The Future of the Danish Monarchy

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Do you think the Queen Margrethe will eventually give up in a few years? Does everything what the Prince Henrik has done can take the Queen to abdicate?

I've been thinking about that as well.

It's difficult to say. There is IMO still a transition period going on, where people really don't know what PH's retirement is all about.
But if it become visibly strenuous for QMII to perform her public duties alone, like the summer cruises and state visits while at the same time PH is merrily going about his own business without any signs of mental deterioration, then the public annoyance may reach a point where people in earnest say: Let M&F take over.
I mean if PH opts out of everything he possibly can, including what you may call "family-gatherings" i.e. when a royal colleague celebrates something which the royals usually see as an opportunity to meet and catch up and if he is seen as openly unwilling to take part in the show, (there was unfortunately footage from QMII's birthday where she grabbed PH by the arm and wanted him to stand by her side on the balcony, which he rejected) that will of course cause negative publicity and annoyance in the eyes of the public.
Old age is forgivable. Illness is forgivable. Reduced mobility is forgivable. But sullen behavior is not.

So there may come a point when the public become so annoyed of PH again-again opt out of everything possible and act sullenly when he does appear that it starts to erode away the respect and sympathy there is for QMII and as such the DRF in general, then there may come a point where QMII feels she can better serve her country by abdicating. I.e. "go on retirement" too. There is after all a precedence now.

I think that scenario is unlikely but not far out.

ADDED: I think it's unlikely mainly because PH and QMII are now so old that they are likely to die or become more or less immobile before the public annoyance reach a point where there is a genuine call or rather desire for QMII to abdicate.
Had PH retired when he was around 65 then this option of abdicating would have been much more likely.
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:previous: I don't think Margrethe's back problem would make her unable to perform her duties as Queen. Should it become necessary, I am sure she would be quite able to reign from a wheelchair if necessary and she has two healthy sons and daughters-in-law to do the donkey work.

As to the "Heinrik problem", I can't help but feel that should he continue to diss his lovely wife she is more likely to divorce him than abdicate the throne of Denmark!
LL QMII! So when Frederik ascends the throne, Joachim and Marie will be needed (probably Nikolai as well) until Christian comes of age, right?
Regarding Henrik's alleged bad treatment of his wife, I would think that the Danish public would sympathize with the Queen and become even more proud of her for carrying on with dignity. I don't think Henrik's bad behavior would rub off on Margrethe and it would be unfair if it did.

Regarding abdication, I keep saying it, never say never. Times they are a changin. I don't think Margrethe would abdicate any time soon, however.
Agree. QMII's status in the public eye is not damaged by PH, she gets the sympathy, he gets the heat.

The only serious "threat" to QMII is M&F doing their job well. As time goes there will be an increasingly vocal call for QMII to abdicate and allow M&F to shine, "since they are they are the regent couple in anything but name anyway".

As for J&M there will sure be a need for them once QMII is gone, one way or another. Nikolai is unlikely to be needed unless QMII dies tomorrow. After all we are only eight years away from Christian being able to function as Rigsforstander/Regent.
But J&M wil be needed because neither Christian nor Bella can be expected to have completed their education before the age of 30 and they probably won't have a family before that either. So we are talking a time-span of some twenty years before they can relieve M&F in earnest.
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Regarding abdication, I keep saying it, never say never. Times they are a changin.I don't believe Margrethe would abdicate any time soon, however.
Times may change but Queen Margrethe and Queen Elizabeth for that matter, were both brought up to serve their country and that will never change. They both made promises to their people and believe that with God's help they will serve until the end.

These women are of a generation that took both their promises and their faith seriously which IMO makes it unlikely either would even consider abdication. Time may make them unable to perform to their best, but that's what heirs are for and, in extreme cases, Regents.

I believe you are right Muhler, that pressure may come for her to abdicate in favour of Frederik but I do not believe that Frederik would be willing to be pronounced King under those conditions.
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:previous: I agree.

Frederik would not be jumping with eagerness to take over if QMII is being pressured to abdicate. On the contrary he would probably go out and support her as much as he could.
But he wouldn't refuse either if QMII was "abdicated", but I can't see that happen.

Another matter is if Frederik himself would abdicate in favor of Christian when the time is right. I.e do a NLRF.

