"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Where does he say the scandal was 'alleged'? I've just had a look again at that bit and he doesn't use the word.

Apologies, i used the wrong word, he said 'accused' in the quote you mentioned, i was typing without reading your post twice

what i meant to say was: for Andrew, Harry actually used a fact (Andrew was 'accused' but not 'convicted') so that was remarkable seeing how he bypassed other facts in favor of his truth
I am pretty certain that I read that there was a period of time when the late princesses coffin was open while she lay in repose at either St. James or Kensington Palace for closest family and friends to pay respects. And that Charles had privately taken his sobs.

But I suppose if that had happened, Harry would definitely have written about it.:cool:
Yes I'm sure he would have and in fact it might have been better if he had seen her body, saving him the next 10 years of fantasy, convincing himself she was still alive somewhere.

He says they came back from Scotland and his aunt gave him and William a box each with Diana's hair in it. Then he talks about greeting the crowds while looking at the flowers before going into Diana's apartment at KP and seeing the coffin draped in a flag (he thinks it was the union flag but isn't sure).
I was very happy when Meghan and Harry got engaged. I remember playfully arguing with my Sister ( no destroyed dog bowls) who saw her as "a operator" she said. I liked her and thought She would fit in fine.

Fast forward a mere (!!!) 16 months later and I started to get queasy about her too. The October S.A. Bradby interview and her whining that no one asked if She was OK, in a place of unimaginable poverty and sadness was very disconcerting.

Then in November they left for Canada, wouldn't come back for Christmas at Sandringham. Philip was known to be failing at 99. And then in Jan 20 The Sussex Manifesto is released. My opinion was dismay. What's this ?

Then Oprah hit and I became "hard negative" and downright suspicious.

Now I'm of an opinion very, very different than yours....."That Meghan loved him and saw him as a way to live out her professional philanthropic dreams but did not realize the baggage that came with it."

I'm going to go there, I NOW think Meghan is an "operator" who saw an unbelievable opportunity to become the uber rich and famous A-lister She had always dreamed of THRU Harry.
I believe, that emotionally stunted and not very bright Harry would never have appealed to her otherwise. But she worked her magic and he fell deeply and quickly into love ( almost obsession) with her.
Her will is his law.

They both crave limelight, celebrity and money. AND being "Global Influencers". Using charity and causes to promote themselves. I don't see her as being a noble philanthropist either.

She, with her Hollywood background is adept at marketing and promoting herself, now her husband EXPERTLY. If her husband has to destroy his Family and diminish the Institution of Monarchy as a force for good ???? OH WELL ....They don't care, its collateral damage to elevate The Sussex Brand for fame and fortune.
Keep in mind, Meghan HAS a strange history of dropping People when they outlive their usefulness.

I find them increasingly dastardly and dangerous with their betrayals and now " threats ". But I firmly believe that Harry not met Meghan and had instead found a Woman that didn't CRAVE Celebrity style fame and fortune, this family break would not have played out.
And he would have been happier.
This "new" Prince Harry certainly does not appear happy or even well to me.
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In this review it is referenced that Harry started properly engaging with therapy (as he stated elsewhere) after Meghan threatened to leave him. Can someone who has read the book tell us a little morre about that 'row' that led to this thread and what else transpired?

Every time Harry talks about therapy, it has a different starting point and the person that made him decide to get help. We have heard it was William, Charles and now Meghan and started in his teens, his twenties and when he met Meghan. Good grief, hard to keep track of where we are.
Overall I thought the ghostwriter did a good job with the book. The most interesting section of the book to me was his experience in Afghanistan.

Something I was really struck by are his accounts of sibling rivalry and the amount of verbal and physical fighting that he says went on between he and William. If his accounts are accurate, this was a massive parenting fail on Charles and Diana's part, and talk therapy could really help him untangle his complex relationship (and feelings toward his brother).

