The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: Aug. 2021- Oct. 2022

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And it was such a big deal that she never even mentioned it to a supposedly close friend at the time. And who takes time off work due to a fire that was so minor that it wasn’t even necessary to call the fire service. Why couldn’t she just have talked about Serena’s career and plans for the future?

I can see being shaken up by something like that, especially as a new mother. But what Meghan is describing is exactly what most people who work would have to do in the same situation: the baby’s fine, everyone else is fine, you’re in the middle of a tightly scheduled and high profile business trip so - back to work you go.

I think career ambition is great, for both men and women, but often the more ambitious you are, and the more successful you become, the more your time is no longer your own. Meghan’s definition of ambition seems to include aiming for the sort of success that lets you take a step back or change course whenever you want. But I don’t think that’s how things work for the majority of ambitious people, and it’s definitely not how things work for the British RF.
I can see being shaken up by something like that, especially as a new mother. But what Meghan is describing is exactly what most people who work would have to do in the same situation: the baby’s fine, everyone else is fine, you’re in the middle of a tightly scheduled and high profile business trip so - back to work you go.

I think career ambition is great, for both men and women, but often the more ambitious you are, and the more successful you become, the more your time is no longer your own. Meghan’s definition of ambition seems to include aiming for the sort of success that lets you take a step back or change course whenever you want. But I don’t think that’s how things work for the majority of ambitious people, and it’s definitely not how things work for the British RF.

In itself this topic of ambitious women is a great start of her podcast; i would indeed say that ambitious men also do get their share of criticism but Meghan is well known for taking the women's angle to a story, and that is fine, every podcast has it's target demographic.

And the story about the fire/smoke scare could really have been a great example of the difficulties that an ambitious woman faces, like you mention above, your intuition is to go home check on your family, but you can't always do that, certainly not when very quickly it is clear that nothing actual dangerous happened, everybody is unharmed (not even been in danger at all),the situation has been dealt with by people who work for you or who help you, and sometimes then indeed you go do on with your ambition...because people expect you too, people depend on you, people need you to take a first step...whatever reason.

It would have been great, and very relatable, if she had told the story like "we had a scare, as a mom i really wanted to be with my kid, but i knew people were expecting me, had been waiting for me to visit them, so after i made sure, double double sure, that my kid was okay, i did the engagement anyway, and it warmed my heart to talk to people, some turned out to have experienced something similar..." etc etc "...but was i glad to see my boy again that night.."

If Serena Williams played a US Open final, and a few hours before she got a family call "there has been an issue, it has been handled, no oneis hurt" you think the organisation would postpone the final for her? I think not, she would either play, or give up, making her opponent the winner.

But Meghan seems to have focused on the story that others 'made' her do the engagement, nasty people against a 'poor little vulnerable me that couldn't do anything about it' (my words, as it comes across).

i've met a lot of ambitious people in life, men and women, but one thing they all had in common is i rarely heard a 'take pity on me' story from any of them...

While i'm writing this i remember a situation about 10 years ago wheni worked in a company that due to reorganisation had the employees worried they would loose their jobs. Lot of fuss, lot of worry, lot of gossip, until the company decided to organise an all employee meeting so everybody could talk about their worries, fears and anger, and someone high up in the company would tell them what would happen (in the end it turned out no one got fired). All planned in advance, so everybody (who wanted) could attend.
Well this person who would answer all the questions kept the people waiting for almost half an hour (people fretting even more) then showed up late and just said 'well i had to have breakfast with my family', and then sat back with a bored face, and only half listened.

Such a person might think they were criticised for being ambitious or 'high up in the organisation', but that wasn't the reason..
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: August 2021-

I can see being shaken up by something like that, especially as a new mother. But what Meghan is describing is exactly what most people who work would have to do in the same situation: the baby’s fine, everyone else is fine, you’re in the middle of a tightly scheduled and high profile business trip so - back to work you go.

I think career ambition is great, for both men and women, but often the more ambitious you are, and the more successful you become, the more your time is no longer your own. Meghan’s definition of ambition seems to include aiming for the sort of success that lets you take a step back or change course whenever you want. But I don’t think that’s how things work for the majority of ambitious people, and it’s definitely not how things work for the British RF.

I feel like this story was a mistake to tell for the reasons you said. People relate to having to get on with their jobs in circumstances like these. Not complaining publicly years later about how they “had” to do so.

She sounds out of touch imo.

I understand the situation being upsetting, but I think she’d have been better off not discussing it if this was the tone she was going take.

ETA- a poster above nicely articulated how she could have made this relatable.
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If Serena Williams played a US Open final, and a few hours before she got a family call "there has been an issue, it has been handled, no oneis hurt" you think the organisation would postpone the final for her? I think not, she would either play, or give up, making her opponent the winner.

