The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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So funny!

To be fair, on a serious note I was going to say they'd be best to make sure they make their links to its as discreet as possible. No picture of Meghan on the bottle, no signature on the front. To be honest they'd probably do better without the ARO branding on it. Their best way of making money is people not knowing its theirs until they've drunk it, liked it and decided to buy more.
I agree. To make money they need to invest in companies and products, and do it the way other super wealthy people do it, that is, privately. If they have a financial advisor (surely they do?) this is possibly what they are already doing. The problem is that they also want fame not just fortune, and that is where they crash against the tide of public opinion. (They have their fans of course, but they haven't managed to convince the greater majority). They are also useful for other "agents of disinformation" on social media, and this is something they can't effectively fight, to be fair to them. Their brand, in my humble opinion, is far too tarnished for them to overcome at this point. I think it would be best for them to continue their revenue pursuits, but to do so without clamoring for attention and crashing another Windsor party. Work away at something quietly, build up their experience and their bank account and in time, maybe they'll get the respect they appear to want.
I agree. To make money they need to invest in companies and products, and do it the way other super wealthy people do it, that is, privately. If they have a financial advisor (surely they do?) this is possibly what they are already doing. The problem is that they also want fame not just fortune, and that is where they crash against the tide of public opinion. (They have their fans of course, but they haven't managed to convince the greater majority). They are also useful for other "agents of disinformation" on social media, and this is something they can't effectively fight, to be fair to them. Their brand, in my humble opinion, is far too tarnished for them to overcome at this point. I think it would be best for them to continue their revenue pursuits, but to do so without clamoring for attention and crashing another Windsor party. Work away at something quietly, build up their experience and their bank account and in time, maybe they'll get the respect they appear to want.
That’s excellent advice, but 1) that requires patience they don’t seem to possess, and 2) they need to focus and stop throwing spaghetti at the wall.
I think I’m just at a place where I’ll believe it when I see it. Commercial success for them that stabilizes their life and makes them happy would probably be the best thing for both them and the royal family, so I’d be happy to see it happen, I just don’t see a viable path for it and I’ll be surprised if it does.
Even if every business venture of the Sussexes fail, I think they'll be fine. As a matter of fact, I predict the BRF is going to start supporting them again in the near future.

The last thing the BRF would want is the son and daughter-in-law of the king cozying up to a warlord or an oligarch or a British enemy for the sake of their lifestyle. No amount of "The Sussexes are not affiliated with the British Royal Family" will change how it looks on a global scale.

What do they have to lose? Public respect? They barely have that anyway. Family regard? They barely have that anyway. Security? Said rich oligarch/warlord/enemy will probably work to protect their investment and even if they don't the "Why didn't the British Royal Family protect the Sussexes more?" stories write themselves.

The BRF, however, can't afford headlines like "The son of the king shakes hands with a Russian general" for example. As others have pointed out in this thread, regardless of what the Sussexes do or don't do, they'll always be connected to the BRF. The British people would hate having to support the Sussexes for doing nothing, but I presume they would hate having their patriotic and cultural institution associated with, say, terrorism, because the Sussexes are desperate.

So, I hope for all parties involved, the Sussexes are successful in their business endeavors. Otherwise, imho, it's a choice between the BRF being connected to shady characters because the Sussex have run out of options, or paying the Sussexes to do absolutely nothing.

I got my popcorn ready either way.
So, I hope for all parties involved, the Sussexes are successful in their business endeavors. Otherwise, imho, it's a choice between the BRF being connected to shady characters because the Sussex have run out of options, or paying the Sussexes to do absolutely nothing.
To be fair, it would never be that they actually ran out of options. They could have lived comfortably forever on just the investment income off of Harry's inheritances had they chosen a more affordable lifestyle in a different place. I could have seen Harry happily raising his family in Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa. The lifestyle they have chosen though requires massive cash flow. You are right that unless they are commercially successful, that life will prove unsustainable and the temptation to socialize with increasingly shady characters is very possible, making for some very difficult decisions. I would hope that Harry and Meghan's own morals would mean they wouldn't want to negatively impact institutional trust in democratic countries, but their priorities are for them to decide.