He seems genuinely hurt that William could not be the emotional support he needed (since childhood) and William's (and Kate's) reserve toward Meghan was the straw that broke the camel's back for their relationship. He naively expected them both to welcome her with open arms. I am not a Meghan hater, I suspect that Will and Kate could have done a better job, but, there were all kinds of cultural and class differences that genuinely hampered these already complicated relationships. Why he expected Kate and Meghan to become instant BFF's is especially a mystery. They seem nothing alike to me.
The bridesmaids dress issue IS one that should have been laughed about by Meghan and forgotten...until it morphed into a very public story gleefully repeated by the anti Meghan press and public until it became a defining example of who she was a person. Including on this very Forum.

Meghan is Harry's wife. What hurts her, hurts him.

In that case, Kate's private apology was not enough.

I don't care for Meghan and frankly don't like defending her. But I am curious to know how many people believe that Kate's press office were wrong to quickly shut down the relatively minor VF article asserting that she and her family are craven social climbers, obsessed with shoe horning themselves out of their middle class origins?

Or maybe William should have laughed off the Rose Hanbury rumors as a private joke between he and his wife and the Cholmondeleys?

My recollection of the Kate crying story was that initially that Kate's tears were attributed to her being emotional due to the recent birth of her third child. Meghan was not portrayed as the bad guy in the initial report but it seems like as other reporters dug into the matter it came out that Meghan and Kate had a clash in the run up to the wedding.

I really don't recall there being negative backlash towards Meghan when this story came out beyond the usual suspects. I think that what is important for context is that this story came out in November 2018 and stories were coming out fast and thick about Meghan, by herself, or the Sussex couple being problematic.

While there was no official statement, it seems like the gameplan to address Kate and Meghan's relationship "issues" was for them to walk side-by-side for the Christmas walk at Sandringham and from there feed stories that they had a great time playing games and whatnot. Later on you had the Wimbledon appearance(s).

I cannot see why and how this matter could have been officially addressed without making Meghan look bad. When the story came out, and then re-emerged, it was often presented as Kate who was likely being beset by new mother hormones and stress, nitpicking over the fit of a dress and harping on the bridesmaids wearing tights. I do recall that Meghan was the bad guy in Dan Wootton from The Sun's version, but Dan Wootton clearly had gotten some inside dirt on Meghan and as a result made her the villain in all the stories he wrote. To be sure the story had legs because it represented two royal women beefing, and the folks who disliked Meghan from the start feasted off the story, but I really don't recall Meghan taking a popularity hit over this story when it was first reported.

We have learned a couple of things in the past week or two, one is that there were issues with all of the bridesmaids dresses and they were so bad that it took multiple tailors working into the wee hours over a few days to fix them.

We also learned from Harry's book that Meghan crying spell took place at Nottingham Cottage, which he was the only witness to, and presumably word of Meghan's tears reached Kate and Kate did bring Meghan flowers and a note to sooth things over.

From my vantage point, when Harry came upon Meghan crying, the bridesmaids dress fiasco was on its way to being resolved and her upset was likely due to the situation with her father and overall wedding stress, of which the bridesmaids dresses were part of.

The more I hear about the bridesmaids dress situation, Meghan is the bad guy, not because of what happened in the run up to the wedding, rather because of how she lied about the situation in the Oprah interview.

I don't recall Kate's press office shutting down a minor VF story, maybe it happened and I missed it. What did happen is that they pushed back on a Tatler cover story which resulted in the story being edited.

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Yes, Harry goes on about his brother not supporting him. And of course it is traumatic to lose your mother at 12.
However, Harry doesn't seem to have realized that William was devastated as well and that he perhaps hid his grief and anger, and all the other tumultuous feelings that comes with a sudden death of someone near and dear, away from his younger brother. And that at times William didn't have the mental surplus to deal with a grieving and needy younger brother. He was after all only a teen himself.

Harry, also, comes across as someone who felt his brother let him down and failed to be the big brother for him, when he needed it.
And that's a perfectly understandable feeling when you are a child or young adult, but Harry is a grown man in his 30s now. So if he doesn't understand that William wasn't always there for him and why, it's IMO because he is incapable of understanding it or because he choose not to. A case of: No one miss mother more than I do.

Has Harry in his book and interviews mentioned that he tried to understand his brother? That he tried to turn things around and see the loss of their mother from William's perspective?
In retrospect Harry has failed to realize that big brothers cry too.

