"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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I disagree that Harry and Meghan didn't want titles for their kids.

I strongly believe that they didn't want the titles for the children of a Duke. Harry saw William's younger kids elevated and he wanted the same for his own children. When H&M were told no, they pitch a fit and either said 'well, then don't give them any', or just flat out refused to use the ones Archie and Lilibet were actually allowed.

That's the way they seem to work. Despite not having the same position in the hierarchy as W&K, they were determined to be treated equally and pouted when they weren't.

Yep, they want those Prince and Princess titles, otherwise it would never have been brought up in the first place.

TBH though I think Charles has already made his "Sovereign's Will" on the matter pretty clear. In the same speech that he declared William POW, he mention Harry and Meghan and their kids without titles and nothing has changed since then. We have also had discussions on whether the LPs automatically apply to great grandchildren who become grandchildren since it hasn't happened since 1917. I should think that he is looking to avoid and even worse situation than the one that erupted in Denmark

As far as Harry saying that he was born in case "Willy" needed a kidney, Lion Alive that manchild has problems, has there ever been such a "victim". Many regular families wish for more than one child and it's not life insurance for the first one. I don' think the reason HLM and the DOE had 4 kids was to provide the best chance of organ donation for Charles.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I hear what you are saying but I think money is the biggest driver right now. He could have just given a bunch of interviews without being paid if he just wanted to get his "truth" out.

I think it is money and anger.

There’s just a lot of petty, nasty stuff in this book. Big or small. It seems to permeate this book.

I saw a screenshot where Harry is complaining that Lupo was barking at them as “if we were burglars.”It seemed unnecessary and nasty to say that. Certainly not complimentary. Not to mention Lupo has passed away. Why even include that?

There was a line about him seeing their nanny pushing one of the babies in the pram. Sounded like a swipe to me too.

I’m not sure I buy into “Willy.” It almost seems like he’s calling him that to irritate William. A large part of this book seems to be designed to hurt/embarrass/violate William’s privacy. Why not just throw a name out there to bug him.

Then you move to big stuff like Harry saying in an interview that William needs Harry’s advice on how to raise HIS children so they don’t become Spares like him. Really? Not his business- and from where I sit- Harry is about the last person I’d take advice from on ANY subject.
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Yep, they want those Prince and Princess titles, otherwise it would never have been brought up in the first place.

TBH though I think Charles has already made his "Sovereign's Will" on the matter pretty clear. In the same speech that he declared William POW, he mention Harry and Meghan and their kids without titles and nothing has changed since then. We have also had discussions on whether the LPs automatically apply to great grandchildren who become grandchildren since it hasn't happened since 1917. I should think that he is looking to avoid and even worse situation than the one that erupted in Denmark

As far as Harry saying that he was born in case "Willy" needed a kidney, Lion Alive that manchild has problems, has there ever been such a "victim". Many regular families wish for more than one child and it's not life insurance for the first one. I don' think the reason HLM and the DOE had 4 kids was to provide the best chance of organ donation for Charles.

Agreed. They would like their kids to have titles. If it wasn’t important to them, it wouldn’t have been brought up. Also- titles/royal ties are so clearly important to them. They have their monogram on their doormat! Someone apparently took a pic of their monogram on Meghan’s baggage tag. (I haven’t seen the pic, but it’s believable to me that she would.) Just imagine where else their monogram is.

For all the lashing out about the royals, when Harry was asked about giving up titles- Harry was totally dismissive. There are so many examples of just how important all of this is to them. So- I absolutely believe they want their kids to have titles.

There was a line in the book where TQ supposedly tells Meghan that tiaras suit her. Hmm- Not sure I can picture TQ saying that. But- I sure can see why the Sussexes would tell us she said that. Why? Because Meghan was meant to be royalty. She was the next Diana. Look- even Granny even said she was meant for this. (What’s more royal that a tiara?)

I tend to agree. I’m not giving much thought to Archie and Lili’s status because it feels to me like we know the Sovereign’s Will: It’s not happening. I can certainly see him wanting to avoid a worse version of Denmark.

