The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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Yeah, I wonder why HRH The Duchess of Sussex wouldn’t want to step foot in a country where she has an approval rating in the negative tens for stuff she said 1.5+ years ago. The suspense is killing me.

TRH The Sussexes have not been supported by the British people in four years. How Nigeria handles the poverty in their own country has nothing to do with them. And I highly doubt that former soldiers participating in Invictus to heal both physically and mentally care about how HRH The Duchess of Sussex is dressed, let alone how much it costs.

I can’t wait for the visit. I hope they get something cute for HRH Prince Archie’s birthday.
I must disagree with you on this one HenRach! In the business they are in (celebrity), they need to be acutely aware of the optics of a quasi-royal visit to a former British colony. This could all go downhill very quickly if they are seen as having an "all expenses paid" jaunt to a country suffering such high poverty and social issues. It will be interesting to see how sensitive they are to this.
Poverty policies of the Nigerian government fall beyond the scope of this thread. Time to move on from this discussion. Further references to this topic will be deleted.
From the economy perspective, more power to them if they get a government to foot the entire bill and other day-today expenses while they travel to any country (USA and UK included) to promote first and foremost themselves, and also the private enterprises they pass as non-profit here in the USA's tax bracket.

I might not like it, but for the world to know, this is how business with the non-profits is done in the USA.
Once you get accepted in the charity or social justice business tax heaven you can pretty much do whatever you want to do plus have outside sources to cover all the bills.

In my previous line of work, I dealt with religious-in-name only non-profits contracted by our agencies. In councils I attended to meet with them monthly one of the leaders told me everything from food to the train ticket to get to the council and other trips was going to be tax deductible.

Thanks how things are done in their line of business like the upcoming trips. But I doubt Harry is the one who thinks of these details.

That non-profit car is certainty being driven with the wheel on the left side. More power to them. :wine:🍷
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From the economy perspective, more power to them if they get a government to foot the entire bill and other day-today expenses while they travel to any country (USA and UK included) to promote first and foremost themselves, and also the private enterprises they pass as non-profit here in the USA's tax bracket.

I might not like it, but for the world to know, this is how business with the non-profits is done in the USA.
Once you get accepted in the charity or social justice business tax heaven you can pretty much do whatever you want to do plus have outside sources to cover all the bills.

In my previous line of work, I dealt with religious-in-name only non-profits contracted by our agencies. In councils I attended to meet with them monthly one of the leaders told me everything from food to the train ticket to get to the council and other trips was going to be tax deductible.

Thanks how things are done in their line of business like the upcoming trips. But I doubt Harry is the one who thinks of these details.

That non-profit car is certainty being driven with the wheel on the left side. More power to them. :wine:🍷
Thank you for your interesting and informative post! :flowers: I like the analogy about the car!

The problem is, of course, that PH has for all of his life been part of a family who represent a country where the wheel is definitely on the right hand side, and he continues to be recognised and identified worldwide as representing that family, despite quitting the job he was supposed to be doing. Whilst in a way I'm happy for them to keep their titles (yes, really!) as IMO the Sussex dukedom is now as notorious and unpopular as the Windsor dukedom and thus pretty much worthless, it does present an issue that they are making this money while using those titles at every available opportunity. This potentially creates a conflict of interest as if they are found to have been behaving in any way that lacks integrity, it will impact on the BRF, a family who have to be very careful to stay in neutral and steer well clear (you've inspired me!) of any damaging controversy that could compromise that position.

It doesn't need a Haynes manual to see that this could lead to an awful lot of problems for the BRF by association. This is exactly which HLM The Queen insisted on no half in/half out. I hope HM The King is monitoring the situation very closely, and will act to protect the Monarchy and the UK as necessary to avoid a potentially very damaging collision.

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Thank you for your interesting and informative post! :flowers: I like the analogy about the car!

The problem is, of course, that PH has for all of his life been part of a family who represent a country where the wheel is definitely on the right hand side, and he continues to be recognised and identified worldwide as representing that family, despite quitting the job he was supposed to be doing. Whilst in a way I'm happy for them to keep their titles (yes, really!) as IMO the Sussex dukedom is now as notorious and unpopular as the Windsor dukedom and thus pretty much worthless, it does present an issue that they are making this money while using those titles at every available opportunity. This potentially creates a conflict of interest as if they are found to have been behaving in any way that lacks integrity, it will impact on the BRF, a family who have to be very careful to stay in neutral and steer well clear (you've inspired me!) of any damaging controversy that could compromise that position.