As if in a response to your post Serena's husband, Alexis, tweeted this today:
"I'll never forget Olympia breaking her little arm during RG. Yes, I had it handled, but Serena was in Mama Bear Mode and wouldn't leave her for a minute. Played (won) next day with little to no sleep and a mountain of anxiety."

Is Meghan allowed to be upset by what happened? Yes, most definitely. Is she, who's made her ambition, drive and an ability for hard work a personal brand, right in feeling stepped upon for having to get on with her day? No, most of us would take a moment to make sure everything was alright, have another moment of getting ourselves together and then keep our day going. That's what normal people do by choice and by necessity.
I'm sure his tweet wasn't meant that way, but it does throw shade in an unintentional way.

I agree with all of you who say relating this story was a bad idea, especially in the context of speaking to a strong woman like Serena Williams (who should have been the main topic of conversation if Meghan were a good host). It makes Meghan look weak, never mind that I don't think there is much actual truth to what she says happened.
From the above DM article:

When I initially heard the story, I was wondering why the fire dept. hadn’t been called. So that quote helps explain things. It was smoky heater that didn’t require anything further than unplugging.

I’m glad everyone was okay and that it was caught before it turned into a fire.
Thank you for discovering this soapstar. It seems to me that perhaps it was a heater that might not have been turned on in a long time and thus had some dust on it. (My classroom heater always smelled like "burning dust" the first morning that it was turned on for the school year.) Unplugging the heater seems to have solved the problem.

Glad that it wasn't really a dangerous situation.
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I really don't get the fuss - an electric heater smelt smokey, was unplugged and all was fine. If there was an actual fire they would have been pulled from their engagement there and then not told after it finished and they were being driven home as planned.
TBH had there been a problem I don't see why one of them wouldn't have been allowed to stay with Archie, there are two of them one could have gone to the engagement another stayed with Archie. They may well have been told doing so would raise questions, I doubt they were banned or told it was not allowed. Had there been an actual fire it would have been reported by now given the huge interest in the tour and the huge number of people who would have known about a fire taking place.

It is every parents right to be upset over something that happens to their child, especially when you can think "what if it had been worse and..." but most parents who face that shake themselves off and go and get on with it. Archie no doubt, being so young, wouldn't have known any different, it isn't like he was hurt in the incident then of course someone should stay with him.

It is interesting that on the one hand we hear how ambitious, hard working, driven Meghan is (and how okay it is to be that) and how she wanted to "hit the ground running with royal duties" yet when something relatively minor happens she wants to pull out of her work. They also had no issue meeting with streaming giants, production companies etc and in several other ways going against the advice of their staff when it suited, but somehow couldn't have done so on this occasion.
This is my first post here in ages. I was one of the people that really looked forward to what Meghan would bring to the royal family, and I was so sad that it turned out badly. At this point, it's like a non-stop trainwreck.

That podcast had so many issues. Some were small (using "archetype" as a verb was a mild annoyance) but some were huge. I hated how Serena Williams was spoken over and how her own stories seemed to be constantly one-upped, especially with stuff that just didn't make sense, like the smokey heater thing.

I think what disappointed me the most though is how shallow the feminist history and exploration was- the academic expert got a paragraph in, maybe. There was also the conspicuous lack of exploration of privilege. So many people with kids have to sit up nights with their sick kid and then pull it together for work- or they risk losing their job, maybe losing their home. Those people don't have nannies and staff that make this a choice of when to parent, it's just what they have to do. I would have really liked to see either of them acknowledge that rather than acting like this is something only expected of high-profile and famous women.
The Royals have bite back qnd just said it didn't happen like that. I rather like the approach of Contradicting things but if course it runs the problem of the day they don't do 'recollections may vary' people figure what the Sussexes say is true.
The Royals have bite back qnd just said it didn't happen like that. I rather like the approach of Contradicting things but if course it runs the problem of the day they don't do 'recollections may vary' people figure what the Sussexes say is true.
But in the instance of the heater, a lot of people haven’t t taken Meghan seriously.
Harry's a no-show till 2023? Plea...r-Rumours-swirl-memoirs-release-date-air.html

I would think they'd want it out for the Christmas market. Sales of most things are generally low in January and February. But maybe it just won't be ready in time.

More talk about "truth bombs". Whether they're true or not - and, after the pack of lies in the Oprah interview, nothing would surprise me - it's sad that all Harry seems to want to do is stir up more trouble. What good is it doing him or anyone else? He just comes across as a very bitter person.
In itself this topic of ambitious women is a great start of her podcast; i would indeed say that ambitious men also do get their share of criticism but Meghan is well known for taking the women's angle to a story, and that is fine, every podcast has it's target demographic.