- And now he is completely oblivious to Williams feelings. That is more than evident from this book and the interviews.
He has at the very least been emotionally immature since the death of Diana and he has not developed empathy either. That seems pretty clear from the book. I think he could mimic empathy and to some extend understand it if explained, but he couldn't feel it.
Except for himself and his mother, with Meghan being a kind of substitute for his mother. And as for Meghan, I will go out on a limb and say that IMO he doesn't love her as a husband. He worships her instead, while mimicking what he believe a good husband and father is. She is a focal point for his emotions, which is mainly self-pity. His emotional lifeboat.
I also suspect that being worshiped suits Meghan fine. And together they can bathe in self-pity, while confirming each other how right, they themselves are. So they reinforce each others state of mind.
And in that little cocoon they have created, there is no longer any room left for the feelings of other people. I doubt they even acknowledge such a thing by now.

But what happens if Meghan is not there any more?
Because I'm sure Meghan will do fine without Harry, but can Harry do without Meghan?

And thus ends this evenings pocket-psychology from me. ?

He seems genuinely hurt that William could not be the emotional support he needed (since childhood) and William's (and Kate's) reserve toward Meghan was the straw that broke the camel's back for their relationship. He naively expected them both to welcome her with open arms. I am not a Meghan hater, I suspect that Will and Kate could have done a better job, but, there were all kinds of cultural and class differences that genuinely hampered these already complicated relationships. Why he expected Kate and Meghan to become instant BFF's is especially a mystery. They seem nothing alike to me.
This has not been widely reported but it has always been the elephant in my cyber-room when it comes the the Cambridge-Sussex relationship, and particularly the relationship between Kate and Meghan.

A few weeks after the story of Harry and Meghan's relationship broke, Meghan was papped in London, her show was filming and this was a quick trip. Shortly after that a very thinly veiled blind item appeared in a Canadian gossip blog stating that Kate was aware that Meghan was going shopping in the same area that she planned to go shopping. Kate went shopping and did not offer Meghan a ride.

At the time, I thought that the story was untrue and ridiculous, and cheap attempt for this Canadian blogger to capitalize on the interest in Meghan to get clicks. Fast forward and the same story, no longer a blind item, was told in Finding Freedom. :eek:

It has been widely reported that William and Harry are suspicious when new people enter their circle, to the point where they give loyalty tests.

I have always felt that the leaking of this story, whether by Meghan directly, or one of her friends, definitely made William distrustful of Meghan, which was already an established pattern for him, and likely a double whammy of not just the leak but also that his wife was portrayed negatively.
In the book, Meghan asks Harry if he thinks they'll withdraw his security and Harry says they wouldn't, not in the wake of his uncle Andrew:

"He was embroiled in a shameful scandal, accused of the sexual assault of a young woman and no one had so much as suggested that he lose his security. Whatever grievances people had against us, sex crimes wasn't on the list."

It doesn't sound like he's close to Andrew at all - if anything, he's demonstrating the gulf between them.

If he said that, yes I can't see any sign that he's close to or admiring of his uncle.
I am pretty certain that I read that there was a period of time when the late princess's
coffin was open while she lay in repose at either St. James or Kensington Palace for closest family and friends to pay respects. And that Charles had privately taken his sons.

But I suppose if that had happened, Harry would definitely have written about it.:cool:

I doubt it. I think that Dis body had begun to deteriorate in Paris, and though it was partlly embalmed I dont think they would let the boys see her...
My recollection of the Kate crying story was that initially that Kate's tears were attributed to her being emotional due to the recent birth of her third child. Meghan was not portrayed as the bad guy in the initial report but it seems like as other reporters dug into the matter it came out that Meghan and Kate had a clash in the run up to the wedding.

I really don't recall there being negative backlash towards Meghan when this story came out beyond the usual suspects. I think that what is important for context is that this story came out in November 2018 and stories were coming out fast and thick about Meghan, by herself, or the Sussex couple being problematic.

While there was no official statement, it seems like the gameplan to address Kate and Meghan's relationship "issues" was for them to walk side-by-side for the Christmas walk at Sandringham and from there feed stories that they had a great time playing games and whatnot. Later on you had the Wimbledon appearance(s).

