"Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

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That is certainly Bower’s interpretation. Harry juggled as a joke for his wife in a clip for about 10 seconds, and the Corden show was a bit of humour as well.

Bower’s purpose with this book was to concentrate on the worst of Meghan in all aspects and predict doom and gloom for this couple, including, if he could, dire predictions about their married life. He wasn’t able to do that as they are happy together, and he couldn’t get to Meghan’s ex husband about her first marriage. After all, his avowed intent, from his own lips, was to ‘diminish them’ with his book. Well, if Finding Freedom was attacked as a piece of pro Sussex propaganda this publication goes to the other extreme.

That’s my interpretation Curryong.

I don’t know if Mr Bower put that in the book, I haven’t read it all yet.

Both my above posts are my response to what I saw at the time these things were filmed by the Sussexes and released to the public … and in response to the upthread discussion among posters here about fame etc.

They did that, Harry and Meghan. Mr Bower doesn’t need to find things that have people questioning what is going on with them.

Even if he does include some things they’ve done, we can all see it for ourselves in any case.

None of this is coming from Mr Bower anymore than it is coming from people commenting about it. The Duke and Duchess are the source.

I’m not sure that he is predicting something “dire” in regards to their marriage … as above, I’m still reading … but I think he is more along the lines of they have an “us against the world” thing and it, the marriage, is serving them both.

Bower needs a better editor and better sources other than Thomas and Samantha because he literally got basic facts wrong. He even called the Markles the wrong names.

Plenty of reviews have literally pointed out all the errors. Isn't he suppose to be some top investigator. How can you get such easy researched things completely wrong?

This entire book is just his opinion. All good. He is right to it but that is all it is.

His perspective yes ACO, but also information from eighty named people who wanted to have their say too.
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His perspective yes ACO, but also information from eighty named people who wanted to have their say too.

Yes. He blatantly admitted he went to people he knew disliked Meghan. "I hope this brings her down" as he said. Also his right. The agenda was clear. His book to write like all the many books out there. My main issue is the obvious errors that just makes it hard to take anything as factual.

And I have seen even some of her biggest haters admit as much that he got a lot wrong --- and they don't even like her. I mean come on. That's sad.

All these books are the same to me, positive or negative.
I'm not quite halfway through the book, and I have to say that I don't think the book "diminishes" them, if that was Bowers' intent. It's certainly not flattering, but most of the negative things relate to information (and some rumor) that is already floating around.

Their situation is just so puzzling. I still keep coming back to "what do they want?" (Beyond attention and money.)

I was thinking today that in pulling away from the royal family, they actually gave up proximity to some of the best possible role models for philanthropy and public service. For instance, Princess Anne's work with Save the Children is a towering example of the kind of project in less developed countries that Meghan has shown an interest in. I can't see Anne mentoring her on such projects now, though.

Same with Harry. Both the Prince's Trust and the Duke of Edinburgh's Scheme could have offered him a lot of insights into how to build and grow service organizations, like the wounded warrior projects Harry supported.

It's a shame they weren't able to make those connections and develop relationships in a positive way before the rupture.
Yes. He blatantly admitted he went to people he knew disliked Meghan. "I hope this brings her down" as he said. Also his right. The agenda was clear. His book to write like all the many books out there. My main issue is the obvious errors that just makes it hard to take anything as factual.

And I have seen even some of her biggest haters admit as much that he got a lot wrong --- and they don't even like her. I mean come on. That's sad.

All these books are the same to me, positive or negative.

Yes ACO, he is a Monachist and felt he had to step up after the Oprah Winfrey interview in defence of the Royal Family.

He has admitted he had trouble interviewing Meghan’s supporters as, he says, she didn’t want them to have anything to do with it.

This may not have been a smart and savvy action on Meghan’s part … I read that one of Mr Bower’s former subjects made sure he spoke with the author personally, in order to have some influence on the end product.

