The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: Aug. 2021- Oct. 2022

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Those lawyers will enjoy those hefty legal fees is all I will say because it’s getting ridiculous at this point. He has an overly important sense of self and he’s made it hard for people to take him seriously.

He's filling another lawsuit (or judicial review request?) concerning his offer to pay for protection, which gov lawyers dismissed as “irrelevant”, so there, those lawyers definitely still have more money coming into their pockets.
He's filling another lawsuit (or judicial review request?) concerning his offer to pay for protection, which gov lawyers dismissed as “irrelevant”, so there, those lawyers definitely still have more money coming into their pockets.
actually its a judicial review and it’s a silly one because the Home office has the correspondence and in it, he didn’t state an offer of paying for security. More money than sense. He’s saying that members of the royal household are the cause of the issue.
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This lawsuits sounds less about the actual protection and more about going after the aides in The Royal Household. The fact he and his family accepted and received protection when he was in the UK will be used as evidence. This case isall about his grudges against the Queen's aides
I think he didn’t actually know that the Queen’s aides were part of the committee, but he is using that as an excuse to say that the aides were using the removal of security to “punish” him.
I think he didn’t actually know that the Queen’s aides were part of the committee, but he is using that as an excuse to say that the aides were using the removal of security to “punish” him.

Exactly. In the Sussexes Oprah interview, he says that he was making sure the Queen "had the right people around her", i.e. aides. This case reads more about Harry having a tantrum about not being privy on the members of the committee and "punishing" the aides rather than the removal of his protection, where the latter is being used to propel the former. I suspect this will be thrown out of court as it, imho, sounds like it is wasting the courts time
For the most part, I'll say, after what happened recently with the met police. Added, onto the fact of what was recently said about Archie and previous threats, I completely understand why he would feel unsafe. Why he would want protection outside being with the Royal Family for any event he might attend. It's limiting and he's even more a risk when he's away from the RF and people know he doesn't have the protection. That makes him and his family, even more at risk.

When the news broke, it was stated that he wanted royal protection with digs about wanting the tax-paper funded security while stepping bad. It omitted the fact that he did offer to pay for it but the main point was that it brought on another wave of abuse, it framed it as a lawsuit when what he wanted was a review on the process that lead to the decision.

And now, he is launching a suit (other reports says he's considering but i don't doubt he would ) against the home office and not simply a review.

But thanks today's hearing, we found out that possibly wasn't an independent decision by the government because members of the RAVEC committee include people from the RF household, including Edward Young. Or it means that government doesn't consider high royal staffers as outsides and that's an issue. Something I saw that was pointed out I agree with.

And I guess, one of the main points of the new lawsuit if he goes forward with it, is that, Edward Young, being on the committee failed to convey to the Home Office, that Harry did offer to pay for his own security when talks were happening.

Per Town and Country, in a meeting on January 13th 2020 and then again on April 16 2020 via email to Edward Young, Harry made the offer to pay for security. And those were from legal documents. Which ties into his case against the Daily Mail for libel. It also calls into question why Edward Young, a member of the committee didn't reveal that Harry offered to pay and when it was stated in the news, didn't offer to correct to the misinformation.

It's been enlighten to say the least.

If it's a good idea or not, I'm not Harry so I can't make the choice for him but I get why he wants on the record and I understand overall why he wouldn't feel safe.

What's more fun to think about for me is the fact that whoever leaked this to the Daily Mail either had the wrong info about Harry being able to prove it or at the very least, didn't think it'd go this far.

Or hey, the Daily Mail just thought it was worth it for the clicks of it all.

As for the 4th out, I'm glad someone enjoyed it. Other than things that happen, when it falls on the weekday or sunday, I have to go to work the next day and I want to sleep, not listen to fire-works.

Archie was cute with his flag too, getting bigger and bigger.
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I really don’t get the point of this whole thing, does he honestly think that suing ANL or daily mail will help his reputation?

I doubt he cares too much about if suing them would ruin his reputation, he obviously felt what they said was the worse than suing them.

