"Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

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I would imagine the next step is Meghan's tell-all book after Harry's. What else of interest has she got left?
Speaking to Palace Confidential on Mailplus, Mr Bower said: "They're burning out their royal status pretty fast now.

"I think they'll in the end have to give that up because it won't wash well.

"They can only do so by being sensational and by doing something.

"They are constantly searching for new things to do. But it always comes back to the royals

He makes a good point. They aren't going to be able to move on if they keep engaging in a tit-for-tat book war over their relationship with the Royals.
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I keep wondering where this is all leading. One thing the book makes clear is that Meghan is "goal oriented." For better or worse, she sets her sights and pursues what she wants. (In contrast to Harry, who seems to be unfocused in this book.)

But, if Meghan is going for a profile as an international philanthropist, the lawsuits and PR moves don't make sense, since they make her look negative and defensive. Even if/when she is justified -- or wins a suit -- that stuff doesn't reflect well on her.

The lawsuits and stunts aren't a great way for her to launch a political career, either. In fact, if that's her goal, she'll need to dump the titles and the royal connections or American voters will reject her fast.

Her book didn't set the world on fire, so publishing probably isn't the next step. The Netflix and Spotify deals aren't leading anywhere, so that probably rules out Hollywood.

So, what's next? I wish Bowers had looked ahead more to offer some insight into her next move, rather than recapping stories that have already been in the press.
You summed it up perfectly
The lawsuits and stunts aren't a great way for her to launch a political career, either. In fact, if that's her goal, she'll need to dump the titles and the royal connections or American voters will reject her fast.

A radical feminist from California married to a foreign prince has little chance of success as a national politician in the US. If she wants to pursue a political career, Meghan should concentrate on local politics, i.e. run for office in her state or maybe run for Congress in a very liberal California district.

I don't see Meghan seeking an elected office though. I believe her goal is to be an activist and a philanthropist following the example of many Hollywood celebrities.
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Meghan's biggest problem was that she looked at life in Britain and as a member of the royal family through the lens of a bi-racial, American, activist, actress.

She should have been advised better that her point of view/lens wasn't always going to be accurate in this new life.

For someone who wants to believe that she sees everyone for their individuality ... she certainly didn't take into consideration that English society and the royal family and courtiers --- all have a specific and very different point of view about things. Instead of trying to understand them, she got angry.

Poor choice!
Meghan's biggest problem was that she looked at life in Britain and as a member of the royal family through the lens of a bi-racial, American, activist, actress.

She should have been advised better that her point of view/lens wasn't always going to be accurate in this new life.

For someone who wants to believe that she sees everyone for their individuality ... she certainly didn't take into consideration that English society and the royal family and courtiers --- all have a specific and very different point of view about things. Instead of trying to understand them, she got angry.

Poor choice!
One of the most accurate viewpoints on this. And why they should have taken time because it would have helped instead rushing
There's also the big issue of money. They said when they left that they wanted to earn a "professional income".

I'm not sure what they are or aren't earning at the moment. They seemed to be focusing on Netflix, but the end of lockdown and the war-induced cost of living crisis mean that Netflix are struggling. That's probably yet another reason for Harry being involved in a book, but going over and over old ground isn't helping anyone.
Yes Marengo, I’ve seen that in two places in the book. (I’m reading chapters now, but at random, not in order.)

In one chapter the author relates that Prince Harry had a meeting with Prince Charles and Camilla at Clarence House, the conversation alternating between being serious and joking.

The topics of Meghan continuing with her acting job, and not automatically receiving protection as a Royal girlfriend we’re covered, and that the comment about any of his future children’s hair was made.

It is written as “one version” has it being said by Camilla, to me suggesting there are other “versions” that the author can’t/won’t confirm.

(Nor do we learn if the meeting was just the three Royals, or if other staff, aides and advisors were present.)

If it was just Harry, Charles and Camilla of course, that leaves only two other possible versions, either Charles said it or Harry himself.

Whatever the case, Mr Bower says Harry laughed at the comment.