For someone so driven to control the narrative, this looks like a dropped ball by Meghan and her advisors.
Honestly I think it was very wise that Meghan and anyone who actually knows her stayed far away from this book. The coverage (the little he had here) was basically pointing out the inaccuracies. It has it's very clear audience that that is all it needed. But it will make very little impact against her especially when he goes on the likes of Piers Morgan and calls her a hussy. It is what it is.
Honestly I think it was very wise that Meghan and anyone who actually knows her stayed far away from this book. The coverage (the little he had here) was basically pointing out the inaccuracies. It has it's very clear audience that that is all it needed. But it will make very little impact against her especially when he goes on the likes of Piers Morgan and calls her a hussy. It is what it is.

I don’t think the American edition is out yet ACO, or if so, it is only just.

I do know Mr Bower is chuffed with the reviews he’s had … he said he normally only gets one star reviews for his books.

The “brazen hussy” thing is the same as the “pale, stale male”… neither is worse than the other to me.

I agree that the book will have little impact … it’s audience is basically the same audience as the Sussexes normally get.

People are either following along with the on-going saga, or they don’t give a hoot about the couple and their actions and activity. That won’t change.

The thing is though, I think that though this, or any other book, won’t have much impact, I would have to say that what the Sussexes do, or don’t do, will also have little impact for them.

To me, they are coming across now as passed their use-by-date. They risk slipping into irrelevance, speeded up by own-goals and silly choices.
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I don’t think the American edition is out yet ACO, or if so, it is only just.

The U.S. edition came out on July 21. It is getting almost no media attention, and it is not on any best-seller list.

Meghan and Harry really aren't big news in the United States. They make the covers of the supermarket tabloids when they're in a scandal, but that's about it.
His book is out here and it has been talked about by US media. They were talking about it (and his PR interviews) the day it dropped. And that was about it.

Unless I missed something, I have never heard Meghan utter the words "pale, stale male." I have seen that claimed by the media in reference to the Vogue issue. Unlike Bower who went on TV and called actually Meghan outside her name. That is a significant difference.

There is as much interest in them as the rest to be honest. Still media covered. Still debated endless. And any little thing they do (or don't do) is dissected into oblivion.

Is overall interest fading? Maybe. Probably. I feel like with most things, people don't really care unless something is happening. So when the book eventually drops, or the podcast, or the TV specials --- people who claim to not care will very much listen and watch like they always do.

How people react to them as it happens, time will tell. People have already claimed a lot about them one way or another that never quite happens how people predict.

But we agree that these book don't do anything except create chatter and give some headlines and reasons for the royal blubbers to go on TV and groan for a segment or two.
The U.S. edition came out on July 21. It is getting almost no media attention, and it is not on any best-seller list.

Meghan and Harry really aren't big news in the United States. They make the covers of the supermarket tabloids when they're in a scandal, but that's about it.

Thanks kalnel, I knew it was behind the UK a bit, but didn’t know it’s now available for sure in the US.

I saw something about there being a paper shortage too, holding up a book about Britney Spears it may have been. :sad: Well things are still not back on track in all areas I guess.

And regarding your earlier post about “Save The Children” and “The Duke of Edinburgh Awards” … you are right. How much expertise and experience was around the couple, for them to call on.

I did see something about Prince Charles that Mr Bower put in his book along the lines of how Charles ran his charities and that was not a good example for Meghan … whether it influenced her or not.

(I get the impression Mr Bower would like to save the Monarchy from the Heir to the Throne if he could. :lol:)
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His book is out here and it has been talked about by US media. They were talking about it (and his PR interviews) the day it dropped. And that was about it.

Unless I missed something, I have never heard Meghan utter the words "pale, stale male." I have seen that claimed by the media in reference to the Vogue issue. Unlike Bower who went on TV and called actually Meghan outside her name. That is a significant difference.

There is as much interest in them as the rest to be honest. Still media covered. Still debated endless. And any little thing they do (or don't do) is dissected into oblivion.

