The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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I love how TRH The Sussexes still maintain their relationships with members of the Uvalde community (I believe last year or so was when HRH The Duchess of Sussex brought food for many of the victims' families). I especially love, however, how much their visits seem to brighten the spirits of the victims' families, and with such a massive tragedy and inexcusable failure that was Uvalde, the small happiness is 200% deserved.
I agree, HRHH. Harry has been very open about that period of his life.

I just can't see Meghan sitting with Katie discussing women's issues in a cordial manner given the unflattering description of Harry in Katie's book. Meghan's personality (as far as I can determine from my little perch) is about control and Katie might decide at some point that she has more to say. I can't see Katie signing a NDA before SXSW.
As we can see from the live stream of the panel and various media reports, Meghan managed to have a very cordial discussion with Katie and everyone else on the SXSW panel.
I love how TRH The Sussexes still maintain their relationships with members of the Uvalde community (I believe last year or so was when HRH The Duchess of Sussex brought food for many of the victims' families). I especially love, however, how much their visits seem to brighten the spirits of the victims' families, and with such a massive tragedy and inexcusable failure that was Uvalde, the small happiness is 200% deserved.
I remember Meghan received many criticism back in 2022, when she visited Uvalde right after the shooting. Even though she tried to keep her visit lowkey, there were vicious comments on social media and tabloids saying that she is just using the tragedy for her own personal PR benefit. Well, she has proved her critics wrong! Of course, those who hate her will not give her the credit or change their mind. They will just find something else to criticise her.

Unfortunately, there are mass shootings in the US almost every week. The media and public have moved on but Meghan did not. Meghan stayed in touch with the family for the last two years. The general public was not aware of her support of the family, not until someone from the family posted about it last year. That person, a family of a shooting victim, received heavy abuse on social media.

The anti-Meghan faction of the internet just can't seem to accept that she has done something nice.
It is the anonymity of social media. But there are other form of bullying and abuse and that is when things are published , said or implied some clearly untrue and provable untrue about public figures when they are not in a position to respond. In particular when the person saying it knows they will not respond.

The Express has published more than 150 articles on Meghan so far this year, and it is only March! Almost all of these articles are negative.

There is an industrial level of hatred towards a woman who frankly has no power. Sure, she is famous, but she does not have the power to levy taxes, declare war, launch invasion into Ukraine, etc. But somehow people hate her with the power of a thousand suns.
I find the animosity toward her baffling, honestly. I don't agree with everything she and Harry have done or said in the past few years, but hate her? I don't even know her. The amount of garbage that gets slung at her is just...I don't get it. If you don't like her, fine. Don't like her. Just shut up about her. Don't tweet about her, don't post about her, just ignore her. That's how you show you dislike someone. You make like they don't exist.
Anyone who hates a public figure they don't know needs their head examining.

However, it's the fact that they cling like limpets to their royal status in order to amplify what they say/do for profit & self promotion that rubs a lot of people up the wrong way in Britain. And that would be the same for any relative of the monarch actually.

But I get totally that this does not make sense to many people on the other other side of the pond. It is what it is.

Never the twain & all that.
Anyone who hates a public figure they don't know needs their head examining.

However, it's the fact that they cling like limpets to their royal status in order to amplify what they say/do for profit & self promotion that rubs a lot of people up the wrong way in Britain. And that would be the same for any relative of the monarch actually.

But I get totally that this does not make sense to many people on the other other side of the pond. It is what it is.

Never the twain & all that.
Not to mention making innuendos and implications about certain personalities, then backpedaling from earlier statements. Talking about people bullying people online when they worked with someone (Christopher Bouzy) who has been called out for stalking and trolling people online, notable Kate. They can’t see their hypocrisy.
Anyone who hates a public figure they don't know needs their head examining.

However, it's the fact that they cling like limpets to their royal status in order to amplify what they say/do for profit & self promotion that rubs a lot of people up the wrong way in Britain. And that would be the same for any relative of the monarch actually.