I think the prospect of that is probably why there has been no public relaxation of the estrangement in the family.
Even if every business venture of the Sussexes fail, I think they'll be fine. As a matter of fact, I predict the BRF is going to start supporting them again in the near future.

The last thing the BRF would want is the son and daughter-in-law of the king cozying up to a warlord or an oligarch or a British enemy for the sake of their lifestyle. No amount of "The Sussexes are not affiliated with the British Royal Family" will change how it looks on a global scale.

What do they have to lose? Public respect? They barely have that anyway. Family regard? They barely have that anyway. Security? Said rich oligarch/warlord/enemy will probably work to protect their investment and even if they don't the "Why didn't the British Royal Family protect the Sussexes more?" stories write themselves.

The BRF, however, can't afford headlines like "The son of the king shakes hands with a Russian general" for example. As others have pointed out in this thread, regardless of what the Sussexes do or don't do, they'll always be connected to the BRF. The British people would hate having to support the Sussexes for doing nothing, but I presume they would hate having their patriotic and cultural institution associated with, say, terrorism, because the Sussexes are desperate.

So, I hope for all parties involved, the Sussexes are successful in their business endeavors. Otherwise, imho, it's a choice between the BRF being connected to shady characters because the Sussex have run out of options, or paying the Sussexes to do absolutely nothing.

I got my popcorn ready either way.
So let me get this straight…Harry gets up and leaves, already tied to oligarchs through Canada and California from the get go according to reports, trash everything in his wake, so now the threat is, if I can’t be successful I’m going to the oligarchs or you better pay me? Isn’t that blackmail? And cause for the intelligence service(s) to keep watch?

If I were him I would put my big boy pants on and live within my means. I think these people have made it clear they are done cleaning up his messes. They were protecting him all along, they even tried protecting him from himself, he didn’t listen. He needs to figure it out.
Selling perishable goods does not seem the way forward for a couple with no food industry experience, the chicken coop output notwithstanding.

Wine isn't the answer either, considering their stated commitment to health and wellness.

I think they would be good at gaming. Developing computer games. Themselves as protagonists in the games. They should capitalize on the various opinions of them. Right now, that's their foremost known quantity, their controversial nature,
I honestly don't think their pride would allow them to go back and ask the family to fund them again, not publicly, at least. Harry is probably still receiving a little something from Papa anyway and will inherit some more when he passes away.
So let me get this straight…Harry gets up and leaves, already tied to oligarchs through Canada and California from the get go according to reports, trash everything in his wake, so now the threat is, if I can’t be successful I’m going to the oligarchs or you better pay me? Isn’t that blackmail? And cause for the intelligence service(s) to keep watch?

If I were him I would put my big boy pants on and live within my means. I think these people have made it clear they are done cleaning up his messes. They were protecting him all along, they even tried protecting him from himself, he didn’t listen. He needs to figure it out.
It wouldn't need to be direct blackmail. It could just be a headline like, for example, "The Sussexes are looking to work with [insert warlord here] on their charitable endeavors." And then said warlord would say something like "I have such a great relationship with the son of the King of England." Even though Harry and Meghan are no longer associated with the British Royal Family as an institution, Harry is still the son of the king and brother and uncle to future kings. That blood relation can have power, good or bad, in certain circles.

Of course, the British Royal Family doesn't need to do anything. They could just emphasize that the Sussexes' actions have nothing to do them and let the chips fall where they may. I mean, maybe Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, son of King Charles III, shaking hands with Putin for example would not be seen as diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Russia, so it wouldn't be worth using their own vast income or even taxpayers' dollars to keep the Sussexes on a short leash.
I honestly don't think their pride would allow them to go back and ask the family to fund them again, not publicly, at least. Harry is probably still receiving a little something from Papa anyway and will inherit some more when he passes away.
Will he inherit? I have always thought that the heir will inherit everything.
It was said decades ago that Charles (and the Queen) had set up Trust Funds for his two sons from their births, with Harry getting more because William would be in receipt of Duchy of Cornwall funds. I read that first in the late 1980s and it is of course unverifiable. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

The Queen has been said to have had trust funds set up for all her grandchildren. Prince Philip may well have left his grandchildren money as well. It was stated that the QM left some as well for Charles’s sons.
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Will he inherit? I have always thought that the heir will inherit everything.
We don't actually know who will inherit what, but as Curryong said, its been long known that serious thought was put into their futures with trust funds etc.

