"Revenge" by Tom Bower (2022)

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In Finding Freedom the Tiara issue is around obtaining the selected Tiara for a fitting with the hairdresser. If I remember correctly he had flown in from somewhere especially for a practice on the hair with the tiara.

Meghan and the hairdresser were in London and required the tiara for the fitting but Angela Kelly was at Windsor with the Queen and could not come up to London to access the vaults for the tiara.

Harry was not happy and made his feelings known. ( I have paraphrased this bit)

I do not know if any of it is accurate,

This says both but here it says that Kelly told them that tiaras were not released for hair trials. Whi h rings through as Kate used one form Claire's or something.
I’ve been listening to it.

Don’t know what to say. Harry doesn’t really come out of it well: childish and seemingly unable to do much. Meghan comes across as quite superficial and shallow, dislikes people rocking her boat and likes things her way. Very determined.

One thing that does come across strongly…Harry was delighted to leave. Which I think is great…but he doesn’t actually get people are interested because he’s a Prince and same for Meghan. Leaving should have meant not living off it. But they have to live and Meghan was not going to take anything but stellar.

I don’t think it’s that dire about them. Probably talking that up to sell books.

Camilla saying that rings true. Classical institutional racism of her class and out tiara story…would she have wanted the Kokosnhik emerald one? She may have seen it online. Strikes me as someone who would look up tiaras online.

Meghan doesn’t come out of it a necessarily amazing person just determined and a bit ruthless.

But what comes across hughly is their inability to be questioned and/or be accountable. Both paper thin skinned and that alarms me for their mental health. It’s like they just want this perfect social media image of themselves to exist.

I haven't read the book and probably will not read it. Opinions about it will differ, as always. i agree with your analysis , espacially about Camilla.

There are exceptions though. Lady Pamela Hicks, born Mountbatten, has a granddaughter who is married to a black music producer of Nigerian heritage, they have three beautiful children. I never read that there are problems, but they are a very private family and not in the public focus. But still , it seems that they don't have a problem with that, and Pamela s over 90 years old and also a member of a high class british family.

All that fuss about which tiara should have been worn, I cannot understand. it wouldn't be important to me, but I can understand that some people are obsessed with such things.
the only thing i disagree is that they have "a mental health problem". That is nowadays too often an excuse for controversial behaviour.
I wouldn’t be trusting any biographer who made it his avowed intent to try and ‘diminish’ his subjects. For me the fact that Bower made it his business to only speak to those who he knew disliked Meghan and had an agenda themselves is the exact opposite of what a fair and balanced biographer would hope to do.

It would be very likely for a biographer with the aim Bower had with this book, to both cherry-pick any actions which appeared to contrast with the narrative he had adopted, and to ascribe the worst of motivations always to Meghan in everything she attempted after her marriage.

Bower does not choose his subjects because he is a fan of them and Meghan is no exception, but per Bower, friends of Meghan were instructed not to talk to him.

I don't consider this a fair and balance biography but that does not mean that the information in it should be discounted. Finding Freedom was not fair and balanced, nor will Harry's autobiography be considered fair and balanced when it comes out.

I still don't understand. So after Meghan globally insisting that Catherine made her cry (and had "owned it" and apologized), it ended up Kate was the one crying after all?
They both could have cried. Perhaps Kate cried at the fitting and her crying was witnessed by others and it was leaked. Although I would not rule out that Kate did not cry at the fitting but it was still leaked. No one leaked that Meghan cried, Meghan shared that information herself in the Oprah interview and did not specify when and where she cried, but did share that Kate brought her flowers which is tantamount to Kate "owning" and "taking accountability" for causing "hurt".
Re: "the comment" - whether from Camilla or someone else in the family (and I take it with a pinch of salt as it seems that Harry especially does not like Camilla anymore - if he ever did) - who knows exactly what was said but I honestly don't think for one minute if was meant as a racist comment. That even seems to be the impression given in the book - a bit of a 'this could be the comment they are referring to but maybe not'.

