Charles III: Coronation Information and Musings - Part 2

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Spheno, I respectively disagree that "Lady Pamela Hicks is a nobody, an UNIMPORTANT DISTANT relative". Sorry, you are very misinformed.

Her father, Louis Mountbatten, whom Charles....
Her father was important, very important. But he died more than 40 years ago.
Lady Pamela is unimportant.
She's the oldest living descendant of Queen Victoria. The prior one died in September.

"State", perhaps not. Continuity, which is the entire point of the ceremony, rather a lot.

She certainly deserves to be there more than Liz Truss and a couple of the former PM ilk, although I agree with her that it is entirely "sensible" she's not going and isn't obligated to send her regrets.
The woman is 96 nad in poor health. Odds are that she does not feel up to going and Charles knows this.
The woman is 96 nad in poor health. Odds are that she does not feel up to going and Charles knows this.

Then he could have still invited her whilst anticipating that she wouldn't go, just to be courteous.
On funny note, a terrific British tv series, hilariously lampooning The Royal Family, called "The Windsors " is having a Coronation Special. It will be broadcast on April 30.
The Series and characters depicting the Family are hysterical. Daily Motion, Netflix run it. And even YouTube has great snipets !
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I'm sure Lady Pamela Hicks would have appreciated the honor of being recognized with a keepsake and treasured Coronation Invite. It would have as Sophie25 says the "courteous" thing to do.

Whether She attended OR not, but She, in my opinion as Prinsara points out is the oldest living descendant of Queen Victoria. With her Families long service to The Crown and great personal relationships, it was in my opinion, a mistake not to have issued her an Invite.

I bet I will be sadly disappointed at some who do score the Invite though......
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Oh, for pity's sake! Who cares if she's the oldest living descendant of Queen Victoria?! What about the oldest living descendant of George III? Or Sophie of Hanover? Or... Or... Or...

Honestly, the knots some folks here are tying themselves up in over Lady Pamela Hicks not being invited are a huge turn-off. It's gone beyond musing over the coronation and is verging on histrionics.
If she were fit enough Im sure Charles would have made room for her, even though there are space issues. But shes very old and not well, and I doubt if she woudl be able to come. She does not need an invite to the Coronation to remind her that she's a relative of the Kings
Like I posted earlier, I believe I will sadly be disappointed by those who "score" Invitations. Some just plain bewildering, some who are contemptuous of The Crown, and others.... like Andrew Parker Bowles ?

Jeez, ALL THOSE scandals of the late 80's -90's of The Parker Bowles Spouses. I will say, the two children, Laura and Tom in my opinion, have been exemplary. And they certainly didn't have it easy !

I understand the "Blended Family'" reasoning, but I wont pretend that I am surprised.
Like I posted earlier, I believe I will sadly be disappointed by those who "score" Invitations. Some just plain bewildering, some who are contemptuous of The Crown, and others.... like Andrew Parker Bowles ?

Jeez, ALL THOSE scandals of the late 80's -90's of The Parker Bowles Spouses. I will say, the two children, Laura and Tom in my opinion, have been exemplary. And they certainly didn't have it easy !

I understand the "Blended Family'" reasoning, but I wont pretend that I am surprised.

It truly goes without reason that Sarah, Duchess of York gets no invitation because of bad behavior when the King, the Queen, and Andrew Parker Bowles will be there. It's rather laughable. The King's charity is play for pay (money issues). Let's not forget tampon-gate (embarrassing sex scandal). Divorce and affairs. All these things they all have done but Sarah gets the bad rap. They should just say she wasn't invited for PR reasons, not because of bad behavior.

But regardless of my gripes about Sarah not being invited -- the whole thing definitely is a slap in the face to the words holy and sanctity.
The King obviously does not want to invite Sarah. Camilla wants to invite Andrew, it’s as simple as that. It’s only the media speculating that it’s because she’s an embarrassment.

Andrew PB remains Camilla’s friend. Sarah is the former wife of the Kings brother. Why would he want to invite his ex sister in law if they are not particularly good friends.

The King and Queen will each have a certain number of people they can invite then it’s up to the Government. If they don’t want to invite Sarah it’s up to them and neither do they have to give a reason.
Andrew is the father of Camilla's children who will of course be present to see their mother crowned and grandfather to the grandchildren who will be pages on the day. I can't understand why people think Sarah - the King's ex sister in law should be invited above the Queen's ex-husband. I mean, if Diana was alive I'm sure some people might expected her to be invited given the role William and his children will play in the ceremony.
Oh, for pity's sake! Who cares if she's the oldest living descendant of Queen Victoria?! What about the oldest living descendant of George III? Or Sophie of Hanover? Or... Or... Or...

Honestly, the knots some folks here are tying themselves up in over Lady Pamela Hicks not being invited are a huge turn-off. It's gone beyond musing over the coronation and is verging on histrionics.

I think you are a mind reader, I had the same thoughts in my mind and don't get the outrage and clutching of the pearls about it. :lol:

She can watch the whole thing on TV. And for her age, the worst thing would be stressing a 96-year-old person out to attend an extensive ceremony that could last for hours without considering her physical needs. Plus, she is not going to drag herself to the event alone, family or medical staff will need to be there to assist her. So let her be and don't stress her making her feel rejected.
It truly goes without reason that Sarah, Duchess of York gets no invitation because of bad behavior ...

What makes you think 'bad behaviour' is why she isn't invited?

It's almost certainly due to her not being family or a close friend, in the same way that Princess Anne's ex-husband Mark Phillips won't be invited.
It truly goes without reason that Sarah, Duchess of York gets no invitation because of bad behavior when the King, the Queen, and Andrew Parker Bowles will be there. It's rather laughable.