I RME on the kidney part. Just…grow up already.
TBH though I think Charles has already made his "Sovereign's Will" on the matter pretty clear. In the same speech that he declared William POW, he mention Harry and Meghan and their kids without titles and nothing has changed since then.

The King made no mention of Archie and Lili in his speech. Here is a link

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/...ew-monarch#:~:text=“And to my darling Mama,'”

“I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas." Nothing about the children. As far as I am aware he has not made any reference to Archie and Lili in any of his speeches since becoming King.
It is what it is. In my mind those kids aren’t getting titles. I mean they don’t have them. You can’t arrive one day and just have them. They will just leave it and people will forget. The reality is that with Meghan and Harry appearing less in public and things. I mean long term what are they going to do? People will probably even forget their names.

They DO have titles. According to the 1917 LP, they are Prince and Princess fro the time Charles became king. THat does not mean that they have to use the tittle and Charles probalby did not say anything about the whole issue because there are behind the scenes arguments about the whole issue...As far as I can see, they dont want the kids to use the titles that they were able to use from birth ie Earl of Dumbarton nad Lady Lilibet.... but they probably want Charles to make a public announcemen that yes, Harry's kids are HRH..
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If Harry does indeed love his brother, father, or any other living member of his family, he's chosen a very strange way of demonstrating it.

I think it's his own anger and other issues at play, not necessarily the materialistic lifestyle.

I think it is both. I think he wants to retain the titles, HRH and Duke of Sussex etc and Prince for his children because he knows that without those titles he and Meg and the children will fade into obscurity, or wont make as much money, but there are also issues of anger at being the second born and feeling that he was never considered as important as William or even his father.
I do think that he has always had mental issues and the parental divorce followed by the tragic death of his mother made them worse. Then he got into drugging and drinking, and that made his mental state even more parlous. I'm not at all sure he's quit the drugs, possibly the stress of moving abroad and the rows with his family have made him get inot them again.
The King made no mention of Archie and Lili in his speech. Here is a link

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/...ew-monarch#:~:text=“And to my darling Mama,'”

“I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas." Nothing about the children. As far as I am aware he has not made any reference to Archie and Lili in any of his speeches since becoming King.

Agree he never said antying about the children or whether they had titles or not. but they do have them. However Im sure that Charles felt whatever he says about the Sussex family is going to spark off another family row that will become public, so he's saying as little as possible. if he were to just refer to the children as Archie and Lily, there would be a broadside saying that they were not being referred to as Prince and Pss because of their racial origin, and if he did say speak of them as Prince A of Sussex etc, they wold say that they didnt want their children to have titles as they now lived in the US.
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We don't know that. Charles' family isn't as big as the one he was born into and he'd be in trouble right now without his sister, brother and SIL helping out. Harry's kids might be needed in the future, depending on what happens with George, Charlotte and Louis.

But that is a choice you make as royal family. The Dutch royal family has only the king and queen as working members. And princess Beatrix and princess Margriet are working royals. Constantijn and Laurentien sometimes have royal activities but they have paid jobs with obligations. That means that you have to choose which charity you want to support, or change the charities each year or whatever. If you don't want to have a big working royal family you have to choose. Looking at the British royals I think it is good to change. All those cousins, second cousins etc etc. It does not work for most of them. Look at Andrew.. look at Harry, look at Margareth. The spares are not really happy people. Would it not be much better that they know from a young age. "okay we live in a special family, if necessary we help our eldest brother of sister, but the aim is a normal working live"
Please no other Harry's and Andrews and Margareths anymore
Do you really think that Harry wants a normal working life? He could have stayed in the Army longer, had he wanted to, but he didnt, he only wanted to be in the army if he could have the excitement of being in combat.. and that's not part of every soldier's life.
And according to things that have been said, the RF were willing to let him and Meg take a few years off or perhaps a permanent break from ROyal life, if they wanted to, provided they stuck with varoius rules and regs, for running an estate or the like... but they were told they cold not be half in and half out of royal life.. and they chose being out altogehter.. because making money was more important to them than royal service.
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I can't for a minute imagine Harry doing a 9 to 5 job!
But that is a choice you make as royal family. The Dutch royal family has only the king and queen as working members. And princess Beatrix and princess Margriet are working royals. Constantijn and Laurentien sometimes have royal activities but they have paid jobs with obligations. That means that you have to choose which charity you want to support, or change the charities each year or whatever. If you don't want to have a big working royal family you have to choose. Looking at the British royals I think it is good to change. All those cousins, second cousins etc etc. It does not work for most of them. Look at Andrew.. look at Harry, look at Margareth. The spares are not really happy people. Would it not be much better that they know from a young age. "okay we live in a special family, if necessary we help our eldest brother of sister, but the aim is a normal working live"
Please no other Harry's and Andrews and Margareths anymore