As for Bower and who he spoke to - you can only work with those willing to speak to you. As I said before I truly believe no biography is every really impartial - Finding Freedom certainly wasn't, neither was Lady Colin Campbell's book. Some books come closer, Tina Brown's for example and this does seem a bit closer to it at times. Bower makes a lot of factual comments in many things without passing opinion but he is too much an advocate of the rights of the media and keeping the status quo in that area for me to feel he is impartial in the media's handling of everything that has gone on. Other than additional comments from posters here, I wouldn't have read the book and said this is someone who hates Meghan IMO.

It says a lot IMO that there are so many people who were once so close to Meghan who were happy to speak out with less than flattering opinions. That tells me something in itself. Whatever else, she is clearly a very divisive person. To me that isn't a great quality as I think people should always try and deal well and respectfully with others, even when demanding perfection (which I don't think is necessarily bad) but there may well be reasons for this - Hollywood and the acting business seems full fo very short tempered, diva like people to me and put them together expecting them to be friends and you are going to have some fallings out. Perhaps instead of Prince Charles calling her tungsten because she was so tough he should have called her marmite - people either love her or don't.
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Some of these stories have been blown way out of proportion. People always get worked up over wedding arrangements - the bride wants things just so, and other people aren't happy because the dresses or hairstyles don't suit them, or the hen party and stag party are too expensive, or someone is expected to take time off work when they haven't got any annual leave to spare. Whoever cried, I don't suppose it was that big a deal.

Diana and Sarah were close friends at one time, and there seemed to be an expectation that Catherine and Meghan would be as well. It was never going to happen. They come from different worlds and have different personalities. That doesn't make either of them a bad person, but the press tried to make out that there was some sort of feud. Not being someone's bosom buddy doesn't mean that you actively dislike them.
There is no evidence Meghan bullied Charlotte and it is never put forward in this book as something the author found evidence for.

I think what comes cross strongly is that Meghan is a fantasist and a hustler. She doesn’t seem like a victim.

Well, there is no evidence that someone made racism remarks on Archie either...But you still believe Meghan, who is a proven liar.

In his book, Bower said he spoke to Meghan's assistant and she was present there that day. Go read that book at least, you are just making out excuses for Meghan....
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Well, there is no evidence that someone made racism remarks on Archie either...But you still believe Meghan, who is a proven liar.

In his book, Bower said he spoke to Meghan's assistant and she was present there that day. Go read that book at least, you are just making out excuses for Meghan....

FigTree has read the book. Calling Meghan "superficial, shallow, a fantasist and a hustler" does not mean believing or excusing her. Please stop misinterpreting posts, as you've already been asked to do.

So if Bower’s book, no less than the related interviews, seems suffused with a wild malice, perhaps it comes from a good and loyal place. It is to give the Queen a “final happiness” (that “Meghan and Harry seem determined to deny”) that Bower, as well as detailing Meghan’s ex-lovers, her early hustling for acting roles and determined forging of a personal brand, is compelled to supplement his case against her with insults. He volunteers, for example, that when the former Suits star was interviewed by Larry King, “Meghan looked unusually unattractive with greasy hair, rumpled clothes and peaky eyes”. Finding this still harder to accept than Bower’s conviction that reliance on notorious Markle-haters is a persuasive approach, I had a look. Judge for yourself, but to this viewer the contrast between Bower’s description and Markle’s actual (appealing) appearance is something his editors might, for the sake of reader confidence, have checked on. As it is, they must already hope that a response from one quoted detractor, Sam Kashner, published in the Times last week, will be the last to raise doubts about authorial bias. “I found Ms Markle,” Kashner wrote, “to be exceptionally warm and gracious and admired her intelligence and her remarkable courage, as I still do.” Bower retorts: “That just shows the power of Meghan.
I read in my newspaper that the book/Tom Bower points to the Duchess of Cornwall as the person who asked the question about Archie's background. According to Bower the Duchess had joked if the child would get a ginger afro.


Yes Marengo, I’ve seen that in two places in the book. (I’m reading chapters now, but at random, not in order.)

