The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 7: Oct. 2022 - Apr. 2023

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From 16 minutes ago, this news article explains in detail the meeting in court and the situation that also involves violating the right to privacy of other celebrities

Prince Harry in court for phone hacking suit vs UK tabloid

"The case alleges Associated Newspapers Ltd., which publishes The Daily Mail and The Mail On Sunday, commissioned the “breaking and entry into private property,” and engaging in unlawful acts that included hiring private investigators to bug homes, cars and record private phone conversations..." :eek:
Genuine questions (therefore, if I may ask, please no snarky replies):
- What's so special about this lawsuit that Harry needs to make appearance in court for this lawsuit while he didn't for his other lawsuits? From what I read, he's there to "give support", and not because he's been summoned by the court to give statement or something?
- This lawsuit is about tapping and phone hacking towards several people that happened between 2000-2006 (CMIIW). So is it different or the same tapping/hacking scandal of News of the World that went on trial couple of years ago? And Harry also has another ongoing tapping/hacking lawsuits against the Sun and Mirror, so does it mean each of them did the tapping/hacking separately, OR there's only one tapping/hacking but it was joint commission by those (including NotW) hence separate lawsuits (?) since only NotW was sued before?

PS: I don't think it has anything to do with "reconciliation" or whatever. The Waleses are creatures of habit and they're always away from London during Easter break and Charles was supposed to be in France for State Visit, surely Harry knows that it's unlikely he could just stop by and have "reconciliation meeting" with them.
I'm curious about this particular lawsuit too and would welcome an explanation from someone more knowledgeable.

As for Harry and his family, I think he probably let his father know he was there but more than likely realises that seeing him would be a remote chance.
He’s dressing like a British again.
Um, what do you mean?

He bumped on purpose into that photographer!!!

He didn't though? The photographer ended up right in front of him and you can clearly see them both moving to Harry's right just before they bumped into each other.

Agree to disagree. :flowers:

I wouldn't put it past Harry to have "bumped" into the poor peasant photographer trying to earn cash. Only *some* are born into the silver spoon society like our fiesty Prince Hal.
With Harry telling us in his own words, about his penchant for getting into fights, attacking his OWN protection officer AND making fun of a poor disabled Matron IN HER PRESENCE, at School to amuse his friends.....would anyone be surprised ?

Many of us feel that the carefully scripted Palace narrative for years of Harry being a caring, empathic, uncomplicated and supportive Guy, was a facade. So I wouldn't be surprised if he did "bump" the Photographer.

As the Sky News Reporter Katie Spencer informed her readers of the "surprise" visit, "He didn't even actually need to go thru the MAIN entrance here".

I think part of the surprise was to prevent an informed Crowd showing up.....with the inevitable LOUD Boos
That's a bit rich.
Good grief! Is there nothing Harry can do without someone accusing him of foul play? The immediate negative accusatory posts are beyond the pale. In the absence of any definitive proof it is merely yet another kneejeck malicious snipe.
Err, when Harry did something that was a foul play, post after post went by resolutely not paying attention. I mean the matron thing. I wrote about it many times. A defender after defender pretended not to see because there was no way to excuse their fave's ongoing incensitivity. In his admirers' place, I wouldn't be so quick to speak of people accusing the poor dear and malicious snipes when there is an overall case of selective blindness in their ranks.
So says the telegraph. William would be in Norfolk.

To be fair, up until Friday, the King was due to be in in France anyway, neither do we know when Harry arrived in the UK.

If the story is correct, we do not have all the facts or the full conversation even the timing. As we have found out before there are times when we are only provided with some of the story to allow the public to go down a certain road only to be told afterwards that we got it wrong.
In fact, Harry's arrival in the UK fits their MOD - trying to upstage someone else on their big day.

The King was supposed to be out for his first engagement as a monarch abroad, so what does Harry do? Coincidentally arrives just when nothing we know this far says he needs to be present in person.
In fact, Harry's arrival in the UK fits their MOD - trying to upstage someone else on their big day.

The King was supposed to be out for his first engagement as a monarch abroad, so what does Harry do? Coincidentally arrives just when nothing we know this far says he needs to be present in person.

