The Family of Mary - The Donaldsons

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I doubt she will write about the royal family since she is the crown princess's step mother, it wouldnt be right IMO for her to do so.
My guess its just a story/novel that takes place in Denmark.
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I doubt she will write about the royal family since she is the crown princess's step mother, it wouldnt be right IMO for her to do so.
My guess its just a story/novel that takes place in Denmark.

My thought exactly. It would be a bit too much for the Crown Princess' step-mother to write about the royal family and reveal inside information ;) I googled "Mary Donaldson" and read in Wiki that her father currently teaches at the Universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus. Which means that this isn't a simple visit. Susan Moody taught creative writing at the University of Copenhagen in 2006. :flowers:
My thought exactly. It would be a bit too much for the Crown Princess' step-mother to write about the royal family and reveal inside information ;) I googled "Mary Donaldson" and read in Wiki that her father currently teaches at the Universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus. Which means that this isn't a simple visit. Susan Moody taught creative writing at the University of Copenhagen in 2006. :flowers:

I don't think he has worked at the Universities for quite sometime. That info came from an article that was published in 2007.
However he is supposed to be teaching atm. i cannot recall where. :)
Thanks for the info, Lumutqueen! It wasn't clear in Wiki. I guess people who say Wiki isn't that accurate are right.
John Donaldson's current teaching position.

"Professor John D. Donaldson is a guest professor at Herlufsholm (Boarding) School in Næstved , Zealand , Denmark."

Courtesy of Wikipedia and Herlufsholm official website(in danish).

Google Translate, Grams Trans or another online program can translate the article into English.

Herlufsholm School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



(An article in Danish about Professor John Donaldson-Guest Professor).


Billed Bladet also had an article a couple of month ago about his new teaching position.
Of course Susan wouldn't write about the DRF and Mary, but she might use them as inspiration, let's say...All authors, particularly fiction authors use their families as inspiration, so as Susan has a wealth of new subjects, why wouldn't she use it as creative fodder? You knowthe disclaimer "Characters and situations in this book are fictional and any similarlity to real events is purely coincidental" ;)

Mary and her eldest sister Jane look the most similar...and Jane at 43 looks like she's had a hard life...not that there's anything wrong with that...She had her kids younger, and three of them, probably in her late20s/early 30s (Mary had her in mid/late 30s)...she is a hard worker and looks more down-to-earth and practical than her baby sister...So it will be interesting to see Mary at 43 (6 years time) Whether it is purely genetics and despite her best efforts Mary will look like Jane or will Mary's "easy" comfortable, fortunate life make her seem younger than Jane does now? It will be interesting to see...But I actually think both her sisters are looking better now than when Mary first married...their little sister is a Princess, so they have had to "step up" in terms of health and appearance?
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I think it would be so strange to come and visit your sister in a castle, with servants and maids and security people around, whilst you used to sit on the veranda having a 'cuppa'. Do you get used to it as a family or do you long for 'normality'??....I don't know....I wonder if Mary longs for a 'normal, quiet family life in Tasmania' sometimes.....
I think it would be so strange to come and visit your sister in a castle, with servants and maids and security people around, whilst you used to sit on the veranda having a 'cuppa'. Do you get used to it as a family or do you long for 'normality'??....I don't know....I wonder if Mary longs for a 'normal, quiet family life in Tasmania' sometimes.....

It would be very normal if she does but many people dream of marrying a prince and Mary's life if you ocme to think about it, its quite quiet and relaxing. She is active but yet has alot of family time. She doesnt have photographers bothering her unless she is in Australia.
The Danes have been very welocming to Mary is what I hear therefore its not hard to adapt to the new life if you are accepted.

Its good to know that her family visits quite alot especially her sister.
Though we never hear of her brother and his family visiting. Infact, I don't think they've been back to Denmark since the wedding in 2004. A little strange, imo. Even if the whole family couldn't go, then surely her brother would/could make the trip?

