Queen Margrethe's Summer Tour aboard the Dannebrog: 2015 - 2023

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It's a pity it has been pouring down all day here in DK. Not so much for QMII, she'll be fine, but for the many people who would have liked to see her. Especially the elderly, in such a weather it's responsible to wheel them out.

Trivia based on article in Billed Bladet #36, 2018.
Written by Trine Larsen.

Here covering the visit to the town of Silkeborg.
Silkeborg is a young town and so are a number of other towns nearby. It's very much equivalent to the Midlands in England. I.e. industrial towns that grew up in the wake of the in this case Danish industrial revolution which came about in the last half of 1800's.
In fact QMII has visited Silkeborg no less than 17 times! With the close affiliation between the DRF and Danish commerce, there is always a new factory/company/project to visit in that area.
This time with focus on wine-production, recycling and kitchens to mention three businesses.
But of course it wasn't all about commerce. QMII was totally absorbed in the displayed art works at the Jorn Museum, which is the pride of Silkeborg. A Museum dedicated to Asger Jorn and Per Kirkeby.
For those interested in art, see here:

A must on such visits are various activity centers, either for elderly, children or handicapped. In this case a ceramics shop for young and adults who suffer from physical as well as mental handicaps. And this was something that delighted QMII. - Perhaps because some there actually produce quality artwork, in contrast to many so-called "artists". ;)

As you have already learned most of Silkeborg municipality showed up to see the giraffe (*), complete with Guards Hussars. The elderly from no less than 20 rest homes had been mobilized and shuttled around in buses and their day ended with them being served a menu, that was alsmot like than one served to QMII - so that was a great day! (A good idea BTW.)

No coverage can be complete without mentioning the flowergirl, in the shape of seven year old Albert Rabølle. He had won a drawing competition, and the prize was the honor of presenting flower to Her Majesty. - (Again a pretty good idea. Usually it's the mayor's daughter who grabs that one. There are after all perks with being a mayor. But in Silkeborg they are democratic it seems.)

The next day, which isn't covered in the article, went to the prison town of Horsens.
Located in the middle of the "Jutlandic Ruhr Gebiet" (dense industrial area) Horsens has among other things managed to combine having a prison with culture. But more on that next week.

- Did you make it this far, without falling asleep? Good. In that case I wish you a nice weekend. ?
I have often wondered what details QMII notices at such visits which must be very routine to her.

(*) "See the giraffe" is an expression used when you go to see something that is very novel. - Beforehand that could have been an exotic animal like a giraffe. Nowadays used more jokingly.
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It's a pity it has been pouring down all day here in DK. Not so much for QMII, she'll be fine, but for the many people who would have liked to see her. Especially the elderly, in such a weather it's responsible to wheel them out.

Trivia based on article in Billed Bladet #36, 2018.
Written by Trine Larsen.

Here covering the visit to the town of Silkeborg.
Silkeborg is a young town and so are a number of other towns nearby. It's very much equivalent to the Midlands in England. I.e. industrial towns that grew up in the wake of the in this case Danish industrial revolution which came about in the last half of 1800's.
In fact QMII has visited Silkeborg no less than 17 times! With the close affiliation between the DRF and Danish commerce, there is always a new factory/company/project to visit in that area.
This time with focus on wine-production, recycling and kitchens to mention three businesses.
But of course it wasn't all about commerce. QMII was totally absorbed in the displayed art works at the Jorn Museum, which is the pride of Silkeborg. A Museum dedicated to Asger Jorn and Per Kirkeby.
For those interested in art, see here:

A must on such visits are various activity centers, either for elderly, children or handicapped. In this case a ceramics shop for young and adults who suffer from physical as well as mental handicaps. And this was something that delighted QMII. - Perhaps because some there actually produce quality artwork, in contrast to many so-called "artists". ;)

As you have already learned most of Silkeborg municipality showed up to see the giraffe (*), complete with Guards Hussars. The elderly from no less than 20 rest homes had been mobilized and shuttled around in buses and their day ended with them being served a menu, that was alsmot like than one served to QMII - so that was a great day! (A good idea BTW.)