It doesn't need a Haynes manual to see that this could lead to an awful lot of problems for the BRF by association. This is exactly which HLM The Queen insisted on no half in/half out. I hope HM The King is monitoring the situation very closely, and will act to protect the Monarchy and the UK as necessary to avoid a potentially very damaging collision.

As I see it, even if their dukedom would have been put in abeyance and he’d refrain from calling himself “Prince” the situation would be the same. What cannot be put in abeyance and he cannot refrain from is that he is The King’s son. And HLM’s grandson. He is way too close to the job of royalling to be able to cut lose the association with the throne.
Who knows? Similar to the boost in sales to the jams made in Highgrove, maybe TRH The Sussexes visit to Nigeria will strengthen relations between Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Now, I'm not saying that their relationship needs strengthening or that the BRF would ever need TRH The Sussexes help with anything, but it could work towards their benefit.

Think of it this way for the British government: Several members of the BRF are currently convalescing and therefore unable to travel and interact with their allies. TRH The Sussexes, for their own reasons, are interacting with a Commonwealth country, and we care about our relations with those countries. Even though TRH The Sussexes are thoroughly disliked in Great Britain, feelings about them are varied and less extreme in other places in the world. Regardless of what TRH The Sussexes do, they will forever be associated with us. TRH The Sussexes can come across as very charming, regardless of very it's genuine or superficial. Therefore, if TRH The Sussexes make a good impression on Nigeria, they'll have a good impression of us.

So why wouldn't the British government take any positive benefit they can from TRH The Sussexes' visits. Sure, many Britons might not like, but you don't lick a gift horse in the mouth. Bonus, they don't even have to pay for it like they would with the BRF.
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As I see it, even if their dukedom would have been put in abeyance and he’d refrain from calling himself “Prince” the situation would be the same. What cannot be put in abeyance and he cannot refrain from is that he is The King’s son. And HLM’s grandson. He is way too close to the job of royalling to be able to cut lose the association with the throne.
Yes. That is the enormous problem that PH and MM have created. I do wonder if they understand its impact, or if they even care. I doubt it.

Edit: if what you suggest was done, it might help a bit. It would put some clear daylight between the BRF and H&M, and reinforce boundaries.
:sneaky: You made me look up Haynes Manual!

Excellent car-parts related segway from Shady Lady to my own shady car analogy on who's really driving this H&M car down the hills of Montecito.

If I had a guideline for them on how to do this correctly and avoid stepping on the toes or last nerves of both the UK Working Royals and the UK taxpayers, my advice if to look no further than the Agha Khan's* family and business.
*Footnote, the Agha Khan was elevated to his royal highness by none other than Queen Elizabeth II, I believe back in the 60s.

His person, his extended family and their businesses and charities are the perfect example how H&M should be advised to look at as a successful way to work and earn a living as a savvy entrepreneur. They are running parallel and extensive charity work to help both underprivileged and, with their prestige, can look eye-to-eye to those in government whose decisions can change lives for their target groups.

The Khan princes and princesses even have universities with grants dedicated to students that will use their work to help the entire planet and environment. Meghan wants a cooking stir and talk show at Netflix. :confused:

Milady Duchess, I'm sure your heart is in the right place, but you need better advice from the enablers and yes people from Netflix than aspiring for a cooking show and a set of Montecito line of pots, pans and wine-in-a-box as a vertical QVC runner floating on the left side of the screen.

H&M has all the time to surprise us with a good business venture, the year is still early. :coffee:
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Who knows? Similar to the boost in sales to the jams made in Highgrove, maybe TRH The Sussexes visit to Nigeria will strengthen relations between Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Now, I'm not saying that their relationship needs strengthening or that the BRF would ever need TRH The Sussexes help with anything, but it could work towards their benefit.

Think of it this way for the British government: Several members of the BRF are currently convalescing and therefore unable to travel and interact with their allies. TRH The Sussexes, for their own reasons, are interacting with a Commonwealth country, and we care about our relations with those countries. Even though TRH The Sussexes are thoroughly disliked in Great Britain, feelings about them are varied and less extreme in other places in the world. Regardless of what TRH The Sussexes do, they will forever be associated with us. TRH The Sussexes can come across as very charming, regardless of very it's genuine or superficial. Therefore, if TRH The Sussexes make a good impression on Nigeria, they'll have a good impression of us.