I am trying to play devils advocate here, I know it is not like me, the BRF cousins who are working members have supported the late Queen all their adult lives, in one way or another.
There was nobody else available other than Margaret, the children were either young or not even born. I would suggest that the LQ decided not to say after 25 or 30 years of service well you can go now and find yourself a' proper' job.

I also think that is partly what Harry felt, if it is correct that he had commented that he only had about 18 years to make his mark before George came along. He didn't want to go down the pecking order and once the Wales' children become adults and possibly do royal duties then he will. Or maybe there will be another plan for Charlotte and Louis.

Or maybe Harry read comments about the Kents and Gloucesters being old and hardly able to stay upright could hardly walk.......and didnt want similar cruel comments made about him in 30 years time.

He obviously decided he wanted to make his mark as an independent person now rather than in 20 years time, and nobody would have had a problem with that, and yes he would have been trading to a certain extent on his background but that would have been inevitable.

What he didn't need to do was turn on his family.

By the way, the monogram door mat, I do not know if Wallis and Edward had a monogrammed door mat but they did have their monogram displayed around their home.

I think Meghan wants to be the new Wallis. If you compare the outfits for Oprah and St Pauls to what Wallis wore that is where she is heading.
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About the children’s titles, my take is like this: before Meghan’s appearance, the plan was to have either LPs to change the rule or to have the future children abstain from using the titles. After her accusations, every plan was changed. At the time of their birth, the children were legally lord Dumbarton and lady Lilibet. After Charles’ ascension they are legally hrh prince and princess, but the king is tacitly using the Sussexes’ statement made at the time when Archie was born that he will be known as master Archie and, by extension, miss Lilibet. I believe Charles does not want and does not need to disturb this fragile balance where the result is as he always wanted: a slimmed down monarchy.
I disagree that Harry and Meghan didn't want titles for their kids.

I strongly believe that they didn't want the titles for the children of a Duke. Harry saw William's younger kids elevated and he wanted the same for his own children. When H&M were told no, they pitch a fit and either said 'well, then don't give them any', or just flat out refused to use the ones Archie and Lilibet were actually allowed.

That's the way they seem to work. Despite not having the same position in the hierarchy as W&K, they were determined to be treated equally and pouted when they weren't.

I agree with this. Someone asked in this thread: what does Harry want?
My answer is: to be the same as William but as William has the advance to be treated all his life as the heir (of the heir), now should be Harry's time and he should get more than William.

And he sees his "Pa" as a softie who could give him that, if needled enough. The media and the staff of the palace won't agree: they are the enemies.

Like a ruthless child he was blackmailing the RF and when that didn't work, he sold them out.

He forgets that Charles has waited for so long for the throne and did pay so much, he is tough old cookie now. And he has his sister as his compere, now that his mother is dead. Plus his darling wife. He won't give in to Harry.
Do you really think that Harry wants a normal working life? He could have stayed in the Army longer, had he wanted to, but he didnt, he only wanted to be in the army if he could have the excitement of being in combat.. and that's not part of every soldier's life.
And according to things that have been said, the RF were willing to let him and Meg take a few years off or perhaps a permanent break from ROyal life, if they wanted to, provided they stuck with varoius rules and regs, for running an estate or the like... but they were told they cold not be half in and half out of royal life.. and they chose being out altogehter.. because making money was more important to them than royal service.

