The Future of the Danish Monarchy

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
:previous: Thanks, Muhler! Mary and Frederik have been the most popular in such polls for a number of years now, so what is suprising about that?

But QMII has topped popularity polls several times, most recently in 2015 and Crown Prince Frederik topped one in 2014 (I haven't had time to keep track of Danish polls in 2016/17, so they may have been on top again after that).

I follow the DRF closely and the most surprising thing (to me) is that these so-called Danish experts are wrong all the time. Especially Lars Hovbakke Sørensen and Trine Villemann (she is worse than all British experts together).
I fail to see the surprise as well, it' always one of those three who come out on top. - But it's good click bait to write "surprise".

And the royal experts, like most experts these days they should relabeled "commentators" that would be more correct.

I should mention for those who don't read Danish - The word surprise is in the headline, but I didn't bother translate it.
I think we have to bear in mind that this is the view of only 1,167 and thus if a handful of people chose Mary over QMII that changes the percent. Its also worth bearing if you can only pick one member as your favourite those people who don't actually have a favourite of their own will pick the most talked about/written about, most visible member.
:previous: Yes, but Mary (warm, but regal) and Frederik (folksy) are the most popular in that family! And the main thing, they ere young and interesting.
Duc et Pair said:
Did I miss something? In thought Mary is the spouse of the future head of state and the mother of his children? Since when needs the wife to be "ready to take"? Shouldn't Frederik be considered ready for more than three decades now, since his 18th birthday?

It all sounds a bit sensationalist. Imagine that media in the UK or in Norway polled if Camilla or Mette-Mary were "ready to take"? They do not need to be "ready". They are just the wife. Is their husband the heir, then they are married to the heir. Is their husband the head of state, then they are married to the head of state. No more, no less. Life can be thát simple indeed...

Incidentally, Queen Beatrix herself, when she abdicated, spoke of Willem-Alexander and his wife, Máxima, as being "fully prepared" and, in fact, somewhat implied they would be jointly responsible for discharging the constitutional duties of the monarchy, even though AFAIK there is actually no mention whatsoever of the queen consort in the Dutch constitution.

Of course, there is only one head of State, but, as the role of head of State becomes increasingly purely ceremonial and devoid of any real political power, there seems to be a growing consensus that it is a job that requires both the king and the queen consort to be equally ready.
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Thanks for the information about the new Gallup measurement/survey :flowers:

Even though it just shows the same picture as the last many years: Mary and Frederik have been the most popular in such polls for many years now, so what is suprising about that? Margrethe is closely behind.

It's natural and only good and healthy for the DRF IMO. Frederik & Mary are the two who all things will be about in some (maybe few) years and they are the two who are responsible for the whole future for the DRF.

As many of you have written the words from BT's "royal expert" simply must have been chosen only because of getting click-baits - because it's NO surprise to anyone. Or as a Simon writes:

"This so-called royal expert is not much worth if he don't understand why Mary and Frederik are scoring higher than Margrethe. We are writing 2017 now and just because you are a historian you should know what the present time looks like. Frederik and Mary are down-to-earth and hard working. Smiling, committed and accommodating. I'm a big fan of our Queen, but she is much more distanced to the people. She smiles and waves only when she's out officially. Mary puts her hands in her pocket and walks straight toward (sometimes she even crosses) the barriers to greets, take pictures and say hi to all the people. In goes straight to the heart. But we have a creative and working Queen, but she is more one you admire. The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess are just better when it comes to gaining the people's respect and love."

And besides that, Mary is doing a VERY large, visible and useful social work. I want to dare writing that we have never had a royal who has done such a useful work that actually reaches out to the individual Danes. Just taken one of Mary's many projects, Free from Bullying, is integrated into more than 50% of all Denmark's kindergartens and schools, as well as Greenland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Poland, etc.

Margrethe does a fantastic job too, but not for the general people. It's the upper class, the artistic etc. Her works never reach the ordinary people. If that makes sense.

And I'm sure Margrethe claps in her hands over all these polls. I can almost see her pride for F&M for my eyes... She can safely close her eyes every night when she goes to bed. And it must be a huge burden/pressure on her shoulder she can throw away.
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To balance it: the immensely well-respected Queen Beatrix who abdicated at a high in approval has never ever topped the popularity polls. She always became behind her mother Juliana, her husband Claus, her daughter-in-law Máxima.

Likewise King Willem-Alexander has never ever topped the polls. Not as heir and nog as King. That Mary is spontaneously called the most liked Danish royal is no disqualification of Queen Margrethe. The same in the UK, when Diana was sweeping all and everyone aside, this could not be translated as Queen Elizabeth being unpopular or so.
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To balance it: the immensely well-respected Queen Beatrix who abdicated at a high in approval has never ever topped the popularity polls. She always became behind her mother Juliana, her husband Claus, her daughter-in-law Máxima. Likewise King Willem-Alexander has never ever topped the polls. Not as heir and nog as King. That Mary is spontaneously called the most liked Danish royal is no disqualification of Queen Margrethe. The same in the UK, when Diana was sweeping all and everyone aside, this could not be translated as Queen Elizabeth being unpopular or so.

