The Duchess of Cornwall Current Events 6: March-May 2007

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Well, since a lot of the media are still referring to the Duchess as Camilla Parker Bowles, I don't think accuracy is necessarily at the top of their list when it comes to people's names.
Here when you marry, your name for all legal purposes become Mrs ?, the name on your NI number is automatically changed by the authorities. You do have to notify the DVLA to alter your driving licence and prove it via your marriage certificate. The same with any other accounts you may wish to change.
Danielane said:
Charles is Tom's godfather and stepfather, of course he must be thrilled. But Tom's father is Andrew, and I hope he will be a true loving grand-father for the baby
I am sure all 3 grandfathers will be wonderful.
I have checked the magazine and it has "Sara Buys" on it. I think she retains Buys for her own fashion journalism career. She will be Mr. Parker Bowles in other occasions and their children of course will be named XXXX XXXX Parker Bowles. If they are going to have a boy, I wonder whether they would use Henry again as a middle name? Derek, Andrew and Tom all seems to have Henry as their middle name.
love_cc said:
I have checked the magazine and it has "Sara Buys" on it. I think she retains Buys for her own fashion journalism career. She will be Mrs. Parker Bowles in other occasions .

Labouring the point here I know but we don't know and it could be quite likely that she has chosen to keep her name and not take on her husband's name either in a professional or private capacity. Therefore on other occasions she isn't Mrs Parker Bowles just Ms Buys. ( Invitations issued to them would be addressed Mr T Parker Bowles and Ms S Buys, not Mr and Mrs) Many women don't take on their husband's names, she could be one of them. In all the times I've seen her referred to it's always as Sara Buys.
Congradulations to Camilla. She deserves all this happiness!
Charlotte1 said:
Labouring the point here I know but we don't know and it could be quite likely that she has chosen to keep her name and not take on her husband's name either in a professional or private capacity. Therefore on other occasions she isn't Mrs Parker Bowles just Ms Buys. ( Invitations issued to them would be addressed Mr T Parker Bowles and Ms S Buys, not Mr and Mrs) Many women don't take on their husband's names, she could be one of them. In all the times I've seen her referred to it's always as Sara Buys.

A bit OT, I know, but I have to chime in. In the 26 years I have been married I have never used my husband's surname for any purpose, professional or private. In Australia it is officially regarded as the woman's choice, and no bureaucrat would dare change your name on documents simply because you had married, without your approval. I do think that keeping one's own name is more common among professional women, and I also think it may be more common amongst my generation than younger women.

I find it interesting to note the different approaches taken in different countries.

As for Sara's child, it's wonderful news, and I think it's nice Charles is being spoken of as a future grandfather to the child. IMO you can never have too many loving parents or grandparents, step or otherwise. :flowers:
I think we've exhausted the name of Camilla's daughter-in-law long enough.

Many women keep their maiden name for professional or other purposes. Until we hear otherwise of Sarah, I suggest we give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's keeping her maiden name for professional purposes like several other women.

If anyone hears to the contrary, then please feel free to post the new news but in the meantime, can we please get back to Camilla's Current Events?

Thank you.

British forums moderator
A reporter followed Camilla for a year. Interesting article. But I don't know if it was a fair assessment of some people's reaction to her or did the reporter look more for those people? I mean I know there is still a lot of work to be done to getting the public to like Camilla as opposed to tolerating her.
Steady as she goes | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Despite I can't stand the woman, why do some people still call her Camilla Parker Bowles she is now The Duchess of Cornwall. I think its impossible for all of the public to like Camilla. There are some who adore her, some who tolerate her, and some who just downright don't like her.
I found this comment in the article interesting.

Camilla, says Brandreth, is "straightforward, very much her parents' creature. I don't think she is terribly interested in herself, whereas Charles is anxious about how he is perceived. She is what she is, that is her strength." He adds, "There were times when one felt that Diana was as mad as a fox. But Camilla is a sturdy horse that takes the jumps. She delivers the goods."

