"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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May not have a landlines...or at least not one anywhere near the bedrooms. It's a huge house. I doubt they have much in the way of live in staff. Nannies maybe amd a housekeeper but why would the royals have their numbers. Or even the numbers of their security. If they couldn't get Harry and Meghan then the only option was the police. It happens.

Many houses no longer have landlines, we use our cell phones and keep them with us.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

Do you think that networks will really want him? Even if the audiences dont know how little H knows, someone in the Network will know.. and surely they wotn want to have an embarrassingly foolish commmentary?

I think they’d be gambling that more people would watch- even if it’s just to see if he says something nasty and/or stupid. Or to potentially poke fun of him on social media.

I don’t think the network cares how he comes across. He can continue to torpedo his own reputation.

My guess is that they’d also have someone who actually is semi knowledgeable.
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If Harry gets invited to the coronation, he and Meghan are going full stop, no amount of money thrown at them by an American network is going to stop that, they are shameless like that. They attacked the monarchy, individuals within the monarchy and courtiers and Harry proclaimed that he wanted a family and not an institution, and how his regard for his grandmother is rooted in his personal regard for her and not her role, and yet he decided to come to the Platinum Jubilee, using that time frame to introduce his grandmother to her namesake great-granddaughter, knowing that due to QEII's frail health that the time he and his family would spend with his grandmother would be very limited.

It's Harry's life and he is entitled to live it as he sees fit, but spare* me the proclamations of wanting a family and not an institution, and that his attachment to his grandmother is personal and not due to her status.:furious::censored::furious:

Again, if Harry is invited to Charles' coronation, he and his family will come to the UK. I don't think that Charles, acting on his own accord, will not invite Harry. If Harry is not invited to the coronation, it will be the government's doing.

I am not to fussed if Harry comes to the coronation. I may not be able to explain it properly, but while Harry and Meghan were constantly written about and name checked by the tabloids at the jubilee and QEII's funeral, I still think that those events maintained their dignity. For example, Harry and Meghan did not make balcony appearances at the jubilee, and yet I think the key events and memories of them will be about HLM and the commemoration of her reign and not the presence of her wayward grandson.

* no pun intended ?
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I think Meghan would make sure she is part of the commentary. And hey, maybe she would do some real research this time. Seriously, should he/they be commentators, it would be a great opportunity to begin rehabilitating their image in the US at least - if they did a proper job instead of a whine fest

I’m trying to picture Harry and Meghan talking about the coronation, watching their family participate while they watch- which is really embarrassing imo- and manage to not say one single thing that is inappropriate. I don’t care how they play it- being reduced to commentating on an event like this is just a poor reflection on them imo.

It would be a great opportunity to try and rehabilitate their image. Not holding my breath that they could actually do it. Even if they tried. They’d have to act like adults, be very knowledgeable on the subject, and refrain from ALL pettiness. That’s a tall order.

Lol at the idea of Meghan NOW doing research on the RF.
This would be the smarter play, tbh. If they were to comment knowledgeably and respectfully, then they gain back the 'wouldn't they be an asset to the monarchy' sympathy that Spare has cost them. Right now they need all the help they can get.

It would be the smarter play. I just haven’t seen them make a genuinely smart play on their own. (They’ve made money- but torpedoed their reputations on repeated occasions to do so.)

I’d say Spare was the last straw. They were losing sympathy rapidly pre Spare.

They do need all they help they can get. If being seen as respectable and credible is a goal they have.
This book together with Netflix has a sick Freudian undertonde. It really comes off that Harry still needs a lot of help. In the US he has lost sympathy and comedians are harping on the frostbitten privates. On Twitter they mock him as woke and seeing slights everywhere.
As for the coronation, Harry has badmouthed England along with the RF; why should he be allowed to celebrate with England? If they are invited they should be relegated to the back rows with no interaction, no balcony, no photo calls. And definitely not in the official pictures. I saw an image of the Duke of Windsor watching on TV.
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I want to state that Harry has had years of media training as a member of the BRF, as well as other training by the BRF and the military on keeping it together when on the public stage, but now that I know what I know,I am hoping that when William goes up to pay his obeisance to KCIII, that Harry loses it and has a Jan Brady outburst, "William! William!! William!!!"
Actually the prospect of commentary from H&M reminds me of nothing so much as something The Windsors (as usual) brilliantly predicted (0:42):
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It's been interesting to hear commentators in New Zealand cite attacks in the media and some real nastiness on social media as one of the reasons for Jacinta Ardern's resignation. It's horrible that she's had to deal with that, but it shows again that this is something which affects all public figures. Harry seems to think that it's all about some personal and or racist vendetta against himself and Meghan. It isn't. It's just an unpleasant aspect of the world today.
I don't think Harry and Meghan are capable of providing commentary on the Coronation without their resentment and anger bubbling to the surface.
I've finished the book, and to be honest I found it rather boring.
Did anyone else have the same reaction?
I've finished the book, and to be honest I found it rather boring.
Did anyone else have the same reaction?