So why wouldn't the British government take any positive benefit they can from TRH The Sussexes' visits. Sure, many Britons might not like, but you don't lick a gift horse in the mouth. Bonus, they don't even have to pay for it like they would with the BRF.
Seeing how Harry and Meghan have endorsed opinions that are adverse to the UK I suspect they can only endanger the relationship it has with Nigeria.
Yes. That is the enormous problem that PH and MM have created. I do wonder if they understand its impact, or if they even care. I doubt it.

Edit: if what you suggest was done, it might help a bit. It would put some clear daylight between the BRF and H&M, and reinforce boundaries.
Time will tell, the BRH runs The Firm like the army, H&M run their ventures like a pop-up store within a mall near you.

Yes, they are adjacent in someone else's charities but stating Archell supports this or that doesn't make it Archwell's. It's just simply another guest and plus person name card at someone's Gala table.

I want them to strive for uniqueness in 2024 and 2025, and all I feel we get is like looking at a flyer on a street pole where someone sticked a business ad on the corner.

* PS. In my retirement my goal is to learn how to write a book series and I'm even taking online classes. As you can see from the way my posts are framed, I think I'm getting good at Shade and Deadpan humor 101! Can u believe that's also how I phrase sentences in real life since I was in the office? ;)
So why wouldn't the British government take any positive benefit they can from TRH The Sussexes' visits.

Seeing how Harry and Meghan have endorsed opinions that are adverse to the UK I suspect they can only endanger the relationship it has with Nigeria.

It doesn’t matter. Whether positive or negative, they are not representing the UK. Not even in the slightest unofficial capacity.

And should not be taken, let alone imagined, as doing so.

The Foreign Office is not interested in any variety of their help. I’ll refrain from the “Windsor unofficial state visit 1937” parallels.
Who knows? Similar to the boost in sales to the jams made in Highgrove, maybe TRH The Sussexes visit to Nigeria will strengthen relations between Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Now, I'm not saying that their relationship needs strengthening or that the BRF would ever need TRH The Sussexes help with anything, but it could work towards their benefit.

Think of it this way for the British government: Several members of the BRF are currently convalescing and therefore unable to travel and interact with their allies. TRH The Sussexes, for their own reasons, are interacting with a Commonwealth country, and we care about our relations with those countries. Even though TRH The Sussexes are thoroughly disliked in Great Britain, feelings about them are varied and less extreme in other places in the world. Regardless of what TRH The Sussexes do, they will forever be associated with us. TRH The Sussexes can come across as very charming, regardless of very it's genuine or superficial. Therefore, if TRH The Sussexes make a good impression on Nigeria, they'll have a good impression of us.

So why wouldn't the British government take any positive benefit they can from TRH The Sussexes' visits. Sure, many Britons might not like, but you don't lick a gift horse in the mouth. Bonus, they don't even have to pay for it like they would with the BRF.
Not sure about that, they send mixed messages and cannot stand by their statements. This is what the Late Queen did not want. By all means they can travel and work anywhere they chose. They do not under any circumstances represent the RF or the British government.
Time will tell, the BRH runs The Firm like the army, H&M run their ventures like a pop-up store within a mall near you.

Yes, they are adjacent in someone else's charities but stating Archell supports this or that doesn't make it Archwell's. It's just simply another guest and plus person name card at someone's Gala table.

I want them to strive for uniqueness in 2024 and 2025, and all I feel we get is like looking at a flyer on a street pole where someone sticked a business ad on the corner.

* PS. In my retirement my goal is to learn how to write a book series and I'm even taking online classes. As you can see from the way my posts are framed, I think I'm getting good at Shade and Deadpan humor 101! Can u believe that's also how I phrase sentences in real life since I was in the office? ;)
Great post! That pretty much sums up the way H&M operate; haphazard and random are two of the kinder adjectives I would use in relation to their business operations. Add to that a huge dollop of refusing to listen to advice and much more than a hearty pinch of staff turnover, it's all a bit of a recipe for disaster, because they're not reading it properly. If the jam/cookery thing doesn't work, what will be next? It could be anything.

I have my own suspicions on how things will pan out 🤣 but as I said in a post upthread, I'm going to wait and see what happens.

Haynes Manuals are awesome, I love them and I can't even drive! They've expanded into other areas too, but are best known for cars.