In one chapter the author relates that Prince Harry had a meeting with Prince Charles and Camilla at Clarence House, the conversation alternating between being serious and joking.

The topics of Meghan continuing with her acting job, and not automatically receiving protection as a Royal girlfriend we’re covered, and that the comment about any of his future children’s hair was made.

It is written as “one version” has it being said by Camilla, to me suggesting there are other “versions” that the author can’t/won’t confirm.

(Nor do we learn if the meeting was just the three Royals, or if other staff, aides and advisors were present.)

If it was just Harry, Charles and Camilla of course, that leaves only two other possible versions, either Charles said it or Harry himself.

Whatever the case, Mr Bower says Harry laughed at the comment.

I still don't understand. So after Meghan globally insisting that Catherine made her cry (and had "owned it" and apologized), it ended up Kate was the one crying after all?

Mr Bower says that Meghan’s PA Melissa Toubati and some Givenchy staff witnessed the scene.

He says that Kate found this “standoff” to reinforce what she had heard about other’s experience of trying to find a compromise with Meghan.

Kate cried, and then to smooth the waters went to Meghan’s office with flowers. (Not to Nottingham Cottage as other reports have said.)

The author says, “in Kate’s version”, Meghan slammed the door in Kate’s face and threw the bouquet in the bin.

(In quite a few places I’ve seen Mr Bower reference Kate’s irritation, being irritated by her new sister-in-law, so that seems to be an underlying thread he has woven through the book.)

Anyway, it was at this flower-giving meeting between the Duchesses that Kate was said to tell Meghan not to speak rudely to staff, so that may explain Meghan’s reported reaction.

When Harry and Meghan officially visited Edinburgh, her former agent Gina Nelthorpe-Crowne was able to get herself included in the twenty people to be presented to the couple at an event.

She let one of the officials know of her prior association with Meghan, and asked to be in the group meeting her, the other ten were to meet and talk with Harry.

Then she was told a mistake had been made and she would have to move to Harry’s group.

She tackled Harry directly, asking him if Meghan had made her, Gina, go to his group. Harry did not reply.

When she saw Meghan look at her and then look away she, Gina, tried to approach her, but an official, “with obvious embarrassment” “body-blocked” her.

This is the lady in a lot of the Malta photos of Meghan rediscovering her Maltese roots, (which apparently she didn’t actually have, its since come out.)

Poor Gina, it would have been nice to be let down gently after all the fun times and girl talk they had shared in previous years.

I don’t know how they thought this was going to fly …

An agreement between Meghan and Gayle King/CBS, (and Oprah Winfrey was also involved), to be the first to film Her Majesty meeting newborn Archie, to have the exclusive rights to that.

Archie may be half-American, but The Queen is not American at all!

It sounds like everyone was getting a bit carried away by things, and all the possibilities that they thought lay before them.

(Might also explain why there wasn’t much to see of him when the little fellow made his first appearance, lots of shawl and not much face.)
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I don’t know how they thought this was going to fly …

An agreement between Meghan and Gayle King/CBS, (and Oprah Winfrey was also involved), to be the first to film Her Majesty meeting newborn Archie, to have the exclusive rights to that.

Archie may be half-American, but The Queen is not American at all!

It sounds like everyone was getting a bit carried away by things, and all the possibilities that they thought lay before them.

(Might also explain why there wasn’t much to see of him when the little fellow made his first appearance, lots of shawl and not much face.)

Somewhere he describes the photo of The Queen meeting Archie as “The Queen and Prince Philip looking at a shawl.”
That part really shocked me to^^ offering an exclusive to any media outlet of the Queen meeting Archie.

The book also makes clear Meghan was eager for the interview with Oprah, it is mentioned from very very early on, promising it at various points. It was going to happen whatever it seems, it just happened that the first opportunity was after they had left the UK. Th book also makes clear Meghan hadn't met Oprah before the wedding.
That part really shocked me to^^ offering an exclusive to any media outlet of the Queen meeting Archie.