I'm well into it. The pettiness makes it something of a weary read. The passive/aggressive comments about assigned bedrooms at Sandringham, and how he told Meghan not to curtsey to Camilla, it all paints a picture of an unpleasant person.
I've finished the book, and to be honest I found it rather boring.
Did anyone else have the same reaction?

I have the audiobook from the library and so far I have found certain parts boring, but others interesting, so I will reserve full judgement until I have finished it. Hopefully by the due date, there were enough reservations on the physical copies that I would not expect to be able to renew it.

I have just got the bit where he says that no one cared who he travelled with - I think the travel rules are overdue a review. Prohibiting #1 and #2 from travelling together but allowing #2 and #3 to do so risks wiping out the following generation of the direct line. A dangerous thing when public consent to the monarchy would be at risk if a number of the individuals next in line were to get to the throne.

I was surprised that Charles informed his sons separately of their mother’s death.
Meghan is not qualified to be a royal commentator. She spend two less in that institution repeating "I didn't know this" " I didn't know that". From her interviews in her documentary, she barely studied British History or Monarchy in general, despite claiming to be so smart.
The first person on the street know as much as she does.
I agree but when did qualifications matter on US TV? It’s all about ratings. And while I also agree that she wouldn’t be a great commentator nor even a good one, I’m not so sure that I buy her “I didn’t know” shtick anymore than I buy that she knew nothing about the RF growing up and that she didn’t Google Harry and his family.

My bottom line: I’d rather have her on US TV than attending the coronation and creating drama for both the RF and people in the UK. :banned:
I’m trying to picture Harry and Meghan talking about the coronation, watching their family participate while they watch- which is really embarrassing imo- and manage to not say one single thing that is inappropriate. I don’t care how they play it- being reduced to commentating on an event like this is just a poor reflection on them imo.

It would be a great opportunity to try and rehabilitate their image. Not holding my breath that they could actually do it. Even if they tried. They’d have to act like adults, be very knowledgeable on the subject, and refrain from ALL pettiness. That’s a tall order.

Lol at the idea of Meghan NOW doing research on the RF.
I am laughing at this idea myself :lol:
Harry commenting the coronation potentially sounds like someone watching the Crown with Edward commenting to his friends and thinking that would be brilliant to have in real life.

In any case Harry commenting might be actually be a good thing since he would be forced to do research and think what he is saying more than he has in the past or he would look uninformed. And people probably would not want to hear him talk of himself or complain when it’s not about him so he would be probably advised to speak about events at hand. And his family might be relieved he isn’t there to argue.

On the other hand Harry could claim he isn’t there because he isn’t invited, weather it’s true or not, so it would not be good. And he could spend time talking of Archie regarding his birthday and title issue and distract from the event.

But if they are invited I can’t see them passing up event with such high profile guests and Meghan having a change to wear a tiara. Unless they record something beforehand to earn money. Which probably would not be what Charles would be happy about.
My bottom line: I’d rather have her on US TV than attending the coronation and creating drama for both the RF and people in the UK. :banned:

Unfortunately she's perfectly able to be on US tv for the Coronation and cause drama. :ermm:
I don't think they should be invited. They have not only insulted the RF but England as a whole.
Actually the prospect of commentary from H&M reminds me of nothing so much as something The Windsors (as usual) brilliantly predicted (0:42):
The Windsors is hilarious - thanks for this reminder! And believe it or not for those who aren’t familiar with this TV show, this is on Netflix - they are also laughing….all the way to the bank! :whistling:
Unfortunately she's perfectly able to be on US tv for the Coronation and cause drama. :ermm:

She could indeed. I think both of them thrive on drama.