There's a frustrated writer lurking in Shadyville here! I wish you good luck with your goal! :flowers:
Great post! That pretty much sums up the way H&M operate; haphazard and random are two of the kinder adjectives I would use in relation to their business operation...
There's a frustrated writer lurking in Shadyville here! I wish you good luck with your goal! :flowers:

I started my post 2020 retirement activities goals as far as 2017 using Scrivener book format software, when we published a test Kindle sci fi / alternative history book just for the fun of it. It was during my many, many years when I was away from the RForum family in here. We took it off Amazon to redo it now that the skills have sharpened up and I also got crafty at Photoshop and AI art (if you mouse over or click my Avatar you'll see something I made the other day just for the RF profile page)

Maybe I'll include in the lineup we are working on since 2023 and alternative reality book where H&M stay on the right path this time. Oops, there's the humor again :sneaky:
Bye for the day, I also have some backyard projects to catch up with while the sun is up.
Maybe I'm naive but I honestly think the risk of most people viewing Harry and Meghan as official representatives of the BRF or UK is quite low at this point - whether in a negative or positive view. There may be silly comparisons in the media between them and working members of the BRF but that happens regardless of whatever Harry and Meghan are doing. I think all personal and professional ties have been effectively severed enough in the last few years that the risk of any confusion in this is low. Even if you believe Harry and Meghan are clinging to the now marginal association they have with the working royals, the BRF has done a pretty effective job in establishing who represents them officially and who does not. They are entirely separate entities at this point, IMO.
Time will tell, the BRH runs The Firm like the army, H&M run their ventures like a pop-up store within a mall near you.

Yes, they are adjacent in someone else's charities but stating Archell supports this or that doesn't make it Archwell's. It's just simply another guest and plus person name card at someone's Gala table.

I want them to strive for uniqueness in 2024 and 2025, and all I feel we get is like looking at a flyer on a street pole where someone sticked a business ad on the corner.
Lol- This is a fantastic- and fitting- analogy of the difference between how the Sussexes run things and the BRF.

It explains nicely the difference in success thus far too.
I'm really excited about the Nigerian visit. I hope TRH Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet of Sussex get to come along, even if they're not at any of the public events. Since they're 21.5% Nigerian, it would be nice for them to see their ancestral country.
I'm really excited about the Nigerian visit. I hope TRH Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet of Sussex get to come along, even if they're not at any of the public events. Since they're 21.5% Nigerian, it would be nice for them to see their ancestral country.
They are too young to understand the world around them. Like when you take very young kids to Disneyland or Disneyworld, they can't remember it.
And I would prefer if they decided on a family trip to go and meet the grandfather, Chuck from the UK, since his DNA is the source of this celebrity status they enjoy. As the saying goes, it takes a stranger to point out the obvious.
I am glad they will be making the trip to Nigeria on the invite of the Nigerian government. Not sure about bringing the children because of amount of time flying and am sure their visit won't be long enough.
As to visiting the family in the UK it would be nice but not if things are still icey between them.
If it’s a professional trip it’s unprofessional to bring the children. They aren’t in the royal business anymore where the children are presented to the public.

I keep thinking how all this nigerian link it’s based solely on something Meghan said on her podcast.
If it’s a professional trip it’s unprofessional to bring the children. They aren’t in the royal business anymore where the children are presented to the public.

I keep thinking how all this Nigerian link it’s based solely on something Meghan said on her podcast.
I smell a two-part episode in the making to be filmed parallel to the visit. Why waste an opportunity when the bills will be covered already, just drag in camera crew to work side by side to the other staff
They are too young to understand the world around them. Like when you take very young kids to Disneyland or Disneyworld, they can't remember it.
And I would prefer if they decided on a family trip to go and meet the grandfather, Chuck from the UK, since his DNA is the source of this celebrity status they enjoy. As the saying goes, it takes a stranger to point out the obvious.

And thank you Toledo for doing so! I couldn't find another laurel, so have a crown! :crown2:

Like their other grandfather, I'm sure the King would love to see them, and there is no good reason why the children can't come to the UK; they would be perfectly safe.

It's the truth that matters, not what H&M want people to think.

I smell a two-part episode in the making to be filmed parallel to the visit. Why waste an opportunity when the bills will be covered already, just drag in camera crew to work side by side to the other staff
No doubt that is the real reason for the visit. They have to deliver content to Netflix to get paid, as I understand it.
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I am glad they will be making the trip to Nigeria on the invite of the Nigerian government. Not sure about bringing the children because of amount of time flying and am sure their visit won't be long enough.
As to visiting the family in the UK it would be nice but not if things are still icey between them.
Agreed - no sense in subjecting the kids to that. Maybe someday cooler heads will prevail.