I actually think Charles is a very decent and caring father who no doubt has made solid provision for both of his sons in the event of his passing. He may have followed the precedent set by his grandmother and arranged something for his grandchildren too. Hopefully it won't come about anytime soon, so Harry will need to get on with paying his own way, hopefully not with the help of warlords or oligarchs!!
Will he inherit? I have always thought that the heir will inherit everything.
The heir inherits certain fixed valuables and is extempted from paying taxes on those and anything else he/she inherits. All others who receive anything have to pay inheritance tax. The monarch can very well leave something to whomever she/he wants, the recipient has to pay taxes if it’s not the new monarch.
It wouldn't need to be direct blackmail. It could just be a headline like, for example, "The Sussexes are looking to work with [insert warlord here] on their charitable endeavors." And then said warlord would say something like "I have such a great relationship with the son of the King of England." Even though Harry and Meghan are no longer associated with the British Royal Family as an institution, Harry is still the son of the king and brother and uncle to future kings. That blood relation can have power, good or bad, in certain circles.

Of course, the British Royal Family doesn't need to do anything. They could just emphasize that the Sussexes' actions have nothing to do them and let the chips fall where they may. I mean, maybe Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, son of King Charles III, shaking hands with Putin for example would not be seen as diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Russia, so it wouldn't be worth using their own vast income or even taxpayers' dollars to keep the Sussexes on a short leash.
How did that work out for David, Duke of Windsor? They want to go shake hands with nefarious characters? Good luck with that fool’s errand.

What you’re describing is the very reason they are not to be trusted. When you decide not to play by the rules, you become a liability. No entity wants to be involved with people who are a walking conflict of interests. Cause and effect. That’s why we must think before we act.
I suppose they could flog their Ripple of Hope and Legend of Aviation awards, that might raise a few quid :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though, depending on dodgy warlords et al for sustenance is not a good look; it will expose their fake philanthropy for one thing. There's no such thing as a broke philanthropist. And "Show up, get cosy with a warlord" doesn't really work in terms of earning worldwide respect and recognition. What will be left for their fans to admire? How can they respect people who tell the rest of the world to do good when all they want is someone rich - however nefarious - to fund them just so they can live a life of luxury?

It would also lead them into very dodgy waters, they've dipped their feet in that pond already, and they don't listen to advice. You might want to stash some extra popcorn HenRach because if they're not careful they could end up in a whole lot of trouble.

Personally, I don't see them going down that path together.

Like many others I have been frustrated with Charles and the BRF at times, feeling they aren't doing enough to deal with the "Sussex problem", but not any more! I can see they are playing a blinder and giving PH all the rope he needs figuratively speaking, to finally understand the total mess he has made of his life over the last seven years; simply by keeping calm, carrying on, and being themselves.

The BRF have had a great week and they thoroughly deserve it; long may it continue. All PH will be seeing now, however muddled his thinking, is how it could have been for him and that he is no longer a part of it.

Ask one question. When Harry gleefully proclaimed he was on his "freedom flight" did he expect to be doing what he is doing now? Playing at touring and reviewing half a dozen soldiers, frittering his money away suing people, being called a grifter and getting roasted on South Park, while his wife desperately tries and fails to get 50 random people to like a pot of jam?

IMO it's obvious how this will all pan out, it's only a matter of time, and hopefully it will turn out to be what is best for both PH and the children.

So you’ve gone from insisting the Sussexes are TRH to saying you eagerly anticipate them casually committing what will be viewed as treason.

I have no words.