But Harry has set up the invictus games didn't he?
He must be able to have a job, it does not have to be a 09.00 to 5.00 job.
I think the problem is that he was never prepared for it. Because it was always different in the British royal family. But what they created are people like Andrew and Harry who were once number 2 and because of the crown prince having children drop to below number 10 or so. It is okay if that is the choice of the family or the system. But it did not work out very well for Andrew, Harry and Margareth. Anne is okay and Edward as well. But they were never as high in the pecking order.
People are saying there are not enough working members for all the charities etc. But that is a choice you make. You don't have to support every single charity there is.
Charles and William really need to think how they want to reshape the monarchy. But something has to happen. I think it is a good thing that Charlotte and Louis are prepared for a working live outside the royal firm. That doesn't mean they won't be seen anymore.. Constantijn and his cousins are always present at kings day. But more a marginal role.
And they should break the ties with the tabloids or al least be not to afraid of them. And the british people should stop reading those rubbish tabloids:whistling:
Anyway just some thoughts....
Harry is a hot mess.. the book is awfull.. his attacks on his family are beyond believe...he does not take any responsiblity.. he has no selfreflection. But to be very honest... he is also a product of his upbringing ( of course of course he has his own responsiblity.. I don't blame Charles for what Harry is doing now) and he has not chosen the best wife. she is enhancing his drama instead of calming him down. I think Catherine is a much better choice, maybe because of her upbringing. I have the feeling she is really the better half of William.
But Harry has set up the invictus games didn't he?
He must be able to have a job, it does not have to be a 09.00 to 5.00 job.
I think the problem is that he was never prepared for it. Because it was always different in the British royal family. But what they created are people like Andrew and Harry who were once number 2 and because of the crown prince having children drop to below number 10 or so. It is okay if that is the choice of the family or the system. But it did not work out very well for Andrew, Harry and Margareth. Anne is okay and Edward as well. But they were never as high in the pecking order.
People are saying there are not enough working members for all the charities etc. But that is a choice you make. You don't have to support every single charity there is.
Charles and William really need to think how they want to reshape the monarchy. But something has to happen. I think it is a good thing that Charlotte and Louis are prepared for a working live outside the royal firm. That doesn't mean they won't be seen anymore.. Constantijn and his cousins are always present at kings day. But more a marginal role.
And they should break the ties with the tabloids or al least be not to afraid of them. And the british people should stop reading those rubbish tabloids:whistling:
Anyway just some thoughts....
Harry is a hot mess.. the book is awfull.. his attacks on his family are beyond believe...he does not take any responsiblity.. he has no selfreflection. But to be very honest... he is also a product of his upbringing ( of course of course he has his own responsiblity.. I don't blame Charles for what Harry is doing now) and he has not chosen the best wife. she is enhancing his drama instead of calming him down. I think Catherine is a much better choice, maybe because of her upbringing. I have the feeling she is really the better half of William.

Just to note Anne was third then second until Andrew came along, then she gradually moved even further down down.

The current Duke of Gloucester was 5th in line when he was born, he moved further down as children then grand and great grand children came along. Is he complaining no, he got on with his life.

I am so fed up saying this but others moved down the hierarchy and manged to cope. To be fair Margaret had other issues i.e who she could marry.

The LQ's children and grand children were all taken care of, Harry would have been the same , as the royal watchers know it just doesn't all happen at once. The big houses are not allocated until there is a wedding, even then it is not always right away.

I personally think Harry has been wound up to see injustice that isn't there.
By the way, The Invictus Games, he had a great deal of help, it was possibly his idea that he took from the Warrior Games but he didn't set it up himself. Being the grandson of the Queen helped with contacts plus the palace machinery stepped in. He didn't mind them then did he.

And before anybody says anything that is no different to any other royal trying to set something up, it is the contacts and the palace machinery that goes to bat for you.
And they should break the ties with the tabloids or al least be not to afraid of them. And the british people should stop reading those rubbish tabloids

People may read what they wish to read. It's a free country. The tabloid newspapers include news reports, sports reports, TV listings, crosswords, health and lifestyle columns, and all manner of other things. They are not "rubbish" at all.

There are two royal stories in my morning tabloid today. One is a very favourable report about Catherine visiting a children's centre and one is an equally favourable report about the King giving the proceeds from a wind farm deal to the nation. Why should anybody not read those? What is the problem?

