Sheikha Latifa Al Maktoum (''The Missing Princess'') 1: Ending 2022

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Is the Republic of Finland doing enything sense Tina, a finish citizen was impriosned in UAE after being kidnaped in an act of piracy on international waters?

For sure they did but diplomatic negotiations between states should never been dealt publicly. It is a question of diplomacy with the aim of achieving constructive solutions.

According to Putkonen, the issue is not commented more closely in public due to "protection of privacy"

A lot of questions remain unanswered in this case. I would not be surprised if it came out that the escape plan was a plot which gone haywire completely and that the Sheikha (and maybe Tiina too) was used by third parties for what was maybe just a fraud/extortion attempt/revenge campaign.
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An article by David Haigh, a partner in Detained in Dubai and Human Rights lawyer

Ten months ago, Latifa enlisted my help as she made a daring escape from the gilded cage in which she felt imprisoned, recording a 40-minute video before she went in which she explained why she did not want to stay there. Her escape ended when she was kidnapped off the coast of India by crack UAE and Indian troops and taken back to Dubai, where she has been kept behind closed doors ever since.

Since then Robinson has described Latifa as “vulnerable” and “troubled”, says she “regrets trying to escape” from Dubai and making the video, says she was in a “serious medical situation” but receiving psychiatric care, and is now “in the loving care of her family”.
This is shocking on two fronts. Firstly, what is a former UN human rights commissioner doing apparently providing cover for a regime that the UN has censured in numerous human rights reports and that has failed to respond to the UN body investigating the kidnap of Latifa and her five companions last March?
If it is the case, this is a clear misuse of her former office and undermines the work of the current UN human rights commissioner. Secondly, does Robinson seriously expect anyone to believe her, given that she is spouting almost word-for-word Dubai’s script about Latifa after a trip paid for by the very family Latifa was trying to escape from?
It’s actually worse than shocking. By assisting Dubai’s rulers, I believe Robinson has undermined the entire movement for fair treatment of women, including #MeToo. No-one can claim Latifa has grown up in poverty, but what’s clear is that her human rights have been violated over decades.
Robinson may feel she’s just doing the right thing, but as far as I'm concerned, she’s effectively thwarting the pursuit of justice and advancement of equality for millions of women across the Middle East and in the Gulf.
It may be that she didn’t know the full story about Latifa, but whose fault is that? Robinson never contacted myself, Latifa’s barrister Toby Cadman or Detained as the princess’s representative, or the other five who were attacked and kidnaped alongside Latifa; nor did she contact Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch who support our campaign.
I believe Robinson is interfering in a way that could have cost Latifa her life. Even now, the powers-that-be in Dubai may be abusing psychiatry to keep Latifa docile (as happened with her sister Shamsa).
In the Princess Latifa affair, Mary Robinson has willingly tarnished her reputation for Dubai’s regime _ The Independent
Is the debate on Robinsons involvement still news in UK and Ireland? Kind of fated fast in the rest of Europe. But she`s not a celebrity here neither.
An article by David Haigh, a partner in Detained in Dubai and human rights lawyer.

Mr Haigh, a British activist who portrays himself as a solicitor does not have a certificate to practise law in the UK since his practising certificate lapsed in 2014 which means he cannot act as a solicitor carrying out any legal activities. Makes him more a champaigner than a lawyer.

Detained in Dubai, Haigh works for, using media around the clock to get attention from everyone in the world. They offer their clients activities that look like legal work. But what many dont know: Detained in Dubai is a UK based profit private company charging thousands of pounds from their clients for services that are just about representing their case with contacts and campaigning in the media. No legal work is done by them just a lot of PR stunts. It takes them far away from being an official NGO for human rights. I dont trust their strange sense of sensationalism where they want to be payed for human rights first before taking PR action in a case.
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Tiina Jauhiainen has given an interview to finnish news magazine Suomen Kuvalehti. It is mainly behind a paywall.

Dubain prinsessaa pakomatkalla auttanut Tiina Jauhiainen pettyi Suomeen – Soinin mielipidekirjoitus ”surkea esimerkki” -

Tiina's description of her detainment sounds almost exactly like Latifa's description of how she was treated in detainment in the video she made, including the claim that she did not get supplies like soap to stay clean.
Is there any analysis of the photos with Mary Robinson focusing on physiological changes to Latifa? Specifically, her rapid aging, change in eye shape and bloated-looking face? Does she ever show her teeth in any of the photos?
The only thing i've heard about the photos is that "offical photos" rarely are low res. So mayne Hayas Phone camera?