I cannot see why and how this matter could have been officially addressed without making Meghan look bad. When the story came out, and then re-emerged, it was often presented as Kate who was likely being beset by new mother hormones and stress, nitpicking over the fit of a dress and harping on the bridesmaids wearing tights. I do recall that Meghan was the bad guy in Dan Wootton from The Sun's version, but Dan Wootton clearly had gotten some inside dirt on Meghan and as a result made her the villain in all the stories he wrote. To be sure the story had legs because it represented two royal women beefing, and the folks who disliked Meghan from the start feasted off the story, but I really don't recall Meghan taking a popularity hit over this story when it was first reported.

We have learned a couple of things in the past week or two, one is that there were issues with all of the bridesmaids dresses and they were so bad that it took multiple tailors working into the wee hours over a few days to fix them.

We also learned from Harry's book that Meghan crying spell took place at Nottingham Cottage, which he was the only witness to, and presumably word of Meghan's tears reached Kate and Kate did bring Meghan flowers and a note to sooth things over.

From my vantage point, when Harry came upon Meghan crying, the bridesmaids dress fiasco was on its way to being resolved and her upset was likely due to the situation with her father and overall wedding stress, of which the bridesmaids dresses were part of.

The more I hear about the bridesmaids dress situation, Meghan is the bad guy, not because of what happened in the run up to the wedding, rather because of how she lied about the situation in the Oprah interview.

I don't recall Kate's press office shutting down a minor VF story, maybe it happened and I missed it. What did happen is that they pushed back on a Tatler cover story which resulted in the story being edited.


It was indeed the Tatler story that there was immediate Palace pushback on. I keep confusing Tatler and VF.. I apologize.

The Tatler story was unflattering to the then Cambridges and the Middletons, but it wasn't that big of a deal imo. I never understood the reason the Palace got involved.
Has Harry in his book and interviews mentioned that he tried to understand his brother? That he tried to turn things around and see the loss of their mother from William's perspective

No. He doesn’t spend much time trying to understand anyone’s feelings, but is particularly callous towards William.

I don’t get the sense from the book that Harry is very introspective or empathetic in general. But his total lack of curiosity or reflection about where William was coming from was weird to me. If this book was fiction (ahem) William would be the most underdeveloped character.
I would have thought a few months ago, that there was no way that Harry was resentful of his brother for being the heir.. I mean he aint bright but he is a royal and he knows quite well that he is second in line, and that's it...
so he's not goiing to waste his energy being jealous. Bbut the way he's acted with this book the only conclusion I can reach is that he really really DID harbour a long standing grudge against him for being 2 years older....
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This has not been widely reported but it has always been the elephant in my cyber-room when it comes the the Cambridge-Sussex relationship, and particularly the relationship between Kate and Meghan.

A few weeks after the story of Harry and Meghan's relationship broke, Meghan was papped in London, her show was filming and this was a quick trip. Shortly after that a very thinly veiled blind item appeared in a Canadian gossip blog stating that Kate was aware that Meghan was going shopping in the same area that she planned to go shopping. Kate went shopping and did not offer Meghan a ride.

At the time, I thought that the story was untrue and ridiculous, and cheap attempt for this Canadian blogger to capitalize on the interest in Meghan to get clicks. Fast forward and the same story, no longer a blind item, was told in Finding Freedom. :eek:

It has been widely reported that William and Harry are suspicious when new people enter their circle, to the point where they give loyalty tests.

I have always felt that the leaking of this story, whether by Meghan directly, or one of her friends, definitely made William distrustful of Meghan, which was already an established pattern for him, and likely a double whammy of not just the leak but also that his wife was portrayed negatively.

Ah yes , the infamous shopping blind item . It appeared on that side in mid to late February 2017 and Finding Freedom (and thanks to Meghan's court case we know that she was involved in the creation of it) tells us that Meghan met Kate for the first time around Kate's birthday in January. So less than two months later I think it's also important to mention that said gossip blogger has a long -at least online- friendship with one Omid Scobie and a professional relationship with Jessica Mulroney's husband.
It was indeed the Tatler story that there was immediate Palace pushback on. I keep confusing Tatler and VF.. I apologize.