Is overall interest fading? Maybe. Probably. I feel like with most things, people don't really care unless something is happening. So when the book eventually drops, or the podcast, or the TV specials --- people who claim to not care will very much listen and watch like they always do.

How people react to them as it happens, time will tell. People have already claimed a lot about them one way or another that never quite happens how people predict.

But we agree that these book don't do anything except create chatter and give some headlines and reasons for the royal blubbers to go on TV and groan for a segment or two.

Yes, I don’t think Meghan actually said those words ACO.

She was reported as saying “Oh my God” on that university visit when she learnt that most of the professors in the UK we’re older, white and male, with not many that were female or were black.

(I’d love to hear Asian people included in any talk of diversity. I’m not Asian … I’m a mongrel mix of most other things though. Black versus White isn’t diverse enough for me. :lol:)

Despite not being noticed by the general public that much, there does seem to be a mini-industry industry that has sprung up around the couple.

Sky TV here in Australia always seem to have at least three regular talking heads doing reports on them. I don’t know why, I don’t think anyone cares what Harry or Meghan say or do. Anyone in general life I mean.

Breakfast television I can understand, they have a lot of hours a week to fill, but anyone else, why bother?

I will say Mr Bower does write that Harry is thankful that Meghan rescued him from the Palace machinery, and in a few places says the Palace went out of their way to put the Sussexes in their place, even to humiliate them.

(I can’t remember the details, I’ll try to post on that if I come across those again.)
I wouldn't disagree with your thoughts , but my point was in relation to how Meghan positioned it when speaking to Oprah She did not put it in context that this referred to pre engagement while still a girlfriend.
I have read the book and it is surprising what you view differently once things are in context.

I really appreciate that book provides context Hallo girl, context for so many things that have been reported over the last couple of years.

It was good to see what a tightly interlocked world so many people aligned with Meghan inhabit.

I knew there were connections between Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry who lent them his house and jet, but I didn’t know he sometimes shared the same agent as Meghan.

It was interesting to see the benefits that flowed to the attendees of the baby shower … better contracts, more internet followers, a tv role, media exposure for clothing lines.

And Meghan calling on her US staff to bring forth well-known people to provide supportive quotes on social and mainstream media when she needed it.

Some of the i’s got dotted and the t’s got crossed reading certain passages.

Good to know it wasn’t really a spontaneous rising up in Meghan’s defence, but how business is done in that world.
In spite of Bower’s sneering I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sussexes aren’t a template for the next generation of heirs’ spares, Charlotte and Louis, or they will end up as above.

I very much doubt it. I think Peter, Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie, or the younger siblings of the European royals, are more likely to be their templates, and that they'll get full time jobs.
In spite of Bower’s sneering I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sussexes aren’t a template for the next generation of heirs’ spares, Charlotte and Louis, or they will end up as above.

I sincerely hope not. The Sussex' can hardly be accused of leaving with or since leaving behaving with good grace and dignity with regard to the BRF. Just an unending (and unedifying!) saga of drama, viciousness and lies.
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Bower has chosen to concentrate on the very worst parts of Meghan’s character and actions in this book. (And actually she and Harry have met plenty of world leaders, especially US ones.) There have been plenty of times when members of the royal family looked and acted foolishly, Royal Knockout, anyone? But don’t let’s write about that!

Nor does Bower mention the alternative to breaking away from the Royal Family for younger more vital royals. Decades of royal duties becoming less and less attractive, more and more obscure until finally, when you reach late middle age you end up on the back burner, so the sovereign’s eldest children can take over the limelight.

Hardly surprisingly Meghan and Harry (already being told by TPTB a year into their royal life together that there wasn’t time, media attention or money, for some of their ideas/projects) decided that they didn’t want to go in that direction but to strike out on their own elsewhere.