Indeed. This should more be seen an indication that the succession in secure in the eyes of the people.
And for the head of a dynastic family that must be considered a success.
Noooo! No, no! Not Queen Daisy! Not that I don't like Frederik and Mary. I do. But why do this? She can't personally nurse Henrik or accompany him on the long sad journey as his mind and personality disintegrate. Queen Margrethe does have a number of creative hobbies but her days as an ex monarch would still drag, surely? This 'expert' speaks of signs pointing towards abdication, but what are they, apart from the fact that Frederik grows older. I hope he is wrong.
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Honestly, I can't see more sign of an abdication today than before. It very much feels like a rumor. I hope and think that she will continue.
Yes the role is for life but at some stage you might ask yourself, what is the point?
Margrethe looks still fit for duty so nothing urgent but when you start ailing and the CP hits 50+ ... I hope she will not be a pattex queen, sticking to the throne when it's time to go.
The Queen loves so much her throne and her Country , she will remain the Head of Denmark until the end of her life . She will certainly not be a nurse for her ill husband.
We shall see. If QMII is to abdicate, next year is among the most plausible bids.
We shall see. If QMII is to abdicate, next year is among the most plausible bids.

Yes there might be a point in that. Muhler, do you know if there is anything more to this rumors than presented in the article, something that is discussed in Denmark?
In quite a recent interview with Belgian reporters she stated that she will remain Queen until she dies.

It was right before the state visit from Philippe and Mathilde to Denmark.
Yes there might be a point in that. Muhler, do you know if there is anything more to this rumors than presented in the article, something that is discussed in Denmark?

No, no one seems to know anything. What is said about this matter is IMO pure speculation.
But the topic is indeed debated. That is should QMII abdicate.

There seems to be a pattern emerging. For each year more and more wish for QMII to abdicate. Or perhaps more correctly for M&F to get on the throne.

That is logic I believe.
M&F are seen here there and everywhere, taking over more and more. And many believe Frederik is about as ready to be king now as he ever will. This is the right time.
And the generation growing up now and reaching adulthood, for them it's mainly M&F who are their main royals.
People are by no means displeased with QMII. Good heavens no! And while many (about 50 %) believe she should stay on the throne till she dies, those in favor of QMII retiring (i.e. abdicating) are slowly going up.
No, never for my beloved Queen Daisy will be there at the helm till the very end......this is her life, what she was born to do and will do. As much as I adore both Mary and Frederik and think they will do a fabulous job someday that is is way off in the future. There is no reason yet for her to leave the throne, let M/F do all the work, let them support her till the every end for then that will be the right time for them to take over.

As much as I dislike that hat with the antenna sticking up, I would rather see her in that hat then no hat. No way is this going to happen...:ermm:
The monarchy is very popular in Denmark? Believe that the monarchy will still exist many years in this country? The Republican movement is strong?
The monarchy is strong and secure these years here in DK.

There are a few vocal republicans, but they have no public, let alone political support. So a republic is simply not on the table.
M&F are taking over and they are seen as worth to take over from QMII, who is actually genuinely popular now. - She has always been more respected than popular. And she has been very respected for many years.
:previous: I believe a long reign goes through many phases. Popular when new, for a decade or so, taken for granted for another decade or so, considered a stabilising/unifying force for the next decade or so. Then comes respect, admiration, pride, even loved if not beloved.

So, I am guessing that those who wish M&F on the throne don't actually think about ditching Margrethe, they just want a new age and believe their Queen should spend the last years of her life enjoying a well-earned retirement, painting, creating and enjoying the arts for the next, maybe, twenty odd years.

Personally, I think retirement would drive her batty but, continuing to turn things over to M&F at her own speed in her own way works for her. I have a feeling that she finds working on her own as lonely as Elizabeth does.
An interesting BT article comparing Frederik and Joachim and asking the question: Who is better suited to be king?

(You can also enjoy the photos).

That was a question that was asked in earnest when they were younger. Two DRF experts have been asked.

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen says: "Joachim has shown that it feels more natural for him and that he finds a greater joy about his public roles and being in public. It's easier to him. There have been a number of occasions, where you have even been able to feel Crown Prince Frederik's discomfort - not unwillingness, but discomfort. I believe the Crown Prince would like to be king, it just doesn't suit his personality. It's been something he has had to get used to and practice doing".

In the portrait book Under the Beam, Frederik comments on being awkward in public: "They (the Regent Couple) was sort of awkward, hesitant and couldn't really work out how to tell us. That was a big minus. It made me insecure and at times shy and awkward and later I got heat for it in the press, because I acted weird".