Except that you’ve explained yourself quite well.

Spot on!
Have one of these :crown2:

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So you’ve gone from insisting the Sussexes are TRH to saying you eagerly anticipate them casually committing what will be viewed as treason.

I have no words.

Except that you’ve explained yourself quite well.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We already had a sample of this in Nigeria. All in the name of GREED.
It was said decades ago that Charles (and the Queen) had set up Trust Funds for his two sons from their births, with Harry getting more because William would be in receipt of Duchy of Cornwall funds. I read that first in the late 1980s and it is of course unverifiable. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

The Queen has been said to have had trust funds set up for all her grandchildren. Prince Philip may well have left his grandchildren money as well. It was stated that the QM left some as well for Charles’s sons.
I do remember that from news decades ago when they were younger, after Diana's passing, that the intend was for Harry to get more than William. The goal was simple, to make Harry and his future family independent of William, who will be all set since he will inherit the funds from the Duchy and later inherit the throne.

This was ages ago before Catherine or Meghan came into the picture. In terms of finances planned to be available to Harry these were all planned before he became a reckless party teenager prince with his dad bailing him out on every problem.

Now, if there's such a fortune left, probably Meghan will administer it since, between the two of them, she gets the award for being more levelheaded with money and seems to concentrate on making it produce more. Just for that I give her credit.

She is the brains of the duo while Harry is more like the pal-of-Nacho-middle-age-crisis-adult-child and I always get the feeling it's Meghan the one actually raising three kids at Montecito.
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Desperate times call for desperate measures. We already had a sample of this in Nigeria. All in the name of GREED.
You're absolutely right.

If every single one of the Sussexes' commercial and philanthropic endeavors fail, and they're accustomed to a certain lifestyle, why wouldn't they pursue alternative, possibly shadier means to get it?

It's already been establish multiple times that many people don't respect the Sussexes, and there's a huge antipathy for them in Great Britain in particular. That their family have at least publicly and maybe even privately cut them off. So what's the benefit of trying to appeal to people who have already cast you aside? Especially if it doesn't gain you the prestige or, more importantly, the money you're looking for?

Having a strong philanthropic image only works for those with deep pockets and high regard, which the Sussexes don't have. And as we've seen, commercial prospects take a long time to be successful, especially if your main selling point is starting to wane, and you have a lifestyle to maintain now. Why bother with either when you can have someone else pay for it?

If the Sussexes are as fame-hungry and conniving as people make them out to be, if the general public hold so little regard for them, if their own family want nothing to do with them, if they have no respect for the British people in general and the royal family in particular, what incentive do they have not to engage with shadier, problematic characters to fund their lifestyle?

Especially since, as we've seen with the Duke of York and the aforementioned Duke of Windsor, the British Royal Family will pay to keep problematic family members on a leash even after said problematic behaviors are exposed.
It all depends on how much money Harry will get.
Will he get it all in one go or will it be available in yearly payouts, whatever the technical term is?
Will at least a part of the inheritance be in property, shares, antiques etc. ? And will some of these items come with conditions that prohibits him from selling them?
How about inheritance tax? Especially if the inheritance is in cool cash so to speak?
Can King Charles bypass Harry, so that at least a very large amount will go directly to a trust for his grandchildren when they say turn 21?
You see where I'm getting? There are many ways of having people inherit you.

Also, King Charles isn't dead yet. Considering the very high age the Windsors tend to live, combined with first class medical attention, he could very well live for another 20 years or more. That's 20 years where Harry may not necessarily see a single penny of his inheritance.

In the meantime Harry lives in a pretty expensive area of California.
Where there are a number of expenses he did not or probably did not have to worry about when he was a part of the BRF.
Income tax.
Property tax.
Vat in various forms.
Staff, from cleaners to secretaries to lawyers.
No expense account for his wife - and she costs a lot as far as I can tell!
Insurances of all kinds.
Education for the children. I doubt H&M will settle for more modest schools and universities.
- And to that come all other day to day expenses, his household back in UK would cover from his allowance, food, clothes, fun and so on.

