The Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, 6 May 2023

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Haha, I like the look on Charles' face in the group picture - "This is how it's going to be from now on - like it or not."

I had actually also hoped for a photo with the Pages of Honour included, or possibly that one will still come?
No new family order yet then, that's a surprise. Edward and Sophie also seem to be holding Alexandra up which is nice but also sad for her.
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Perhaps a pic from the side like his mother's pic would have solved the Problem with the Tunic

It might have but that tunic wouldn't have bunched like that if it had been made from sturdier fabric such as a lined brocade. That chair needed a thick cushion to sit on to raise his spine and a photographer's stylist to arrange everything to perfection. For someone who always looks so elegantly dressed, it's a pity that the king's official coronation portrait doesn't reflect that.
I prefer the King and Queen posing with their crowns displayed next to them. These huge crowns are aesthetically discutable. Even the Pope makes no use anymore of his papal tiara and no one questions his papacy.

I would advice to do it à la Sweden: drape the ermine mantle over the throne and have the crown displayed on a pedestal: picture.
Camilla's one is nice but I think they should have found a darker background as with her hair it gets a bit fussy. It is one of the better ones.

The group one, whilst my favourite for a number of reasons (more probably about what it represents) is actually technically awful in terms of where people are standing, The King and Queen so off centre, Alexandra so visibly being held up by Sophie and Ed.

I don't rate the photographer, not because they aren't as nice as the late Queen's - how could they be (young beautiful Queen, softer lighting, less HD etc) - but because there are a number of glaring issues with them.
Lovely to see Princess Alexandra in the official group portrait.
I thought she look a little shook during the Service.

I ddn't know she was so frail. I'm quite shocked actually.
Duc_et_Pair said:
I prefer the King and Queen posing with their crowns displayed next to them. These huge crowns are aesthetically discutable. Even the Pope makes no use anymore of his papal tiara and no one questions his papacy.

The Swedish concept can indeed be a nice compromise between the two. Recognising the symbols off the past but without having these symbols overshadow the whole thing. Perhaps even in the Netherlands it could be used if we live to see another enthronement. It is a difficult balance and I can understand why to some people -esp. those less interested in royalty than we are- the ceremony resembles an operetta or the poster for a comedic movie. Personally I am happy that they left so many elements in tact and that we were able to witness them.

It is interesting how many newspapers and people say this looks odd and out-of-date in this day and age and for this particular coronation. With the enthronement of the Thai King and Japanese emperor these remarks were not made. Western newspapers would refered to historic traditions etc. and no belittling or demeaning words were used while in the UK some in the Western press seem to rush and stumble over each other to say how odd they all find it, often accompanied with all sorts of derogatory remarks.
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Was the King Charles III Coronation Medal image released?
The group photo, despite the flaws already noted, is my favourite and Camilla’s portrait is also okay, but while not wishing to find fault, as a set of official photos of royal events, we have seen so many better examples over the years. I think Kate would have done a better job!
The group photo, despite the flaws already noted, is my favourite and Camilla’s portrait is also okay, but while not wishing to find fault, as a set of official photos of royal events, we have seen so many better examples over the years. I think Kate would have done a better job!

The group photo is also my favourite, but I feel disappointed that apparently this is all we're going to get.
I had expected a photo of The King and Queen with their Pages of Honour, that includes her sister and his grandson among the others.
And yet she still does have some of that "I was not born to be Queen, my husband just happens to be the King" vibe.

Queens consort are not normally born to be Queens; their husbands just happen to be Kings.
The group photo broke my heart, Princess Alexandra is so frail, Prince Edward & Duchess Sophie are literally holding her up. I wish Prince Michael would have joined, but he's probably not up to it.
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Queens consort are not normally born to be Queens; their husbands just happen to be Kings.

That's not what I mean. Some Queens have an aura, vibe, as if they were born for the role. Like they step into it naturally. Camilla has that somewhat reluctant vibe.

Another angle is that she had a predecessor who was originally meant to be Queen one day, But that is a totally different discussion unsuitable for this thread.
Although I bet Diana feels mightily proud of William!
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The group photo broke my heart, Princess Alexandra is so frail, Prince Edward & Duchess Sophie are literally holding her up. I wish Prince Michael would have joined, but he's probably not up to it.

I suppose the idea was to include "working royals" only.
That's not what I mean. Some Queens have an aura, vibe, as if they were born for the role. Like they step into it naturally. Camilla has that somewhat reluctant vibe.

That's quite a personnal, far fetched, perception if you ask me. Just looking at a pitcture ? Come on lol

She's looking great, you can't deny that.
That's quite a personnal, far fetched, perception if you ask me. Just looking at a pitcture ? Come on lol

She's looking great, you can't deny that.

You're free to have your own opinion, like I have mine.

I didn't say she loathes it (somewhat reluctant is miles apart from loathing) and I also didn't say that she doesn't look great - which she does.

It has also been said by others in her inner circle, when Queen Elizabeth II was still alive, that she was not rejoicing to be Queen one day and that, had it been said to her in the past, she would have laughed at you.

But she knew that day would come and here she is, crowned Queen next to her King.
The group photo broke my heart, Princess Alexandra is so frail, Prince Edward & Duchess Sophie are literally holding her up..

Yes I noticed that and also during the Coronation too she looked very frail.
I am happy that Anne and Timothy and William and Catherine have such a prominent place next to Charles and Camilla. Although I would have liked to see the Wales children as well.

Summarized I like the photos very much, but feel disappointed in the amount released. Only four for such a historical milestone feels too sparse.
I like this one a lot, especially that we get to see all the lovely gowns the women are wearing.

I love the group photo one too. It’s a great photo of all the working members. And love getting to see the pretty gowns.
Haha, I like the look on Charles' face in the group picture - "This is how it's going to be from now on - like it or not."

I had actually also hoped for a photo with the Pages of Honour included, or possibly that one will still come?

Good point. I’m surprised there isn’t one with the coronation attendants- pages, Camilla’s attendants, etc.

And also one with Charles, William and George.
Good point. I’m surprised there isn’t one with the coronation attendants- pages, Camilla’s attendants, etc.

And also one with Charles, William and George.

Yes, I would have liked to see what you mention above as well, along with an official portrait of the Wales family. Given the importance of the occasion, I don’t think releasing these three extra photos would be going overboard!

Oh well, maybe different images will be released later on.
Yes, I would have liked to see what you mention above as well, along with an official portrait of the Wales family. Given the importance of the occasion, I don’t think releasing these three extra photos would be going overboard!

Oh well, maybe different images will be released later on.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had hopes along those lines. I even had a picture of it made in my own mind. William and Catherine in their full robes with George, Charlotte and Louis in their attire as we have seen it.

I think it is a missed chance, although there may be a possibility that those photos were indeed made but not released yet so who knows what the future may see.
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