The Tatler story was unflattering to the then Cambridges and the Middletons, but it wasn't that big of a deal imo. I never understood the reason the Palace got involved.
The Tatler story was addressed by Kensington Palace, not Buckingham Palace. KP dismissed the article because Tatler claimed they had spoken to Kate, which was not true because KP issued a statement to that. “It wasn’t a big deal”? The stories about Kate’s family background are a dime a dozen and not necessary to be written because they are rude and disgraceful, why should her family who aren’t public figures and have been very discreet in laws in their behavior have to put up with that? Her parents aren’t part of the palace and are private individuals. BP has never defended her family during the decades of horrible press she got before her marriage, KP didn’t do that until that very article was brought up. Meghan’s mother had better coverage during that time than Kate’s parents during their early time as in laws.

You brought up the bridesmaids dress issue, well from what I remember BP dismissed the issue of who made who cry story with a statement during the week of the wedding. They didn’t mention names because the whole was just petty and arguments about dresses happen at most dress fittings during a run up to a wedding to most brides and bridesmaids. Nothing special. You said that Kate’s apology wasn’t enough? What was Kate to do? Bow to Meghan?

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It's very difficult to relocate, especially when you're at an age at which most people are already in settled friendship circles. It may well have been easier for Meghan if William and Kate had welcomed her with open arms and made her part of their circle, but she's a very different person to them (that's not a criticism, just an observation) and you can't force friendship. I don't know how Harry's friends reacted to her, but I think there was one story about her meeting them for the first time at a shooting party and saying that she didn't approve of shooting, and calling someone sexist, so maybe that wasn't the best of starts.
It's very difficult to relocate, especially when you're at an age at which most people are already in settled friendship circles. It may well have been easier for Meghan if William and Kate had welcomed her with open arms and made her part of their circle, but she's a very different person to them (that's not a criticism, just an observation) and you can't force friendship. I don't know how Harry's friends reacted to her, but I think there was one story about her meeting them for the first time at a shooting party and saying that she didn't approve of shooting, and calling someone sexist, so maybe that wasn't the best of starts.
Honestly, what did she expect marrying into/dating a royal? She must have known that they're into shooting and fishing and 'killing things.
Ah yes , the infamous shopping blind item . It appeared on that side in mid to late February 2017 and Finding Freedom (and thanks to Meghan's court case we know that she was involved in the creation of it) tells us that Meghan met Kate for the first time around Kate's birthday in January. So less than two months later I think it's also important to mention that said gossip blogger has a long -at least online- friendship with one Omid Scobie and a professional relationship with Jessica Mulroney's husband.

I read the shopping story in Finding Freedom as well, at that time, prior to the court case I viewed it two ways. Firstly a made up story or secondly that it was true but Kate was shielding Meghan. If Meghan was seen out with Kate it would have confirmed the relationship, but on reflection is that what Meghan wanted. That is how she had always operated , worked hard at being spotted with celebrities, taking selfies etc, constantly trying to raise her profile. Imagine if she had been papped out with Kate.
When you think back to the different clues that were coming out, somebody wanted it out there.
The VF article.
Instagram with the bracelets that Harry wears.
Spooning Bananas
Hints about London.
The H & M necklace.

I wonder if this was all part of the plan, just didn't realise that the royals try to do things quieter. Didn't turn up at restaurants and do selfies with the other diners.
It's very difficult to relocate, especially when you're at an age at which most people are already in settled friendship circles. It may well have been easier for Meghan if William and Kate had welcomed her with open arms and made her part of their circle, but she's a very different person to them (that's not a criticism, just an observation) and you can't force friendship. I don't know how Harry's friends reacted to her, but I think there was one story about her meeting them for the first time at a shooting party and saying that she didn't approve of shooting, and calling someone sexist, so maybe that wasn't the best of starts.
I don’t think so, not everyone takes quickly to being friends with a person they have just met. Just because Harry was enamored and deeply in love with Meghan, didn’t mean his family members had to especially someone who he was moving quickly with under two years. Plus you don’t hug someone you just met unless you are fairly close to them, so I will say meeting her for William and Kate was awkward. Plus the ripped jeans and no shoes might not have been appealing.
From a book discussed on the forums, most of his friends didn’t like her because she wasn’t being less direct with her opinions which rubbed them the wrong way. I do think some of his friends can be extra, but sometimes when you are meeting new people, it helps to not be so heavily opinionated and not discuss sensitive topics.
Honestly, what did she expect marrying into/dating a royal? She must have known that they're into shooting and fishing and 'killing things.