At that level your money don't just fly out the window note by note, they fly out the window bundle by bundle!
Notice that I don't include Meghan's money, because I believe Harry contribute the most.

Okay, let's say Harry inherit in 10 years. And let's say the sum is 50 million $ (at least the amount he get his hands on directly). That's an enormous sum for most people, which would ensure we would live a very comfortable life until we die of old age.
However, if you look at only the list above it won't take that long before they are all spend, if not invested very wisely.
And King Charles could have the indecency to live for 30 years more...
So putting a future inheritance into your budget isn't a good idea, no matter who you are.

So again, H&M need a major income and a steady major income at that.
Unless of course they decide to settle for a modest eight bedroom house in Nevada. Because with all due respect for the Nevadians (or whatever the good people of that scenic state call themselves) I doubt the property prices are anywhere near those in Montecito.
So you’ve gone from insisting the Sussexes are TRH to saying you eagerly anticipate them casually committing what will be viewed as treason.

I have no words.

Except that you’ve explained yourself quite well.

The Sussexes and the Duke of York remain Royal Highnesses in principle though they have publicly agreed not to use it, and HenRach Dominion said that they "had my popcorn ready" to see what would happen if the Sussexes did not succeed at their business endeavors, not "I eagerly anticipate them casually committing what will be viewed as treason".

The thought process HenRach described has frequently been (speculatively) attributed to various royals or courtiers in discussing their alleged worries about the Duke of York's potential financial needs now that he no longer receives state income. It is not implausible to extend the same speculation to hypothetical comparable situations involving other family members, in this case the Sussexes.
Especially since, as we've seen with the Duke of York and the aforementioned Duke of Windsor, the British Royal Family will pay to keep problematic family members on a leash even after said problematic behaviors are exposed.

In the case of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, even without the threat of problematic business endeavors, I would expect King Charles III to be strongly motivated to provide financial assistance, if necessary, to maintain their current lifestyle. There is the simple fact that the Duke of Sussex is the King's own child, rather than "only" a sibling in the case of the Duke of York. Then there is the fact that, unlike the Duke of York, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are the parents of minor children: The public would surely be critical of the King if he "allowed" two of his grandchildren to (hypothetically) grow up attending public schools (state schools) and living in a four-bedroom house while their first cousins attend expensive private schools and live in a mansion.
The core of the matter is that H&M need an X income to maintain their current lifestyle. And considering where and how they live that's a lot of money!
They also need that X income in 20 years, 30 years, perhaps even 40 years from now.

Their Netflix deals flopped. It could have been their main income for years if they had been more committed and worked a lot harder as well as having a more varied content.
I think Netflix and others will be a lot more hesitant about offering H&M lucrative deals. Businesses and investors will want to make sure they will get their moneys worth.
And that means they have to have a serious business-plan ready. Because they are too high profile to be able to flop more than one or twice more. After that point serious investors won't touch them. - Honest Mike or Jim Trustworthy may have a deal to offer, but that may be less palatable in a number of ways.

I don't know enough of H&M's finances, their talents and their interests to suggest exactly what they should be focusing on. But it sure isn't selling dog-food out of their garage.
Millionaires don't stay millionaires by being idle or at least making some very sound decisions.

The first indication that their economy if getting strained is when, in a few years, they sell their home in Montecito and move somewhere else because of the "dry air". To a house that just happens to be more modest, because that's "more practical."

We occasionally hear about people who won a large sum in the lottery only ending up having spend it all within a few years and that's how I see H&M right now.
I agree completely, Muhler! I also think that the most prudent thing for them to do is invest the money they do have on the advice of certified financial planners (stop throwing away $$$ on the lawsuits, already, Harry!).🤦‍♀️

Neither have the business education nor acumen or experience to start something new on their own without listening to experts who do have these skills and then following their expertise. Based on what we’ve seen and heard so far, that doesn’t seem to be happening. If they can attach their name(s) to something that is already successful or has that potential due to a business plan that other people who know what they are doing have created, more power to them!