That.Hits the nail on the head..He didn´t have to be there..the smuck
Um, what do you mean?

Good grief! Is there nothing Harry can do without someone accusing him of foul play? The immediate negative accusatory posts are beyond the pale. In the absence of any definitive proof it is merely yet another kneejeck malicious snipe.

Couldn't agree more with you.
I think this is a more major lawsuit than most - Elton John, David Furnish and other well known figures are involved, as well as Harry, and it involves allegations of phone tapping over a period of time, rather than just the usual business with Harry and Meghan moaning that they didn't like what was said.
Personally I think that the show of support was to place it in the press and to bring attention of the other celebrities that are not joining the law suit. I understand that it is still to be determined if the suit which is historical can be allowed to continue.
It might be interesting to find out why they have not previously sued. What has prevented them for 15 years?
Personally I see this as a money and publicity grab. The matter was handled when the NOTW was cancelled. What is to gain now? Harry is making this a personal stance, hence the reason for his attendance - I think it is part of a larger play against the tabloid press. I would not be shocked if a charity group consisting of celebrities against tabliods comes into play.
Harry clearly sees this as a moral fight - and that he is in the right. I agree that the press should not be tapping phones and trying to get hold of your hospital records. But should that agreement be used entirely to stop the media.
Personally I think that the show of support was to place it in the press and to bring attention of the other celebrities that are not joining the law suit. I understand that it is still to be determined if the suit which is historical can be allowed to continue.
It might be interesting to find out why they have not previously sued. What has prevented them for 15 years?


This makes me think of statute of limitations so I did some Google and found this:

When will time run out to bring claims in the phone hacking litigation?

I have to admit that I'm super confused reading it, so can anyone please translate that article in simple English?:D
This makes me think of statute of limitations so I did some Google and found this:

When will time run out to bring claims in the phone hacking litigation?

I have to admit that I'm super confused reading it, so can anyone please translate that article in simple English?:D

I have no knowledge or training in legalese, but what I understand is this:

- If the information obtained unlawfully by the newspapers was published and the six year window from the date of the publishing has closed, there is no base to sue,
- if, however, the information used was presented to be from some different source (friend, pal, whatever) as they call it “concealed”, then the six year window opens only when the claimant had grounds to suspect that it was, in fact, obtained by hacking their private data and means of comm,
- but the claimants can also conceal the moment they had grounds to suspect hacking and in order to determine if they did or not, they might be made to testify.

I hope I understood somehow correctly and what I’ve written is not confusing.
Err, when Harry did something that was a foul play, post after post went by resolutely not paying attention. I mean the matron thing. I wrote about it many times. A defender after defender pretended not to see because there was no way to excuse their fave's ongoing incensitivity. In his admirers' place, I wouldn't be so quick to speak of people accusing the poor dear and malicious snipes when there is an overall case of selective blindness in their ranks.
I dont remember many people defending him over the matron thing. SOme did, but mostly people were shocked or offended by it.
In fact, Harry's arrival in the UK fits their MOD - trying to upstage someone else on their big day.

The King was supposed to be out for his first engagement as a monarch abroad, so what does Harry do? Coincidentally arrives just when nothing we know this far says he needs to be present in person.

Imo he (and other famous people) were there to bring attention to the court hearing. The date that was planned by the court and had nothing to do with Charles, William or anyone in the BRF. It would be rediculous if Harry can't go to a court hearing he is a part of because it might conflict with the schedule of someone in the BRF (which would be every bloody day).
Err, when Harry did something that was a foul play, post after post went by resolutely not paying attention. I mean the matron thing. I wrote about it many times. A defender after defender pretended not to see because there was no way to excuse their fave's ongoing incensitivity. In his admirers' place, I wouldn't be so quick to speak of people accusing the poor dear and malicious snipes when there is an overall case of selective blindness in their ranks.