After all just like his mother, the day Frederik becomes king will not be a happy day for him.
Sorry if you understood about QM abdicating. Wasn't my intention. Thanks for your replies, though!
Eksperter: Derfor bør Frederik og Mary overtage tronen – Ekstra Bladet

We have brought this issue up several times here on TRF. But it's simply because it's a topic that is much up in the Danish media these months. Whether if it eventually will be best to let CP Frederik and CP Mary take over?

Queen Margrethe still do it fantastic, but so does CP Frederik and CP Mary. And although it's an old tradition that the monarch does not leave the throne before she/he dies we are in an rather exceptional situation at the moment IMO.

I love my royal family, but we can't get around that there's quite a turmoil with certain members of the DRF. Prince Henrik (or rather the media) creates constant turmoil and instability. Although Margrethe is doing it fantastic it's not gives good vibes or image when they cancel their golden wedding, when the Queen walks alone everywhere, and Prince Henrik happily traveling around the world himself etc. Additionally, there are all the turmoil with Alexandra's and Martin's divorce, a major debate about the apanage for Alexandra, Prince Henrik and Prince Joachim. Will the Danes continue to pay to members who do not contribute?

If it continues like this, I think it can end up with it maybe will be necessary - tradition or not - to let Frederik and Mary take over - they will provide peace and stability in the DRF which is needed. And they are ready, hardworking and very popular. A strong team.

According to the poll in article (notice from EB) over 81% of Danish readers wish CP Frederik and CP Mary to take over now! 81 %....

I hope this situation calm down soon (I have said this since January, I know...) Because Queen Margrethe is still doing it fantastic and I think it will break her heart to have to break with the old tradition AND because I wish for Frederik and Mary to get some years more as a young family with young children before they become King and Queen.
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:previous: I agree.

Frederik would not be jumping with eagerness to take over if QMII is being pressured to abdicate. On the contrary he would probably go out and support her as much as he could.
But he wouldn't refuse either if QMII was "abdicated", but I can't see that happen.

Another matter is if Frederik himself would abdicate in favor of Christian when the time is right. I.e do a NLRF.

After all just like his mother, the day Frederik becomes king will not be a happy day for him.

What about Mary ? Although she will never let it show in public, I have a feeling she would like the idea of becoming queen consort sooner rather than later.
I don't think Mary or Frederik are eager for the Queen to be forced to abdicate or for her to die. As crown prince couple they already have very prominent roles. Both already have full agendas and Mary has done great work with her foundation. They have basically taken over during state visits.
I see Mary quite happy in her role.
Of course Frederik and her have already shown their full support for the Queen.

And yes it's disappointing that other members are bringing negative attention to the work of the Queen and Crown Prince Couple
I don't think Mary or Frederik are eager for the Queen to be forced to abdicate or for her to die. As crown prince couple they already have very prominent roles. Both already have full agendas and Mary has done great work with her foundation. They have basically taken over during state visits.
I see Mary quite happy in her role.
Of course Frederik and her have already shown their full support for the Queen.

And yes it's disappointing that other members are bringing negative attention to the work of the Queen and Crown Prince Couple

As long as their children are young, I can't see them eager to step up to Margrethe's role. Ideally, the twins will be at least 15-16 when the time comes. However, I do agree with the general perception that Fred dreads it more than Mary.
. . . . If it continues like this, I think it can end up with it maybe will be necessary - tradition or not - to let Frederik and Mary take over - they will provide peace and stability in the DRF which is needed. And they are ready, hardworking and very popular. A strong team.

According to the poll in article (notice from EB) over 81% of Danish readers wish CP Frederik and CP Mary to take over now! 81 %....

I hope this situation calm down soon (I have said this since January, I know...) Because Queen Margrethe is still doing it fantastic and I think it will break her heart to have to break with the old tradition AND because I wish for Frederik and Mary to get some years more as a young family with young children before they become King and Queen.
It seems Denmark loves their Queen and should not allow the media to bamboozal them into pushing for Abdication "for her own good". I would suggest that what's good for Queen Margrethe is to be able to continue to reign for her whole life.

Those media types pushing for abdication are so full of supposedly 'altruistic' advice regarding HM that they seem to have overlooked "The Heir" and how he feels about it. Frederik has been raised to do his duty and nowhere in his life lessons did he learn there's an opt-out clause called abdication.