They have done so, they’ve remained very happily married (Bower presumably can’t argue that) they have a lovely little family and they have projects of their own in California. In spite of Bower’s sneering I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sussexes aren’t a template for the next generation of heirs’ spares, Charlotte and Louis, or they will end up as above.

He doesn't say anything about their marriage or predict its demise or anything. If anything he says it has worked perfectly for Harry.

I sincerely hope, as others have said, that this is an example to exactly no one. If Charlotte and Louis want their own lives or to support various charities while working etc. They have many excellent role models in other members of the family.

I am afraid I do not see how anyone could hold Harry and Meghan up as an example of anything. Whatever your opinion if them this whole thing has been destructive.

And yes I hope eventually everything does settle down and we hear no more about them and they enjoy their time with the two lovely children they have been blessed with.

There will always be sporadic things about them in the press. Will Archie and Lili get titles when Charles becomes King for example. As time moves on this will become less and I sincerely hope they aren't reduced to giving interviews etc everytime something happens with the royals to make money. I do hope it all ends. Them and the press has been one of the most toxic things I have ever seen.
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I wonder if everyone commenting has read the book. I didn't seem his predict the marriage wouldn't work. TBH I was surprised how Bower writes about them, I don't think it is hugely against them in many ways he writes quite well about Meghan and how determined she is while making clear her aims weren't compatible with what the RF is about. If anything Harry comes off quite bad from the book but no so much Meghan. I think the only areas where they look bad are those where they haven't done things right or have hurt other people. I'm not sure why people expect anyone who writes about Harry and Meghan to have to include everything other members of the RF have ever done wrong to "allow" them to write about Harry and Meghans mistakes.

As for why 'everyone Bower spoke to is against them' - well he can only work with those who speak to him and Harry and Meghan told those around them not to speak to him. Given that in some ways the book is more balanced than you'd think.

I don't see anywhere in the book where Bower sneers at them. The only people who will be disappointed by the book are those who expect a glowing tribute to H&M or those looking for shocking new revelations (the book has neither)

I seriously doubt Harry and Meghan will be an example to anyone else in the RF anytime soon. Yes we may well see the RF go down the route of other families and focus on direct heirs only, yes a "spare" may even end up not working full time for the RF but it won't be done in the way Harry ad Meghan did it and it won't see the "spare" selling out to Netflix and writing autobiographies. Putting the two issues together is short sighted and trying to give Harry and Meghan more credit that they are due.
TBH I was surprised how Bower writes about them, I don't think it is hugely against them in many ways he writes quite well about Meghan and how determined she is while making clear her aims weren't compatible with what the RF is about

I think she could have worked that out if she'd tried. We're increasingly seeing members of the Royal Family becoming associated with certain causes and charities which are close to their own hearts. They can't be seen to be associated with anything political, but that still leaves a lot that they can do, and being a senior member of the Royal Family gives you one of the biggest platforms in the world. There was a lot that she could have done, if she'd given it a chance.
I really appreciate that book provides context Hallo girl, context for so many things that have been reported over the last couple of years.

It was good to see what a tightly interlocked world so many people aligned with Meghan inhabit.

I knew there were connections between Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry who lent them his house and jet, but I didn’t know he sometimes shared the same agent as Meghan.

It was interesting to see the benefits that flowed to the attendees of the baby shower … better contracts, more internet followers, a tv role, media exposure for clothing lines.

And Meghan calling on her US staff to bring forth well-known people to provide supportive quotes on social and mainstream media when she needed it.

Some of the i’s got dotted and the t’s got crossed reading certain passages.

Good to know it wasn’t really a spontaneous rising up in Meghan’s defence, but how business is done in that world.

You have hit the nail in the head with the last line. 'how business is done in that world '
Meghan was doing what she had always done, and good luck to her in that world, but she had moved into a new world , and either she didn't appreciate the difference, and wasn't prepared to listen or she genuinely thought she was going to make positive change.
Will Archie and Lili get titles when Charles becomes King for example.