I of course have absolutely no idea...these are just my observations with the information I have available to me which would be much the same as what would be available to the rest of you.

Both Mary's sisters have been back, with Jane being the more regular visitor.
The fact that the siblings do not openly visit each other often doesn't mean they are not close. It's just a consequence of the life choices they have taken. Anyone who has family living as far as Asia or Australia (from Europe) will know what I am talking about, some people don't visit their family for years, most will maybe go once a year or once in two years. It's a long flight and these days everybody is busy with their own lifes. With internet and skype many people, quite understandibly, don't see the need to put themselves to an expensive and time consuming ordeal what a such a flight can be when at the same time their own life is not being put on hold at home.

Jane looks as if she's having a hard life, on the other hand many women who are occupied with other things like job and family are not into fashion or looks and I find it quite charming that she didn't go to the beautician before visiting her sister.
I never mentioned the state of Mary and her brothers relationship. I only noted that I thought it 'strange' that since the wedding, nothing has been mentioned of a visit by her brother or his family. Probably because one hasn't been made, and I say this only because it is always known when either Jane or Patricia have visited. It's entirely likely they've seen one another during a return visit to Australia.

Perhaps not so strange they haven't visited as it is quite the distance and the expenses involved would be considerable for a middle class family, respectively.

Who knows...not I. It's their business and was merely an observation from outside the fishbowl...;)
I never mentioned the state of Mary and her brothers relationship. I only noted that I thought it 'strange' that since the wedding, nothing has been mentioned of a visit by her brother or his family. Probably because one hasn't been made, and I say this only because it is always known when either Jane or Patricia have visited. It's entirely likely they've seen one another during a return visit to Australia.

Who knows...not I. It's their business and was merely an observation from outisde the fishbowl...;)

My post wasn't directed at yours, MR :flowers:
It's just that people usually draw the conclusion that if people don't meet they must not get along what is not necessarily the case, especially when they life on different continents. I know quite a few people from Australia / NZ who haven't seen siblings for years but nobody makes a fuzz about it. People get on with facts of life and pick up the phone or skype if they feel the need.
Not a problem at all, Duke of Marmalade :)

I think perhaps we'll see the Crown Princely family back here towards the end of next year, if the Crown Princess isn't with child (again, who knows).

The official tour of 2005, the private visit of 2006 and semi official visit of 2008 would have to suffice until at least the second half of 2010, I'd imagine.

Speculative, of course, but I can't see there being a visit before then.
Jane and Patricia still live in Hobart, Tasmania. John lives in Queensland (subject to correction). At the time of Mary's wedding, there were articles in the Australian press about how John and his family had to use some of their mortgage to pay for the trip to Denmark to attend the royal wedding. So, it is very expensive and John may not be able to afford to take his entire family to Denmark. Jane has been back to Denmark with her whole family on only 1 occasion since the royal wedding. Patricia visited Denmark, without her family, at the time of Prince Christian's christening.
The Crown Prince Family can afford to take their whole family to Australia and the times when they do visit Tasmania, the whole Donaldson clan meet up in Hobart.
Another excellent point that has been these days of the internet, skype (and telephone), the Donaldson family can remain in contact even if they don't see each other physically.
I always thought Mary would be willing and able to pay expenses for any of the family if they wanted to come and visit...she and Fred earn enough one should think...what is a ticket or 4 to Denmark to her...peanuts! less then one handbag!
Ah yes, but I doubt the money granted by the Danish State to the Crown Princely couple should be used for flights of relatives. And not even relatives of the blood royal at that.

I don't think that would go down too well and when their finances are subject to public interest and are reported upon annually. it certainly wouldn't look too good and would cause a whole lot of avoidable grief, imo.

