This is absolutely significant, which is why this military chief is received the King himself - who also happens to be the Commander-in-chief.
As you may know EU is stepping up big time in regards to military investments and building factories for producing weapons, equipment and especially ammunition.
That is being coordinated and funded as well as decided among the EU countries.
The aim being to secure the defense of Europe, especially EU.
Giving support to Ukraine and increase that support.
Equipping the EU countries, most of which are also NATO countries and making sure the EU countries are as self-sufficient with weapons, equipment, spare-parts and ammunition as possible and to do that ASAP.
To be prepared for a future where NATO may de facto have collapsed or is no longer a reliable entity and here a EU-military alliance, which already exists, is an alternative.
To prepare in case Putin comes up with funny ideas. A major war in Europe now being a real risk and perhaps as soon as next year, around May. Or possible around 2028.
- In other words: The old nightmare scenario. Europe is rearming to the teeth, independent of USA, and in real preparation for war.
The Nordic countries are interesting in that respect, because we are now in the latter stages of combining our air forces. I.e. mutual use of air bases.
Mutual maintenance.
Sharing depots, repair facilities, spare parts etc.
Buying new weapons, ammunition and equipment as a bulk of countries.
Developing new weapons, systems, software as a block.
Common training excersizes.
Common command structure - in peacetime at least.
Mutual coverage of each others territory. I.e Finnish fighters being scrambled to intercept say Russian planes to the far north in Norway. Or Norwegian planes following Russian bombers down the west coast of Jutland.
Based on the experience gathered doing this, it is the plan that this co-operation will extend to our armies and navies.
EU as a whole and groups of EU countries are very interested in learning from the lessons we have had in forming similar military blocks in other parts of EU. Because modern warfare is way too complicated and way too expensive for each country to have their own little air force, their own little army and their own little navy that each have to do everything. Better to let individual countries contribute with something that is state of that art, and that will be a piece in a EU-military puzzle.
On top of that EU would like to know when and how fast, in this case DK, can set up a production that can cover say 30 % of the EU need in say boots, or detonators for missiles and so on.