Plus, the people I've seen upset by it or disliking him for it are the people who already don't care for him, so it wouldn't do much in catering to that mindset. He has just as much support and people who were supporting it.
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A new video with the Duke of Sussex as Chief Impact Officer at BetterUp has been released today:

"Build resilience and reach your 
full potential

BetterUp’s Chief Impact Officer Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex sits down with two-time gold medalist Chloe Kim, author, psychologist, and BetterUp Science Board Member Adam Grant, and flourishing BetterUp member Blu Mendoza. Together, they discuss how each of them have worked with their Coaches to develop proactive Mental Fitness practices and transform their lives."

It was a fun, relaxed video. Harry should do more interviews as the interviewer because he has chemistry with people.

I'm glad to see him doing more with BetterUp & I love that this dropped as a complete surprise.
Yes, I agree. Loved this video and Harry shows a real rapport with others in discussions.
I enjoyed that video.

I admit I underestimated Harry in the past. With videos such as this he is proving that he has an innate ability to communicate with people and make them feel at ease. He has charisma and the desire to do good and help people. He has inherited these traits from his mother. Like her, Harry doesn't have a high level of formal education, but, also like her, he has these natural skills which are enormously valuable, and he is brave and prepared to take a chance and step outside the box. I suspect that - as we know his mother did - Harry has taken steps to get training in public speaking to improve on these innate qualities.
I enjoyed that video.

I admit I underestimated Harry in the past. With videos such as this he is proving that he has an innate ability to communicate with people and make them feel at ease. He has charisma and the desire to do good and help people. He has inherited these traits from his mother. Like her, Harry doesn't have a high level of formal education, but, also like her, he has these natural skills which are enormously valuable, and he is brave and prepared to take a chance and step outside the box. I suspect that - as we know his mother did - Harry has taken steps to get training in public speaking to improve on these innate qualities.

Harry has always been like that. It was always what his gift set was.
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Harry is passionate when he speaks, be it about AIDS, the Halo Trust, Sentable, Mental Health, et al. and this latest video is a pearler. He is totally engaged and humorous with it. He is his real self and I for one have forgotten old outrages and embrace the gifts he shares today. After all, it's a darned sight more than most of us can or do.
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Prince Harry on constitutional rights he doesn't agree with: the rights afforded to Americans under the Constitution are bonkers.

Prince Harry on Supreme Court decisions he disagrees with: how dare the courts strip away the sacred rights afforded to Americans under their constitution.

I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, but maybe, just maybe, Harry doesn't quite have a grasp on the United States Constitution and isn't qualified to speak on it.
Prince Harry on constitutional rights he doesn't agree with: the rights afforded to Americans under the Constitution are bonkers.

Prince Harry on Supreme Court decisions he disagrees with: how dare the courts strip away the sacred rights afforded to Americans under their constitution.

I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, but maybe, just maybe, Harry doesn't quite have a grasp on the United States Constitution and isn't qualified to speak on it.

The U.S. Supreme Court and it's decisions are none of his concern and I almost choked on my coffee when he mentioned climate change after his back to back private jets to the Jubilee celebrations. They are both beyond parody but seem oblivious to it.
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I enjoyed that speech. I actually remember seeing Diana?s meeting with Nelson Mandela. How lucky she was to talk to him and enjoy his presence. He?s one of my heroes. Good to know that Harry has met and spoken to so many of the man?s friends, family and colleagues over the years, including Archbishop Tutu. Incidentally, I believe that Mandela Day should be held on another date earlier or later in the year, not in the holidays, to allow more people to attend.
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Flying doesn't bother me but I'm glad he addressed to a room full of people who can work in sectors to change it, not your average joe on the street that is doing their part.

All in all, it was a great speech and is getting a lot of positive feedback. Even the SA Government posted about it and in a news clip (Sky?) Mandela's grand-daughter spoke about why they asked Prince Harry to give the speech. A few photos of him getting the thumbs up from the speaker's before him & other's.

My favorite line from the speech was "That doesn't mean he was perfect. No, he was something better. He was human."

There are a lot of lines I liked, some have already been quoted but I think that one was very beautiful.

Also glad to see Meghan with Gloria!