It seems a pretty astute statement about Camilla. I don't think Camilla ever cared about being loved; Diana wanted to be loved but when you want to be loved by strangers, I think your priorities are in the wrong place.

Camilla pretty much wants to be loved by Charles and that's it. Of course, she's willing to go through the transformation to become more acceptable as his wife so she can keep Charles.

But she won't fall into the trap of basing all her self-esteem on how the public perceives her. She is like the Queen in that respect, I think, in that she never believes her own press.
The article says:
She isn't loved. But she has started to be considered appropriate: appropriate for Charles, appropriate for his family and appropriate for the job at hand, which, depending on one's views of the monarchy, is either a great compliment to the woman or a terrible insult.
She will be helped by the certainty that, whatever else people think of them, they recognise that she and Charles are good together. Like salt and pepper shakers, they fit.

I think this is the author's view. People will gradually accepet or even love Camilla as a matter of fact. She is not a bad person after all. She clearly loves Charles and he loves her.Camilla is good for Charles and therefore she is good for the stability of the monarchy. Camilla may need a longer time to allow people to change their perceptions about her.
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The reporter certainly seems to have her own hangups and repeating that Diana searched for Camilla in the church is complete rubbish, as anyone who has had a large wedding can tell you, all the faces are just a blur, even the camera shots don't support her statement! The bread roll incident has been denied so many times and as has been pointed out, how do you manage to get a roll to go anywhere when thrown? :rolleyes:

Before the wedding we were shown a few pictures, carefully chosen, to show a miserable frumpish woman, which IMO, she never was. The media don't know what to make of Camilla, she is not nasty to them, she will turn and smile but, unlike Diana she will never fall into the trap of befriending them or handing out favours.

In the (almost) 2 years since the wedding, people have I believe come to see the difference Camilla has made to Charles' happiness, something he never had with Diana and realise that all anyone wants is some happiness in their lives. I, like most of the people I know thought she was wonderful before the wedding, I admit I am biased, but the worst I have heard in the last year was 'oh, she's alright'.
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Break for Camilla
The Daily Record - printable version

(I have to apologize because of the source...;) but i decided to post it because this were the only two sentences about Camilla i found...and i want to share this little info with you...:flowers: )
cde said:
A reporter followed Camilla for a year. Interesting article. But I don't know if it was a fair assessment of some people's reaction to her or did the reporter look more for those people? I mean I know there is still a lot of work to be done to getting the public to like Camilla as opposed to tolerating her.
Steady as she goes | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

When i read ´´ Emma Brockes joins the circus for a year, to find out the woman behind the professional smile´´i hoped for an interesting article...
But after i printed this article in (really) 11 pages and read them i don´t find what the headline promised.
Old stories about Camilla (is one of them true?) together with the never ending Diana/Camilla comparison...some (only some) stories from Camilla at official duties, where the author wants to show us that royal life is borring? Or that Camilla is only a human being? Or that royalists are a bit silly?
I don´t know...
She isn´t loved. Okay, maybe that´s the authors statment after ´a year´ with Camilla.
I only met Camillas for one time, but i loved her at once and i know that i´m not the only one.:flowers:
milla Ca said:
When i read ´´ Emma Brockes joins the circus for a year, to find out the woman behind the professional smile´´i hoped for an interesting article...
But after i printed this article in (really) 11 pages and read them i don´t find what the headline promised.
Old stories about Camilla (is one of them true?) together with the never ending Diana/Camilla comparison...some (only some) stories from Camilla at official duties, where the author wants to show us that royal life is borring? Or that Camilla is only a human being? Or that royalists are a bit silly?
I don´t know...
She isn´t loved. Okay, maybe that´s the authors statment after ´a year´ with Camilla.
I only met Camillas for one time, but i loved her at once and i know that i´m not the only one.:flowers:

As a journalist I have to say that if a collegue doesn't find even one topic of talk - real talk - with someone she has shared a year of her life with (as this journalist claims) she is not to be considered a "journalist" (as in "journal").