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen: "The performance-talent is only one aspect of it all. There are other factors like dedication and the hard work. It's true that Joachim from nature has a bigger ability to handle the public part, but then there are other sides of the role, that he is less suited for".

Søren Jacobsen: "Some love authority which is represented in the shape of Joachim, while others like the more laid-back method, which Crown Prince Frederik represents.
Time works in favor of Crown Prince Frederik. We are more laid-back in modern Denmark, so the spirit of the time and the development of the Crown Prince will meet up in a good way in a not too distant future".

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen: "He has married a woman (Mary) who has more (what??) in her little-finger that he has in his entire body. You must never forget that the DRF is a family-business and being regent means being part of a team, so she can compensate for his weaknesses and (she) is therefore a very big part of the solution to his problem".

Søren Jacobsen: "Mary is the best card of the Crown Prince. She has much more natural empathy than him. She has shown from the very start that she is perfect in her role. She has a fantastic ability to be eye to eye with everyone - that applies to elderly people as well as children, and she does it in a totally natural way".

-This is a topic that I will very much focus on in the book-thread.
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thank you for the article Muhler. Always enjoy the translations and pictures. :flowers::flowers:

Frederik has certainly grown into this role. Now he seems more then ready. The challenges of his youth have certainly help him be the confident and stable man today.
Joachim seems more natural in authority but distant which is a minus in today's time. Joachim would have been perfect 50 years ago.
Frederik today is certainly suitable to be King.
thank you for the article Muhler. Always enjoy the translations and pictures. :flowers::flowers:

Frederik has certainly grown into this role. Now he seems more then ready. The challenges of his youth have certainly help him be the confident and stable man today.
Joachim seems more natural in authority but distant which is a minus in today's time. Joachim would have been perfect 50 years ago.
Frederik today is certainly suitable to be King.

Frederick,absolutely!!No doubt about that.
Joachim takes more after his father in a uncanny way,
which doesn't make him suiteble at all.Not even to run a bath tub.
An interesting BT article comparing Frederik and Joachim and asking the question: Who is better suited to be king?

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen: "He has married a woman (Mary) who has more (what??) in her little-finger that he has in his entire body. You must never forget that the DRF is a family-business and being regent means being part of a team, so she can compensate for his weaknesses and (she) is therefore a very big part of the solution to his problem".

Søren Jacobsen: "Mary is the best card of the Crown Prince. She has much more natural empathy than him. She has shown from the very start that she is perfect in her role. She has a fantastic ability to be eye to eye with everyone - that applies to elderly people as well as children, and she does it in a totally natural way".

-This is a topic that I will very much focus on in the book-thread.

Saw this for myself Muhler when Mary and Frederik were in Sydney for the Opera House events.

The day of the rehersal for that night's big awards show - the Crown Prince Prize - a smallish group of us general public went downstairs to where the official cars were waiting to take the CP couple away.

The Australian Police assigned to escort Mary and Frederik talked to us - about thirty people, some Danish - as we all waited.

We were told that Mary had a really good sense of humour, and if we called out anything funny should might come over to us.

Also, if we just made a lot of noise, called out to her enough etc.

Frederik came out first and we all called across to him - only a few feet away from us. I'm afraid he didn't even look up and wave.

Mary had apparently gone to the Opera House gift shop to buy their children some souveniers and came out about thirty minutes later.

She headed for her car, but hesitated and posed as she was about to get in - then she relented and stepped back and came across to us and spent the next thirty or so minutes going along the line speaking with everyone, shaking hands, smiling and engaging with the group.

We all thought she was just lovely and it was all very "Australian" if you see what I mean.

Frederik did not endear himself - a wave and a hello as he stepped into his car would have been enough.

Mary went beyond that acknowledgement and we all had a bit of a thrill with the close encoutner and interaction with her.

And there was no rushing or skipping/missing people, she went slowly along the line, smiling, talking and joking. She had a joke with the young man just behind me.

This was just before she went off to the shops were the reporters and photographers caught a few snaps of her. Our experience was not photographed by anyone except us who were there.

I saw a lot of Mary and Frederik on this tour and it was all great fun, but this was even more special as it was off the cuff and only happened because of Mary's nature and attitude.
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A hereditary monarchy makes no sense once you start talking about aptitude and talent. By definition Frederik is best suited to be King because he is Queen Margrethe’s first born child.

I happen to think he’ll make a good monarch when the time comes, and he’s fortunate in that he made a very good choice for both himself and the monarchy when he married Mary. I also think Joachim would do a decent job as King, had he been the first born. But the comparisons are silly and irrelevant because the reality is the two men have completely different roles to play, no matter what their various strengths and weaknesses may be.
Prince Joachim has more presence, stature and natural authority than Prince Frederik. In my personal opinion that is. But that is useless babbling anyway. No matter a younger sister or brother is more talented, or brighter, or has more charisma, the eldest is the heir, suitable or not.
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