The book also makes clear Meghan was eager for the interview with Oprah, it is mentioned from very very early on, promising it at various points. It was going to happen whatever it seems, it just happened that the first opportunity was after they had left the UK. Th book also makes clear Meghan hadn't met Oprah before the wedding.

She hadn't met lots of people before the wedding.

Meghan didn't get it being royal and she didn't seem to try to get it either.

Bower does put in clangers...like the greasy hair...which are best ignored.

But then you know I am still wetting myself over Meghan being the most perfect packer which was in Finding Freedom.
I can imagine that there were many guests on Harry's. Side she hadn't met before but did she herself invite other high-profile guests that she had never mer before (and put them in her side of the chapelnreserved for intimates)?
I don’t know how they thought this was going to fly …

An agreement between Meghan and Gayle King/CBS, (and Oprah Winfrey was also involved), to be the first to film Her Majesty meeting newborn Archie, to have the exclusive rights to that.

Archie may be half-American, but The Queen is not American at all!

It sounds like everyone was getting a bit carried away by things, and all the possibilities that they thought lay before them.

(Might also explain why there wasn’t much to see of him when the little fellow made his first appearance, lots of shawl and not much face.)

I have tried to stay out of this conversation - but as I was told of this suspicion when Archie was born. I was intrigued. I was told that the CBS producers were in their house - not at their offices. I remember thinking that maybe a tour of America was on the way. Usually there is a friendly reach out to the host country's press before one is announced. But I was told that was not the case at all.
I was pointily told that their PR was told to focus on social media and the American Market. This confused me - But I figured it must be an association to an American charity or patronages that was yet to be announced. Less then a week later I was told that the Sussex's were in negotiation with CBS about an exclusive - this made no sense. Royals do not do exclusives. Yes - they give exclusives, but they are not paid money for interviews or photoshoots. They do not get paid. But that is exactly what appeared to be going on - complete with a media lawyer to tie it up. But we didn't know what it was about - the year of royal life possibly.
Every press officer and photographer and person working in the palace knew something was up with the presentation of Archie. Even if people knew nothing they can tell you about the sense of aboding. Everyone was on edge. One journalist told me - it is knowing there is a story there - and it just needs uncovering.

When the media was told the Sussex's were not going to do a presentation like was done by the royals from the 1980's - everyone put two and two togethers. CBS exclusive. But that is not conclusive proof - it might have been a coincidence.

I also know a correction to the Bower book. It is pointed out the KP staff phoned for gratitude gifts for Meghan to fashion house, jewelry, hotels, car factories ect. I have been explicitly told that no KP staff did that - it was a SS person in London that they became aware of at a later stage. And they would to note that many of the 'gratitude gifts' were send back. It is not allowed for members of the royal family to accept or request freebies or do brand deals.
For me it's more "Why would you think you'd be able to get the Queen and BP to agree to something like being peddled to CBS?" (Not to mention Philip was there, too.)

Some kind of arrogance, ignorance and hubris.

Does the book have anything to say about naming Lilibet?
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Well they did pull it off a little bit, not quite an exclusive but still timed to be most convenient for CBS it seems:

"Two days after Archie's birth, CBS's Gayle King was in Windsor for his first public appearance. BBC and ITV cameras were specifically excluded. At King's request, Meghan timed the photocall in St George's Hall in Windsor Castle with the start of CBS' morning show in New York."

Nothing new about Lilibet naming IMO:

"After the birth, but before the public announcement, Harry called the Queen. He told his grandmother about the birth and their decision to call their daughter Lilibet.
To stymie the Sussexes, the Palace told the BBC that the Queen was 'never asked' for permission for the use of her name. In his telephone call, Harry was 'telling' the Queen about the name. Once the BBC broadcast that report, the Sussexes' 'truth' machine was activated. Toya Holness, Meghan's spokeswoman claimed that Harry would not have chose the name if the Queen had not been 'supportive'. Fired up by the Sussexes' anger, Schillings announced that unless the BBC apologised and withdrew that report the Sussexes would sue for defamation. Pitching Harry against the Queen was an extreme tactic to control the Sussexes' image. The Palace supported the BBC. Faced with the factual truth, the Sussexes retreated."