She has gained a lot of weight in the photos from the video. Speculstions says medicine. She also wears alot more make up then in other pictures?
Tiina Jauhiainen's interview in swedish talk show "Skavlan" last week (in english)
One more witness of Latifa's predicament is Stefania Martinengo, parachute champion and trainer. Soon after the disappearance of Latifa she was interviewed by the italian press and confirmed that Latifa had shared her plans and motivations with her shortly before escaping. She has also been interviewed by BBC for their more recent documentary on Latifa.
Tiina Jauhiainen yesterday at her Instagram
"11 months ago today Latifa’s escape attempt was brutally ended. I am still urging the international community not to forget her and continue fighting for her #Freedom and those in similar situations. #WomensRights #FreeLatifa #unwomen #amnestyinternational #hrw thank you"
The princess known as Sheikha Latifa had not left Dubai, the glittering emirate ruled by her father, in 18 years. Her requests to travel and study elsewhere had been denied. Her passport had been taken away. Her friends’ apartments were forbidden to her, her palace off-limits to them.
At 32, Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed al-Maktoum went nowhere without a watchful chauffeur.
A Princess Vanishes. A Video Offers Alarming Clues. - The New York Times
Radhika Sanghani has spoken with Tiina Jauhiainen about Latifa, published in Grazia on 11th February.
ICYMI my piece in @graziauk speaking to @TiinaJauhiainen about her best friend - the missing Princess Latifa, one year on from her failed escape to flee Dubai
I tried to help Dubai’s Princess Latifa to escape – a year on, I dream of her release
Tiina Jauhiainen tried to help her best friend leave her stifling, traditional existence as the daughter of Dubai’s ruler. But in a dramatic intervention at sea, the princess was returned to the UAE. A year on, Jauhiainen is campaigning for Latifa’s freedom.
Jauhiainen says she won’t rest until Latifa is free. She spends her days running the #FreeLatifa campaign full-time. “Sometimes it’s hard,” she says. “The sad reality is that I have a whole government against me. It’s been difficult to get people to see Latifa as a normal woman who has been oppressed her whole life and not just a princess. But Latifa always wanted her story to be heard. She can’t tell it now, but I can, so I feel I have to be her voice.”
Latifa’s story is supported by human rights organisations such as Detained in Dubai and Human Rights Watch, and is under investigation by the UN’s Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, to which Jauhiainen gave evidence in Sarajevo last month.
I tried to help Dubai’s Princess Latifa to escape – a year on, I dream of her release _ Life and style _ The Guardian
Tiina Jauhiainen at her Twitter on 7th March
"Tomorrow, on #InternationalWomensDay let’s remember those inspirational women whose voice have been silenced #FreeLatifa #FreeLoujain #FreeSaudiActivists #EndMaleGuardianship @UN_Women #womensrightsarehumanrights"

Tiina at her Twitter on 4th March
Any news about the movie and The book Herve is writeing?
SOMEWHERE in the United Arab Emirates is a 33-year-old woman who fears for her life.
Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – or Princess Latifa, as she is best known - is being held against her will by her father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
The same man is the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai.
He is also the head of the powerful Godolphin racing stable, a worldwide operation which has achieved some of its best success in Australia. (...)
Princess Latifa is an intelligent woman who grew up wanting to help others. Now she needs our help.
Public pressure and genuine consequences from within the racing industry is the best way to drive change.
The Australian public blew up (rightly) when Israel Folau posted a discriminatory image on his Instagram account.
In Latifa's case, she needs that kind of outcry. Look up her story, educate yourself on the facts and push for change.
The racing industry has the power to save a young woman's life. How could you possibly do nothing?
How racing could save a young woman's life _ Matt Nicholls

Herve Jaubert at his Facebook

Herve's book
This book is a tribute to Sheikha Latifa and a reminder that she is still being detained against her will in Dubai. Latifa is a modern day hero who should be applauded for what she has attempted, this book will be a deterrent to those who want to harm her.
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I wonder if this will go by unnoticed at the Derby this year. They struck him where it hurts him the most this time. Way to go!
The issue seemed to have gone completely unnoticed in Australia at the time of last year's Melbourne Cup. I was furious when Sheikh Mohammed's horse won.
Herve's book
This book is a tribute to Sheikha Latifa and a reminder that she is still being detained against her will in Dubai. Latifa is a modern day hero who should be applauded for what she has attempted, this book will be a deterrent to those who want to harm her.