I'm really excited about the Nigerian visit. I hope TRH Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet of Sussex get to come along, even if they're not at any of the public events. Since they're 21.5% Nigerian, it would be nice for them to see their ancestral country.

I'm pretty interested in what kind of research Meghan is doing on her background. I found my biological family through AncestryDNA and 23andMe - the kind of information and records you can find these days is amazing. What a great gift for Archie and Lili to have. I hope they make the trip! I've always felt that if they are going to make a public appearance, it will be at something related to Invictus.
Agreed - no sense in subjecting the kids to that. Maybe someday cooler heads will prevail.

I'm pretty interested in what kind of research Meghan is doing on her background. I found my biological family through AncestryDNA and 23andMe - the kind of information and records you can find these days is amazing. What a great gift for Archie and Lili to have. I hope they make the trip! I've always felt that if they are going to make a public appearance, it will be at something related to Invictus.
With the greatest of respect Anna, "subject the kids" to what? Is the King going to lock them away in the Tower of London? Really? :ROFLMAO:

Speaking more seriously, I think it is safe to say that when meeting the children, both the King and Queen would behave with maturity and put aside any ill feeling for Archie and Lili's sake, and hopefully PH would do that too. As MM has nothing further to gain by returning to the UK, she doesn't want to come back, and to be fair, she's not welcome here either - not because of her ethnicity, as she has tried (and failed) to make everyone believe, but because of her behaviour and treatment of the BRF and the people of the UK. She clearly has no liking or respect for either, and we feel the same about her. Simples!

There's no reason therefore why PH can't bring the children by himself; it's clear that the children are often in a situation where one or both of their parents are absent, so (sad as it sounds) they have probably got used to it.

My gut feeling is that PH wants to bring the children to the UK, but something - or someone - won't let him, and it's not because of concerns about security (there wouldn't be any).

Regarding the children's ethnicity, let's not forget that their British ancestry, as the children of the son of the King, is also a great gift to them. It takes nothing away from their Nigerian ancestry, and if they are given the chance, they can be rightly proud of both of their ancestral countries.

So rather than focusing on just one, why not celebrate both?

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With the greatest of respect Anna, "subject the kids" to what? Is the King going to lock them away in the Tower of London? Really? :ROFLMAO:

Speaking more seriously, I think it is safe to say that when meeting the children, both the King and Queen would behave with maturity and put aside any ill feeling for Archie and Lili's sake, and hopefully PH would do that too. As MM has nothing further to gain by returning to the UK, she doesn't want to come back, and to be fair, she's not welcome here either - not because of her ethnicity, as she has tried (and failed) to make everyone believe, but because of her behaviour and treatment of the BRF and the people of the UK. She clearly has no liking or respect for either, and we feel the same about her. Simples!

There's no reason therefore why PH can't bring the children by himself; it's clear that the children are often in a situation where one or both of their parents are absent, so (sad as it sounds) they have probably got used to it.

My gut feeling is that PH wants to bring the children to the UK, but something - or someone - won't let him, and it's not because of concerns about security (there wouldn't be any).

Regarding the children's ethnicity, let's not forget that their British ancestry, as the children of the son of the King, is also a great gift to them. It takes nothing away from their Nigerian ancestry, and if they are given the chance, they can be rightly proud of both of their ancestral countries.

So rather than focusing on just one, why not celebrate both?

Lol, I certainly don't think it's as dramatic as anyone wanting to send anyone to the Tower. What I mean is that, if the situation between the Sussexes and Harry's UK family remains as acrimonious as it is said to, I don't think the kids should be subject to that. While I doubt either the King or Queen would be rude to the kids, there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm to extend an invitation to see them. Unfortunately it is not uncommon that kids become collateral damage in disputes between adults. I sincerely hope that this changes.

I don't want to get the thread closed so I am going to avoid relitigating the reasons why people don't like Meghan or what she has allegedly said or done to the RF. Not everyone likes her and I am not trying to force anyone to. But regarding traveling to the UK - Meghan may not be comfortable with the idea of her kids going abroad without her but, like with many things involving his family, I think Harry has more autonomy here than many believe. I can very easily believe that he would become defensive and refuse to bring the kids back to the UK unless he felt that his entire family was welcome and safe. I also don't think it's fair to suggest the kids are alone all the time - we very rarely see Meghan venturing outside of Montecito. Whatever their grievances with other family members, they are clearly loving parents to their children.