This seems very plausible to me. You have to remember the terrible trouble Megan’s father and other family members were causing before the wedding and how C &C came to the rescue. If you understand that ginger hair is stigmatized in the uk which I’ve just learned, then a remark of Camilla’s attempting to match a stigma on the bride to one on the groom would be thoroughly in her way of trying to lessen tension, though could be taken the wrong way. I remember Charles’ remark on camera on their way to Kate and William’s reception about them “practicing a long time” trying to be witty and naughty.
Taking the good with the not so good of your husband to be older relatives is life. The stark lack of relations on her side at the wedding was proof to me of her inability to get along with people.
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This seems very plausible to me. You have to remember the terrible trouble Megan’s father and other family members were causing before the wedding and how C &C came to the rescue. If you understand that ginger hair is stigmatized in the uk which I’ve just learned, then a remark of Camilla’s attempting to match a stigma on the bride to one on the groom would be thoroughly in her way of trying to lessen tension, though could be taken the wrong way. I remember Charles’ remark on camera on their way to Kate and William’s reception about them “practicing a long time” trying to be witty and naughty.
Taking the good with the not so good of your husband to be older relatives is life. The stark lack of relations on her side at the wedding was proof to me of her inability to get along with people.

The lack of any family present other than Doria at the wedding was a big red flag. Also, that Harry had not met Thomas Markle by the time of the engagement was also quite revealing.
Yes Marengo, I’ve seen that in two places in the book. (I’m reading chapters now, but at random, not in order.)

The topics of Meghan continuing with her acting job, and not automatically receiving protection as a Royal girlfriend we’re covered, and that the comment about any of his future children’s hair was made.

Sun Lion I have highlighted this part of your quote as I am so pleased you raised this. I read this in the book and it made me recall what was said in the Oprah interview about being told she should find work and there would be no security.

I do not think she related it to being a girlfriend , in fact I do not think it was defined in anyway, at the time I doubted her word as I assumed she was inferring that as Harrys wife she was told to find work as an actress and they were refusing her any security. That just didn't hold water as far as I was concerned but in fuller context it does make sense if this all took place while she was a girlfriend.
Everything changes when there is a ring on the finger.
I took it as everyone trying to be helpful/welcoming and set Meghan up in the best way -
e.g. feel free to move over to the UK, keep working so you have thing that interest you and independence and don't worry you won't have bodyguards following your every move. Settle into life in the UK, find your feet and see what happens next...maybe marriage will feel like the next step once you settle.

Instead they rushed to engagement and marriage.

I think you have to remember Meghan seems to like all the things other royals don't - attention and protection officers. If she wanted those things, engagement secured it.

I agree, a book with insight of what their long term plan is would be a must read. IMO they have a broken business model. All their fame comes from royalty, but they bash it at every moment. So after a time they become just another "celebrity couple". Their unique selling point (USP) was their links to the RF, it is clear they have been frozen out and now can't offer any insight into the RFs current thinking/ways. What do they do know is how the RF operated until they left and a huge problem for them in that regard is that if they criticise the way the RF has worked in the past it opens Harry up to accusations he benefited from that behaviour. Remember this is a man who's use of drugs was covered up by the media and even when revealed was given the most positive spin it could, thanks to Charles' PR team. So yes they may have buried stories about Camilla, Charles, William or even Catherine but you can bet someone has a list of the things they buried about Harry as well (and tbh I am betting some of his mistakes were pretty serious). So what do they have left? trying to sell themselves as brand ambassadors or philanthropists. But then there are plenty of celebrities aiming for that and Harry and Meghan's other huge mistake is making themselves hugely divisive - thus any company, charity or brand taking them on risks having about 50% of people not like the decision, so why would they pick them over others when there are plenty more people to pick for those roles who are less divisive.