But I get totally that this does not make sense to many people on the other other side of the pond. It is what it is.

Never the twain & all that.

There's a difference, in my eyes, between disliking them for what you perceive is their "wanting it both ways" approach to the past few years and actively hating them, which is the part that I said I found baffling. I completely get why people in the UK don't like them. However, there comes a point for some of those people where the dislike becomes a seething, burning hatred, and that I don't get.

Also, there are quite a few people here in the U.S. that don't like them either for one reason or another, so it's not confined to just the UK.
It is nice that Harry and Meghan visited the Uvalde family and the family seemed to enjoy the experience. Having said that, I completely understand why Meghan was originally photographed at the time and site of the shooting--it was a recent tragedy, and one could argue that it was important to bring public attention to it--but I see no reason to bring a photographer or allow pictures at what is a private event. In my view, Harry and Meghan were exploiting the situation for positive PR. No doubt the family would have been just as thrilled with their visit even if photographs hadn't been released.
Yikes, I seem to have lost my accompanying post to the quotes above. This new layout has a few traps of old players. So, to summarize, there is a whole industry that is founded on feeding the narrative of the Sussexes and the nature of that narrative is hate. What they say, that they do, what they wear, etc. ad nauseum, it is all, every little thing, meant to highlight the fact that is is done, totally all of it, in an attempt to eclipse or one up the the BRF and especially the Cambridges.

With all of the bile that has been spewed since 2019 and regurgitated again and again, the context has been completely obscured and all that is left is the nasty, burning taste in you mouth. That taste is "hate", and it is by far the most corrosive of emotions. Hate smothers the love and joy in life because it takes so much energy to maintain and to be honest, I don't have that energy to spare. It cripples the hope and withers the soul and is hazardous to your bodily health.

Nobody is perfect and I totally refuse to buy in to that narrative because I am certainly less than perfect, and I do believe hate it is like a pernicious noxious weed. Regular applications of weedkiller are required to keep it under control. Love and forgiveness are balm to the soul of the giver and feel so much more positive and thereby allows the joys of life to pop up.

In short, life is way too short to hate.
Let’s get back to discussing their current events, please.
It is nice that Harry and Meghan visited the Uvalde family and the family seemed to enjoy the experience. Having said that, I completely understand why Meghan was originally photographed at the time and site of the shooting--it was a recent tragedy, and one could argue that it was important to bring public attention to it--but I see no reason to bring a photographer or allow pictures at what is a private event. In my view, Harry and Meghan were exploiting the situation for positive PR. No doubt the family would have been just as thrilled with their visit even if photographs hadn't been released.
As far as I know photos were taken by family members and also released by them. You can’t blame the Sussexes for everything. And they can’t prevent the family from taking photos at a private event.
Does anyone think Couric was baiting Meghan when she prompted her to retell the P&G dish soap story? It feels to me that she was setting her up for criticism.

Why would she? It’s weird his people want others to dislike her. Meghan and Katie have interacted many many times.

She was part of a research project with Harry. She was part of Meghan 40th birthday celebration. And based on the pictures they seem just quite friendly.

So no it wasn’t bait. So silly.
Why would she? It’s weird his people want others to dislike her. Meghan and Katie have interacted many many times.

She was part of a research project with Harry. She was part of Meghan 40th birthday celebration. And based on the pictures they seem just quite friendly.

So no it wasn’t bait. So silly.