They should absolutely celebrate all aspects of their heritage - UK, American, Nigerian. I emphasized the Nigerian heritage because of the topic of their upcoming trip and also because I find it interesting - not because I think their UK heritage is less important.
Regarding the children's ethnicity, let's not forget that their British ancestry, as the children of the son of the King, is also a great gift to them. It takes nothing away from their Nigerian ancestry, and if they are given the chance, they can be rightly proud of both of their ancestral countries.

So rather than focusing on just one, why not celebrate both?

100% agree. For as long as TRH Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet of Sussex live they will know about their British heritage. Their grandfather is a king, they carry British titles, many countries including their home one were former British colonies and celebrate independence from Great Britain or remain as one of their realms while building their government systems based off British law, and their ancestry can probably be traced back over a millennium. They couldn't forgot their British ancestry if they try.

Their Nigerian heritage, however, is a complete mystery. Like many descendants of the African diaspora, connections to those ancestors weren't recorded beyond their economic uses. Cultures, traditions, ancestors...they weren't important to those who ripped them away from their homes. Many people could find out the Sussex's children's paternal grandfather's 15th great-grandfather, their paternal grandmother's 15th great-grandfather, probably not their maternal grandfather's 15th great-grandfather, and definitely not their maternal grandmother's 15th great-grandfather.

So yes, we should definitely celebrate both sides of the Sussex children's families rather than focusing exclusively on one side.
As for it always being Prince Harry has to bring his family to UK to meet his grandparents why don't they fly to California for a few days. I know KC is very ill now but it wasn't always the case. Every time we hear about Harry visiting the UK the media always reports how Harry was snubbed with glee. If that is true I wouldn't want my children subjected to that either.
This was posted on today's news in relation to their Invictus Games preparations and possible guests. I separated them with an emoji since they are links from different countries. I could not find anything on the 24 hrs. news search that doesn't mention ties to the current project, but I added a light cute article on Archie's ginger hair since inherits traits seems to be the interesting topic of the week.

BTW we did our 23 and us back in 2019 and it was very revealing. I even got in touch by DM with a distant cousin whose branch separated from mine around the 1700s and it was an interesting chat on how the distance of people in the world we live in is getting smaller thanks to DNA and to places and Forums like this online. We do live in amazing times, let's enjoy them in harmony and continue sharing opinions from every perspective on this planet! :hug:

Prince Harry was met with disappointment after the Duke of Sussex's invitation to the royal family to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games was declined.

Concerns Prince Harry and Meghan may overstep the mark with Nigeria visit

Prince Harry, Meghan market themselves as 'alternative royal family'

Meghan Markle is ‘done’ with the UK and the royal drama, claims royal expert

And for a lighter mood, news on Archie's and Dad Harry's hair:

All the times Prince Archie's flaming red hair stole the show
...I also don't think it's fair to suggest the kids are alone all the time...

Thanks for your reply!

Just to clarify: I didn't say the children are alone all the time. I said the children are often in a situation where one or both of their parents are absent - there is a difference.


As for it always being Prince Harry has to bring his family to UK to meet his grandparents why don't they fly to California for a few days. I know KC is very ill now but it wasn't always the case. Every time we hear about Harry visiting the UK the media always reports how Harry was snubbed with glee. If that is true I wouldn't want my children subjected to that either.
No one would "subject" the children to anything.

PH was "snubbed with glee" (as you state the media put it) because he has managed to betray both his family and the UK people. He's deeply upset several members of the former and offended millions of the latter. He's a grown man, and as he chose to behave badly, he has to take the consequences (as does MM).

And with the greatest of respect Maryrose, to suggest that the BRF (or the UK people) would "subject" two small children to anything unpleasant is very unfair. Please, do not suggest that the justified feelings of anger and mistrust we have towards two adults who have behaved very badly would ever be directed to two innocent little children.

By all means we can disagree, but please don't imply that we would be unkind to children, because that's most certainly not true, and I find that quite upsetting TBH. :cry:

That's me done here for today. Have a good day everyone.

Where in my post did I suggest that the UK people would snub the children? Without rehashing previous events the media hasn't always been kind to Archie and Lilibet.

I honestly can't believe that you would think that I would imply that the people of the UK would mistreat the children. Really? I said the media reported Harry being snubbed with glee.
Hopefully this was just a misunderstanding of what I posted because I am actually shocked by your response.
Best wishes to you. I think I need a serious break from this forum.
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