No coverage can be complete without mentioning the flowergirl, in the shape of seven year old Albert Rabølle. He had won a drawing competition, and the prize was the honor of presenting flower to Her Majesty. - (Again a pretty good idea. Usually it's the mayor's daughter who grabs that one. There are after all perks with being a mayor. But in Silkeborg they are democratic it seems.)

The next day, which isn't covered in the article, went to the prison town of Horsens.
Located in the middle of the "Jutlandic Ruhr Gebiet" (dense industrial area) Horsens has among other things managed to combine having a prison with culture. But more on that next week.

- Did you make it this far, without falling asleep? Good. In that case I wish you a nice weekend. ?
I have often wondered what details QMII notices at such visits which must be very routine to her.

(*) "See the giraffe" is an expression used when you go to see something that is very novel. - Beforehand that could have been an exotic animal like a giraffe. Nowadays used more jokingly.

Muhler your stories are anything but soporific; thank you for your energetic reporting on all things Danish and especially the Danish Royal Family. Indeed, one wonders how the queen can summon the strength to always smile, wave and look interested at things she must have seen thousands of times before; Queen Margrethe is a true professional!:flowers:
Muhler your stories are anything but soporific; thank you for your energetic reporting on all things Danish and especially the Danish Royal Family. Indeed, one wonders how the queen can summon the strength to always smile, wave and look interested at things she must have seen thousands of times before; Queen Margrethe is a true professional!:flowers:

Thank you for your kind words. :flowers:

And I agree. After all these years there must be many details QMII notices.
It's akin to watching a movie, you have seen several times. You know the plot and the lines, so you start watching the details, like props or the extras.

In QMII's case I imagine it could be a particular colorful onlooker in the crowd, a house she's passing in which they didn't paint the walls on all sides or a particular hideous dress worn by a council member. Or how two paintings hanging on a wall really shouldn't have been arranged like that! What on earth were they thinking?!?
Something like that. ?
That's it. The season with Dannebrog is over for this year.


QMII attended a lunch with various representatives from among others Copenhagen municipality.
Later this evening she will host a dinner for officers of Dannebrog, including her flag-captain who will now retire.

Dannebrog will now be sailed back to her base in Frederikshavn, where she will be cleaned and tidied up before the conscript crew will be dismissed. Hopefully with many good experiences in the baggage and having become more mature and self-reliant.
Over the winter Dannebrog will be repaired, repainted and refitted and in the early spring a new crew of conscripts will start their service after their basic training.
There is currently a three year waiting list to serve as a conscript aboard Dannebrog. It's a very popular posting.
"Right now, H.M. The Queen's Dinner at Fredensborg slot for the King Ship Dannebrog's officers with the participation of H.K.H. Crown Princess. The dinner marks the end of the King Ship Dannebrog sailing season.
Here are detail photos taken from the King Ship during this season, which ended today when the Queen at 15:00 officially rose ashore"

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #38, 2018.
Written by Dorte Quist.

There are a number of traditions when QMII host her "strygemiddag" (*) aboard Dannebrog in Copenhagen harbor.
Dannebrog was anchored in the harbor and QMII was sailed there in the chaluppe. Aboard she hosted a lunch with the officers of Dannebrog, various representatives from Copenhagen municipality and Copenhagen harbor, including the new manager for Copenhagen Harbor. (More on her later.) As well as Mary.
After the lunch, and after the guests had left, QMII greeted the conscripts and posed with the crew for the traditional group photo. This time on the quarter deck, due to rain.
When she left, the nearby naval battery Sixtus fired 27 shots in her honor. (**) Then she sailed around Dannebrog, while the crew was lined up along the railings, and saluted her by holding out their caps and shouting "hurra!" three times. (***)
Then QMII was sailed to the quay and when disembarking the new, and slightly damp, harbor manager received her and presented her with a bouquet.
Commanding the chaluppe was the captain on Dannebrog, Christian Anders Nørgaard, who performed his last duty as flag-captain for QMII.
He will still be in command of Dannebrog though until formally relieved by the new flag-captain by the end of January next year.

