the Regent Couple at a birthday party for the seriously heavyweight within Danish commerce, Fritz Schur.

The match was a friendship match between Denmark and Australia as a warm up for the European Championships. Denmark (naturally) won....
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #23, 2012.
Christian klar til kamp - Christian ready for the match.
Written by our sports reporter Malan Vincent Joensen.

Ax Frederik was down with a summer-flu and couldn't take Christian to the soccer match (that was also the reason why Frederik didn't go the birthday party with Regent Couple and Mary), Mary stepped in. And shortly before play off they arrived hand in hand. Mary said: "I'm looking very much forward (to the match)".
This event was originally scheduled for Frederik&Mary (not for Frederik&Christian). So, it was Christian who stepped in for his ill father, not Mary.
I am always amazed to see that journalists don't seem to check the basic facts nowadays.
This event was originally scheduled for Frederik&Mary (not for Frederik&Christian). So, it was Christian who stepped in for his ill father, not Mary.
I am always amazed to see that journalists don't seem to check the basic facts nowadays.

In all fairness. Another BB journalist did actually write en passant that Christian stood in for his dad. - In a different article, which I didn't write a summery of. (All in all there were around ten articles and notes about the DRF this week).
When you read the article about Christian and Mary at the soccer match, you (well, I) get the clear impression that Mary stepped in.
Well, I actually like that portrait. In contrast to the other that was made of her recently, by a Brazilian artist, this is something I wouldn't mind hanging on my wall.

I think he has captured Mary's eyes very well.
Perhaps not so much her mouth.
As far as I can tell there have not been posted any pics from this event in Aarhus.
But there are some here on Skejby Sygehus (hospital) site: visnyhed- Aarhus Universitetshospital

Translation of article in Billed Bladet #24, 2012.
God bedring Magnus - Get better, Magnus.
Written by Ken Richter.

Ten year old Magnus got a royal encouragement in the middle of a hard time. The young lad has leukemia and the treatment drains him of all strenght. But a friendly handshake and a couple of loving words from a compassionate Crown Princess Mary gave Magnus some new energy.
In the same way other children with serious and longlasting deceases got a new hope by being with the royal guest, who opened the Tryg Foundation Family House (*) at Skejby Sygehus in Aarhus. (**)
- "It's such a fantastic offer for families stricken by illness. The family house gives them the opportunity to stick together during a difficult time", said Crown Princess Mary after the tour of the modern house where there to start with is room for twelve sick children and their families.
Prior to that Mary, along with children and parents, had seen a part of the show in Denmarks smallest circus, Cirkus Krone, which had erected it's tent in the backyard. Magnus missed that part of the schedule for the day because he due to risk of infections is not allowed in larger gatherings. On the other had is older sister Cecilie aged thirteen could tell her brother, what had happened in the circus ring. The two siblings are used to helping each other that way.
- "Cecilie has also had leukemia and she was only cured four years ago, where bone marrow was transplanted from Magnus to her. It is therefore extra unfortunate that Magnus now also have the decease", explains the father of the two siblings, Michael Nielsen from Randers. (***) The illfated family has as one of the first lived for now three weeks in the new family house while Magnus is committed.
- "It calms things down and it's also god for the patient", says Michael, who together with his wife also have a set of twins to consider.

During her tour of the modern family house Mary dropped in at the Zimahoff family from the Faroe Islands, here it's little Lukas aged four who have been through a complicated surgery to his bladder.
- "Thanks for letting me come visiting and I hope you are well", Mary told the littel brave fellow and his family consiting of the parents Anna Maria and Carsten as well as big brother Aron aged seven.
Without any fuss the guest of honor for the day and the Faroese family had a cosy chat about everyday life in the family house and about the beautiful nature on the Faroe Islands, which Mary called "Utterly fantastic" after having visited the islands far to the north.
- "It was an experience for life for all four of us to have the Crown Princess as a visitor", said the family after the grand visit.

- Mary got help from a number of very neatly dressed little girls, when she cut the ribbon to the house.
She also greeted seventeen year old Ditte Marie Juul, who is suffering from a heart decease and a special blood decease and for her it was a big moment to talk to Mary.

(*) Tryg is an insurance company.

(**) Also known as Aarhus University Hospital. It's actually a hospital town of around 20.000 patients and employees when it's completed in a couple of years. Located at the outskirts of the city of Aarhus.
Rigshospitalet is basically the national hospital for eastern Denmark, and some special fields, while Skejby Sygehus covers western DK.

(***) A large town north of Aarhus.

From the link:

When Mary got out of the car a female hospital clown exclaimed: "She's the best looking in the WORLD"!

The patients, all children, were also out to meet Mary, who took her time chatting to the children.

