Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

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I'm pleased Princess' chemotherapy is over.

Not a fan of the video/movie/perfume advert. It is utterly cringeworthy. It's not everyday I agree with Liz Jones. However today I do.
I didn't find it the least bit cringeworthy. Found myself becoming quite emotional watching it as I lost my sister four years ago to this horrible disease. So happy that she has completed her treatment and doing well and hope that the rest of her recovery is successful.
From the article: “It smacks of something Meghan and Harry might come up with: Hallmark, cringy, cliched. Not real or from the heart at all.”

I’ll just say this, people choose to announce their completion of chemo in a myriad of ways. Some do it quietly, some want to share it with others and will post it on social media. It’s all very personal. About a month after my brother finished chemo, we celebrated with a small gathering of family and friends. I would hate for people to accuse him of celebrating wrong.

Cancer is a horrendous disease and I’m not gonna critique how someone chooses to announce their completion of chemo (or remission). Catherine still has a long way to go, so if this video brought her (and her family) even a small moment of joy, then it was worth it.
IMO after all the nastiness and speculation earlier this year Catherine has decided to take control of what is released about her and her family, in her way. Yes it is modern, it is the new way of communicating, the late Queens Coronation broke new ground by being televised, I believe I am also correct in saying her funeral was the first of a reigning monarch to be televised. Times they are a changing.
If they had a sit down interview then avoided certain questions they would have been criticised, if they had issued a photograph with a statement it would have been pulled apart , we do not need to rehash that story.
Has the video caused any harm to anybody, some people do not like it, fair enough, everybody is entitled to their opinion.
From the article: “It smacks of something Meghan and Harry might come up with: Hallmark, cringy, cliched. Not real or from the heart at all.”

I’ll just say this, people choose to announce their completion of chemo in a myriad of ways. Some do it quietly, some want to share it with others and will post it on social media. It’s all very personal. About a month after my brother finished chemo, we celebrated with a small gathering of family and friends. I would hate for people to accuse him of celebrating wrong.

Cancer is a horrendous disease and I’m not gonna critique how someone chooses to announce their completion of chemo (or remission). Catherine still has a long way to go, so if this video brought her (and her family) even a small moment of joy, then it was worth it.
It’s more than that actually. I don’t mind the criticism about the video actually. I think that part of the issue here is more stylistic than anything else, best case scenario, and it’s perfectly okay if people have a different view of how communications should be handled. That’s fair enough. However, people make choices, and as long as they’re not operating in bad faith and out to harm anyone, I think they should do whatever is in your best interest. It’s especially important as it pertains to their privacy. You will never please everyone and it comes with the territory as public servants. I hope William and Catherine live their lives by the glass half full philosophy. You win many and lose some; that’s life.

But here’s where these journalists get on my everlasting nerves 😂. 1) it irks them that they, and William in particular, are limiting access to their personal life. 2) this message is being communicated this way as a result of the behaviors of not just people like me, who are easy enough to ignore, but photo agencies, tv networks, journalists pushing and amplifying certain nefarious characters conspiring to harass, bully and effectively dehumanized a person who was gravely ill and asked for some space.

The photo that prompted this whole issue was not professional, xyz, and now the video is over produced so on and so forth. You wanted evidence that she’s not dead? There you have it.

All this to say, I don’t think people should get defensive because journalists are engaging in their usual pot stirring for their own interests. I agree this is an approach that the Wales should apply to their work for the institution, so as long as they are not seeking to control what’s written about their public duties or their conduct, I think we should relax.

Edit to add: There’s also the win win for the Wales in this as well, and I should name it. The response to the first video was overwhelmingly positive, and here again, they’re seeking the same response which they have effectively done by pulling our heart strings. There is nothing malicious in their intentions or actions.
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May I say, “my everlasting nerves, as well.” As a cancer survivor myself, and, having also lost 2 younger sisters to it, I rejoice with anyone who is in the process of overcoming! How each of us chooses to celebrate is personal and acceptable. Our family are very much “outdoors” people. A walk in the woods or throwing ourselves in the ocean is our idea of a good day.
I’m not sure what “cringeworthy” is supposed to mean. It seems like one of those word salad words. A word to use when you are having a hard time finding a criticism; be nebulous, vague.
All the best to The Wales family!
The Guardian's whining about the video as well, but most things in the Guardian are best ignored. OK, the video looks like a cross between a shampoo advert and an advert for the Norfolk tourist board, but it shows us a happy and supportive family, and it works in the age of social media, because people can share it. And it has a message for people who are also undergoing treatment. The reaction to it has generally been positive.
I reckon the North Norfolk tourist board will be very happy indeed.

The lovely shot at 2.20 disproves Noel Coward's acerbic put down of Norfolk.

In the video was the interior of Adelaide Cottage or the interior of the house of Michael Middleton?
I think it must be Anmer.

Most of the video is the woods & beach around Sandringham & in the interior shot they are wearing the same clothes as outside.
I'm so happy for the Princess and her family that she has reached this important milestone and obviously is on the mend! I hope that she now fully recovers from the aftermath of her chemotherapy and takes good care of herself. And having lost both my parents to that dreadful desease I sincerely hope that she will stay cancerfree - not least for the sake of her children
The Guardian's whining about the video as well, but most things in the Guardian are best ignored. OK, the video looks like a cross between a shampoo advert and an advert for the Norfolk tourist board, but it shows us a happy and supportive family, and it works in the age of social media, because people can share it. And it has a message for people who are also undergoing treatment. The reaction to it has generally been positive.
I'm baffled that anyone could whine about the Wales' happy, family loving video related to Catherine surviving a major surgery and then completing chemotherapy related to cancer. Transferring ones unhappiness on to a cancer victim is so unbecoming, (in my view).
I think some people are confused and see TRH The Wales as family or friends and expected unfiltered, unpackaged realness from them. The reality, however, is that both are employees for the government whom, like everyone else, have a public sphere and a private sphere, and the latter is revealed solely to those they trust.