How would King Frederik feel sitting on a throne his mother was hounded off? Not too good I would think, facing her on a daily basis would be a living reproach and corrode the soul. One could only imagine the pressure in his family and his marriage. Taking the throne at the death of a loved parent would be heart-wrenching. Taking the throne any other way? Unthinkable!
As long as their children are young, I can't see them eager to step up to Margrethe's role. Ideally, the twins will be at least 15-16 when the time comes. However, I do agree with the general perception that Fred dreads it more than Mary.

There is little doubt in my mind he does dread the day - his mother dies.
If you'd asked me certainly ten years ago, I'd say he'd also dread becoming king. But he seems much more at ease and confident with his task now. - And with himself.
IMO no doubt because M&F have taken over so much. Also in the mind of the people and that too must give him confidence.

So I do believe he feels ready, while at the same time hoping that day will be years away.

I also believe it wouldn't be a bad idea should QMII voluntarily step aside, then the day Frederik will become king, will be a happy day, rather than a sad day.
However I don't like that the press almost urge her to step down. In fact I think that could make QMII and Frederik as well to become stubborn and go for the tradition, rather than introducing the concept of abdication to the DRF.

Anyway, it seems to me that Frederik has already taken over as much as he can. Without being able to say so with certainly, it seems to me that it's Frederik who now makes the decisions within the DRF, with his mother's co-operation and backing. Rather than the other way around.
As long as their children are young, I can't see them eager to step up to Margrethe's role. Ideally, the twins will be at least 15-16 when the time comes. However, I do agree with the general perception that Fred dreads it more than Mary.

Euh... King Willem-Alexander, King Felipe, King Philippe, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix, Grand Duke Henri, King Carl XVI Gustaf, King Juan Carlos, etc. came on the throne with young or even no children at all... The age of children is no argument in this, I think.


How would King Frederik feel sitting on a throne his mother was hounded off? [...]

Pretty comfortable, I think. His "colleagues" in Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein (de facto), the Netherlands and even at the Vatican seem to sit pretty comfortably on their thrones, all with their predecessors still around.

Times may change but Queen Margrethe and Queen Elizabeth for that matter, were both brought up to serve their country and that will never change. [...]

King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (*1894), Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (*1880), Grand-Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg (*1896), Princess Charlotte of Monaco (*1898) are examples of a generation even older than Margrethe and Elizabeth and most likely brought up in the very same adagium ("to serve God and country"). We may add Queen Juliana of the Netherlands (*1909) or Grand-Duke Jean of Luxembourg (*1921). They all voluntarily abdicated their rights anyway.
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What about Mary ? Although she will never let it show in public, I have a feeling she would like the idea of becoming queen consort sooner rather than later.

I believe she feels ready and consider it a challenge, but actually like the idea? No.
Apart from her and QMII by all accounts having a good relationship it would also be a very sad day for her husband. - And as pointed out here by other posters there are advantages in still being the CP-couple. Mary as Crown Princess, may have more time and opportunity to pursue some of her pet-projects than queen Mary may have.
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While I agree that Fred dreads the step up more than Mary (I believe that she is fond of the concept that women get to bear the 'Queen' title), I believe both are pretty content with the positions they have now.
They still kind of fly under the radar in terms of what they do in their private life, freedom, spending money, scrutiny. They enjoy the perks but do not have the responsibiltiy.
It is similar like in other countries, most of all the UK: when the old and loved monarch dies one day, people will take a different look: is this all still seasonable or up to date? Yes, Fred and Mary are popular but I think they will be easier targets for critizism if they put a foot wrong and and people will be less forgiving. There will be more pressure to change things or to answer for things, less respect because there is no life achievement to take credit for.
So all in all I'd give a hoot about the title 'Queen' and make the most of my CP life while it lasts.
There is little doubt in my mind he does dread the day - his mother dies.
If you'd asked me certainly ten years ago, I'd say he'd also dread becoming king. But he seems much more at ease and confident with his task now. - And with himself.
IMO no doubt because M&F have taken over so much. Also in the mind of the people and that too must give him confidence.

So I do believe he feels ready, while at the same time hoping that day will be years away.

I also believe it wouldn't be a bad idea should QMII voluntarily step aside, then the day Frederik will become king, will be a happy day, rather than a sad day.
However I don't like that the press almost urge her to step down. In fact I think that could make QMII and Frederik as well to become stubborn and go for the tradition, rather than introducing the concept of abdication to the DRF.