Under the 1917 Letters Patent they already have titles as male line great-grandchildren of a sovereign are Lord/Lady e.g. Lord Frederick and Lady Gabriella Windsor.

As the children of a Duke they are also Lord/Lady with Archie having the right to use his father's second title as a courtesy title - so he could be called the Earl of Dumbarton.

Under the 1917 Letters Patent the instant The Queen dies they become HRH Prince Archie of Sussex and HRH Princess Lilibet of Sussex.

Charles will have to actually remove their HRHs as they will have them. If he only applies any new LPs to Harry's children (and presumably Louis' unborn children ... Charlotte's aren't entitled to any as they will be the children of a girl and only male line descendants are entitled to titles) he will be accused of racism so he will have to remove the right to HRH from Beatrice, Eugenie, Louise and James at least if not from The Queen's cousins as well.

I wish The Queen had sorted this before Harry had married e.g. in 2012 when she extended the number of people eligible to HRH. She knows that Charles wants a smaller royal family, whatever that means, as he can't stop members of the family having their own families so all he can really mean is to remove the qualification to be 'royal' and thus the qualification to be HRH.

I do think that any new HRHs should be quite simple.

From this day forward the only people entitled to be HRH Prince/Princess of the United Kingdom etc are:

1. The children of a sovereign of the UK.
2. The spouse of the children of a sovereign of the UK - regardless of gender - so Tim becomes a Prince
3. The children of the heir apparent only in each subsequent generation.
4. The spouse of the children of the heir apparent in each subsequent generation - so Charlotte's husband becomes a Prince.
5. These rules to apply to the descendants of Queen Elizabeth II only.

If not all spouses then only the spouse of the heir apparent - so Meghan and Sophie also lose it.

Those rules thus wouldn't affect The Queen's cousins who have worked so hard for her throughout her reign, giving up their own dreams and wishes to do so.
Removing the style of HRH from people who already hold it would cause a lot of upset. The Kents, Gloucesters and Wessexes work hard, and Beatrice and Eugenie are both very popular after some difficult years.

But, yes, it does need to be changed going forward.
The problem for Charles is that he can't remove it from Archie and Lilibet without claims of racism unless he also includes other children of younger sons.

My suggestion by the way would see the Kent's, Gloucester's and Wessex's keep their HRHs.

My idea only affects the descendants of Elizabeth II - so not the Gloucester's or Kent's.

It also doesn't affect the children of a sovereign - so not Edward.

I am proposing equality for spouses - so either Tim is given HRH or both Sophie and Meghan lose it.

Going forward that would mean either both Charlotte and Louis' spouses would be HRH or neither. As things currently stand Charlotte's spouse and children won't be HRH but Louis' will be.

The only well-known adult HRHs who would definitely lose their HRHs in my suggestion are Beatrice and Eugenie - two of the least popular royals and most importantly non-working royals (and two who have been told that they never will be working royals).
Under the 1917 Letters Patent they already have titles as male line great-grandchildren of a sovereign are Lord/Lady e.g. Lord Frederick and Lady Gabriella Windsor.

As the children of a Duke they are also Lord/Lady with Archie having the right to use his father's second title as a courtesy title - so he could be called the Earl of Dumbarton.

Under the 1917 Letters Patent the instant The Queen dies they become HRH Prince Archie of Sussex and HRH Princess Lilibet of Sussex.

Charles will have to actually remove their HRHs as they will have them. If he only applies any new LPs to Harry's children (and presumably Louis' unborn children ... Charlotte's aren't entitled to any as they will be the children of a girl and only male line descendants are entitled to titles) he will be accused of racism so he will have to remove the right to HRH from Beatrice, Eugenie, Louise and James at least if not from The Queen's cousins as well.

