The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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Very little information…… “relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours”…

Not buying this “two hour” thing. Manhattan is a small island with lots of traffic. No way the police would allow a “chase” to continue like that.

Besides, they could have pulled up to the hotel, waved, and gone inside. End of drama.

As the news reports point out, this is reminiscent of Diana’s death. Another headline-grabbing stop on the Global Privacy tour?
A few thoughts on more Sussex news....
Another Award....."Woman of Vision" this time....and more Meghan buzzwords abounding in her speech.

"Daily acts of service, IN KINDNESS, in advocacy, in grace and in fairness." Wow. WHY does Meghan always feel the need to mention these virtue signalling platitudes ? Its just that she constantly references them AND "compassion in action". But that doesn't appear to be, in another one of her favorite words.....
Authentic. In my opinion, anyways.

Specifically to her Father that raised her and put her on the path to success and her constantly maligned In-laws that gave her the platform AND CELEBRITY to promote her causes. Or Staff, that worked for them and quit at unprecedented levels.

At least Meghan didn't bring up "forgiveness", I guess even her hypocrisy has its limits.

It appears "service" is going to be the "arch" around the rebranding of The Sussex's going forward, in my opinion. How Royal !

Looks to me like Harry isn't going to win his lawsuit for Metropolitan Police Protection for himself and family, as "Guns for Hire" either.

I also saw something that is *interesting*, I guess a Reviewer has noted that the new remake of "The Little Mermaid" (one of Meghans self proclaimed favorite movies) contains a dig at Kate. The original movie from 1989 has a scene in which Prince Eric tries to guess Ariel's name, she can't speak at that point and tell him.

In that version he says.....

"Is it Mildred? no, makes a face, is it Diana? shakes head, is it Rachel ?" then Sebastion the crab, tells Eric... its Ariel. (Meghan's actual first name is Rachel, as was the name of her Suit's character.)

In the NEW remake Disney movie the dialogue IS sadly changed. Appears a snipe too.
His first guess " is it Diana ? Shakes head..... Is it Catherine ? Ariel * supposedly* gives a disgusted look and Prince Eric says " OK, DEFINITELY NOT CATHERINE ".
Mind you the movie isn't out, but this "jibe" was mentioned by the Reviewer. Oh well, make of it what you will.
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I agree why would you let them chase you dangerously for 2 hours.

If that's true, the reason is obvious IMO, giving the timing and recent events in the UK courts. And that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Nothing should be more important than getting home safely to your two young children waiting at home. I'm not making excuses for the photographers BTW, but presumably they were carrying cameras and not guns.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

I agree why would you let them chase you dangerously for 2 hours.

This makes no sense to me. 2 hours?! WHY?

I’m not seeing how anyone in either vehicle was exercising good judgment based on what little we know. If this is indeed accurate. It sounds dangerous. Reckless.

This also sounds very similar to Diana’s death. Just a more prolonged chase.
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I just saw a clip of them getting into a very large non-yellow vehicle….
So unless they jumped from vehicle to vehicle, Indiana Jones style…
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The only time anyone stays in a cab for two hours in New York is...never. Even when there is a traffic jam, it doesn't take two hours to get anywhere in NYC itself.
Why on earth would they be taking a yellow cab when just about anyone "of interest" in NYC travels by limousine. This doesn't make sense.

If they had taken a limousine, the reaction would have been "Why a limo? Do they think they are so special?"

They simply can't win. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. And no, I'm not a big Sussex fan. I'm just a person who thinks that we are all good and bad, and very few of us are good (or bad) all the time.

I assume that we will get more details. If there was a chase like that, they weren't driving the cab themselves, and their security team should have prevented it. Either way, very disturbing.
I just saw a clip of them getting into a very large non-yellow vehicle….
So unless they jumped from vehicle to vehicle, Indiana Jones style…

Well, looking at the tweet again, the incident is described as “annoying, inappropriate and dangerous.” according to the source. Those three adjectives don't really fit very well together...if you're in genuine danger, you're not "annoyed". You're frightened or even terrified, surely?

If they had taken a limousine, the reaction would have been "Why a limo? Do they think they are so special?"

They simply can't win. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. And no, I'm not a big Sussex fan. I'm just a person who thinks that we are all good and bad, and very few of us are good (or bad) all the time.

I assume that we will get more details. If there was a chase like that, they weren't driving the cab themselves, and their security team should have prevented it. Either way, very disturbing.
I don’t really think anyone would care much if the got in a limo. They already drive Range Rovers etc. so no big deal. I think some people think they are deliberately using the taxi to prove a point in a court case about security and paparazzi. It’s not a matter of winning or losing anything.
If they had taken a limousine, the reaction would have been "Why a limo? Do they think they are so special?"

They simply can't win. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. And no, I'm not a big Sussex fan. I'm just a person who thinks that we are all good and bad, and very few of us are good (or bad) all the time.

I assume that we will get more details. If there was a chase like that, they weren't driving the cab themselves, and their security team should have prevented it. Either way, very disturbing.

Limosine or taxi, they all have the potential to be lethal weapons, sadly.
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I read (not sure from where, so take it with a grain of salt) that TRH The Sussexes had to switch cars multiple times, so they weren't in the cab for the entirety of the time.