The Zimakoff dad from the Faroe Islands said afterwards: "It gives you a huge freedom, when you have a child committed at the hospital, that you can still be together as a family. We have a base here and (we) can get some air/space.
I'm a big fan of the DRF, so it was abig experience to meet her. She was very sincere and present, at was wonderful to feel".

More from the inauguration, including a video: And big pictures.

The hospital clown appears to be a ginormous fan of Mary, in the clip she is saying: "Maybe I'll faint" and turning to a man behind her she continues: "If I faint, will you catch me"?
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The hardest part of a royal job must be visiting sick children and parents. They really do need the support, but it does strike an emotional chord.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #24, 2012.
Hvor er jeg flot - How good I look.
Written by Anna Johannesen.

As you know from the pics, Mary went to Frederiksborg Castle (*) to unveil a portrait of herself, made by Gugger Petters.
As always Mary was met by the obligatory flowergirl in the shape of Esther age four, who was very appropriatly dressed in a copy of a costume worn by Christina Ulfeldt, daughter of Christian IV, so we are talking early 1600's.

It was during a visit to New York a couple of years ago that Mary and Frederik saw a portrait of President Obama, also made by Gugger Petters. Mary remebers: "... and I'm very flattered that I'm about to hang next to him here". The Obama portrait is on loan to the museum at Frederiksborg until the end of August.

The portrait of Mary is made from paper torn from Australian, Danish and American newspapers. The result is a 3D effect when you move past the portrait. Mary said: "I'm very impressed about how an expression can change when you move from left to right. From a serious look in the eyes to a smiling look".

Hugger Petters made the portrait based on a meeting with Mary in 2010.

In September the portrait will be moved to another part of the castle, where it will hang next to the portrait made by Ralph Heimans from 2006.

Present were also Per Thornit and his wife.

(*) Where the DRF coat of arms are hanging along with quite a number of portraits. It's one of the most beautiful late Renaissance castles in Europe and absolutely worth a visit.
Frederiksborg Castle and Kronborg Castle are from the same era and in roughly the same style.
Not to be confused with Fredensborg Palace, which is about 200 years younger and a residence.
Considering the medium (torn paper) I think the portrait is fantastic in terms of artistry and skill...and meaning
A 28 pics (now 84 pics)! gallery from Fyens Stiftstidende as a supplement (..) :flowers:
Blev døbt i champagne: Rosen er navngivet - - Odense

Mary was slightly late and arrived at 17.20 (she would have been driving during rush hour) and here she christened a new rose called Princess of Infinity with champagne.
Mary was showered with homemade presents from girls and she was observed chatting for quite a while with a mother carrying a baby.

- I can inform that TV2 had a brief segment with Mary in their 19.00 news. That means that the regional news have even more. Check TV2 Fyn.

ADDED: The TV2 clip at 19.00:

The flowerfestival is inspired by Astrid Lindgren, that may explain why we see Pippi Longstocking in one of the pics, not to mention the two less than competent police officers, Kling and Klang.

And we have a clip from TV2 Fyn:
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Thank you all for the lovely pictures and articles. The weather did, indeed, look beautiful and the crowd looked happy to see the Crown Princess. Mary herself looked to be very pleased to attend. Isn't that the way it goes, rainy during holidays and beautiful weather for work and school.
I notice in one of the pictures that Mary was presented with presents to Vincent and Jospehine, in the form of soccer outfits, complete with their names. (Alas, I can't link directly).

I suggest you recheck the picture links again.

The great thing about royal coverage in the local newspapers is that they within 24 hours tend to upload about 250.000 pictures. :photo:
The great thing about royal coverage in the local newspapers is that they within 24 hours tend to upload about 250.000 pictures. :photo:

250.000? That sounds a bit too much for one royal day ;)

Here's a gallery with nice large pics from yesterday:

** Se billederne: Sommer-Mary aabnede blomster-festival **

An additional article:

** BB: Kronprinsesse Mary faldt pladask for Nana og Astrid ** translation **

And one more gallery:

** pp: Princesse Mary : Rayonnante pour arroser la Princesse de l'Infini **
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A couple of trivia from BB of Mary's visit to the flower festival in Odense.

She wore a pearl wrist band from Marianne Dulong.

She was twenty minutes late due to a traffic accident, as such she got a police escort part of the way to Odense to get through the traffic.

She said upon leaving the festival: "It's been a super beautiful flower arrangement. A gorgeous day with sweet smelling and colorful flowers. An altogether fantastic day".
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oooh, very pretty dress! new, yes?

i also like her ring, with what looks like little leaves. appropriate to where interesting jewelry pieces for this event!
(tho i have to admit i find jewelry appropriate for ANY event! :) )
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