And the story about the fire/smoke scare could really have been a great example of the difficulties that an ambitious woman faces, like you mention above, your intuition is to go home check on your family, but you can't always do that, certainly not when very quickly it is clear that nothing actual dangerous happened, everybody is unharmed (not even been in danger at all),the situation has been dealt with by people who work for you or who help you, and sometimes then indeed you go do on with your ambition...because people expect you too, people depend on you, people need you to take a first step...whatever reason.

It would have been great, and very relatable, if she had told the story like "we had a scare, as a mom i really wanted to be with my kid, but i knew people were expecting me, had been waiting for me to visit them, so after i made sure, double double sure, that my kid was okay, i did the engagement anyway, and it warmed my heart to talk to people, some turned out to have experienced something similar..." etc etc "...but was i glad to see my boy again that night.."

If Serena Williams played a US Open final, and a few hours before she got a family call "there has been an issue, it has been handled, no oneis hurt" you think the organisation would postpone the final for her? I think not, she would either play, or give up, making her opponent the winner.

But Meghan seems to have focused on the story that others 'made' her do the engagement, nasty people against a 'poor little vulnerable me that couldn't do anything about it' (my words, as it comes across).

i've met a lot of ambitious people in life, men and women, but one thing they all had in common is i rarely heard a 'take pity on me' story from any of them...

While i'm writing this i remember a situation about 10 years ago wheni worked in a company that due to reorganisation had the employees worried they would loose their jobs. Lot of fuss, lot of worry, lot of gossip, until the company decided to organise an all employee meeting so everybody could talk about their worries, fears and anger, and someone high up in the company would tell them what would happen (in the end it turned out no one got fired). All planned in advance, so everybody (who wanted) could attend.
Well this person who would answer all the questions kept the people waiting for almost half an hour (people fretting even more) then showed up late and just said 'well i had to have breakfast with my family', and then sat back with a bored face, and only half listened.

Such a person might think they were criticised for being ambitious or 'high up in the organisation', but that wasn't the reason..

Very thoughtful post. Apparently it's come to light that no one on the tour remembers a fire at all. Strange. I don't think there's a cover up but someone would have tipped off the press because a fire and a royal heir is big news. My biggest problem is that Meghan tends to make everything about herself. She should have focused more on her guests stories rather than airing her grievances. Everyone knows the British working royals and Meghan are not speaking so why air dirty laundry when you have a platform to talk about important subjects? I don't get it. JMO.
I would think they'd want it out for the Christmas market. Sales of most things are generally low in January and February. But maybe it just won't be ready in time.

More talk about "truth bombs". Whether they're true or not - and, after the pack of lies in the Oprah interview, nothing would surprise me - it's sad that all Harry seems to want to do is stir up more trouble. What good is it doing him or anyone else? He just comes across as a very bitter person.
Controversy sells and also they wanted commercial “success” and deals, it is debatable if they have gotten far with all that. They also have the yes men and PR people with them so.
I would think they'd want it out for the Christmas market. Sales of most things are generally low in January and February. But maybe it just won't be ready in time.

More talk about "truth bombs". Whether they're true or not - and, after the pack of lies in the Oprah interview, nothing would surprise me - it's sad that all Harry seems to want to do is stir up more trouble. What good is it doing him or anyone else? He just comes across as a very bitter person.

The big release for books for the Christmas Market is some day in November. It has one of those retail names when all books are effectively brought out for big Christmas sell.

Now if you are Margaret Atwood, McEwan, Zadie Smith, Franzen etc you can bring out books whenever you want and to be honest Harry's book will sell anytime but big sales which publisher needs is the Christmas Market fie this type of book.
Prince Harry will be participating in a charity polo tournament in Colorado.

The Duke of Sussex is due to saddle up for an annual polo tournament in Aspen, Colorado later today, to raise funds and awareness for his charity Sentebale, it has been announced.
Prince Harry, 37, who is currently living in his $14 million mansion in California having stepped back from royal duty, will play on the Sentebale Team, joined by his longtime friend and the charity's ambassador: Argentine polo player Nacho Figueras.
They are due to battle it out against the Royal Salute and the US Polo Assn teams in a round robin tournament.
Meghan's podcast this week about how she was frustrated to be asked to continue her engagements after a relatively minor incident makes me think she was definitely very difficult to work with.
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That being said, Meghan's podcast this week about how she was frustrated to be asked to continue her engagements after a relatively minor incident makes me think she was definitely very difficult to work with.