I feel incredibly sad for HRH The Duke of Sussex. His biggest fear was that his wife would suffer the same fate as his mother due to aggressive press, only for that to almost happen. His fears are going to be through the roof now, and I suspect that any chance of The Sussex Family as a whole going back to the United Kingdom anytime soon is slim to none.
There were apparently 6 vehicles in the Sussex ‘motorcade’. It would certainly be more difficult to ‘evade’ a following flock of cars if you had to travel as a group.

Driving in NYC traffic can be stop and go at best, and you can usually walk a few blocks faster than you can be driven. And they certainly didn’t want it known where they were staying.

Even a fairly large number of police vehicles would find it hard to stop a large number of pursuers. Other well-known people are followed by the paps (think Taylor Swift). This is not a situation which the police can stop or control as easily as we might hope.
Apparently NYPD denies any calls about any chase. Who knows? What I’ve seen on TMZ is them sitting in ancab in traffic and a pedestrian taking photos. No police, no chase. Who knows, but it smells fishy.
If your first reaction to this news is to use it as another stick to beat the Duke and Duchess with, it may be time to take a break as this is not a normal reaction. Let's be thankful that nobody got hurt while we are awaiting the details.

Tone down the acid...
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From reading the twits this sounds like the paparazzi being inappropriate.

However the headline I originally saw was hyperbole.

They had a six person motorcade…that is more than when he was a working royal. The only difference when he was a working royal is he had outriders.

Not nice for anyone I am sure. But it doesn’t seem anyone was actually in danger.

And I hate to wash my hands of it BUT the British paparazzi used to act like this and I heard many stories about how frightened people were. They don’t anymore given the wings being clipped and the general lack of a market for paparazzi pictures so…not our problem.

I would object hugely if it happened on British soil. Perhaps American paparazzi laws need tighting.
.... and I suspect that any chance of The Sussex Family as a whole going back to the United Kingdom anytime soon is slim to none.

Iroanically, they are unlikely to be chased in the UK by paparazzi. There is an agreed code of conduct, and the UK press will not publish such pictures, reducing their value.
Why on earth would they be taking a yellow cab when just about anyone "of interest" in NYC travels by limousine. This doesn't make sense.

Furthermore, how is there a 2-hour car chase in NYC traffic?

Something doesn't make sense with this story. JMHO

I agree with your comments, although to be fair the quoted article states the couple got into a black limo but somehow there was a yellow cab in the mix, so confusing. And my thought exactly about the two hour chase - doesn't make sense.
I agree that they should have gone to a police station instead of trying to outrun the paparazzi. But that doesn't excuse the behaviour of the paparazzi - jumping red lights, driving on pavements, and using phones and cameras whilst driving. It's very lucky that no-one was hurt.

It must have been really terryifing for them!
Prince Harry, Meghan and her mother were involved in a "near catastrophic car chase" involving paparazzi, a spokesperson for the prince has said.

The incident happened after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended an awards ceremony in New York on Tuesday.

Statement from New York Police Department on last night's incident.

“On Wednesday evening, May 16, the NYPD assisted the private security team protecting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. There were*numerous photographers that made their transport challenging. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests in regard.”

From Sussex Spokeperson:

"Last night, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Ms. Ragland were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi.

This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers.

While being a public figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone's safety.

Dissemination of these images, given the ways in which they were obtained, encourages a highly intrusive practice that is dangerous to all in involved."
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A local law enforcement source corroborated some of the couple’s account, saying that a group of paparazzi followed Harry and Meghan in cars, motorcycles, scooters after they left the event on Tuesday. A protective team from the New York Police Department (NYPD) followed Harry and Meghan in another car, and was forced to make some avoiding maneuvers to get away from the paparazzi, the source said.
One or two sources seemed to indicate that the paps were in black SUVs, and that the Sussexes had no motorcade.
Statement from the NYPD:

NYPD say no collisions, injuries or arrests in alleged chase
We've just received a statement from the New York Police Department.

It says:" The NYPD assisted the private security team protecting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging.

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests in regard."
Paparazzis are paparazzis. They try and will always try to get money by pics. It is their job.
But Harry.. what he has into his mind ? He lost his mother because of a crazy chasing.
And more than 25 years after...does the same error. They could be killed or kill someone.
Where they were running ? What for? They play the eternal game without result. What are they expecting ? From one side they give interviews.. they publish books .. they do a public appearance.. and then want the papzs to go home. How could happen?
I wish God protected them. As they are parents.

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The statement seems clear. Having lived in NYC for a bit, I can't fathom a 2-hour car chase. I think it's an insult to the NYPD, who was apparently escorting the couple and their entourage, to blow the incident out of proportion and imply the protection they were providing was not enough. They're so used to escorting celebrities. Plus, this is NYC, Keanu Reeves and other celebrities walk around without much trouble, they ride public transport without getting bothered. Isn't that why the biggest celebrities enjoy the city? Taylor Swift, quite possibly the biggest pop star at the moment, goes in and out of her studio in NYC, gets papped, and yet there's never been a story like this.

I'm not saying the Sussexes didn't feel that they felt unsafe. They have their truth, after all, as they like to call it but call me skeptical.
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