But that's part of the problem, isn't it?

Unfortunately, some people have the mindset that it's only their opinion on issues that matter. That if you do something they don't agree with, or believe in something they don't agree with, that makes YOU completely in the wrong for not thinking like them. There's no respect for differing opinions. The more Harry speaks publicly, the more I think that H&M are very much those kinds of people.

What this book makes clear is that H&M have very different takes on the monarchy and life within it than W&K do. But instead of trying to see it from W&K's perspective, it just devolves into how H&M want to change the institution as a whole into something that fits their own idea of how it should be run, even if making those decision isn't up to them in the end.
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But that's part of the problem, isn't it?

Unfortunately, some people have the mindset that it's only their opinion on issues that matter. That if you do something they don't agree with, or believe in something they don't agree with, that makes YOU completely in the wrong for not thinking like them. There's no respect for differing opinions. The more Harry speaks publicly, the more I think that H&M are very much those kinds of people.

What this book makes clear is that H&M have very different takes on the monarchy and life within it than W&K do. But instead of trying to see it from W&K's perspective, it just devolves into how H&M want to change the institution as a whole into something that fits their own idea of how it should be run, even if making those decision isn't up to them in the end.

That makes me remember again the engagement interview, when Harry said something about making people think “the correct way”. It annoyed me immensely, a monarchy has to be unifying, when you say that something is “correct” you say the opposite is incorrect and you allienate the people from that stand. Except for what’s illegal, there’s no right or wrong, people have different contexts so different opinions and solutions for themselves.
That makes me remember again the engagement interview, when Harry said something about making people think “the correct way”. It annoyed me immensely, a monarchy has to be unifying, when you say that something is “correct” you say the opposite is incorrect and you allienate the people from that stand. Except for what’s illegal, there’s no right or wrong, people have different contexts so different opinions and solutions for themselves.

It does show what a large ego Harry has, doesn't it? That only his way is the correct way? Just how much was he indulged growing up that this is the way he sees everything in life?
I would have thought a few months ago, that there was no way that Harry was resentful of his brother for being the heir.. I mean he aint bright but he is a royal and he knows quite well that he is second in line, and that's it...
so he's not goiing to waste his energy being jealous. Bbut the way he's acted with this book the only conclusion I can reach is that he really really DID harbour a long standing grudge against him for being 2 years older....

I don't think Harry has his feelings sorted out about William. An entire arc runs through the book where Harry portrays William as distant, jealous, a bully. Sprinkled into this arc are stories about how they hang out and have the same set of friends (Club H, parties like the natives v. colonials, etc.); care about each other deeply--harry walks behind the coffin because neither of them would ever make the other do it alone; they promise to each other to never play the media game that the older generation play. He talks about his patriotism and his belief in the monarchy.

I thought it was a confusing message. My own conclusion is that rather than fully blaming his parents (along with Queen/Prince Phillip--they really come out
of this book unscathed), Harry resents William for not providing him more emotional support (as children and adults).
I don't think Harry has his feelings sorted out about William. An entire arc runs through the book where Harry portrays William as distant, jealous, a bully. Sprinkled into this arc are stories about how they hang out and have the same set of friends (Club H, parties like the natives v. colonials, etc.); care about each other deeply--harry walks behind the coffin because neither of them would ever make the other do it alone; they promise to each other to never play the media game that the older generation play. He talks about his patriotism and his belief in the monarchy.

I thought it was a confusing message. My own conclusion is that rather than fully blaming his parents (along with Queen/Prince Phillip--they really come out
of this book unscathed), Harry resents William for not providing him more emotional support (as children and adults).