The book makes clear that for Lilibet's birth domain names were secured before the birth was announced publicly.

"...the Sussexes organised a Lilibet website before their daughter was born."

"On the same day, but two days before the birth was announced, Meghan's lawyers registered lilibetdiana.com website."

It would be intriguing to know the exact specifics of this - did the Sussex's tell the Queen after the website was registered in which case it really would reinforce the idea the Queen was only being informed of an already made decision. I wonder if this is why the Sussexes legal threat was withdrawn - if there were documents showing that the website domain was registered before the Queen was told that would make any legal case against the BBC story very tricky.
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For me it's more "Why would you think you'd be able to get the Queen and BP to agree to something like being peddled to CBS?" (Not to mention Philip was there, too.)

Some kind of arrogance, ignorance and hubris.

Does the book have anything to say about naming Lilibet?

I was truly stunned to read that this was their plan to have the Queen and the DoE involved in this exclusive CBS presentation. To be honest I am really surprised that Prince Harry seemed to believe his grandparents would consent to participate.

Would like to thank all of you who have been reading Revenge who have shared their opinions on this book.

The Queen and the DoE have not been present at any presentation of their great-grandchildren and have only been at some of the christenings.
:previous: The biggest revelation and disappointment of this entire saga has been Harry. I never believed that he was Einstein, but I did think that after spending his entire life as a Royal and a Windsor he would have an idea of how things work.

Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. What is clear is that he has become pretty much Meghan's docile lapdog..ready and eager to agree to every minor whim.

Has he ever stood up and said "NO" to her? About anything??:sad:
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The Queen and the DoE have not been present at any presentation of their great-grandchildren and have only been at some of the christenings.

Well quite. Or that of their grandchildren, although they went to all the christenings.

If there was one great grandchild where such a picture was warranted it would be George

Most of their great grandchildren, including the Sussexes, are completely private citizens so why they would need a presentation is beyond me.

It is all about celebrity, but even, most, celebrities, would rather walk over coals then let the media anywhere near their children. Knowing the damage it has done in previous generations.

Why did they sell the picture of Lili on her first birthday? I don't really understand them.

And this book has helped marginally really only to illuminate the fact she is obsessed with status and money and he just wanted out of the family. They come across in this book as thin skinned, mercurial, emotional, incapable of accountability and rather selfish. Basically teenagers.

I don't feel sorry for him. Quite the reverse. My pity is probably all for William.

But when I saw all the extended family at the pagent I did feel: how is your heart not broken?

But he probably doesn't see it that way.
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:previous: The biggest revelation and disappointment of this entire saga has been Harry. I never believed that he was Einstein, but I did think that after spending his entire life as a Royal and a Windsor he would have an idea of how things work.

Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. What is clear is that he has become pretty much Meghan's docile lapdog..ready and eager agree to every minor whim.

Has he ever stood up and said "NO" to her? About anything??:sad:

I don't know; it's really starting to seem like Edward VIII redux, only with kids. (How truly pleasant for HM.)

Hopefully Harry is not as sad when he's an old man, and hopefully the consequences for the monarchy do not extend to the premature death of his brother, or anyone else.
I'm quite sad that they wanted CBS involved. That picture, with the Queen, Prince Philip and Doria all looking at baby Archie was so beautiful. There was so much love in that picture. They all looked so happy, and so natural, and everyone was so pleased about it ... and to learn that Harry and Meghan had wanted to turn it into a televised publicity stunt was quite upsetting.
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Well quite. Or that of their grandchildren, although they went to all the christenings.

If there was one great grandchild where such a picture was warranted it would be George

Most of their great grandchildren, including the Sussexes, are completely private citizens so why they would need a presentation is beyond me.

It is all about celebrity, but even, most, celebrities, would rather walk over coals then let the media anywhere near their children. Knowing the damage it has done in previous generations.