But if I had to pick- US TV is the kinder option. At least the UK would be spared. And we in the US can watch a different channel. And be spared both of them.

Preferably- I’d like for them to have nothing to do with the whole affair. They really don’t deserve to attend or profit off it. But I suspect it’ll be one or the other.
Has there ever been a memoir published by a public figure which has done such catastrophic damage to the reputation of its author? There probably has but I struggle to think of one.

I mean, this has been an utter disaster for Harry and, to a lesser extent, Meghan. Forget all the tabloid articles and the alleged negative stories "leaked" to the British press by his family over the years. None of that did as much damage to Harry's reputation as his own unfiltered words have done.

I'll admit, I didn't see that coming. One can only imagine the rage and indignation in Montecito. In the aftermath of this book, in both the US and the UK, their public support has never been lower.

If you'd told me in 2018 that Harry, with polls showing 73% of Brits had a favourable opinion of him, would one day be less popular than Camilla(!) I would have told you to seek urgent medical help (not from Harry's therapists though, the evidence suggests they're really not very good). Even the woke Gen Z appear to be over them.

I expect we'll hear from the Sussexes that this is all the fault of the evil, racist British press/BRF/Brexiteers etc. Perhaps they'll try and throw the ghostwriter or the publisher under the bus as they've done following other car-crash interviews. But the truth is, the only discussion of this book between my self and my friends and colleagues (all under 40, most in their 20s) has been laughing at extracts from the audiobook version. Not the press's interpretation of it, Harry's own words spoken his own voice.

He has no one to blame but himself.
Harry already did insinuate in one of the interviews that the Palace is behind (or at least partly to blame for) the negative press about Spare...
Unfortunately she's perfectly able to be on US tv for the Coronation and cause drama. :ermm:
You are correct! But she wouldn’t be in the UK during the actual coronation - thus sparing both family members and the general public in the UK.
Honestly, I can envision Harry just talking willy nilly into a recorder, and then sending it to the ghostwriter to let him turn it into some sort of narrative. Anything that is literary or uses erudite language surely comes from the ghostwriter. :D

Oh I can picture Harry just rambling on at times and saying whatever pops into his mind at a given moment. It would help explain some of the exceedingly petty things he went off about.

I’d say Meghan is a reasonable guess too. Definitely not Harry. Go figure why someone who says he’s not into anything intellectual, literary peppers his book with references that scream- he didn’t actually say or think that.
She could indeed. I think both of them thrive on drama.

But if I had to pick- US TV is the kinder option. At least the UK would be spared. And we in the US can watch a different channel. And be spared both of them.

Preferably- I’d like for them to have nothing to do with the whole affair. They really don’t deserve to attend or profit off it. But I suspect it’ll be one or the other.

I think I'm in the 'I hope they go to the Coronation' camp. Because?

It will mean they can't talk to the media, or command their own separate audience, or do anything that might possibly distract from the King and his day.

The 'better inside the tent' analogy.
Has there ever been a memoir published by a public figure which has done such catastrophic damage to the reputation of its author? There probably has but I struggle to think of one.

I mean, this has been an utter disaster for Harry and, to a lesser extent, Meghan. Forget all the tabloid articles and the alleged negative stories "leaked" to the British press by his family over the years. None of that did as much damage to Harry's reputation as his own unfiltered words have done.

I'll admit, I didn't see that coming. One can only imagine the rage and indignation in Montecito. In the aftermath of this book, in both the US and the UK, their public support has never been lower.

If you'd told me in 2018 that Harry, with polls showing 73% of Brits had a favourable opinion of him, would one day be less popular than Camilla(!) I would have told you to seek urgent medical help (not from Harry's therapists though, the evidence suggests they're really not very good). Even the woke Gen Z appear to be over them.

I expect we'll hear from the Sussexes that this is all the fault of the evil, racist British press/BRF/Brexiteers etc. Perhaps they'll try and throw the ghostwriter or the publisher under the bus as they've done following other car-crash interviews. But the truth is, the only discussion of this book between my self and my friends and colleagues (all under 40, most in their 20s) has been laughing at extracts from the audiobook version. Not the press's interpretation of it, Harry's own words spoken his own voice.