I think so as well. A smoky heater as opposed to an all out fire which is how I interpreted her comment are two very different things. I think she lives in a different reality most of the time.
Apparently it's come to light that no one on the tour remembers a fire at all. Strange. I don't think there's a cover up but someone would have tipped off the press because a fire and a royal heir is big news. .

The fire story is puzzling. Was there really a fire? Was MM really told that there had been an actual fire? If this happened in the British High Commissioner’s Cape Town residence (?) then it would have been formally logged. The residence was only built in 2001 after the previous one burnt down. So presumably fire safety would have been at the very top of the agenda during construction.

Whatever the real truth this story has certainly generated a lot of media coverage.

After all a smoking heater isn’t anywhere near as dramatic is it?
I think so as well. A smoky heater as opposed to an all out fire which is how I interpreted her comment are two very different things. I think she lives in a different reality most of the time.

It's the type of thing that happens in school all the time. Oh goodness the heater is smoking, Oh goodness imagine if the kids were near it...move on. Now of it was actually on fire and I had been there I would need a sit down for a bit.
The fire story is puzzling. Was there really a fire? Was MM really told that there had been an actual fire? If this happened in the British High Commissioner’s Cape Town residence (?) then it would have been formally logged. The residence was only built in 2001 after the previous one burnt down. So presumably fire safety would have been at the very top of the agenda during construction.

Whatever the real truth this story has certainly generated a lot of media coverage.

After all a smoking heater isn’t anywhere near as dramatic is it?
Plus she just conveniently decided to bring it up now. Wonder why she never brought it up in the ill-advised interview. Plus it has been said it just smoke but no fire appeared.
I think so as well. A smoky heater as opposed to an all out fire which is how I interpreted her comment are two very different things. I think she lives in a different reality most of the time.

She really does seem to, doesn’t she? Even the facts as she gave them make this sound minor. Someone smelled smoke, it was dealt with. The baby was not in the room or harmed in any way. Firefighters did not need to be called.

So no, it wasn’t a good reason to cancel an engagement planned months in advance where you represent the Queen. In fact, for us normal people, it wouldn’t be considered a good reason to call out of work either. It’s not like this is some major extra pressure only high-profile people face.

I genuinely feel bad for any of the aides on that tour who had to explain this.
She really does seem to, doesn’t she? Even the facts as she gave them make this sound minor. Someone smelled smoke, it was dealt with. The baby was not in the room or harmed in any way. Firefighters did not need to be called.

So no, it wasn’t a good reason to cancel an engagement planned months in advance where you represent the Queen. In fact, for us normal people, it wouldn’t be considered a good reason to call out of work either. It’s not like this is some major extra pressure only high-profile people face.

I genuinely feel bad for any of the aides on that tour who had to explain this.

Could someone tell me why Meghan referred to the British Embassy/ Consul as a housing unit, that they were then moved out of.
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The fire story is puzzling. Was there really a fire? Was MM really told that there had been an actual fire? If this happened in the British High Commissioner’s Cape Town residence (?) then it would have been formally logged. The residence was only built in 2001 after the previous one burnt down. So presumably fire safety would have been at the very top of the agenda during construction.

Whatever the real truth this story has certainly generated a lot of media coverage.

After all a smoking heater isn’t anywhere near as dramatic is it?

It has generated a lot of coverage. I know Meghan and Harry have moved on now, but at the time the fire (or smoke) happened, they were working members of the Royal Family on an official visit. Surely one of the hard and fast rules for these visits is that the royals don’t ever say anything that has even the slightest chance of reflecting poorly on their hosts. But anyone who casually looks at the headlines generated by this story will come away with the impression that Archie’s life was in danger due to a fire from a faulty heater in South Africa. It seems thoughtless to make this story public, especially given that, from what I remember, the Sussexes were treated to the highest level of hospitality and couldn’t have been treated better on the South African trip.
Could someone tell me why Meghan referred to the British Embassy/ Consul as a housing unit, that they were then moved out of.

Apart from the formal reception areas it's probably fairly functional. Like a comfortable mid range hotel. Think the present royal train rather than the Orient Express! Certainly not 4/5 star accommodation. It was built in 2001.

Maybe MM expected something grander.
Well, that podcast, Archewell, has hit Number One in the Spotify UK and US charts, overtaking Josh Logan et al. So, tedious or not, I guess the podcast can be counted as a success.

We'll see. There are multiple companies that sell Spotify followers/plays in order to boost podcasts and musicians. If it lasts, it's probably not artificial, but I wouldn't read too much into early numbers. Meghan's PR agency would certainly know how to do this.
This is a reminder to please limit discussion to Prince Harry's polo match to prevent premature thread closure.

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