When you look back , how much time did Harry and William spend together. William left Eton in 2000, would Harry be 15 then, I think it was a gap year, university then they were together again by the time he joined Sandhurst in 2006, but even then did they not go different routes after Sandhurst.
I don't think Harry has his feelings sorted out about William. An entire arc runs through the book where Harry portrays William as distant, jealous, a bully. Sprinkled into this arc are stories about how they hang out and have the same set of friends (Club H, parties like the natives v. colonials, etc.); care about each other deeply--harry walks behind the coffin because neither of them would ever make the other do it alone; they promise to each other to never play the media game that the older generation play. He talks about his patriotism and his belief in the monarchy.

I thought it was a confusing message. My own conclusion is that rather than fully blaming his parents (along with Queen/Prince Phillip--they really come out

of this book unscathed), Harry resents William for not providing him more emotional support (as children and adults).

I agree with that as a conclusion. His sections on William are very contradictory and he very rarely tries to understand William’s point of view. You know what I found interesting? The births of George and Charlotte are both mentioned in the book but not the birth of Louis. I found it interesting because Harry is very angry at both William and Catherine for things that happened in the weeks leading up to the wedding, like the silly dress argument and the fact that William won’t stay the night with him because he needs to get back to the kids- but he never acknowledges Catherine had just given birth and that they had a newborn. He doesn’t allow himself really any moment of empathy for his brother.
Any chance Harry is actually a bit jealous of William, because William knew Diana longer and likely better?
Any chance Harry is actually a bit jealous of William, because William knew Diana longer and likely better?

Every chance, I think. Not to mention that there was most likely some kind of partiality on Diana's end because William was the future king. Not that she loved him more because of it, but because she might have been more protective of William, knowing the responsibilities he was expected to face eventually.

I also think it might be fair to speculate that Harry's attachment to his mother might be a result of being considered more 'Diana's' than 'Charles', as William would have been given a bit more attention by the RF as the heir.
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The Tatler story was addressed by Kensington Palace, not Buckingham Palace. KP dismissed the article because Tatler claimed they had spoken to Kate, which was not true because KP issued a statement to that. “It wasn’t a big deal”? The stories about Kate’s family background are a dime a dozen and not necessary to be written because they are rude and disgraceful, why should her family who aren’t public figures and have been very discreet in laws in their behavior have to put up with that? Her parents aren’t part of the palace and are private individuals. BP has never defended her family during the decades of horrible press she got before her marriage, KP didn’t do that until that very article was brought up. Meghan’s mother had better coverage during that time than Kate’s parents during their early time as in laws.

You brought up the bridesmaids dress issue, well from what I remember BP dismissed the issue of who made who cry story with a statement during the week of the wedding. They didn’t mention names because the whole was just petty and arguments about dresses happen at most dress fittings during a run up to a wedding to most brides and bridesmaids. Nothing special. You said that Kate’s apology wasn’t enough? What was Kate to do? Bow to Meghan?


Kate's private apology wasn't enough after the story became public and widely reported and accepted as FACTUAL AND TRUE.

If KP put out an official denial that Carole Middleton was a snobbish social climber whom her son in law was obsessed with, why couldn't they deny the equally unflattering Bridezilla incident with Kate?

And no, sorry. I don't share your assertion that the Midds deserved an official Palace rebuttal because they are such swell, upstanding people who got ragged on a lot.

No Palace official ever came to the defense of any of the Fergusons or Spencers during their times in the public hot seat over much more serious publicity than having a nouveau riche mindset, which was basically the entire point of the silly, snide Middleton Tatler article.

Who cares whether they do/did?

I assume your comment about expecting Kate to bow to Meg was a facetious one. So for that reason I will simply ignore it.:cool:
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Every chance, I think. Not to mention that there was most likely some kind of partiality on Diana's end because William was the future king. Not that she loved him more because of it, but because she might have been more protective of William, knowing the responsibilities he was expected to face eventually.

I also think it might be fair to speculate that Harry's attachment to his mother might be a result of being considered more 'Diana's' than 'Charles', as William would have been given a bit more attention by the RF as the heir.

But did William really know Diana longer? He is only two years older than Harry. I think you and the previous poster are right, I can see Diana maybe over doing it with Harry to make sure he didn't feel neglected. Since William probably did get more attention as the heir. Harry comes off from what I have read in here and on other places (i am not going to read the book) as very jealous of William. As much as he likes to say William is the jealous one I don't think William is.
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