They ruined their big moment by making too may factual mistakes in their Oprah interview, too many facts were quickly proven wrong - the 'taken passports' but lots of holidays, the 'secret wedding' that legally couldn't happen, the notion Archie wasn't given a title because of his heritage not because he actually wasn't entitled to one... That makes them look unreliable as best. Again employers, broadcasters etc have to weigh up whether to take that on and what is opens them up to. Oprah got away with is because at the time the interview was a sensation and Oprah as a brand gets away with less scrutiny than others. Now people would be expecting "contested facts" a broadcaster would be walking into the lions den if they don't contest claims by the couple. Again, why bother. There are lots of other stories.

It is telling to me that most of what they have ben involved in so far has been organised for them by Sunshine Sachs which IMO suggests a certain amount of pressure by them to include the couple in events. But how long can they carry on with this for? Harry's book will be almost the last thing they can offer - if it goes up to the marriage and them walking away from the RF no one will be interested in buying a book from his later as all the "juicy bits" will have been revealed. (Although didn't they rather distastefully announce that another book by Harry would come out after the Queen dies? If so I guess he hopes to write his version of biography on her which is pretty low IMO)

IMO they don't have ab right future in terms of income and brand awareness. They are at the pinnacle of their fame and pull, it will all be downhill from here.

Interesting in the book was how much Bower notes Meghan is driven and fame hungry whilst also accepting herself she isn't the best actress and her potential was limited.
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They are destined to be the 21st century version of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor -- getting invited to parties because of their title.

Their future is pretty shallow.

Yes Marengo, I’ve seen that in two places in the book. (I’m reading chapters now, but at random, not in order.)

The topics of Meghan continuing with her acting job, and not automatically receiving protection as a Royal girlfriend we’re covered, and that the comment about any of his future children’s hair was made.

Sun Lion I have highlighted this part of your quote as I am so pleased you raised this. I read this in the book and it made me recall what was said in the Oprah interview about being told she should find work and there would be no security.

I do not think she related it to being a girlfriend , in fact I do not think it was defined in anyway, at the time I doubted her word as I assumed she was inferring that as Harrys wife she was told to find work as an actress and they were refusing her any security. That just didn't hold water as far as I was concerned but in fuller context it does make sense if this all took place while she was a girlfriend.
Everything changes when there is a ring on the finger.

While it might make sense, the reality is that acting is a very tough business. Meghan couldn’t simply move to the UK and instantly get a job ( let’s face it, she was not exactly an A-lister). And living precariously in the UK as an invisible girlfriend who might be dumped at any time was probably not an attractive proposition to Meghan either. So I understand she wanted something firmer such as engagement and marriage before quitting her job, moving to another continent and basically changing her life entirely.

Previous posters mentioned Maxima and Mary Donaldson as counterexamples. It appears that, in Mary’s case, the argument is valid since she did move to Europe in a precarious position two years before she got engaged ( I thank Somebody for filling me in on the details). Maxima’s case is not so clear cut. While she did move to Brussels before she was engaged, she had a job there , which was accessible to her as an international investment banker. So she had a backup plan if her relationship didn’t work out. Maybe I am just being pragmatic, but I don’t think Meghan could afford the same luxury, or, at least, she was not prepared to risk it as Mary did.
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While it might make sense, the reality is that acting is a very tough business. Meghan couldn’t simply move to the UK and instantly get a job ( let’s face it, she was not exactly an A-lister). And living precariously in the UK as an invisible girlfriend who might be dumped at any time was probably not an attractive proposition to Meghan either. So I understand she wanted something firmer such as engagement and marriage before quitting her job, moving to another continent and basically changing her life entirely.

Previous posters mentioned Maxima and Mary Donaldson as counterexamples. It appears that, in Mary’s case, the argument is valid since she did move to Europe in a precarious position two years before she got engaged ( I thank Somebody for filling me in on the details). Maxima’s case is not so clear cut. While she did move to Brussels before she was engaged, she had a job there , which was accessible to her as an international investment banker. So she had a backup plan if her relationship didn’t work out. Maybe I am just being pragmatic, but I don’t think Meghan could afford the same luxury, or, at least, she was not prepared to risk it as Mary did.