I recall having read at the time that Mr Donaldson required some manoeuvring of his finances to attend his sisters wedding, along with his family. It certainly wouldn't be cheap for a middle class working family. Quite understandably. I've no idea what his wife does in the way of an occupation but from what I gather, he's field of work is rather select. Something to do with archaeology or the like.
Something to do with archaeology or the like.
John is a geologist!:flowers:

It certainly wouldn't be cheap for a middle class working family.
Yes! Not only the airfare to consider, but also accommodation, new tuxedos, suits, dresses, gowns and accessories that were worn to the pre-wedding and wedding festivities.

In any event, CP Mary's siblings may not want to take money or favors from their youngest sister anyway! We can all imagine the media frenzy if they did! Her siblings would be accused of taking advantage of their sister's position!
I always thought Mary would be willing and able to pay expenses for any of the family if they wanted to come and visit...she and Fred earn enough one should think...what is a ticket or 4 to Denmark to her...peanuts! less then one handbag!
i agree with you! she owns her own salary and what she does with her own salary is only her bussiness not the danish people, she still work and earn her own money and nobody can tell her what to do with that if shewants to pay a ticket to her familyy is up to her . i am suprie about the family paying the ticket to her wedding I thought this was include in the wedding expense??
John is a geologist!:flowers:

Yes! Not only the airfare to consider, but also accommodation, new tuxedos, suits, dresses, gowns and accessories that were worn to the pre-wedding and wedding festivities.

In any event, CP Mary's siblings may not want to take money or favors from their youngest sister anyway! We can all imagine the media frenzy if they did! Her siblings would be accused of taking advantage of their sister's position!
I agree with your post, plus if the brother only gets 4 weeks vacation per year, the wife and children might want to plan their own holiday which doesn't include others. I see nothing strange in not wanting to spend one's holiday each year with other relatives -- I personally agree that with email and the face book internet, daily "talks" with family is a common thing, especially in my family, who are spread all over the world.
Yeah, she could start with a murder at Amalienborg :eek: :D
Ah yes, but I doubt the money granted by the Danish State to the Crown Princely couple should be used for flights of relatives. And not even relatives of the blood royal at that.

I don't think that would go down too well and when their finances are subject to public interest and are reported upon annually. it certainly wouldn't look too good and would cause a whole lot of avoidable grief, imo.

I recall having read at the time that Mr Donaldson required some manoeuvring of his finances to attend his sisters wedding, along with his family. It certainly wouldn't be cheap for a middle class working family. Quite understandably. I've no idea what his wife does in the way of an occupation but from what I gather, he's field of work is rather select. Something to do with archaeology or the like.

I honestly thought that CP Mary could do with her money what ever she it true that she has to account for all her spending? Even 'private 'spendings' that have nothing to do with her role as a CP? So if she wants to help her sister Jane buy her flight ticket she would have to account for that and that spneding would be public knowledge? My God, if that is so, the role of CP sound a whole less glamorous to me now....:sad:
I believe private expenses remain just that, private. For the most part anyway.

That Mary's family had to finance their own way to the wedding and that the only regular visitors appear to be Jane, their father and his wife suggests quite clearly to me that Frederik and Mary are in no position to ethically pay for her family's travel expenses, accommodation etc and so forth.

Sure, its their 'personal' income, but it's hardly 'personal'. Not when your being payed directly by the government and have your financial position made public annually.

I think her family would prefer to avoid the possibility of any such information finding its way to the tabloids. "Mary's freeloading Australian relatives come to stay". BB, SogH and any other tabloid would be all over it and it would place the Crown Princely couple in an unfortunate situation. Anti monarchy groups and opposing parliamentary parties would have a field day. Should it be that they would do it even if only once, then that one time would stick like mud to a blanket. And to be honest, I don't think her family should benefit in such a way from her and her husband's wealth.

I know I wouldn't expect my wealthy businessman brother to pay for my airfares to New York to see him, and I'd imagine Mary's siblings would feel much the same. Particularly given the delicate nature that is public approval....the monarchy's main source of existance.