People here defending him?? I left years ago because every breath they take is criticised and only selected (critical) articles are posted. So every now and then I lurk here, read the comments and then I remember why I left....
'Just wondering where Harry is staying during this visit? In a hotel? What is his security? I'm surprised that he traveled to London given his narrative of the UK not being a safe place for him and his family?
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One of the things that has to be argued is why they plantiffs believe the infomation could not have been obtained through other sources.
How can this be argued without revealing the infroamtion and placing it in the press again. This is why most of the celebrities (and I think) royals have frowned on this. Why dig up stuff that happened in the 1990's and 2000's? Just so you can have a moral victory in court?
Harry however is on a crusade against the tabliods. I just think he provide them with more stories to run about him.
People here defending him?? I left years ago because every breath they take is criticised and only selected (critical) articles are posted. So every now and then I lurk here, read the comments and then I remember why I left....

Sorry but he does have defenders. It is true that even his worst behaviour like the mocking of his matron, has been defended by some people. However largely speaking, the Book Spare seems to have shown a picutre of him that most people felt they did not like.
I assume Harry's staying at a hotel. And he seems conveniently to have forgotten his security concerns. Nothing's been said about him staying at any of the royal residences.
I presume he has his own security men and he may have discreet RPOs in attendance. I dont see why he's being attacked about this. He si bound to occasionallly come to England. Is he supposed to refuse to come?
I assume Harry's staying at a hotel. And he seems conveniently to have forgotten his security concerns. Nothing's been said about him staying at any of the royal residences.

We do not need to know if we are being honest, quite simply for security reasons. If he is at a royal residence he will have security if he is staying with friends or at a hotel then they are not going to advertise it or that would make him a hypocrite. I am no longer his biggest fan but I do believe in fairness and even handedness.
Moran, I agree with what you posted.

Whether it is coincidence or not in this case, the Sussex's have a documented history of upstaging others on days of big events for them.
And yes sustav, that too was my question about Security. Harry DID make a big deal about The UK Security concerns.

In January 2022, Harry's legal team told The High Court in his challenge to have Royal Protection Services reviewed-reinstated, that Harry "does not feel safe" and is unable to return to his home because it is to dangerous. They also stated that "The UK is and always will be his home".

But THAT was then. Still think this is a "testing of the waters" for Harry. Figuring into the Sussex's calculations of what their participation should OR will be regarding Coronation Events.

But He is now in the UK, unexpectedly.
I'm guessing, other behind the scenes questions are in play, not just this " Privacy Case". Final moves regarding Frogmore and perhaps meeting with the dreaded "Men in Grey" regarding The Sussex's ( and kids ? ) Roles in The Coronation.

That's my guess. Charles and William are NOT going to communicate directly with Harry. How can they when emails and conversations will simply be served up at a later date. Embellished, edited or plain altered to suit the Sussex's narrative.

So if The Sussex's feel they are to be sidelined and not included in high profile appearances, Harry will have the details of whatever the decision is, regarding their participation for their next Interview, Book or Docu-series. He is just probably putting in the legwork now. Ironing out the details, so to speak.
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People here defending him?? I left years ago because every breath they take is criticised and only selected (critical) articles are posted. So every now and then I lurk here, read the comments and then I remember why I left....

Hi and welcome back to the Forum. :flowers:

I think we are mixing up two separate things, our conversations on Harry's situation with his family and the very separate situation of a group of persons (Harry and others) affected by a media corporation planting microphones and other means to spy on public figures. And for the sole purpose to make articles that would produce a revenue stream to these billionaires and they tabloids.

I agree Harry has a checkered past himself that has escalated into conflicts with his own family, but that's a separate issue. The problem on the court case refers to planting bugs and spying on private moments to make money for the owner(s) of the tabloids. No one is defending his previous actions or conduct.
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I dont remember many people defending him over the matron thing. SOme did, but mostly people were shocked or offended by it.

That's right - most people didn't. But mainly, those who disapproved weren't his fans.

I was replying to the post going personal against those who don't like Harry when those who do resolutely refused to discuss their fave's ongoing incensitivity - towards a woman suffering the same condition as his supposedly close cousin Eugenie, I have to say.
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My morning paper says that Harry was seen going to Frogmore on Sunday night, so maybe he's staying there?
My morning paper says that Harry was seen going to Frogmore on Sunday night, so maybe he's staying there?

If the York princess is there, he's probably visiting her. Returning the keys? Getting his polo boots and clothes in a box to carry out? :cool:
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