(*) Not sure how to translate this correctly. It's nautical term for hauling down the flag/striking the ensign. - In this example hauling down QMII personal standard for the last time this year.

(**) 27 shots because the navy always go the extra distance.
Three shots has always been the traditional ID signal for Danish ships. At least since the early 1600's. In the army it was three cheers.
When the majesty was present, it was 3X3 cheers. Hence why it's always nine cheers for Denmark on QMII's B-day. - But the navy thought they would take that one notch further, so they made it 3X9 shots for the majesty.

(***) Dannebrog is the first ship in the Danish navy and all other navy ships are obliged to salute her when they meet at sea. Beforehand that was also in the form of a gun-salute, but nowadays the crew members not on duty line up along the railings and salute Dannebrog. When QMII is aboard she usually rush out to receive the salute and wave back.
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Thanks, Eya.

Yes, Dannebrog was today sailing for the first time this season.
The crew seen in their summer uniforms, on this cold day, are all conscripts. 100 % of the conscripts aboard Dannebrog are volunteers and there is a two to three waiting list to serve aboard her as conscript.

The same thing applies to the Royal Lifeguard Regiment and the Guards Hussars' Horse Squadron. All of them are volunteers even though they are serving longer than conscripts in most other units.
For the Royal Lifeguard the guard duty on New Years Eve, while QMII give her speech and on Christmas Eve is actively sought after. Sometimes they have to draw lots. Not to mention of course on QMII's birthday.
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I think this is a lovely annual tradition and a great use of your beautiful yacht. People in outlying remote areas get the chance to see their wonderful Queen.

Another tour with the Dannebrog has been announced today: From September 3 to September 6 Queen Margrethe will visit the German federal state Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish minority in Southern Schleswig. Among other places and towns she will visit Flensburg and Kiel.

The visit will take place prior to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the reunification of Southern Jutland with Denmark that will be celebrated in 2020.

** kongehuset: Hendes Majestæt Dronningen besøger Sydslesvig **
That's nice. Dannebrog is a beautiful ambassador for DK. I always like when she is is visiting foreign ports, even is Kiel and Flensburg is pretty much around the corner.
I am really liking the nautical theme on her arrival to Koge. Love the blue jacket accessorised with the sapphire anchor brooch and sapphire blue daisy earrings and wearing the hat at a jaunty angle is so typically her.
For a brief, very brief, second I saw QMII skating very competently in the inner courtyard of Fredensborg - with dachshunds and grandchildren in hot pursuit. :lol:

It's a sweet present and something I'm sure she treasures.
Despite the cold grey skies a good crowd have turned out to greet their beloved Queen and to welcome the beautiful Dannebrog. She is a gorgeous ship. I love looking at her.

QMII had a great time in the town of Nyborg yesterday!
As you can tell from the video, she smiled so broadly the top of her head almost fell off.
She had a look at the ongoing restoration of the medieval castle at Nyborg and looked at how medieval costumes were made for reenactors.
Apart from that it was the usual drill. - Visiting a home center for mentally challenged people, who performed for her. Have a look at the local products. Reception aboard Dannebrog in the evening complete with fireworks.

And here is some additional photos of Dannebrog, she's a beauty!

And a private clip of QMII:
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Dannebrog sure is a pretty vessel. I love the way the royal family find so many ways to use her.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #23, 2019.
Written by trine Larsen.

This covers the visit to the town of Køge.
Everything started out fine.

