Willem-Alexander, Máxima and Family, General News 5: Aug 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Isn't there that media code, that would make similar pictures taken in the Netherlands pretty much impossible? So, maybe Her Majesty does do such outings, just the general public never gets to know about it?!

best wishes Michiru
It is indeed. Though my understanding of the code is that they can make the photo and publish it but they will not be invited to the various photo sessions of the court. Though recently an editor of a gossip magazine said he was threatened with law suits as well if he did not withdraw a photo.

Still, they could mention the news. In the Spanish article I did not see a photo either.

Thanks for the additional insights lula. Taminiau says he was lucky he could move to Madrid and open a shop because in the Netherlands his clientele did not order any new outfits during the various lockdowns while in Spain they did.
They are so ugly that they are almost beautiful. But the skill needed to even get this result must be years of practice. I think Queen Máxima has a few of these eggs displayed in a vitrine in her office or library in Huis ten Bosch palace. I remember seeing them in a documentary about the renewed interior of the place.
According to a plane spotter the government plane was today in Pisa, Italy. It implies that the King and Queen were at the farm of Queen Beatrix in Tavernelle for the Easter break.
King Willem-Alexander sent a message on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of NATO (April 4, 1949):

Our life in peace and security seems obvious, but it never is. Together with our NATO allies, we have been defending what we hold dear for 75 years. With NATO we stand strong in the face of all uncertainties, including in the future

A post birthday/Kings-day get away for the king and queen!
Its a nice way to celebrate your birthday. I am lucky as mine is in the summer(though it could be still raining here)
It's May holiday in the Netherlands - now their youngest daughter is no longer living at home, that's not as relevant anymore but still... They'll have to be back for Dodenherdenking (Remembering the Deceased) on May 4 and Liberation Day on May 5.
The owner of the account is framing it as ´the vacation king´ as part of his campaign to ridicule the King and the monarchy. Clicking on the twitter post I expected acd posts towards the King, but they all seem to be directed at Mr. Swart.

Swart says the photo was made by KLM crew, which makes you wonder about the ethics of the people working there.
Supposedly the King, Queen and Pss Alexia were on Mallorca last weekend where they and 400 other guests celebrated the 18th anniversaty of Alejandra Cortina, daughter of Alberto Cortina and Elena Cué. Mr. Cortina is a Spanish billionaire and was previously married to one of the Koplowitz sisters.

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So, it seems they were on Mallorca for a birthday party the weekend of the 15 with Alexia and the following weekend they were in Austria for a wedding with Amalia; where will they show up the upcoming weekend with Ariane?
....anywhere but the Netherlands!
The vacation has started for the King and Queen. the government plane landed in Athens earlier today.
The next official event is planned for August 27th.

The King has not attended a football match of the Dutch team during the European championships in Germany yet.
The King has not attended a football match of the Dutch team during the European championships in Germany yet.
and not likely too either now he is on his Greek holidays!
The vacation has started for the King and Queen. the government plane landed in Athens earlier today.
The next official event is planned for August 27th.

The King has not attended a football match of the Dutch team during the European championships in Germany yet.
Does this go down well in NL? Going on holiday for 6 weeks while the team still plays the Euros? Seems quite careless to me.
Does this go down well in NL? Going on holiday for 6 weeks while the team still plays the Euros? Seems quite careless to me.
Soccer is a very popular imported sport in the Netherlands ,it doesn't look good and the king could have been represented by another member of the family at some of the matches!
The Euro is in the neighboring country, their team is in the semifinals and it is strange that no one had time to go see a game.

On July 26, the Paris Olympic Games begin, I imagine that then they would interrupt their vacation to go to a sporting event.
There is some discussion in the boulevard programmes and media on why the king is not there. All games up to now were played before his vacation. The holiday therefore was no reason for his absence and I imagine he will fly to Berlin if the team manages to reach the finals or maybe even for the match against England. The location of the games is irrelevant.

They said that it was normal policy for the Euro-cup that he will only attend one or two matches of the knock-out phase and not the matches before. And I believe there was a conflicting agenda the first time and Alexia's birthday party this saturday, The latter got him out of a meeting with Erdogan which is not unwelcome due to the new government that was just installed.