Anyway, it seems to me that Frederik has already taken over as much as he can. Without being able to say so with certainly, it seems to me that it's Frederik who now makes the decisions within the DRF, with his mother's co-operation and backing. Rather than the other way around.

There is actually an alternative to both the status quo and a hypothetical abdication, namely a scenario where Margrethe II stays formally as queen, but Frederik takes over permanently as regent. What does Danish law say about that ?
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Euh... King Willem-Alexander, King Felipe, King Philippe, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix, Grand Duke Henri, King Carl XVI Gustaf, King Juan Carlos, etc. came on the throne with young or even no children at all... The age of children is no argument in this, I think.

Agreed. Just to add to that, let's keep in mind that, in the past, for many centuries actually, when life expectancy was quite low and most monarchs were quite young by contemporary standards, they often ascended the throne with young children or no children at all yet. And, unlike today's kings who only wave to the crowd, sign a few documents and hold a few audiences, those kings of the past actually had to rule their countries, go to war, etc. etc., their young families notwithstanding.

Pretty comfortable, I think. His "colleagues" in Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein (de facto), the Netherlands and even at the Vatican seem to sit pretty comfortably on their thrones, all with their predecessors still around.

King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (*1894), Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (*1880), Grand-Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg (*1896), Princess Charlotte of Monaco (*1898) are examples of a generation even older than Margrethe and Elizabeth and most likely brought up in the very same adagium ("to serve God and country"). We may add Queen Juliana of the Netherlands (*1909) or Grand-Duke Jean of Luxembourg (*1921). They all voluntarily abdicated their rights anyway.
There is actually an alternative to both the status quo and a hypothetical abdication, namely a scenario where Margrethe II stays formally as queen, but Frederik takes over permanently as regent. What does Danish law say about that ?

The Law of Succession says the Crown Prince/ss become Regent if the monarch is physically or mentally unable to carry out her duties.
There is no mentioning of semi-retirement

QMII is the Monarch until she dies or abdicate.

In a way you can say this is what is happening now. M&F taking over in anything but the things the Monarch is obliged by law to undertake.
As I've written here before and as Queen Margrethe have said at least 10 times, she will never abdicate. When her good friend King Harald celebrated 25 years on the throne in January, she was asked by a Norwegian journalist about a possible abdication in Norway? She didn't like the question and said that abdication is not a tradition in Norway and Denmark - the male journalist didn't dare to respond. She said the same to a another Norwegian female journalist - who didn't dared to respond either. It was realy funny to see her handle both these intrusive Norwegian journalists.
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Summary of a very interesting Q&A in Billed Bladet #30, 2016.

Where a Henrik Blunck asks what would happen should Frederik renounce the right to the throne. And not only that; until Christian turns eighteen his parents legally speaking makes the decisions for him. - In other words Frederik can put his foot down and refuse to accept any of his children's claim to the throne.
So would Joachim become the next king then?

That's now how the piano plays, explains Jon Bloch Skipper.
Regardless Christian is the next in line, so he will be the next king, unless he too renounce the throne or die.

The Law of Succession §25, states that should the monarch become indisposed for various reasons, temporary of permanently and the heir is not yet of legal age, a Rigsforstander will be appointed, until in this case Christian turns eighteen.
That will either be Joachim or Mary. - If Mary became Rigsforstander than there will be no possible conflict since Mary would legally be making decisions on behalf of her son.
Should Joachim become Rigsforstander, Mary will still be okaying at least some decisions made on behalf of her son.

- Okay, let's have a macabre what if: QMII dies tomorrow and Frederik become king.
Next year Frederik dies from after a period of illness. While he was indisposed Frederik appointed Mary as Rigsforstander (as is his right) and before he dies he request Statsrådet (i.e. the government) to accpet Mary as Rigsforstander until Christian turns eighteen, with Joachim as councilor, advisor and back-up.
It will be unusual, but unless the Parliament has any particular objections they will usually follow a request from the Monarch.