I wish The Queen had sorted this before Harry had married e.g. in 2012 when she extended the number of people eligible to HRH. She knows that Charles wants a smaller royal family, whatever that means, as he can't stop members of the family having their own families so all he can really mean is to remove the qualification to be 'royal' and thus the qualification to be HRH.

I do think that any new HRHs should be quite simple.

From this day forward the only people entitled to be HRH Prince/Princess of the United Kingdom etc are:

1. The children of a sovereign of the UK.
2. The spouse of the children of a sovereign of the UK - regardless of gender - so Tim becomes a Prince
3. The children of the heir apparent only in each subsequent generation.
4. The spouse of the children of the heir apparent in each subsequent generation - so Charlotte's husband becomes a Prince.
5. These rules to apply to the descendants of Queen Elizabeth II only.

If not all spouses then only the spouse of the heir apparent - so Meghan and Sophie also lose it.

Those rules thus wouldn't affect The Queen's cousins who have worked so hard for her throughout her reign, giving up their own dreams and wishes to do so.

Are you suggesting that the Queen issues Letters Patent effecting your proposed change now, or Charles do it at the start of his reign?
There are ways and means of achieving all this without fanfare...which they excel at. Louise and James just aren't HRH. No one ever really cared. When the time comes it will be a non issue. They are non residents. Their parents aren't HRH. They are unlikely to ever live in UK. They are certainly highly unkliky to carry out any work whatsoever. Bea and Eug are highly involved in their own charities.

The Royals have moved on too. High publicising the Cambridge Trio, the Wessexes and Princess Anne's grandchildren. They have a new image of the wholesome supportive family.

Going forward I quite agree that it should be any children that George have that get HRH. And that the prospective families of Charlotte and Louis should be treated identically and they either have no titles or be Lord and Lady.
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Not the same

Somewhere upthread it was claimed that ‘pale, stale male’ and ‘brazen hussy’ were equally insulting. Not true at all. Pale stale male accurately describes most of those in leadership positions. But brazen hussy is a true insult to a woman.
Somewhere upthread it was claimed that ‘pale, stale male’ and ‘brazen hussy’ were equally insulting. Not true at all. Pale stale male accurately describes most of those in leadership positions. But brazen hussy is a true insult to a woman.

They're meant as insults either way. To try and claim one isn't due to "accuracy" is disingenuous. Making the non-inflammatory "older white male" descriptor rhyme wasn't meant to make it any cuter.
Bower has chosen to concentrate on the very worst parts of Meghan’s character and actions in this book. (And actually she and Harry have met plenty of world leaders, especially US ones.) There have been plenty of times when members of the royal family looked and acted foolishly, Royal Knockout, anyone? But don’t let’s write about that!

Nor does Bower mention the alternative to breaking away from the Royal Family for younger more vital royals. Decades of royal duties becoming less and less attractive, more and more obscure until finally, when you reach late middle age you end up on the back burner, so the sovereign’s eldest children can take over the limelight.

Hardly surprisingly Meghan and Harry (already being told by TPTB a year into their royal life together that there wasn’t time, media attention or money, for some of their ideas/projects) decided that they didn’t want to go in that direction but to strike out on their own elsewhere.

They have done so, they’ve remained very happily married (Bower presumably can’t argue that) they have a lovely little family and they have projects of their own in California. In spite of Bower’s sneering I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sussexes aren’t a template for the next generation of heirs’ spares, Charlotte and Louis, or they will end up as above.
I get that you LOVE the Sussexes no matter what, but you cannot compare Sophie and Edward’s mess from over 20 years ago to this, and Sophie and Edward learnt from their mistakes and have not made any productions since they promised to stop. The Sussexes have gone further in acting foolishly than the Wessexes. No one is perfect, but the Sussexes have gone much further than any member of the BRF. Bower has not made any comments about whether their marriage will last or not. Harry and Meghan only got to meet world leaders including American ones only because they have ties to the BRF and due to Sunshine Sachs and they lack substance, do you think if they werent related to the BRF that world leaders would meet with them? The Sussexes are not an and will never be a good example to the William’s children because they will be likely to go to university and pursue their own careers. Since you brought up Edward, his experience in media and production should have been an example to Harry.
Many thanks to our members who have had the opportunity to read Revenge and have taken the time to share their thoughts on it.
Bower has chosen to concentrate on the very worst parts of Meghan’s character and actions in this book. (And actually she and Harry have met plenty of world leaders, especially US ones.) There have been plenty of times when members of the royal family looked and acted foolishly, Royal Knockout, anyone? But don’t let’s write about that!