Are you suggesting the King and Queen shouldn't be invited to their own coronation?

You might want to consider who's coming up with laughable remarks in this burst of belated holier-than-thou. :whistling:
It truly goes without reason that Sarah, Duchess of York gets no invitation because of bad behavior when the King, the Queen, and Andrew Parker Bowles will be there. It's rather laughable. The King's charity is play for pay (money issues). Let's not forget tampon-gate (embarrassing sex scandal). Divorce and affairs. All these things they all have done but Sarah gets the bad rap. They should just say she wasn't invited for PR reasons, not because of bad behavior.

But regardless of my gripes about Sarah not being invited -- the whole thing definitely is a slap in the face to the words holy and sanctity.

You are correct. Her and Parker Bowles were committing adultery against each other with impunity and now he will be there to watch her being crowned in a religious ceremony. You couldn't make it up, the Church of England is a joke.
Personally, I’m more fond of the King and Queen precisely because their path to happiness did not run smoothly and I respect that the Queen remains on friendly terms with her ex-husband. I think Sarah is not invited because of numbers more so than any commentary on her personal life. She’s included in other family events. It all just seems like ancient history now. The King and Queen have been married longer than he was married to his first wife.
You are correct. Her and Parker Bowles were committing adultery against each other with impunity and now he will be there to watch her being crowned in a religious ceremony. You couldn't make it up, the Church of England is a joke.

Let's not forget that Christianity is all about forgiveness and second chances, and that we are all sinners in one way or another, even if it's only minor, none of us are perfect and I expect that (if i actually thought about it) they will all be sinners in the congregation, and the priests and ministers too. Who will throw the first stone?

I understand Fergie has been invited to the Coronation concert, I think that's lovely.
I think Andrew Parker Bowles is being invited because his grandchildren will be having a part to play. He will also be thinking back to 1953 when he was also a page (not to the Queen of course but he was a page)

I suspect that the Middleton's will also be invited as much for being William's in-laws as the fact that their grandson will be a page. If they can be invited to see their grandson be a page it makes sense that Andrew is invited to see his grandchildren be pages.

If either of the York princesses were doing anything more than turning up then I would have thought Sarah may have been invited. If either of their children were old enough to take part then Sarah would be there to witness that I am sure.

If Diana were still alive she would certainly have been invited - as William's mother and George's grandmother. It was made very clear when she divorced that she would be invited to a number of events as the mother of the future King.

As for the ex-PMs - it is a STATE occasion so of course the ex-PM's and a number of other ex-MPs well be there.
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You are correct. Her and Parker Bowles were committing adultery against each other with impunity and now he will be there to watch her being crowned in a religious ceremony. You couldn't make it up, the Church of England is a joke.

I think the Church of England is following Biblical teachings - "Let the one among you without sin be the first to throw a stone," and "neither do I condemn you."
Let's move on from the discussion about affairs that are over 30 years in the past, that's not the topic of this thread.
I think it is wonderful that Charles and Camilla have worked so well with the strictures of invitation numbers that people only seem to be outraged about the inclusion of an ex-husband, an ex-wife and an older woman in intimate contact with HLM and the rest of the BRF.

The thing we forget is that time passes and we all live and grow and the way we feel about situations and people changes. Sometimes our feelings are inclusive and sometime the relationship comes to a natural end. According to her granddaughter, Lady Pamela Hicks finds the situation eminently sensible as indeed does our Sarah, both of whom will be VIP's at the concert the following day which looks to be a wonderful event.

As for APB, he has been a close family friend of the BRF for decades and the older branch all seem to share a passion for horses and racing. We see him escorting Princess Anne at the races and have treasured the sort of relationship that we can all aspire to. They take joy in the weddings of old friends and support and care for those who are bereaved.
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Coronation events in Scotland

A special service will be held in Edinburgh following the Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

The King will be presented with the Honours of Scotland during the Service of Dedication and Thanksgiving, which will take place at St Giles’ Cathedral later this year.

The Honours will be escorted from Edinburgh Castle to the Cathedral by a People’s Procession of around 100 representatives from across Scotland.


"Traditionally, the chief heralds, the Kings of Arms, wear (as befits their description) small crowns for the ceremony. There are four of them – Garter, Clarenceux, Norroy and Lord Lyon. The last is the chief Scottish herald. This time, in the spiritless spirit of modernisation, it was planned that the Kings of Arms would not wear their crowns for the ceremony, in line with the decision to deprive the peers of their coronets. But then it turned out that Lord Lyon’s crown had been expensively restored for the occasion with Holyrood’s blessing. So all the Kings of Arms will wear their crowns after all."
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Here is an excellent description of the Procession Route of King Charles' Coronation in detail.
...One of the coronation robes is to be carried to the King by Baroness Merron, 64, a Jewish peer and former Labour MP.
Three other items will be carried by the peers to the King as he sits in his coronation chair, each brought on a cushion to be touched by the monarch before being passed on, probably to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who will give them to the King to be worn as the appropriate words are spoken.
The Times understands that Lord Patel, 84, a Hindu crossbench peer who was born in what is now Tanzania, will carry the sovereign’s ring, and Lord Kamall, 56, a London-born Muslim peer who sits as a Conservative, will carry the armills, a pair of bracelets.
Lord Singh of Wimbledon, 90, a Sikh crossbench peer born in Rawalpindi in what was then British India, will carry the coronation glove.
Camilla has remained friends with her ex husband and so has Charles. He is the father iof Camilla's children and has remained part of the royal social cirlc.e
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