Note that if he attended some of the same critics would be criticizing him for only enjoying the perks, we all would want to attend the match - for free. Etc. But it does mean he missed out on a great PR moment, which other monarchs and heads of state did use.

As for the vacation: it is common practice for as long as I remember. And compared to Juliana he is vacationing less. I suppose there will be some office work still. He has the habbit of continuing to treat and sign laws & decrees during his vacation and modern technology gives more opportunities to contact The Hague, the prime minister and the cabinet of the King (liaison between the King and the government, located on the Korte Vijverberg).

Additionally the agenda of the Dutch RF is seldom complete as they prefer to announce more informal visits on a much shorter notice. He will surely go to the Olympics. But again, in the perception of many Dutch people that would be a vacation too.

Note that the school holidays started this week as well, so half the country will be going to Southern Europe, esp. considering the atrocious summer we have had up to now.
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Exactly, with the Olympics coming up, he won’t be on holiday for 6 weeks. He will definitely show up in Paris and I still expect him to attend the finals of the European Championship if the Netherlands reaches that stage.
Angela de Jong, one of the more popular & most read columnists of the country who is very present in the media, wrote a column about the absence of the royal family in the Algemeen Dagblad.

She talks about a PR mistake of the King and the RF at the European football championship and wondered if the RF would feel any about their absence.
She concluded that the vacation in Greece is more important for the King and his family than to be part of the nationwide celebrations (volksfeest) of our team.

Not even a post on their social media was made, which really wouldn't have to be all that much trouble.

Of course Queen Beatrix seldom set foot in a sports stadium other than ones for horses. And she never attended such sports competitions either. But times have changed and if the King has no time or wish to be there, why not send his daughter, as his mother sent him.

Note that the King will be back in the Netherlands within six days for the national commemoration of the victims of the MH17 flight, which happened 10 years ago.

I imagine he may feel his holiday is rather short due to Olympics, which will start on the 26th. That gives him a vacation of 2 1/2 weeks. Most people can't have more than 2 or 3 weeks off in the summer.

The website of RTL Boulevard -the largest entertainment programme on television- had a poll. 60% thinks he should have been there while 40% thinks the King is free to decide if he wants to be there or not.

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Seems in poor taste to not attend a match for his country, if he attends the Olympics at minimum he should visit the Netherlands team
Willem-Alexander has been in Paris since at least Thursday, Máxima and the girls joined him on Friday. I am sure you are glad to know that they will be attending lots of events in the next few days. They for example attended the men's hockey match earlier today. See the thread dedicated to the royal vidits for the Olympics for more information.
According to Vanitatis, Maxima was sailing on Thursday on Valentino's yacht in Greece. They cannot publish the photos due to copyright, but they describe her outfit.

I found from TT News Agency this photo of queen Maxima getting aboard Valentino's luxury yacht
Ah, at least the Queen knows where her priorities are.

Although indeed she will be at the Olympics a lot of days, the optics are simply not great. Esp. combined with her absence from the MH17 remembrance and esp. as this jetset image is one of the reasons why their popularity has tanked as much as it did.

I really wish they would hire more competent PR people at the palace - and listen to them.
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Imho her absence from the MH 17 remembrance was more concerning than her absence on Thursday. As a former IOC member Willem-Alexander has often attended to IOC/Olympic business on his own; in previous years Máxima would also only join him for the Opening Ceremony and actual events with athletes. I guess France wanted to show off with an additional high profile dinner the day before.
I guess France wanted to show off with an additional high profile dinner the day before.
This pre-dinner began to be celebrated at least at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and the main host is the President of the International Olympic Committee, so it is not something new that France has invented.
I agree, the MH17 absence was more concerning but this simply fits into the -perhaps not always fair- narrative of the eternally jetsetting and vacationing Oranges.
They're not fools they know it's all about the optics and how things appear to the masses. Was it ever announced why the Queen didn't attend? I find it difficult to believe that any conflicting event would take precedent over the national commemoration of the 10th anniversary of MH17.

Or here is thought, why not have the Princess of Orange attend. She is an adult and imo should be attending serious national events like these as well- not just the fun, glitz, and glamorous events.
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