Sorry. But I have lots and lots of questions I'd love to ask the Duchess and a lot of them she'd enjoy to answer - at least that's what I prefer to believe...
My favorite from the article:

"without the laundering of chatshow appearances and revelations of how close she came to suicide, although even if those routes were available to her, they are clearly not her style." :lol:
milla Ca said:
I only met Camillas for one time, but i loved her at once and i know that i´m not the only one.:flowers:

No. You are not the only one. Everyone who publishes an account of a meeting with her agrees that she is a charming and delightful woman. But that begs another "Diana/Camilla" comparison, because the same was true of Diana. Everyone who met her loved her, was charmed and delighted with her. I think they both have/had a beguiling quality, however unique in its own way. Both of them caught the special notice of The Prince of Wales, yes indeed, for different reasons, but still, it's not any woman who can hold such a special place in the eyes of a Prince surrounded by so much sycophancy.
CasiraghiTrio said:
...Everyone who publishes an account of a meeting with her agrees that she is a charming and delightful woman...
What a lovely post, CasiraghiTrio :flowers:
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Avalon said:
Actor Rupert Everett, who plays snooty headmistress Camilla Fritton in the new St Trinian’s movie, has revealed where he got his inspiration for the character.
Everett, 47, has told friends that he based her on the Duchess of Cornwall.
Ah, St Trinians, my old school! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Did I miss something? Is Camilla snooty...?:mad:
I think the actor (who plays two roles, a male and a female) was inspired by Camilla's strength and regalness. Or he just likes her and knew the article would be brought to her attention.

I would definitely say Camilla is NOT snooty or snotty or mean due to her position. I have never met her directly, but even standing across a room from her, Camilla reads very different than other Royal wives. Note: I was never as close to Diana and thus am exclusing her from the reference.
hornsen said:
Did I miss something? Is Camilla snooty...?:mad:
No hornsen you didn't miss anything. The actor doesn't even suggest that Camilla is snooty.
"Everett is quoted in Britain's Daily Express as saying: "I really enjoy dressing up like this, I call it my Parker Bowles look".
So, not based on the Duchess of Cornwall at all, based on the image the media worked so hard to portray of the former Mrs Parker Bowles. :bang:
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Is Camilla Recovering?

Just read an article that Camilla isn't recovering as she should be. How are the reports coming out of the UK dealing with this? Very concerned. :neutral:
Gee, one throwaway comment blown up into a major scandalous article.

I just can't imagine! :ROFLMAO:

Sometimes I think the American tabloid media cut their teeth on Royal press.

ETA: Kimetha, Charles has used some not-so-"green" methods of travel lately. From what I tell, for the comfort of the Duchess. This has led to speculation that she is being "coddled" because she is not recovering well. Camilla just had MAJOR surgery. It will be awhile before she is comfortable in her bed, let alone trying to accompany Charles---so of course the media is going to make a big thing of it. *snort* The really mean ones will have her dying soon. There is no winning in just trying to heal like everyone else!
HRH Kimetha said:
Just read an article that Camilla isn't recovering as she should be. How are the reports coming out of the UK dealing with this? Very concerned. :neutral:

Please don´t panic!:flowers:
I think this is only ´good stuff´ for the yellow press.:bang:

Camilla´s son Tom said in an TV interview, when asked how his mother was feeling after the hysterectomy:
´´She´s going on fantastically. She´s a tough lady!´´
( from ´Hello´- magazine)
milla Ca said:
Camilla´s son Tom said in an TV interview, when asked how his mother was feeling after the hysterectomy: ´´She´s going on fantastically. She´s a tough lady!´
From all accounts she is doing very well indeed. a little sore perhaps. The nurse is probably just a precaution, it is not as if Birkhall is only a few minutes from any hospital! :flowers:
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