That means Mary would be the Danish head-of-state for some eight-ten years.
The last time something like that happened was in the late 1500's, when Christian IV was a boy. (*)

(*) While Christian IV may have been a King, he was nevertheless still a boy and that meant he was brought up in accordance with the discipline used back then... There was no such thing as a "whipping-boy" in Denmark, so King Christian IV was spanked on quite a number of occasions!
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:previous: Surely though, should Frederik die in that very unfortunate way next year, his son Christian, (though a minor) would immediately become monarch (and therefore nominally Head of State.) A bit of 'The King is dead, God Save the King', so to speak.
Also, how much power does a constitutional monarch have in Denmark? Even if Mary is appointed as Rigsforstander she surely wouldn't be making decisions that affect the realm. I thought, am I wrong, that Danish monarchs nowadays are ceremonial heads only?
I really think that Frederik would hopefully pick Joachim for this position. I believe Joachim has acted as Regent in the past when the Queen and his brother have been out of the country.
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While Joachim is most likely to be appointed Rigsforstander in such a case it's not a certainty.
Only the Crown Prince(ss) is automatically Regent in the absence of the Monarch. Everybody else are appointed Rigsforstander by the Monarch, or Statsrådet - after consultations with the Parliament.

Christian can only be king when he turns eighteen and have signed a pledge to obey the Constitution, which he can't do until he is of legal age, i.e. eighteen.
So the de facto head of state until Christian turns eighteen is the Rigsforstander. That happened during the childhood of King Christian IV and before that under Queen Margrethe I, in the 1300's.

The Danish monarch does hold some constitutional power.
In this case it would be the Rigsforstander who signs laws making them valid.
It's also the Rigsforstander (in this thought experiment Mary) who formally accept the resignations and appointments of governments.
It's also to the Rigsforstander foreign ambassadors present their credentials. Until then they cannot act as fully acknowledged ambassadors.
It's in the name of Rigsforstander Mary, on behalf of her son Christian, that all state and municipal authority in Denmark stems, via the ministries.
Rigsforstander Mary will also formally be the commander in chief of the military. - Again on behalf of her son, but she is the executive.
It's also the Rigsforstander who will head the State Councils and it's the Rigsforstander who will be briefed weekly by the PM, so that she can act in the best interests of Denmark and her son and the DRF - in that order.
Christian will have no official saying in any of these matters.

If she takes her son on state or official visits, Rigsforstander Mary is the first to be greeted, and she is the one who will give the official speech on behalf of Denmark.

It's also Rigsforstander Mary who will decide what to do, if Joachim in a fit of rage plants an axe in the head of his mechanic who did a poor job on the brakes of Joachim's car. - A perfectly understandable reaction...:p

And so on and so on.
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I see. Thanks for that. Interesting to see that there is a quite a bit of power, and prestige, involved in the role of Rigsforstander. Let's hope that Queen Margrethe lives until she's ninety and Frederik until he's eighty. That should ensure a smooth accession! How would Christian be addressed during the interim period that his mother would be Rigsforstander, then? Would he remain Crown Prince?

It must also be pretty daunting for an eighteen year old suddenly to be monarch!
Especially since royals nowadays are no longer groomed to rule, but to reign, which can be pretty complicated PR and people-skill wise.

So I hope Frederik will introduce abdication in the DRF and abdicate when Christian is about 45 or so.
That is interesting. So the Rigsforstander can be someone not in the lineal line of succession to the throne.

I know Mary is popular but how would such a move be received by the Danish people?

Joachim is a prince of the 'blood royal' as we say in the commonwealth, and I would have assumed it would automatically go to him.
It's also the Rigsforstander who will head the State Councils and it's the Rigsforstander who will be briefed weekly by the PM, so that she can act in the best interests of Denmark and her son and the DRF - in that order..

I had never heard of these weekly meetings with the PM and ministers that Frederik also regularly attends, until they were mentioned in an article about the tv-series 'The Queen's castles' a few months ago.

It would be great to know more about the more "invisible" royal duties of the Regent and Crown Prince (couple).
That is interesting. So the Rigsforstander can be someone not in the lineal line of succession to the throne.

I know Mary is popular but how would such a move be received by the Danish people?

Joachim is a prince of the 'blood royal' as we say in the commonwealth, and I would have assumed it would automatically go to him.

Absolutely. There are a couple (official) requirements for becoming Rigsforstander:
You have to be a Danish citizen and you have to sign a pledge to obey the Constitution. I'm not sure you are required to be a Lutheran nowadays, but for a longer period that must be considered a must as well, since the Danish monarch is head of the state church.
Then of course you have to be of sound mind and "worthy". That is not a criminal or in general considered a shady character.
Anyone who fits these conditions can be appointed Rigsforstander, even above others in the Line of Succession.
It's only the Crown Prince(ss) who cannot be sidelined.