I wouldn't disagree with your thoughts , but my point was in relation to how Meghan positioned it when speaking to Oprah She did not put it in context that this referred to pre engagement while still a girlfriend.
I have read the book and it is surprising what you view differently once things are in context.
Interesting in the book was how much Bower notes Meghan is driven and fame hungry whilst also accepting herself she isn't the best actress and her potential was limited.

But in many ways for some people, particularly in the USA, they were the same thing. I want to he famous I will be an actor. Perhaps it wasn't the acting she was attracted to so much as wanting the fame. Now you can be an influencer and it would definitely be the path I think she would.go down now.

Also you can do a career you love, particular in the arts, sports...or any career really...and recognise you are not the best and never going to be anywhere near it and this is your level and accept that. Nothing wrong with that either. In acting terms Meghan had a degree of success and fame.
While it might make sense, the reality is that acting is a very tough business. Meghan couldn’t simply move to the UK and instantly get a job ( let’s face it, she was not exactly an A-lister). And living precariously in the UK as an invisible girlfriend who might be dumped at any time was probably not an attractive proposition to Meghan either. So I understand she wanted something firmer such as engagement and marriage before quitting her job, moving to another continent and basically changing her life entirely.

Previous posters mentioned Maxima and Mary Donaldson as counterexamples. It appears that, in Mary’s case, the argument is valid since she did move to Europe in a precarious position two years before she got engaged ( I thank Somebody for filling me in on the details). Maxima’s case is not so clear cut. While she did move to Brussels before she was engaged, she had a job there , which was accessible to her as an international investment banker. So she had a backup plan if her relationship didn’t work out. Maybe I am just being pragmatic, but I don’t think Meghan could afford the same luxury, or, at least, she was not prepared to risk it as Mary did.

She was due to leave that job anyway. That Patrick guy was leaving and she was slated to go...I think it came at a time when she was looking to move. They said they would help her find work in the UK and while she wouldn't be on stage or high quality drama there are soaps and things she could have gotten work in.

I think also it is always a risk if you move for someone. I huge one and I think Mary was teaching English and very low key. But perhaps she was worried about not getting an acting job again and really for her was a career and personal move. As it was for Kate too if we are honest.
A lot of this relates to no-win situations. There were a lot of complaints, from left-wing MPs and elsewhere, about the cost of security for Beatrice and Eugenie. There was also a lot of sarcasm about "Waity Katie" not getting a proper job. I think the aim was to prevent both Meghan and the Royal Family from being the object of similar criticism this time. But I can understand Meghan's concerns about security, especially as there was so much media interest in her, and I can also understand that finding a job might not have been easy. And Sophie continued to work but was accused of exploiting her royal status for business gains: any acting job which Meghan took would immediately have been attributed to her relationship with Harry rather than her acting ability.

None of that is really anyone's fault. It's just the way it is.

Relocating for a partner is, indeed, always a big risk, especially when you hardly know anyone in the new country. And when, if the relationship doesn't work out, you'll always be known as Prince X's ex-girlfriend - I've just been reading an article on Lady Tatiana Mountbatten's wedding, and there's a picture of Cressida and her husband, and a baby bump, but the article just has to point out that Cressida used to go out with Harry, even though it was years ago and they're both now married to other people. Koo Stark *still* gets referred to as Prince Andrew's ex.
To be honest Bower hints that part of the reason Meghan didn't contemplate coming over to the UK and working was because acting wasn't her aim, as FigTree alludes to - she wanted to be famous and acting was a way to be famous. Her acting gig had run its course, both her storyline and her skills were running out and the next thing was how to become even more famous. She achieved that for sure.
I got a very clear duke and duchess of Windsor vibe at the commonwealth ceremony at the Abbey. I remember harry stone faced and Megan trying to greet W&K with a huge smile.She was also wearing a Kelly green outfit after positioning herself as only wearing neutrals.
To be honest Bower hints that part of the reason Meghan didn't contemplate coming over to the UK and working was because acting wasn't her aim, as FigTree alludes to - she wanted to be famous and acting was a way to be famous. Her acting gig had run its course, both her storyline and her skills were running out and the next thing was how to become even more famous. She achieved that for sure.