Why did they sell the picture of Lili on her first birthday? I don't really understand them.

And this book has helped marginally really only to illuminate the fact she is obsessed with status and money and he just wanted out of the family. They come across in this book as thin skinned, mercurial, emotional, incapable of accountability and rather selfish. Basically teenagers.

I don't feel sorry for him. Quite the reverse. My pity is probably all for William.

But when I saw all the extended family at the pagent I did feel: how is your heart not broken?

But he probably doesn't see it that way.

I remember the tremendous fuss the British media made at the time about Meghan and Harry’s refusal to pose on the steps of the hospital with their baby. The tabloids inferred it was a disgraceful and selfish move and became quite insulting towards them.

However a YouGov poll taken at the time showed that the vast majority of respondents felt that if the couple didn’t want to pose in that way then they were perfectly entitled not to. I bet Bower hasn’t put that fuss and it’s aftermath into his book.

As well, Harry and Meghan did not sell their photo of Lili. The copyright belongs to the photographer Misan Harriman, and was made clear at the time.

From The Guardian

The photograph, described as “candid” and “spontaneous”, was taken by the photographer Misan Harriman, a close friend of the couple who also took the portrait of the couple announcing Meghan’s first pregnancy, and photographed their wedding.
Harry and Meghan were said to be “incredibly touched by the countless birthday wishes for their daughter” and “amazed” to learn that people around the world had made donations in her honour of more than $100,000 (£80,000) to the World Central Kitchen, which provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate and community crises, most recently in Ukraine.
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I remember the tremendous fuss the British media made at the time about Meghan and Harry’s refusal to pose on the steps of the hospital with their baby. The tabloids inferred it was a disgraceful and selfish move and became quite insulting towards them.

However a YouGov poll taken at the time showed that the vast majority of respondents felt that if the couple didn’t want to pose in that way then they were perfectly entitled not to. I bet Bower hasn’t put that fuss and it’s aftermath into his book.

As well, Harry and Meghan did not sell their photo of Lili. The copyright belongs to the photographer Misan Harriman, and was made clear at the time.

From The Guardian

The photograph, described as “candid” and “spontaneous”, was taken by the photographer Misan Harriman, a close friend of the couple who also took the portrait of the couple announcing Meghan’s first pregnancy, and photographed their wedding.
Harry and Meghan were said to be “incredibly touched by the countless birthday wishes for their daughter” and “amazed” to learn that people around the world had made donations in her honour of more than $100,000 (£80,000) to the World Central Kitchen, which provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate and community crises, most recently in Ukraine.

There is not much of any of it In the book. That bit is all quite factual. This happened, then this, and that.

They still released a picture of their child…and they don’t have to. It didn’t get much pick up though. I don’t understand it. It’s not like they are trapped in the game of give us some pictures so we will leave you alone. They could literally keep their children maybe 85% away from cameras. I would take that.

I’m skimming through the book … not a disciplined reader anymore, if ever … and will just post some small points of things that caught my eye.

* American friends visited Meghan at Nottingham Cottage and found she had no-one to prepare meals … she felt she wasn’t being treated as a Royal. (This surprises me, I really thought the members of the family only cooked if they wanted to, not because they had to.)

An interesting book.

That seems to be long gone by the younger generation. It was certainly the way William and Harry were raised and still very much Charles’s life but, and I guess William and Catherine would have led the way with this, they don’t have staff like that. I think they do for events they may hold but in their private life no. They have a housekeeper who does a bit of everything, gardener and nanny obviously. That is all since the children came along as well. Before that they had no one.

Harry was probably supposed to follow in his footsteps. My friend works in South Ken and would often see him in Waitrose buying food. Certainly none of the rest of the grandchildren have anything like that. Meghan presumed it was something it wasn’t. Cos in honesty the younger royals are not grand by anyones standards. Now Charles is grand by everyone’s standards. Whether William changes when he becomes POW is to be seen.

