Queen Margrethe II, Current Events Part 3: September 2023 -

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The royal statement said the Queen would need to wear a rigid neck brace for the next few months.

I hope the Queen is doing well under the circumstances. I don't think we'll see the Queen again for the next few months...
Yeah, looks like she took quite a fall. Left hand in plaster, so she probably landed on that hand. Neck-brace for months = she fell heavily.
We won't see much of her this side of Christmas.

Wonder if she is going to stay permanently at Fredensborg, where there are only two levels (if need be only one level) and as such fewer stairs? And she can walk right out in the park for a breath of fresh air. - That's way more difficult at Amalienborg.
Gråsten is a lovely place, but perhaps a bit too far out of the way at this time of year. But then her sisters may decide to come live with her?
Marselisborg, forget it. Stair-wise it's just as bad as Amalienborg. Even though it's very close to one of the best hospitals in DK.
Kancellihuset at Fredensborg. She could move in there of course, but it would be a major move and at 84, few want to do that if they can avoid it. Apart from that I think the Regent Couple has turned the place into a cozy little weekend nest.

My money is on Fredensborg. Plenty of room for QMII and her sisters. It should be easy to set up a couple of ramps if QMII prefer a set of wheels when going outside or down/up stairs. Even a disability lift should be possible, hidden away somewhere. And she is very fond of the place.
Often when elderly people has a bad fall, it doesn't get better, mobility-wise. Not least because they tend to become scared. Who can blame them!
If i remember correctly, after Queen Ingrid had a nasty fall at Amalienborg in the autumn of 1997 and broke her femur (something QMII thankfully seems to have avoided) and she became dependant on a rollator for the rest of her life, she was almost always at either Kancellihuset (where she ultimately passed away 3 years later) or at Gråsten…

That’s why i thought QMII would base herself permanently at Kancellihuset post-abdication, as it is clearly well suited for an elderly person with an elderly persons health struggles….

But she seems to prefer the main building at Fredensborg and i understand that too… It is there she has all her precious memories of her own happy childhood with her parents and sisters - and of her own family life with her beloved Henri and their sons… And half of her husbands ashes was buried in the garden there so…..

Gråsten is a lovely home in every possible way and had i been King of Denmark i would easily have splitted my time between Fredensborg and Gråsten…. But it’s perhaps a bit too far away for QMII at the moment… I suppose she has her doctors and physiotherapists in Copenhagen and she will likely need to see them frequently for the rest of this year at least…

So i also think QMII will more or less make Fredensborg her permanent home… They will probably just adapt her apartment and her private entrance for use of a rollator or a wheelchair if / when needed…
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The Queen must be alas in a very unconfortable situation , with a rigid neck brace , it is difficult to eat , and a broken hand includes part of the arm and and it is heavy for a neck . I feel so sorry for her.
From the description of her injuries, it sounds like she was lucky not to have ended up with damage to her spinal cord. It must be really frustrating to have made a strong recovery from surgery only to face a problem like this.
All things considered it looks like it could have been worse. Rest and recovery are now needed. Luckily she has time and doesn't feel pressured to hurry and get back to "work". The ship (per say) is in safe hands.
All things considered it looks like it could have been worse. Rest and recovery are now needed. Luckily she has time and doesn't feel pressured to hurry and get back to "work". The ship (per say) is in safe hands.
Agreed - she does not have to worry about anything other than healing and resting. Thank goodness that it was not a worse fall given her other health and mobility issues. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
That must have been quite a shock for her and the rest of the family. Wishing for a full recovery and good management of pain and general discomfort.
Good News - Seems QMII will be back to work on 11/5. Per the calendar, she is attending the Ebbe Munck Prize. Glad that she is well enough to start doing engagements!

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