In the early days when Meghan took part in the Vanity Fair article. *. Wild about Harry * I had been critical of Meghan as I thought she was trying to out the relationship and effectively pushing Harry along to make everything public.

After reading the book I now view it as Meghan pushing herself on to a wider stage to promote herself and her philanthropy.
Maybe she was using the rumours of the romance or maybe she genuinely thought they were interested in her alone and not as a girlfriend of a royal.
Front cover of vanity fair was a biggy and I doubt if she would have made it so soon without the link to Harry.
A lot of this relates to no-win situations. There were a lot of complaints, from left-wing MPs and elsewhere, about the cost of security for Beatrice and Eugenie. There was also a lot of sarcasm about "Waity Katie" not getting a proper job. I think the aim was to prevent both Meghan and the Royal Family from being the object of similar criticism this time. But I can understand Meghan's concerns about security, especially as there was so much media interest in her, and I can also understand that finding a job might not have been easy. And Sophie continued to work but was accused of exploiting her royal status for business gains: any acting job which Meghan took would immediately have been attributed to her relationship with Harry rather than her acting ability.

None of that is really anyone's fault. It's just the way it is.

Relocating for a partner is, indeed, always a big risk, especially when you hardly know anyone in the new country. And when, if the relationship doesn't work out, you'll always be known as Prince X's ex-girlfriend - I've just been reading an article on Lady Tatiana Mountbatten's wedding, and there's a picture of Cressida and her husband, and a baby bump, but the article just has to point out that Cressida used to go out with Harry, even though it was years ago and they're both now married to other people. Koo Stark *still* gets referred to as Prince Andrew's ex.

Maybe when you are 25, taking the risk of relocating for a partner is not such a big deal because you have plenty of time to start over if things don't wprk out. But Meghan was already 35 (or 36 ?) when she began a relationship with Prince Harry and she was working in an industry where, even at such relatively young age, there are longevity issues. I don't think we can ignore Meghan's particular circumstances in this case.
Maybe when you are 25, taking the risk of relocating for a partner is not such a big deal because you have plenty of time to start over if things don't wprk out. But Meghan was already 35 (or 36 ?) when she began a relationship with Prince Harry and she was working in an industry where, even at such relatively young age, there are longevity issues. I don't think we can ignore Meghan's particular circumstances in this case.

Meghan was already over 35 in a business where women are "old" at 30 - unless you became a star in your 20s. All that would be left for her after "Suits" would be character parts. She didn't have enough clout in the business to get lead roles outside of her being Harry's lady. She may have been able to remain a working actress but fame would have been a stretch at that point. (My son is a stage actor, and as talented as he is - and he is - he's also 30 now and is getting a little long in the tooth to break into the big leagues.)
There are plenty of roles for women in their late 30s, 40s and 50s, but there's a pool of well-known British actresses to whom they tend to go. And it would have been quite difficult for Meghan because of the media attention. Kate got a certain amount of attention when she was working as an accessories buyer, which is a fairly low key job. "Harry's girl to appear in EastEnders/Coronation Street/Casualty" would have been all over the front pages. As Hallo_Girl said, it's unlikely that Vanity Fair would have given a front page slot to someone who was only known as an actress in Suits.

The whole situation was difficult. But it could all have been handled a lot better. And it all keeps getting raked over and over, because a book industry's now sprung up around it. No-one keeps analysing the Sophie fake Sheikh affair or Princess Anne telling the press to naff off or even the Sarah/John Bryan toe-sucking affair: it's over and done with. But, if we're going to keep getting one book after another about Harry and Meghan, nothing's going to move on.
Maybe when you are 25, taking the risk of relocating for a partner is not such a big deal because you have plenty of time to start over if things don't wprk out. But Meghan was already 35 (or 36 ?) when she began a relationship with Prince Harry and she was working in an industry where, even at such relatively young age, there are longevity issues. I don't think we can ignore Meghan's particular circumstances in this case.