Nor does Bower mention the alternative to breaking away from the Royal Family for younger more vital royals. Decades of royal duties becoming less and less attractive, more and more obscure until finally, when you reach late middle age you end up on the back burner, so the sovereign’s eldest children can take over the limelight.

Hardly surprisingly Meghan and Harry (already being told by TPTB a year into their royal life together that there wasn’t time, media attention or money, for some of their ideas/projects) decided that they didn’t want to go in that direction but to strike out on their own elsewhere.

They have done so, they’ve remained very happily married (Bower presumably can’t argue that) they have a lovely little family and they have projects of their own in California. In spite of Bower’s sneering I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sussexes aren’t a template for the next generation of heirs’ spares, Charlotte and Louis, or they will end up as above.

What would you say are the worst parts of Meghans character?

The part in your post regarding the alternative to breaking away I found really interesting, because that is exactly what Meghan and Harry wanted to do, they wanted to push their ideas, their projects. So you are right the older ones take a step back and maybe do not hit the media the same way but it appears from your post that it is alright for Meghan and Harry to be up front, the younger more vital royals as you put it, taking the limelight but not when the next generation come along and possibly push them back.
You have hit the nail in the head with the last line. 'how business is done in that world '
Meghan was doing what she had always done, and good luck to her in that world, but she had moved into a new world , and either she didn't appreciate the difference, and wasn't prepared to listen or she genuinely thought she was going to make positive change.

And I'm still convinced they could have made a positive change, but if you want to change things you have to roughly understand the current situation and what are the basic starting points:
if you get on a soccer team and want to make a change so suggest they play volleyball instead because it's also a teamsport with a ball, that may not be a change that is useful for anyone. Nothing wrong with soccer, or with volleyball, but they are two separate things that exist perfectly fine along side eachother, but just coming in, not taking the time to understand the game, and just state that they have to change games will have very little chance to be succesful, and not just because the management of the club consist of 'stale' or 'grey' or 'male' persons...
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I really appreciate that book provides context Hallo girl, context for so many things that have been reported over the last couple of years.

It was good to see what a tightly interlocked world so many people aligned with Meghan inhabit.

I knew there were connections between Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry who lent them his house and jet, but I didn’t know he sometimes shared the same agent as Meghan.

It was interesting to see the benefits that flowed to the attendees of the baby shower … better contracts, more internet followers, a tv role, media exposure for clothing lines.

And Meghan calling on her US staff to bring forth well-known people to provide supportive quotes on social and mainstream media when she needed it.

Some of the i’s got dotted and the t’s got crossed reading certain passages.

Good to know it wasn’t really a spontaneous rising up in Meghan’s defence, but how business is done in that world.

All I can think of is how superficial- and honestly stupid- all this sounds.

That may well be how business is done in the celeb world….but what a way to spend your time, money, etc. Drumming up PR support indeed. I guess it’s not surprising that this was planned- spontaneous does sound rather absurd.

People’s financial lives improved from being seen attending a baby shower? I’m going to guess attendees knew this….and- no- I don’t think that’s the sole reason they attended. Rather nice benefit though. It just strikes me as rather ridiculous.
I very much doubt it. I think Peter, Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie, or the younger siblings of the European royals, are more likely to be their templates, and that they'll get full time jobs.

I certainly hope so. The Sussexes should be a case study in what not to do imo.
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