Currently Harry is the grandest of the lot. Up there with Granny, Dad and Uncle Andy. Rest are really very middle classy really.
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^^ Oh, come on Fig Tree! How many times have we seen Archie and Lili (aged 3 and a half and Lili one year respectively) full face since their births? For Lili, once, Archie maybe four times. That’s hardly pushing Harry and Meghan pushing their children in front of cameras every five minutes!
I have tried to stay out of this conversation - but as I was told of this suspicion when Archie was born. I was intrigued. I was told that the CBS producers were in their house - not at their offices. I remember thinking that maybe a tour of America was on the way. Usually there is a friendly reach out to the host country's press before one is announced. But I was told that was not the case at all.
I was pointily told that their PR was told to focus on social media and the American Market. This confused me - But I figured it must be an association to an American charity or patronages that was yet to be announced. Less then a week later I was told that the Sussex's were in negotiation with CBS about an exclusive - this made no sense. Royals do not do exclusives. Yes - they give exclusives, but they are not paid money for interviews or photoshoots. They do not get paid. But that is exactly what appeared to be going on - complete with a media lawyer to tie it up. But we didn't know what it was about - the year of royal life possibly.
Every press officer and photographer and person working in the palace knew something was up with the presentation of Archie. Even if people knew nothing they can tell you about the sense of aboding. Everyone was on edge. One journalist told me - it is knowing there is a story there - and it just needs uncovering.

When the media was told the Sussex's were not going to do a presentation like was done by the royals from the 1980's - everyone put two and two togethers. CBS exclusive. But that is not conclusive proof - it might have been a coincidence.

I also know a correction to the Bower book. It is pointed out the KP staff phoned for gratitude gifts for Meghan to fashion house, jewelry, hotels, car factories ect. I have been explicitly told that no KP staff did that - it was a SS person in London that they became aware of at a later stage. And they would to note that many of the 'gratitude gifts' were send back. It is not allowed for members of the royal family to accept or request freebies or do brand deals.

Wow Claire, Tom Bower needs to speak to you! :lol:

Amazing. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Oh, come on Fig Tree! How many times have we seen Archie and Lili (aged 3 and a half and Lili one year respectively) full face since their births? For Lili, once, Archie maybe four times. That’s hardly pushing Harry and Meghan pushing their children in front of cameras every five minutes!

Didn’t say that. Said they don’t have to at all because they aren’t in the Faustian pact anymore. Because bar some paparazzi shots which will inevitably be taken over the years they can keep the children private.
That part really shocked me to^^ offering an exclusive to any media outlet of the Queen meeting Archie.

The book also makes clear Meghan was eager for the interview with Oprah, it is mentioned from very very early on, promising it at various points. It was going to happen whatever it seems, it just happened that the first opportunity was after they had left the UK. Th book also makes clear Meghan hadn't met Oprah before the wedding.

And Harry agreeing that “Buckingham Palace be given no choice”.

Reading that chapter Tommy, it seems “privacy”, when used by the Sussexes, meant more than just privacy.

More like, don’t let the cat out of the bag with what we’re actually doing anyone.

That seems to be long gone by the younger generation. It was certainly the way William and Harry were raised and still very much Charles’s life but, and I guess William and Catherine would have led the way with this, they don’t have staff like that. I think they do for events they may hold but in their private life no. They have a housekeeper who does a bit of everything, gardener and nanny obviously. That is all since the children came along as well. Before that they had no one.

Harry was probably supposed to follow in his footsteps. My friend works in South Ken and would often see him in Waitrose buying food. Certainly none of the rest of the grandchildren have anything like that. Meghan presumed it was something it wasn’t. Cos in honesty the younger royals are not grand by anyones standards. Now Charles is grand by everyone’s standards. Whether William changes when he becomes POW is to be seen.

Currently Harry is the grandest of the lot. Up there with Granny, Dad and Uncle Andy. Rest are really very middle classy really.

I’m amazed at these close encounters with the Royals, first Claire and now your friend Figtree. They’re not really distant icons anymore.