The weather was reasonable. The clock was 10 when Dannebrog moored.
And the quay a crowd, scouts, honor guards from veterans and the Home Guard was lines up, the pensioners had been rolled out from the local retirement homes and kindergarten children with their teachers in tow were there as well.

Well down the phalarope QMII greeted the mayor and local dignitaries and that's when it happened; her dachshund, Tilia had sneaked down the phalarope as well. But "mother" wasn't having it: "No, no, come here... You are not coming along!"
The deserter was quickly picked up by a servant and carried back to the ship.

Wearing an outfit made by Annette Freifeldt, QMII proceeded with the schedule. Riding through the town, escorted by the Guards Hussars, to the townhall, where she was presented with the town's present to her. A mini-sculpture in bronze by Lise Høyer.
Then it was off to the newly opened Center for Health, Training and Rehabilitation. Here a flowergirl in the shape of 90 year old Grethe Kristensen waited for the Majesty.
Well inside QMII was told how among others the local retirees are kept active at the center - no doubt burning off excessive energy and thus preventing them from hanging around on the streets at night causing mischief.

QMII was also taken for a tour of mini-Køge, a reconstruction of how the town looked some 150 years ago. With 560 houses it's almost down to the chicken-coops. But it will be bigger still. Currently some 30 mine-houses are build each year and the aim is to reach 1.000 buildings. The houses are build in scale 1:10, so it is actually a little neighborhood in it's own right.
QMII also went to see some real houses. A new part of the town actually, with aim on sustainability. And that's where it almost went wrong a second time. A republican wind blew in from the bay and QMII had to hold on to her hat.
QMII also saw the local youths display their skills on a skater-park and somewhat to everyone's surprise she was presented with an endearing present: a skateboard for herself.

After a change of clothes, QMII went to brand new terminal run by Post Nord (What used to be a very efficient Royal Mail, before it was privatized. So now we have a most inefficient and very expensive post-service! Fortunately hardly anyone send letters anymore, and certainly not by Post Nord. Putting your letter in an empty bottle and throwing it into the sea, will ensure it will arrive sooner, than if it was carried by Post Nord!)
Inside QMII was taken for a tour of the terminal that can sort 17.585 parcels an hour. (Why on earth it takes them days to deliver a parcel then, that is if it even gets through, is beyond me!)
QMII tried to send a parcel through the system, and by some miracle it didn't get lost, but ended up in box in another part of the terminal. Here the parcel was presented to QMII. Upon opening it she saw it was the template to a stamp depicting the DRF standing on the balcony of Amalienborg.

She also visited a school, where she was cheered, loudly, by hundreds of pupils, as well as kindergartners and retirees. Here she saw the school artshop with keen interest before seeing the spring-concert performed by the children.

Then it was off to a part of Køge that used to be classified as a ghetto by the government. (*) Here she saw the result of a project aimed at getting in particular migrant-children off the streets and getting a job, where they can earn their own money. She met three who had been through that and they told her their story.

(*) Officially knows as the Ghetto-list. If a neighborhood has a composition where non-ethnic Danes constitute more than a certain percentage of the residents, it is officially labelled a ghetto and the municipality is obliged to take measures to correct that status. No more people who are unemployed or otherwise on welfare can move into the area. People who have a job get priority to housing in the area to mention a couple of measures.
If that does not help more draconian measures will be taken.
Such neighborhoods usually consists of apartment blocks and number of blocks will simply be demolished and the residents rehoused in another part of the municipality. New housing will be build instead with preference given to people who have a job, do not have social issues or otherwise have a steady income.
It has turned out to be surprisingly efficient. The prospect of being rehoused (evicted) is motivating and there is considerable peer-pressure on families on welfare to get a job (or move), so that the neighborhood gets off the ghetto-list.
The ghetto-plan as this more harsh measure is labelled has been criticized as too harsh and an infringement on personal rights as well a collective punishments. But there is no political, let alone public will, to change it.
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