Due to all their bad mouthing of the BRF they’ve created a bad taste in many other people’s mouths. And they’ve somewhat tarnished the reputation of celebrities here in the US who have supported them (Oprah, Stephen Colbert). So I agree, Muhler, that their time is limited before they become completely irrelevant.
That is unfortunately true.
Corruption and shady forms of business are not unheard in royal circles. Also in recent times.

What might happen should H&M get to a point where most of their fortune is gone could merit a whole tread of its own.
I can envision a lot of scenarios that does not necessarily include something shady, directly immoral or illegal.
From signing on to host or appear in some sort of second rate show/sit-com.
To being offered a deal they can't afford to refuse, be it from the British/US/or the BRF de facto putting them under administration.
Now, if there's such a fortune left, probably Meghan will administer it since, between the two of them, she gets the award for being more levelheaded with money and seems to concentrate on making it produce more. Just for that I give her credit.

She is the brains of the duo while Harry is more like the pal-of-Nacho-middle-age-crisis-adult-child and I always get the feeling it's Meghan the one actually raising three kids at Montecito.
I think you are giving her way too much credit. Harry had the reputation for being frugal before he met her. He used to take the train and acted like a normal person for the most part. This is how old money keeps their fortunes. Real money whispers and doesn’t flaunt. Levelheaded and savvy business people don’t live beyond their means either and spend as if money is growing from an olive tree.
In the case of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, even without the threat of problematic business endeavors, I would expect King Charles III to be strongly motivated to provide financial assistance, if necessary, to maintain their current lifestyle. There is the simple fact that the Duke of Sussex is the King's own child, rather than "only" a sibling in the case of the Duke of York. Then there is the fact that, unlike the Duke of York, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are the parents of minor children: The public would surely be critical of the King if he "allowed" two of his grandchildren to (hypothetically) grow up attending public schools (state schools) and living in a four-bedroom house while their first cousins attend expensive private schools and live in a mansion.

I'm sure he will step in if needed to assist the grandchildren. But whatever the future holds for the Sussex clan in the USA is 100% of their own accord. King Charles can't be made responsible for the situations they get themselves involved in that might affect their finances. He doesn't even get Harry to bring the kids over and visit their extended family, neither does the other grandfather.

This brings up something here in the USA from last weekend, it was Father's Day. Anyone have news if the Sussex celebrated it or if any form of congrats from their camp was sent out in social media to grandparents, uncle(s) or their maternal Spencer uncle? I mean, if the brand is about family and family-oriented rhetoric, I expect them, as the saying goes, to talk the talk and walk the walk, too. Right?

Charles owns dogs and likes preserves, did he got a Montecito jar, too or will he get some Sussex dog biscuits later on for his pets? :unsure:
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I think you are giving her way too much credit. Harry had the reputation for being frugal before he met her. He used to take the train and acted like a normal person for the most part. This is how old money keeps their fortunes. Real money whispers and doesn’t flaunt. Levelheaded and savvy businesspeople don’t live beyond their means either and spend as if money is growing from an olive tree.
In that case I stand corrected :) and we will all witness how this royal lottery ticket she won carries on into a few more years. And we all know the curse of big-time lottery wins.
In that case I stand corrected :) and we will all witness how this royal lottery ticket she won carries on into a few more years. And we all know the curse of big-time lottery wins.
She has already won more than she could have ever on her own. She’s now famous beyond her wildest dreams and she has money, the two kids insured that. What we’re witnessing now though is nothing seems to ever be enough.
I think the Sussex family will be fine. They may not be living the opulent life that members of their family are but I think they are enjoying the life they chose. Hopefully their future endeavors are successful and they can give their children a wonderful, loving life.
I think the Sussex family will be fine. They may not be living the opulent life that members of their family are but I think they are enjoying the life they chose. Hopefully their future endeavors are successful and they can give their children a wonderful, loving life.
They are not exactly living on the poverty line. They have a large mansion, Meghan dresses in expensive clothes, there is talk of private education for the children. They have staff, so they are doing alright.
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