Looking at the cover of the book it looks like a story of someone who wants to be special. But I doubt the book would be a reasonable way to support the Sheikha. Rather it benefits him by getting profits. Very sad to see her story is used be other parties abroad for their own agenda.
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Tiina has given a new photo to this press release

Two more of Princess Latifa’s close friends have joined Free Latifa campaign director and Latifa’s best friend Tiina Jauhiainen to manage the official campaign to free Princess Latifa.
Latifa’s close friends Stefania Martinengo and Marko Remes have joined the campaign team to work alongside Campaign Director and Princess Latifa’s best friend Tiina and Human rights lawyer and campaigner David Haigh.
Following a number of third parties seeking to claim the ability to represent Princess Latifa, whilst simultaneously seeking to promote unauthorized and inaccurate books, and movie scripts on her brave life story, whilst Latifa remains detained, Latifa’s closest and longstanding friends have felt the need to come even closer together to protect Latifa’s name, legacy and tell the true story of Princess Latifa’s bravery - dedicated simply to Free Latifa.
The Campaign To Free Princess Latifa Of Dubai & Those Behind It
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Tiina Jauhainen wrote on Sunday, Mothers Day, a letter to Latifa's mother

Press release from Detained International

Today, on international mothers day, Tiina Jauhiainen, the best friend of kidnapped Dubai Princess, Sheikha Latifa Al Maktoum has called on Latifa’s estranged Mother Houria Lamara to help free Latifa.
In a heart warming letter, sent today to Latifa’s mothers home at her family home of Al Wasl Road Palace, Dubai - Tiina said
“I am writing to you to respectfully as that you help me in freeing your daughter. Please help set a good example for this world, please do the right thing and help free Latifa”
“I am not a Muslim, but having lived in Dubai for many years I respect your faith. It is my understanding that the holy month of Ramadan is said to be a month of compassion and forgiveness. It is therefore that during the holy month of Ramadan and today on mothers day that I respectfully appeal to you not just as a human being, a Muslim but as a mother not to continue being complicit in the arbitrary detention and abuse of your daughter Latifa and to help Latifa and bring an end to her suffering.”

The letter was released together with never seen before family photos of the Al Maktoum family. In the very personal photos Latifa’s mother is seen publicly by many for the first time.
On the release of the never before seen photos, David Haigh a human rights lawyer and campaigner working on behalf of Latifa said “thanks to many of Latifa’s close friends we now have hundreds of unreleased pictures and videos of Latifa and her family. She entrusted these to her close friends before her escape attempt with the instructions to use them as necessary”.

Tiina Jauhiainen at her Twitter
On this #MothersDay I wrote a letter to Latifa’s mother asking her to help to free her daughter. Please share and RT to help us reach Houria Lamara.
Spy who helped Princess Latifa escape Dubai seeks legal action against satellite company he alleges divulged their location, leading to attack on Nostromo & abduction of all onboard.
Herve Jaubert, the ex-secret service agent and captain of the Nostromo, has announced plans to file a lawsuit against PLC Satellite provider KVH, Rhode Island NY, who, he alleges in his latest book, Princess Latifa & the Spy, disclosed his position following the high-profile escape of Princess Latifa from Dubai back in March, 2018.
Jaubert said in his statement, "in the US we believe in freedom of speech, freedom of sovereignty and the unalienable right to protection in law. America has always championed the rights of men and women and yet these basic human rights were denied to an innocent young woman whose only crime was to reach out. Princess Latifa was given no assistance and denied her right to asylum.”
Herve Jaubert has known Princess Latifa for over 7 years and continues to campaign for her freedom. He has established “The Latifa Trust”, a US charity in her name, to help the many women who are subject to abuse in the gulf region and has released “The Princess and the Spy” in hope to raise awareness of her plight and to help Latifa tell her story, a story the whole world needs to know.
Hervé Jaubert told Detained in Dubai “I wrote Latifa's story for the world to know what she tried to achieve in her bid for freedom. She is now a model to many other women in the Middle East . It is also to clear some misconceptions on what happened. The book also includes things that have never been said before and some stunning revelations on the cause of her capture and the attack on Nostromo and the crew.”
Spy who helped Princess Latifa escape Dubai seeks legal action... - Detained In Dubai
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