He has no one to blame but himself.

I’ve been wondering the same thing: Has anyone so thoroughly destroyed their reputation with a memoir before? Maybe, but no one comes readily to mind.

And Harry is doing it on a global level. One of the reasons this book is selling is because he’s one of a handful of truly global figures.

As far as I’m concerned Harry and Meghan have spent 3 years slowly ruining their own reputations. They’ve done it with their own words. The media didn’t do it: they did. They can look in the mirror if they want to know why they’ve sunk to epic lows in terms of popularity and are getting loads of bad press.

Spare was like a sledgehammer on that front. It’s not even just about the royals that makes them look bad. It’s ALL of it.
I’ve been wondering the same thing: Has anyone so thoroughly destroyed their reputation with a memoir before? Maybe, but no one comes readily to mind.

And Harry is doing it on a global level. One of the reasons this book is selling is because he’s one of a handful of truly global figures.

As far as I’m concerned Harry and Meghan have spent 3 years slowly ruining their own reputations. They’ve done it with their own words. The media didn’t do it: they did. They can look in the mirror if they want to know why they’ve sunk to epic lows in terms of popularity and are getting loads of bad press.

Spare was like a sledgehammer on that front. It’s not even just about the royals that makes them look bad. It’s ALL of it.

Well he needs to learn. You can’t control the media. I mean really though, that’s just human. How many times has anyone and everyone opened their mouth, spoke and it to be received in a different way to the intent.

I hope he can stand up to it.
I'm just about finished with the book.

I'm a biography/autobiography/memoirs/diary person. Many British people figure in my library: Sir Alan Duncan, Sasha Swire, countless royals ... good books all.

"Spare" is good at painting a picture of the Duke of Sussex, but I don't think it is the picture he intended. And I don't think he realizes that some of the quotes he attributes to his wife are quite jarring and aggressive. I'm American, and her manner of dealing with people, going off his quotes, is very rude and forceful and not indicative of the Americans I know and/or admire.
Has there ever been a memoir published by a public figure which has done such catastrophic damage to the reputation of its author? There probably has but I struggle to think of one.

I mean, this has been an utter disaster for Harry and, to a lesser extent, Meghan. Forget all the tabloid articles and the alleged negative stories "leaked" to the British press by his family over the years. None of that did as much damage to Harry's reputation as his own unfiltered words have done.

I'll admit, I didn't see that coming. One can only imagine the rage and indignation in Montecito. In the aftermath of this book, in both the US and the UK, their public support has never been lower.

If you'd told me in 2018 that Harry, with polls showing 73% of Brits had a favourable opinion of him, would one day be less popular than Camilla(!) I would have told you to seek urgent medical help (not from Harry's therapists though, the evidence suggests they're really not very good). Even the woke Gen Z appear to be over them.

I expect we'll hear from the Sussexes that this is all the fault of the evil, racist British press/BRF/Brexiteers etc. Perhaps they'll try and throw the ghostwriter or the publisher under the bus as they've done following other car-crash interviews. But the truth is, the only discussion of this book between my self and my friends and colleagues (all under 40, most in their 20s) has been laughing at extracts from the audiobook version. Not the press's interpretation of it, Harry's own words spoken his own voice.

He has no one to blame but himself.

That poll that was quoted however, was a Question of the Week YouGov publish about various public figures. It was published very soon after Spare was published.

The figures quoted in the YouGov site for popularity of Royals and public figures are run quarterly and weighted. The YouGov site still shows Harry at 40% among UK adults, and that will remain until the next quarter polling is taken.

I've finished the book, and to be honest I found it rather boring.
Did anyone else have the same reaction?

Most of it was superficially engaging but parts were boring. I wouldn't have thought it was written by a ghostwriter with an outstanding reputation. I assume this wasn't his best work. To be fair, he could only do the best he could with what he was given, but I didn't think he did a great job accurately depicting Harry’s voice throughout the whole book; for example, I'm not sure what words Harry used to describe a training flight where (he says) the instructor cut the engine, but I’d bet a ton of money that ‘entropy’ wasn't one of them.

It might be more interesting to someone with not much prior knowledge of Harry, Meghan and the BRF. As someone who's watched everything play out over the past few years, the book just confirmed that Harry is a deeply messed up person.
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