I would agree there was the difference of Meghan moving country, previous girlfriends were UK based but on the other hand maybe even more reason to become used to the country and the royal way before a full commitment.
They are destined to be the 21st century version of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor -- getting invited to parties because of their title.

Their future is pretty shallow.

I hope so, I am really tired of their lessons giving ways !
To be honest Bower hints that part of the reason Meghan didn't contemplate coming over to the UK and working was because acting wasn't her aim, as FigTree alludes to - she wanted to be famous and acting was a way to be famous. Her acting gig had run its course, both her storyline and her skills were running out and the next thing was how to become even more famous. She achieved that for sure.

What’s stunning to me tommy100, is seeing someone who is so invested in her image and brand, who wanted to be “classy” in her early working days … to see Meghan go from being called “Your Royal Highness” and having people curtesy to her, to squatting in the street, eating like a chipmunk, sucking on a baby bottle and miaowing on daytime television.

(Meanwhile her envied sister-in-law is pictured with Tom Cruise, world leaders at the G7 and so on.)

Mr Bower makes the point that the “celebrity economy” requires extraordinary efforts from middle-age females to stay in the game and not lose their visibility, but really!

It comes across as Meghan’s need for attention, or fame, drives her so strongly, that it’s even to her own detriment at times. Poor woman.
Bower has chosen to concentrate on the very worst parts of Meghan’s character and actions in this book. (And actually she and Harry have met plenty of world leaders, especially US ones.) There have been plenty of times when members of the royal family looked and acted foolishly, Royal Knockout, anyone? But don’t let’s write about that!

Nor does Bower mention the alternative to breaking away from the Royal Family for younger more vital royals. Decades of royal duties becoming less and less attractive, more and more obscure until finally, when you reach late middle age you end up on the back burner, so the sovereign’s eldest children can take over the limelight.

Hardly surprisingly Meghan and Harry (already being told by TPTB a year into their royal life together that there wasn’t time, media attention or money, for some of their ideas/projects) decided that they didn’t want to go in that direction but to strike out on their own elsewhere.

They have done so, they’ve remained very happily married (Bower presumably can’t argue that) they have a lovely little family and they have projects of their own in California. In spite of Bower’s sneering I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sussexes aren’t a template for the next generation of heirs’ spares, Charlotte and Louis, or they will end up as above.
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:previous: Not just Meghan though of course …

Harry … blood Royal, popular member of the world’s most famous Royal family, etc … going from that to having to juggle at the window, wanting to pee at someone’s house!

What is going on … random grabs for attention that don’t make sense?

The cancellation of “Pearl”, the failure of “The Bench”, the empty room at the UN … with those who were there either being part of their team, or audience members more interested in their phones … they don’t seem to be able to achieve “lift-off”.

It’s like their moment has passed and they are becoming more of a curiosity act, than world movers and shakers.
That is certainly Bower’s interpretation. Harry juggled as a joke for his wife in a clip for about 10 seconds at the most, and the Corden show was a bit of humour as well.

Bower’s purpose with this book was to concentrate on the worst of Meghan in all aspects and predict doom and gloom for this couple, including, if he could, dire predictions about their married life. He wasn’t able to do that as they are happy together, and he couldn’t get to Meghan’s ex husband about her first marriage. After all, his avowed intent, from his own lips, was to ‘diminish them’ (the Sussexes) with his book. Well, if Finding Freedom was attacked as a piece of pro Sussex propaganda this publication goes to the other extreme.
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Bower needs a better editor and better sources other than Thomas and Samantha because he literally got basic facts wrong. He even called the Markles the wrong names.

Plenty of reviews have literally pointed out all the errors. Isn't he suppose to be some top investigator. How can you get such easy researched things completely wrong?

This entire book is just his opinion. All good. He is right to it but that is all it is.
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