I’m with Meghan on this one … although she presented herself as a bit of a foodie type, while I’m a bit of a microwave something frozen type … to have your meals provided for you, that would be real elite living to me. I would be disappointed to have to keep up the kitchen slog too, after marrying a Prince.
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Harry and Meghan stepped down as working royals in Feb 2020, after spending time in Canada since the previous November. They bought their house at Montecito California in June 2020. The Oprah interview with the Sussexes wasn’t recorded until early March 2021. So by those dates it shows that the couple weren’t exactly rushing to take ‘the first opportunity’ to speak to Winfrey after leaving the UK for good.
I’m amazed at these close encounters with the Royals, first Claire and now your friend Figtree. They’re not really distant icons anymore.

I’m with Meghan on this one … although she presented herself as a bit of a foodie type, while I’m a bit of a microwave something frozen type … to have your meals provided for you, that would be real elite living to me. I would be disappointed to have to keep up the kitchen slog too, after marrying a Prince.

I think in his single days, and this was way back ten years ago, Harry was probably of the opinion cooking was opening the oven and putting it in. Who knows really if things have changed. I know that Waitrose well. It’s small with convenience food really, couple of fresh bits and pieces. I used to go meet her from work sometimes and suggest a trip there. I never saw him. I used to get excited and ask if she ever saw Cressida. She didn’t know who that was but said he was always alone. I also think it was unusual times she would see him, like very early if she had to be in and popped in for some food or else quite late. Not like he could walk in at rush hour. It is a wealthy area and had quite a number of well known people popping in and out. I doubt anyone has seen any of them grocery shopping in years. Not with deliveries being the norm now.

Kate and Wills also loved their pizzas in their pre children days as evidenced from Kate’s shopping bag.

But yeah, they don’t have private chefs on a daily basis or sent down to the kitchen or anything like that.

I don’t know what Harry’s current set up is. He and Meghan like to put across the idea she loves to cook. Seems book says different.

If they wanted to hire a personal chef from the budget given to them I am sure they could have but that would be a lot of money.

Yeah marrying a Prince isn’t really like the Netflix films. Probably would be if they lived in Buck H. But they don’t.
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I think in his single days, and this was way back ten years ago, Harry was probably of the opinion cooking was opening the oven and putting it in. Who knows really if things have changed. I know that Waitrose well. It’s small with convenience food really, couple of fresh bits and pieces. I used to go meet her from work sometimes and suggest a trip there. I never saw him. I used to get excited and ask if she ever saw Cressida. She didn’t know who that was but said he was always alone. I also think it was unusual times she would see him, like very early if she had to be in and popped in for some food or else quite late. Not like he could walk in at rush hour. It is a wealthy area and had quite a number of well known people popping in and out. I doubt anyone has seen any of them grocery shopping in years. Not with deliveries being the norm now.

Kate and Wills also loved their pizzas in their pre children days as evidenced from Kate’s shopping bag.

But yeah, they don’t have private chefs on a daily basis or sent down to the kitchen or anything like that.

I don’t know what Harry’s current set up is. He and Meghan like to put across the idea she loves to cook. Seems book says different.

If they wanted to hire a personal chef from the budget given to them I am sure they could have but that would be a lot of money.

Yeah marrying a Prince isn’t really like the Netflix films. Probably would be if they lived in Buck H. But they don’t.

Yes, I think the foodie thing was when Meghan was trying to establish a profile via that route … and was living with a well-regarded chef. Trying to be a food critic/promoter and all that.

I haven’t read the section yet, but checked out the YouTube when I saw her pickle tasting in Brooklyn was some sort of audition for pitching the idea of travelling the world talking about food, restaurants etc.

She certainly had many ideas and was good at getting the right people in front of her to hear her suggestions, though nothing really seems to have blossomed from any of it.

Somewhere in the book I read Harry received one and a half million pounds per year from his father. I would have blown a bit of that budget on a cook, or going round the local pubs for a good meal. Freedom from the chores of life, a dream for some! :lol:
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