The Family of Mary - The Donaldsons

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mary's stepmother will be teaching a class at Copenhagen University next year, called Detective Fiction, reports BT. The class will be an elective for the students studying for their Bachelor's in English.
articles on Mary's stepmother, Susan Moody teaching at Copenhagen University :

also, from

Mysterious royal stepmom takes teaching job
By The Copenhagen Post

Crown princess Mary's father and stepmother secure teaching duties at Copenhagen University

Crown princess Mary's father and stepmother appear to be fitting in well in Danish society - both of them have taken teaching positions at Copenhagen University.
Mary's father, John Donaldson, will be teaching mathematics beginning in 2006, while her stepmother, Susan Donaldson will be teaching a course in crime fiction.
a picture from BT of John & Susan


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Yennie said:
This is Marys mother Henrietta Donaldson. She and her husband moved from Scotland to Tasmania in 1963 where they lived with their four children.
Henrietta Donaldson died in 1997 during a heart surgery

i actually thought she died of cancer....
nokklav said:
i actually thought she died of cancer....

Mary's mother had heart disease. This is the primary reason why Mary became so involved in the Danish Heart Association and why Prince Henrik so generously relinqinshed his patronship of the assocaton to Mary.
Mary is the spitting image of her siste Jane!
Yes there is a strong resemblance to Jane although I think Mary is the prettier of the two as she has softer features than Jane and Jane actually reminds me of Jane Ferguson in that photo..:)
Professor John D. Donaldson in Københavns Universitet

from polfoto


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from Imagine :

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark's father Professor John will attend aVelux Visiting Professorship at the Copenhagen University

D. Donaldson
Professor John D. Donaldson tiltræder et Velux Visiting
Professorship ved Institut for Matematiske Fag ved Det
Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet. Det markeredes ved en tiltrædelsesforelæsning 2. februar 2006.
Den handlede om katastrofeteori som eksempel på anvendt matematik. Katastrofeteori er en model for udviklinger, hvor der under særlige forhold kan forekomme drastiske forandringer ved ganske små ændringer i de faktorer, udviklingen afhænger af.
Det er ikke fænomener man normalt ser i dagligdagen, hvor små ændringer sjældent medfører store forandringer. Men inden for en række områder, for eksempel aktiemarkedet eller sygdomsforløb ses eksempler på ekstreme forandringer foranlediget af små ændringer i begyndelsen af et forløb. Man kan for eksempel anvende katastrofeteori inden for udviklingen af ny medicin. Her kan små forandringer i menneskets evne til at optage medicin give utilsigtede ændringer i hvordan medicinen virker.
John D. Donaldson skal forske i anvendt matematik, herunder hvordan katastrofeteori kan anvendes i andre naturvidenskabelige forskningsfelter, eksempelvis biologi og nanoteknologi. Han vil også holde kurser i anvendt matematik. Udbredelse af kendskab til matematik hos unge ligger særligt John D. Donaldson på sinde, og han forventer at indgå aktivt i kontakten med blandt andet gymnasieskolen og folkeskolen.
Forelæsningen var offentlig.
På spørgsmålet om forskelle på Matematikeres forhold i Danmark og i hans hjemland nævnte han, at der dér holdtes en årlig konference med ca.100 Matematikere og Business folk som diskuterede praktiske relationer mellem de to sektorer.
På spørgsmålet om relationen mellem filosofi og Matematik sagde han at Matematikere ofte har så travlt med at fokusere på matematikken ,at de ikke har tid til filosofien.

Hi! Does anyone know how many grandsons and granddaughters does John Donaldson has?? Patricia is married to Scott Bailey, (but I think I read somewhere that she has kids with someone else), Jane and Craig Stephens have 2 girls and John and Leanne Donaldson have 2 boys.:confused: Am I right?? And of course CP Mary and CP Frederik's little Prince Christian.







fanletizia said:
Professor John D. Donaldson in Københavns Universitet

from polfoto

I was to that lecture and is sitting in one of the rows back. very funny :)
Hi! Does anyone know how many grandsons and granddaughters does John Donaldson has?? Patricia is married to Scott Bailey, (but I think I read somewhere that she has kids with someone else), Jane and Craig Stephens have 2 girls and John and Leanne Donaldson have 2 boys.
Am I right?? And of course CP Mary and CP Frederik's little Prince Christian.
John Donalson's Grandchildren (nine)

Jane & Craig Stephen's Children (3)
Alexander (son), Erin (daughter), Kate (daughter)

Patricia's Children (3)
With Ken Woods (1st husband)
Michael Woods (son)
Maddison Woods (daughter)
With Scott Bailey (married Jan 04)
Molly Bailey (daughter)

John Stuart Donaldson & Leanne
(2 girls)

Sherree (Leannes by previous relationship)
(John and Leannes)

Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark (1)
Prince Christian of Denmanrk

The two boys beside Leanne and John were Alexander and Michael who were not in the wedding party as they were too old to be page boys.
The flowergirls were Erin, Kate and Maddison (Molly was to young).
John and Leeanne did not bring either of their daughters to Copenhagen.

Mary said in interviews in January 04 that she had eight neices and nephews (included Sherre), so now John has nine grand-children.
Mary and Frederik now have ten nieces and nephews (adding Nikoli and Felix).

