The Family of Mary - The Donaldsons

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
This is indeed hard news, but a reality for many. I'm sure the video chats can help a little. Hopefully things get better soon.
Mary's father John Donaldson and Susan have some house in Denmark? Where do they stay when they're in Denmark?
With M&F.

AFAIK the Donaldsons don't have so close friends in DK, that they will prefer to live with them.
Well if it's confusing for you it is also confusing for us. There are many thousands of Aussies wanting to return to our shores and cannot. I believe many of them live permanently overseas but have decided to return here due to Covid.
Having said that US Director Ron Howard and his wife are here filming. Also Matt Damon and family, many other actors from the US are here at present. Julia Roberts and George Clooney are due to come over later in the year. Also all the Tennis stars came for the Australian Open in January.
So perhaps it may not be so difficult for Fred and Mary. Golfer Greg Norman is also considering returning here. Zac Efron has been here for over twelve months I think and his brother arrived last month.
So the rules that apply for you and me appear to be different for Celebrities etc.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #35, 2021.
Written by Ulrik Ulriksen.

Tomorrow, 5th September, John Donaldson will turn 80. At the same time it's the 20th anniversary for the marriage between him and Susan Moody.

The article does not say where John Donaldson currently lives. How he is doing or how, if at all, his birthday is to be celebrated.
If he lived outside of Australia I assume his children and other Australian friends and relatives won't be able to visit him?
In London. Aha.

How are the travel restrictions to EU for foreign nationals who are residents of UK?
I imagine M&F, with their diplomatic passports wouldn't have problems traveling to and from UK, but John and Susan?
Even the serious newspaper Jyllands Posten, that doesn't cover the DRF that much, except in connection with export-promtions, business and development, has an article about John Donaldson.

It's in line with most other articles. John Donaldson is well liked in DK, and left a very positive impression at M&F's wedding.
- No doubt because he is also a very private man, who rarely says anything about the DRF, nor himself for that matter.
Discretion is appreciated.

The articles about John Donaldson today should delight Mary, if she reads them.
That's nice. The last time John Donaldson and Susan Moody visited DK was back in 2019.
So it must delight Mary to be visited by her father. And who knows when she will see her siblings? Not until next year, I fear.

John Donaldson and Susan Moody now reside in London.

And what a difference in regards to the children! Since he last saw them in person Isabella and Christian have suddenly become teenagers - and look like teenagers!
That's great news! So glad she finally got to see her dad and he see his daughter and grandkids. I'm sure they spoke and video chatted but obviously not the same as getting to hug in person. Have he and Susan settled in London permanently? I hope that the siblings get to see each other in the not too distant future as well.
Unfortunately, I think Mary's "surprise" trip to Australia earlier this year indicated as much. But very lovely for the whole family they get to celebrate together after so many years apart.
I do hope they are left in peace to enjoy Christmas and spend time with their grandfather. Christian and Isabella seemed very close and fond of him. He looked after them when M and F were on over seas tours.
Well done.

I have the impression that the Donaldsons haven't been cheated of IQ points.

- Some of us have noticed that Mary for periods has gone under the radar and I do wonder if she going through some kind of course or study.
That could be anything from a crash course in some topic, to a more academic course or for that matter the Home Guard. (The Navy Home Guard springs to mind, as they quietly perform a number of jobs a coast guard (if DK had one) or the navy would normally do. It would mean a lot to the Navy Home Guard if Mary wore the dark blue beret.)
It would be inline with some of Mary's peers, who also attend courses and classes from time to time.
Well done.

I have the impression that the Donaldsons haven't been cheated of IQ points.

- Some of us have noticed that Mary for periods has gone under the radar and I do wonder if she going through some kind of course or study.
That could be anything from a crash course in some topic, to a more academic course or for that matter the Home Guard. (The Navy Home Guard springs to mind, as they quietly perform a number of jobs a coast guard (if DK had one) or the navy would normally do. It would mean a lot to the Navy Home Guard if Mary wore the dark blue beret.)
It would be inline with some of Mary's peers, who also attend courses and classes from time to time.

Congratulations to Jane! Quite an accomplishment!!

Yes...I've noticed how Mary has been going MIA for days/weeks at a time. It has been happening I'd say since around maybe October or November IIRC.

Isn't she part of the Home Guard already with a rank of Captain?

Could she be getting another degree? Mary is a over-achiever. I would not put it past her tbh.
Congratulations to Jane! Quite an accomplishment!!

Yes...I've noticed how Mary has been going MIA for days/weeks at a time. It has been happening I'd say since around maybe October or November IIRC.

Isn't she part of the Home Guard already with a rank of Captain?

Could she be getting another degree? Mary is a over-achiever. I would not put it past her tbh.

Yes, in the army Home Guard, but not in the two other branches.
She could also take the basic staff course, which would make her a major. A major a la suite to be exact, because such a crash as it would inevitably be would not qualify her for command roles.
But Mary could indeed go for a degree. And that is just as likely IMO as the Home Guard.

- I mean Mary has been "gone" for periods recently and as she is hardly sitting at home with her feet up watching reruns of the Eastenders, she must be doing something.
Time at the office? Yes, no doubt that too. But not all the time.
Sitting on a horse? Probably on occasion, but she has managed to do that and still be on the job, out and about.

So IMO it's more than tempting to think that she is doing something these days. - Communications perhaps? The DRF sure could use some more professionalism within that area...
Yes, in the army Home Guard, but not in the two other branches.
She could also take the basic staff course, which would make her a major. A major a la suite to be exact, because such a crash as it would inevitably be would not qualify her for command roles.
But Mary could indeed go for a degree. And that is just as likely IMO as the Home Guard.

- I mean Mary has been "gone" for periods recently and as she is hardly sitting at home with her feet up watching reruns of the Eastenders, she must be doing something.
Time at the office? Yes, no doubt that too. But not all the time.
Sitting on a horse? Probably on occasion, but she has managed to do that and still be on the job, out and about.

So IMO it's more than tempting to think that she is doing something these days. - Communications perhaps? The DRF sure could use some more professionalism within that area...

All good reasons for her being MIA. And it has been consistent for months.

Maybe Mary got annoyed with the clear lacking of relevant experience and professionalism, etc. from the comm's department and said I will just it myself. LOL. Part of her work in Australia did involve marketing and putting together campaigns and getting the message across of a particular program or product. She's probably more qualified than some that are in that department now!!

But there has to be a reason for her absences. Bulking up her CV and preparation.
Off topic and speculative posts have been removed, this is a thread for actual news and information about Mary's family. Thank you!
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