Harry talks as if the newspapers are akin to the devil. They really are not.
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Noone in the RF LIKES the papers, per se, but they do their best to work with them because (a) they want good press, just as any public figure does and (b) tehy know that the press, even the tabloids, are not the devils from hell....
Just to note Anne was third then second until Andrew came along, then she gradually moved even further down down.

The LQ's children and grand children were all taken care of, Harry would have been the same , as the royal watchers know it just doesn't all happen at once. The big houses are not allocated until there is a wedding, even then it is not always right away.

I personally think Harry has been wound up to see injustice that isn't there.
there is no real need for anyone in the RF, even the cousins, to get a job for the sake of earning a living. Most of them have some private fortune, and with a little help can live an upper class life, without working. SO Harry was never going to starve even if he didn't do any royal duties. He had money form his mother and probably a bit from Great Grandmother... but it wasn't enough for him or Meghan. They wanted Lots and LOTS of money. They also wanted glamour and being noticed. I don't think they cared that much about a glam social life (although we have now heard of mixing with Courtenay Cox) but I think they DID want to be noticed and photographed and generally admired in their working life.. They did not want to have royal duties of going to some very poor country where they had to stand back and admire the work done by others and sympathise with the people who were so badly off...OR worse still to have dull royal works of going to open a clinic in some provincial city in the rain, in the UK.

So Harry and Meg wanted that wealth and glamour and did not relish the idea that they would not get it all that much, and that in 10 years or so, when George was a handsome young lad, they would be less noticed and less important and not in the papers.
It seems they were offered a temporary period (or even a permanent dropping out) from royal duties, and Meg was even offered a chance to go on acting.. but they didn't want that. They wanted to be half in and half out, i.e., they'd do some engagements, probably the most glam ones they could find, and spend much of the year in the US, making money and appearing on red carpets from time to time.
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Harry's paranoia about the press seems to stem from Diana's death. That comment about bicycle links .... he doesn't seem to get that, if the driver hadn't been drunk, the car hadn't been speeding and Diana had worn her seatbelt, things might have been different. Saying that he and Meghan and Archie had to "flee in fear of their lives" is all part of it - what exactly did he think was going to happen? The press have their bad moments, but they're not the demons that he makes them out to be.
But Harry has set up the invictus games didn't he?
He must be able to have a job, it does not have to be a 09.00 to 5.00 job.
He had the idea for the Invictus Games possibly, but some say it was the brainchild of his aide Edward Lane Fox. Im sure Harry sincerely cares for veterans but he's not involved in it on a day to day basis by any means.
as for a job, Harry is not IMO capable of any particular job... He spent some years in the army but seems to have come out of it with some odd ideas about what is acceptable to talk about, and he's attacked seinor officers... some of whom have criticised him for his talking about his kills etc.
however, he did not seem to wish to stay in the army, as an instructor or in a desk job and left, while he could have put in some more years as an officer.
Harry's paranoia about the press seems to stem from Diana's death. That comment about bicycle links .... he doesn't seem to get that, if the driver hadn't been drunk, the car hadn't been speeding and Diana had worn her seatbelt, things might have been different. Saying that he and Meghan and Archie had to "flee in fear of their lives" is all part of it - what exactly did he think was going to happen? The press have their bad moments, but they're not the demons that he makes them out to be.