Maybe this has been said before but what about her maternal family?
Hotdog said:
John Donalson's Grandchildren (nine)

Jane & Craig Stephen's Children (3)
Alexander (son), Erin (daughter), Kate (daughter)

Patricia's Children (3)
With Ken Woods (1st husband)
Michael Woods (son)
Maddison Woods (daughter)
With Scott Bailey (married Jan 04)
Molly Bailey (daughter)

John Stuart Donaldson & Leanne
(2 girls)
Sherree (Leannes by previous relationship)
(John and Leannes)

Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark (1)
Prince Christian of Denmanrk

The two boys beside Leanne and John were Alexander and Michael who were not in the wedding party as they were too old to be page boys.
The flowergirls were Erin, Kate and Maddison (Molly was to young).
John and Leeanne did not bring either of their daughters to Copenhagen.

Mary said in interviews in January 04 that she had eight neices and nephews (included Sherre), so now John has nine grand-children.
Mary and Frederik now have ten nieces and nephews (adding Nikoli and Felix).


Thanx for the info Hotdog, I read somewhere that John Jr had two boys, but now you've corrected me, lol! Thanx again!
Anybody know how old John Donaldson's daughter and stepdaughter are?
His childrens age:
Jane Alison Stephens (b. 26 December 1965)
Patricia Anne Bailey (b. 16 March 1968)
John Stuart Donaldson (b. 9 July 1970)
magnik said:
His childrens age:
Jane Alison Stephens (b. 26 December 1965)
Patricia Anne Bailey (b. 16 March 1968)
John Stuart Donaldson (b. 9 July 1970)
I am sorry- I asked for the information about John Donaldson's daughter and stepdaughter- that being the son's children.
juliana said:
I am sorry- I asked for the information about John Donaldson's daughter and stepdaughter- that being the son's children.
Sorry, faster wrote than think.

I found it on Royal Blue Forums from 2004:
on 2004 the two girls were Sheree (Leanne's daughter) was 9 and Michelle - 4.
Now they are about Sheree - 11 and Michelle - 6.
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Kelly said:
Maybe this has been said before but what about her maternal family?

Has anything ever been said about her maternal family? Just asking....:flowers:
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There isn't a lot of information on Mary's maternal family.

It is known that mary and her family are still in contact with this side of the family in Scotland. Catherine Murray (Marys mother's sister) was reported as the "matriach" of that side of the family.

She was at the wedding as well as the Christening of her great nephew as we saw photos of her in a car with Mary, Jane and Patricia.
Her comment to her local scots paper after the wedding was that she was given "the royal treatment" as the eldest of her family and was given a position right at the front to view the bridal walz as "guest of honour'.
I just saw the picture of the gravestone of Pss Mary's grandparents and mother, where her aunt had layed Mary's wedding bouquet after the wedding.

You can find it here thanks to Ingrid from the Crown Princess Mary message board:

Airee when you see how young both mother and grandmother were when they died....
Jo of Palatine said:
I just saw the picture of the gravestone of Pss Mary's grandparents and mother, where her aunt had layed Mary's wedding bouquet after the wedding.

You can find it here thanks to Ingrid from the Crown Princess Mary message board:

Airee when you see how young both mother and grandmother were when they died....

Yes that's Airee alright.

That was a nice gesture by Mary's aunt, placing her wedding bouquet on her mother and grandparents grave.

Does anyone know how old Mary's aunt is?
They sure do look a like. Crown Princess Mary and her sister Jane.
I think John and Mary look the most alike of the siblings; I guess you have to look hard for the resemblance because he is balding.

I read somewhere that Mary's Dad and Step-mother will be moving out of their apartment by the end of the month, as the "lease" runs out.

They have been staying in an apartmentin Nyhavn, own by the National Bank, asigned for forign professors and researches for a periode of time, and now that periode has passed...Does anyone know if they will stay in Denmark?
Not sure ho true it is Tricota but I heard that as they have children spread so far around the World they had decided they would base themselves in France.

Someone else may know more.
I haven't heard the France thing. Really Mary is the only one that is far away. The rest of the family is in Australia. I think her father will return to Australia. Most of the grandchildren and children are there. They own a house there, and I'm sure all their friends are there. If anything, I just think they will come and stay with Mary a few weeks out of the year.
I think the "far away" comment has to do with Susan Moody's children (John Donaldson's step-children) as well...I thnk most of them are in England...So France being *middle ground* is ridiculous!!! Can't they just admit they want to live in France for personal reasons (because they like the place), unrelated to their children...true middle ground (between Europe and Australia) would mean they should base themselves in India or Hong Kong or Japan and I personally don't see that happening, do you?
Xeara said:
I think the "far away" comment has to do with Susan Moody's children (John Donaldson's step-children) as well...I thnk most of them are in England...So France being *middle ground* is ridiculous!!! Can't they just admit they want to live in France for personal reasons (because they like the place), unrelated to their children...true middle ground (between Europe and Australia) would mean they should base themselves in India or Hong Kong or Japan and I personally don't see that happening, do you?

No I can't see that happening. I think Susan may have children living in the USA.
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