If anyone wants the full transcript of his speech, lemme know, I don't think I can link it here bc a twitter user posted it but I can PM it to people!

Edit* Someone pointed out but his speech giving has gotten better.

I enjoyed that speech. I actually remember seeing Diana?s meeting with Nelson Mandela. How lucky she was to talk to him and enjoy his presence. He?s one of my heroes. Good to know that Harry has met and spoken to so many of the man?s friends, family and colleagues over the years, including Archbishop Tutu. Incidentally, I believe that Mandela Day should be held on another date earlier or later in the year, not in the holidays, to allow more people to attend.

I second all of this.
I also saw that it was limited because of COVID restrictions so I don't know if that has anything to do with the lesser amount of people there.
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Harry continues to impress me. In my opinion that speech was very good, and delivered very well. His mother would have been proud :flowers:
I think you called it right with Covid. Most sensible institutions are working on rotating workers just as my sister's office has divided its workerforce into two so they each work 2 days at home and 2 at work and never do the two parts cross paths. They also still wear masks as well. Not all our Parliamentarians were in the Chamber at one time using the same type of precautions. The same goes for Committees, etc.
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The U.S. Supreme Court and it's decisions are none of his concern and I almost choked on my coffee when he mentioned climate change after his back to back private jets to the Jubilee celebrations. They are both beyond parody but seem oblivious to it.

That bothered me too.
If you're going to fly around on private jets all the time, fine...but then don't preach about the environment.

Practice what you preach- or don't preach!
There was no one there. Apparently at this time of year that they are quite empty.

You can see the speech in total. I watched it earlier. I think the UN removed it now. It was just a speech. A bit all over the place for Mandela day. Don’t know why a lot of stuff mentioned mattered in this context. Eugenie addressed the UN on slavery recently too.

I always feel sorry for them at the moment whatever they do. Maybe it is, to me, that they look like people desperately trying to have a voice and play with the big boys but in reality they just look like rich people trying way to hard. I just feel like now everyone should move on and just forget about it. The more coverage they get, the more I am just embarrassed for them really. I don’t even know why maybe they just seem so Unfocussed and without a place and now that all they have said seems so embarrassing.
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Well I agree that all royals and many statesmen give speeches on topics that they know very little about - there is a trick around that. It involves not including yourself in the narrative.

I have watched the speech in full several times now and I know quiet a bit about speeches. At the UN and not. And this was a dog's breakfast from the first second.
His tempo was incorrect, he failed to change to a dictation voice when he read out the quotes so no one noticed the quotes. His swallowed words, which Harry has never done before. The entire deliverance was off.
Now yes - the last two can be covered by nerves, but this isnt the biggest platform that he has been on and he might have been put off by the people moving in the audience. A number of people left and returned to the auditorium during the speech and that is a bit off putting.

Then there was the content of the speech itself. It was beyond generalization. I assure you people in the Ukraine, people in Australia and people in the US have not had the same experiences of the last year. There was no need to bring US domestic politics into the speech, what does that have to do with Nelson Mandela. There were too many half baked ideas and statements - why? There needed to be a central theme of the speech. This speech was everywhere. One idea was all that was needed. Too many people were involved here and it was far from cohesive in language and in ideas. You will notice that his diction goes from colloquial to political to propagandist in a few sentences.

I feel that Harry was overwhelmed by the platform - a simple speech on Nelson Mandela legacy would have sufficed. This was not a place to bring in every hot topic Harry and Meghan want to discuss and lump them all together as if they are related and impact the world in the same way. They seem to have been taught the words but have not real understanding of the issues.
The Duke of Sussex has filed a second lawsuit against Home Office and Scotland Yard, TRF member TLLK has shared the following news link:

** newsweek article: Harry Files New Lawsuit Against U.K. Government in Sign Tensions Remain **

And here's an additional article by the dailymail:

** dailymail article: Prince Harry files his second lawsuit against UK government and Scotland Yard over decision to ban him from ..**

Ironic a Prince of the Realm is at odds with his grandmother's government to the pojint of legal action; when will he see sense?
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