yes what on earth is that about? They were living in a secure area with royal protection officers, there was never any more danger to them than any of the royals experience. Of course royals are a target for terrorists or disturbed people, and things can go wrong but the RPOs are generally held to be very good at their job. If Diana had worn her seatbelt and if she'd kept her RPOs, I think she wold have been safe that night in Paris.
I saw a minute of H on TV a week ago, talking about the crash and he claimed that he believed that it was perfectly safe to drive into the tunnel, even at speed and with a few drinks taken and there should have been no crash. HOwever, he didn't mention that Diana was not wearing a seatbelt and that there are REASONS why there are laws about driving too fast and driving under the influence. Ie it is NOT safe to speed nor to drive with a few drinks taken.
About the children’s titles, my take is like this: before Meghan’s appearance, the plan was to have either LPs to change the rule or to have the future children abstain from using the titles. After her accusations, every plan was changed. At the time of their birth, the children were legally lord Dumbarton and lady Lilibet. After Charles’ ascension they are legally hrh prince and princess, but the king is tacitly using the Sussexes’ statement made at the time when Archie was born that he will be known as master Archie and, by extension, miss Lilibet. I believe Charles does not want and does not need to disturb this fragile balance where the result is as he always wanted: a slimmed down monarchy.
I dont know of any evidence of that. I am sure Charles did not want to take away HRH from his granchildren who were Harry's kids, it is possible to have an HRH and still work at some kind of job, just as Bea and Eugenie do.
but I think that yes, if he had mentioned ANYTHING about the status of H's children, it woud provoke an outburst that he was bieng racist.
We don't know that. Charles' family isn't as big as the one he was born into and he'd be in trouble right now without his sister, brother and SIL helping out. Harry's kids might be needed in the future, depending on what happens with George, Charlotte and Louis.
I see your point. However, even if they were needed, they live in California and are being brought up in the US as Americans. No matter what titles they do or don’t have, I don’t see them able to effectively serve as “royals” in the UK when they are older.
Charles hopes and plans to slim down the work done by the RF over the next years, so that they dont require a large bunch of people doing the chairty appearances. for the moment, they will use Anne, Tim L, Edward and Sophie and the cousins, but the cousins are now old and frail.. and as time goes by, the workload will be trimmed to fit in with the small number of people who wil be there to do it. the Sussexes will not be among their number
Harry's paranoia seems to be increasing too. In spite of telling anyone and everyone how happy is he with his "new" life, wife and kids, he sure doesn't seem it.

I hope he can find some serenity and peace. And maturity.

Enjoy his multi millions from his Book and other Media ventures and leave The Royal Family alone. I hope he realizes that his dream of being respected Global humanitarian figure are not happening. And that's all on him.

His silly and salacious "todger and stallion" revelations have made him a laughingstock.
His cruel and bitter jibes against his William and Charles are now boring and repetitive.
Sometimes I worry that he will end up like Diana, a foolish action in a rash moment leading to tragedy. I really do.

Lets not forget the timeline of ALL the dominos that fell into place on that tragic night. Diana and Dodi were having a late dinner at The Ritz's Dining Room, sometime around 10 pm. After Dinner they returned to their Suite ( the Ritz's best) but become aware the Paparazzi are onto them and are outside of the Hotel.

Unbelievably, they decide TO LEAVE The Ritz AFTER MIDNIGHT and head for Dodi's Paris Apartment. With a drunken and I'm sure tired driver, and no-one except for the one Security Guard ( who survived) wearing a seat belt.

Why, why leave ? Its after midnight and you know the Paparazzi are going to follow. Why not just stay quietly in your safe and secure lavish Suite ?

I always found that inexplicable.
Trevor R Jones did not wear a seat belt. NO one in the car was wearing one. He was just lucky that he was not killed though he was very seriously injured.
I agree that Harry does not seem at all Happy but the truth is IMO that all h e has to offer is books on the RF, where he tells private things and criticises them. He wont sell many books saying that he gets on reasonably well with the family and they are OK people. So he has to offer nasty remarks and so called inside information about his mother, his father, his brother and Camilla.
I dont know of any evidence of that. I am sure Charles did not want to take away HRH from his granchildren who were Harry's kids, it is possible to have an HRH and still work at some kind of job, just as Bea and Eugenie do.
but I think that yes, if he had mentioned ANYTHING about the status of H's children, it woud provoke an outburst that he was bieng racist.

My idea came from how they did with lady Louise and viscount Severn’s hrh and princess/prince titles..
My idea came from how they did with lady Louise and viscount Severn’s hrh and princess/prince titles..

That was a response, I think to the feeling at the time. Ed and Sophie did not want to be full time royals, and in 1999, soon after Di's death, the RF was not that popular. So as Ed was a 3rd son, and he and Sophie did not wnat to be full timers, I think the queen agreed that it was better to let their children use a lesser title. However, H and Meg said when Archie was born that they would not even use the earl title that he could use, so at that time, presumably they were not that bothered about thier offspring having any titles at all. Now they've moved to the US, which is a republic and their children will be reared as Americans, so why would they want them to use or have HRH titles?
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