Yes, silly me. I remember Couric writing that Harry stunk of booze and alcohol when she met him - “alcohol oozing from every pore of his body.”
As for the 40/40 birthday celebrations, I’m not sure anyone is covered in glory from that exercise.
Couric is an experienced journalist; it seems she would know exactly how well-worn (some would say tiresome) the P&G story was and also that Markle would relish telling it again.
Meghan turned 40 only a couple of years ago, not a lifetime. And, as others have pointed out, Harry himself wrote about how he was during the time he was interviewed by Couric. By contrast, I have read Twitter posts from people meeting Harry in clubs when he was in his mid twenties and saying he ‘smelt divine’.
And, when it comes down to it, Katy Couric was not forced to appear on the panel with Meghan. If she objected to everything about being on stage with her then (a) she would not have accepted the invitation to appear or (b) would have withdrawn beforehand, citing a cold or something.
A Legal victory for Meghan in the defamation action brought by her half sister Samantha. The Florida judge said, in her 58 page summation that Meghan's statements in the Oprah interview ( including about her growing up as virtually an only child)) were 'substantially true', even if 'they could be considered defamatory in the first place'. The judge dismissed the case 'with prejudice', meaning that Samantha can't bring another filing adjustment.

Samantha Markle's defamation lawsuit against Meghan is dismissed
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A Legal victory for Meghan in the defamation action brought by her half sister Samantha. The Florida judge said, in her 58 page summation that Meghan's statements in the Oprah interview ( including about her growing up as virtually an only child)) were 'substantially true', even if 'they could be considered defamatory in the first place'. The judge dismissed the case 'with prejudice', meaning that Samantha can't bring another filing adjustment.

Samantha Markle's defamation lawsuit against Meghan is dismissed
Does it mean that the wording 'substantially true" is equal to"recollections may vary" or "a lie but presented nicely"?
This lawsuit was about statements that Meghan made about her upbringing as an 'only child' (as that is where her sister comes in; as Meghan clearly isn't an only child as she has two half-siblings - but they weren't part of her day-to-day life growing up) as well as her claim that Samantha changed her name back to Markle when Meghan and Harry started dating. These statements were considered either 'substantially true based on judicially noticed evidence' or 'not capable of being considered defamatory'. Samantha considered them part of a smear campaign against her and other family members but the judge didn't find evidence for that.

It was not about what happened during Meghan's time in the UK.
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Meghan is her parents only child. She also wasn’t raised with them. Another fact they don’t even deny. They were both out the house and basically married by the time she was a pre-teen.

Also a fact? The court documents stated due to their own research (and frankly it not hard to prove) Samantha did change her name back to Markle.

In 2016 she was very much going by Samantha GRANT. All her initial interviews and her social media had that name.

The fact Samantha couldn’t disprove it was her own fault. It was lawsuit so she had to bring the evidence.
I'd call myself an only child too if I had much older half-siblings who weren't a part of my life for most of my upbringing.

I think Samantha needs to learn what "defamatory" means. Just because you don't like it or it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it's a legal case. I think a lot of people could stand to learn that lesson.
Harry will give a short speech by video and speak to the winners of the Diana Awards tonight. William will in person attend and present the awards.
That's going to be interesting. I saw a news story this morning that William is scheduled to leave before Harry's video comes up.
Curious that there’s no information yet about what the brand’s purpose is (product sales, content, etc) and the brand name is a little long and unwieldy. I suppose we’ll find out the purpose of the business in time.
A look at the trademark records gives us an indication. It spans tableware, cookbooks, and more! From knives to downloadable recipes, coffee & tea services, to online e-books. Also offering retail store services for food & books.
A look at the trademark records gives us an indication. It spans tableware, cookbooks, and more! From knives to downloadable recipes, coffee & tea services, to online e-books. Also offering retail store services for food & books.
Good luck to her. It certainly isn’t without precedent as a commercial path for non-working royals. A bit reminiscent of the Duchess of York’s time promoting Wedgwood China, which I believe was fairly successful for her at the time.
According to the Daily Mail, Meghan will have a cooking show on Netflix. She’ll also be selling her own food.

The flash company is set to coincide with the launch of a new cookery show featuring Meghan for Netflix - where she will be making and selling her own products.

It will lead onto a book and blog to go alongside her cookery displays.

An insider told the Daily Mail: ‘It’s a lifestyle and cooking brand called American Riviera Orchard.
The brand will focus on home, garden, food and general lifestyle wares.

So she’s basically modeling her brand off of Martha Stewart.
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