I had never heard of these weekly meetings with the PM and ministers that Frederik also regularly attends, until they were mentioned in an article about the tv-series 'The Queen's castles' a few months ago.

It would be great to know more about the more "invisible" royal duties of the Regent and Crown Prince (couple).

There are no doubt many!

That applies to all the major working royals, especially when going abroad.
They have to well briefed in the culture, history, domestic as well as foreign politics of the nation they are visiting. - Simply to avoid gaffes.
And they have to be very well-informed about the government but also the opposition's stand on various issues when visiting a foreign country or being visited by foreign guests.
In a tribe the size of the population of Hamburg it's crucial the members of the DRF don't say or do anything that goes against the official line, because it will be noted on the spot!

If we go even further in this macabre thought experiment and imagine that QMII dies tomorrow. Then M&F will become the regent couple.
But in say five years tragedy strikes. Frederik takes Christian and Isabella out sailing on a winters day and the boat goes down. They end up in icy water and the children die, before help can get there. In icy waters you can drown within seconds even if you are a good swimmer.
Frederik dies a few weeks later from complications and grief.
In the meantime he has requested Mary to be Rigsforstander until Vincent is old enough to take over.

By then Mary will have been a queen and majesty for five years and gained even more experience, so IMO it will be difficult for Statsrådet and the Parliament not to follow that request.

Apart from the human aspect of Mary losing her husband and two children, I don't think that would that would cause that big a stir, and certainly few protests, assuming M&F have done a competent job as the regent couple.
I think the most heard argument would be that Mary should rather concentrate on her two remaining children, from a purely human aspect. And let Joachim handle all the other things.
- But to that could be argued that had it been Mary and their two oldest children who died, no one would expect Frederik to step down.

As you know Joachim does not have the highest popular ratings, nor (unfairly I think) the highest confidence ratings.

There would be other discussions about not subjecting the two remaining children to any danger, and certainly never together, but that's an entirely different matter.
So yes, Mary can become Rigsforstander for some eight years or so, and in anything but name, she will legally speaking be the monarch.
That is clearly stated in the Law of Succession §7 of 1871.

§ 7 Rigsforstanderen træder, saalænge han fører Regjeringen, i statsretlig Henseende i Kongens Sted. Han udøver den kongelige Myndighed og nyder den samme Ansvarsfrihed som Kongen; Ministrene ere ansvarlige for Regjeringens Førelse.

(Archaic Danish, Google will be of little use, so this is just for reference).
That is interesting. So the Rigsforstander can be someone not in the lineal line of succession to the throne.

I know Mary is popular but how would such a move be received by the Danish people?

Joachim is a prince of the 'blood royal' as we say in the commonwealth, and I would have assumed it would automatically go to him.

In the Netherlands foreign-born Dowager-Princesses were appointed Regentess for the underaged royal:

Amalia Reichsgräfin von Solms-Braunfels for her underaged son Willem II, The Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Provinces.

Mary I Stuart, The Princess Royal, for her underaged son Willem III, The Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Provinces, later King of England, Scotland and Ireland.

Marie-Luise Prinzessin von Hessen-Kassel for her underaged son Willem IV and once again for her underaged grandson Willem V, both The Prince of Orange and Stadtholder of the United Provinces.

Anne of Great-Britain and Hannover, The Princess Royal, for her underaged son Willem V, The Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Provinces.

Emma Prinzessin von Waldeck und Pyrmont, for her sick spouse Willem III, King of the Netherlands, Grand-Duke of Luxembourg.

Emma, Prinzessin von Waldeck und Pyrmont for her underaged daughter Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands.

All these regencies by foreign-born royal ladies were seen as succesfull. So why would a regency by foreign-born Mary be less succesfull? Ultimately all these foreign born spouses have the same interest: to do all that the throne and the royal prerogatives are passed to their very own flesh and blood - intact and unaffected. I would even say: a regency is in better hands with the Dowager than with a brother because that last one can pursue an own agenda.

Was not Dowager Queen Ingrid a Regentess for the underaged Margrethe but her uncle Prince Knud, the Arveprins... best recipe for intrigues! The foreign-born Swedish Princess Ingrid will have her daughter as her sole interest. Danish-born Prince Knud as Regent might have had an own agenda...
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