Prevention is better than cure.
And in addition to that, who knows if Mary's relatives are really keen to visit her in person since there are other ways to stay in contact? Apart from the money issue or the long flight time it's a lot of hassle - not everybody likes the idea of staying in a royal household as a guest, surrounded by people who have to follow their own daily agenda, let alone paparazzi taking pictures the minute you leave the house, coming up with ridiculous stories or commenting on your appearance. If I lived in Oz and my sister had married a prince in Europe, for exactly those reasons neither I nor my siblings or parents would be keen to visit her, what doesn't mean that our relationship was strained but only adapting to reality or personal choice of way of life.
Well, at the time of my brother wedding I did not have the moeny to go to his wedding a long flight from los angeles to bueos aires but i really wanted to be there my brother paid for my flight and my husband and i did not see anything wrong with that he had the money to afford it! and i was glad he did i would have felt terrible not to be at this wedding! but of course my brother is not a public figure like mary
And in addition to that, who knows if Mary's relatives are really keen to visit her in person since there are other ways to stay in contact? Apart from the money issue or the long flight time it's a lot of hassle - not everybody likes the idea of staying in a royal household as a guest, surrounded by people who have to follow their own daily agenda, let alone paparazzi taking pictures the minute you leave the house, coming up with ridiculous stories or commenting on your appearance. If I lived in Oz and my sister had married a prince in Europe, for exactly those reasons neither I nor my siblings or parents would be keen to visit her, what doesn't mean that our relationship was strained but only adapting to reality or personal choice of way of life.
You made the points exactly right. Not everyone's idea of a relaxing holiday, especially when you have only a few weeks off work per year.
Adding my two cents:

Yes, we don't know the relationship between Mary and her siblings and thank goodness for previously mentioned there are tons of way to stay in touch and with cell phones its not as expensive to call internationally.

I also agree that if Mary was to pay for her siblings and their family to travel to Denmark that would create unwanted attention and comments. And really, who needs that? And lets be honest, when kids get older they want "funner" vacations, and I know families who have kids in school activities (like baseketball) who use their vacations to participate in basketball tournaments, etc. So sometimes the funds and time could not be readily available to travel to Denmark.

In addition, not to compare famillies but its great that Mary is so removed distance wise from her siblings (althought she would like to se them more during special occassions I am sure).

I am not Australian but I would imagine that unless Mary comes to Australia or they travel to Denmark, you don't hear too much about her family. Unlike say the family of CP Letizia who receive a lot of press in Spain mainly just because of CP Letizia. Or Kate Middleton or Jane (the sister of Sarah, Duchess of York). Now there is debate on whether or not any of these people (Kate Middleton or the sister of Letizia) seek the press, I am not trying to stir that discussion in this thread but because of the distance....Jane, Patricia and John are somewhat removed from Mary's tabloid life. Hope this makes sense.
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In such case, I think Mary's siblings are incredibly lucky that they are able to keep their privacy. That's pretty unusual, though, considering Australia's media can be notorious in gossip...?
In such case, I think Mary's siblings are incredibly lucky that they are able to keep their privacy. That's pretty unusual, though, considering Australia's media can be notorious in gossip...?

I think the press is more interested in Mary and do respect the lives of her family. But when she is in Australia they do bother her sister while Mary was staying at her home but that was only because she was there.
I think its respecting them if not then it would be quite easy to photograph them since they do know where they live, will they do know where Jane lives.
Crown Princess Mary's father, John Donaldson, recently opened an exhibition in Copenhagen.

Billed-Bladet - Marys far åbner udstilling i København

It was called "Cool Globe". He opened it with the Danish Environmental Minister, Connie Hedegaard. Susan Moody, Mary's stepmother, was also present at the event. It focuses on environmental responsibility. Donaldson spoke about how everyone can help the environment by doing little things like turning off lights when one is not in a room and driving less. The article also mentions that the Donaldsons recently cared for Christian and Isabella while Mary and Frederik were in Vietnam. It says that Mary's father loves being a grandfather.
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