I thank HRH The Princess of Wales for putting out the video at all. Throughout her illness, she has been a lot more open about than I would have been in her situation.
From the article: “It smacks of something Meghan and Harry might come up with: Hallmark, cringy, cliched. Not real or from the heart at all.”
Ouch indeed. But it is true.

I’ll just say this, people choose to announce their completion of chemo in a myriad of ways. Some do it quietly, some want to share it with others and will post it on social media. It’s all very personal. About a month after my brother finished chemo, we celebrated with a small gathering of family and friends. I would hate for people to accuse him of celebrating wrong.
I agree. No one could accuse your brother of celebrating wrong. My workmate took 6 months off to travel around the world after she was cleared following a radical double mastectomy and chemo.
Cancer is a horrendous disease and I’m not gonna critique how someone chooses to announce their completion of chemo (or remission). Catherine still has a long way to go, so if this video brought her (and her family) even a small moment of joy, then it was worth it.

This is where I respectfully disagree. The video wasn't done for Catherine and her family. It's not like the couple shared a collection of spontaneous home videos that they made. It was carefully orchestrated and choreographed video to send a message to the public. It lacked realness to it. The cinematography would have been perfect a perfume ad or medicine advert. No thanks
It was carefully orchestrated and choreographed video to send a message to the public
Indeed it was. The message was one part an update to let the public know that Catherine is better after many months of concern, and the other a thank you for all the good wishes and support received. They even thanked the media for respecting Catherine’s privacy during that time. As a part of that thank you, they shared far more intimate footage of their family life than they ever had before, and they used it to support her message that cancer made her really remember that the people she loves are the most important thing in her life and that she could find strength and joy in that even during a dark time. That was part of sharing with other survivors how she coped.

Some people are being very cynical about it, but I think it was a lovely gesture after a very difficult year.
Indeed it was. The message was one part an update to let the public know that Catherine is better after many months of concern, and the other a thank you for all the good wishes and support received. They even thanked the media for respecting Catherine’s privacy during that time. As a part of that thank you, they shared far more intimate footage of their family life than they ever had before, and they used it to support her message that cancer made her really remember that the people she loves are the most important thing in her life and that she could find strength and joy in that even during a dark time. That was part of sharing with other survivors how she coped.

Some people are being very cynical about it, but I think it was a lovely gesture after a very difficult year.
I agree , and I do not understand the cynics, it is a harmless lovely video, that is bringing delight and joy to many people. I do not think we have learnt anything in the last year.
I don't think people are being cynical if they are questioning this video. I understand that she wants everyone to know that she is doing ok, taking care of her health, her children are happy [.....]. Luckily she had some good days so she could appear at Trooping and Wimbledon and we saw she looked well but a bit tired. Glad she had the time to recover and restore her well being.
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I don't think people are being cynical if they are questioning this video. I understand that she wants everyone to know that she is doing ok, taking care of her health, her children are happy [.....]). Luckily she had some good days so she could appear at Trooping and Wimbledon and we saw she looked well but a bit tired. Glad she had the time to recover and restore her well being.

The tarnish just continues on what was a lovely upbeat video from the Princess of Wales post cancer. It might be time to close this thread.
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I don't think people are being cynical if they are questioning this video. I understand that she wants everyone to know that she is doing ok, taking care of her health, her children are happy [.....]. Luckily she had some good days so she could appear at Trooping and Wimbledon and we saw she looked well but a bit tired. Glad she had the time to recover and restore her well
Are you questioning the video and if so what do you not like about it?
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i thought it was a lovely video. yes, there were moments that were unnecessary, like kate's hand on the tall sprigs, which was a tad hollywood-esque to my taste. but aside from that, it is a rather lovely view into their lives as a family and the rest of it feels quite natural and down to earth. it is great that K is now done with chemo, and it was a much welcome update from a rather private family, so i appreciated the heartfelt message.
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While members are free to like or dislike the video released by the Princess of Wales, this thread is not an excuse to reintroduce unsubstantiated gossip to the thread. The Royal Forum rules are very clear that this is not permitted, so please bear that in mind as you post.
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This is where I respectfully disagree. The video wasn't done for Catherine and her family. It's not like the couple shared a collection of spontaneous home videos that they made. It was carefully orchestrated and choreographed video to send a message to the public. It lacked realness to it. The cinematography would have been perfect a perfume ad or medicine advert. No thanks
Well of course it was carefully orchestrated. That’s not surprising. My family and friends who frequently post on Facebook and Insta, also carefully craft their photos and videos in some way. No one wants to look a hot mess on social media.

Also it’s not an either or. The video can be for both the public, and for Catherine and her family.
I think some people, including that Liz jones, are just frustrated that despite their best efforts, their sinister plot was squashed. Hollywood movie, perfume advert, etc are just words meant to diminish them. However, the reality is, the story/message behind the video is very human and something we can all relate to. It also worth noting that they didn’t do it for money. No, it was done simply to uplift and encourage others while sharing their relief and happiness. There is a lot to be cynical about in this world, but this is not one of them.
Every time I see there's an update on this thread about Kate's health, I get nervous and hesitate to come inside the chat. I lost so many work friends to cancer, some around her age or even younger. I'm glad the chemo had a positive effect in her system and that she acted on this quickly to separate herself from the public and focus on her health.
I want to see her, in my lifetime, become queen consort and grandmother someday.
She is lucky that financially she is able to do that. For many people they have to continue going to work while undertaking any form of cancer treatment. I have a friend who is having chemo once a month for six months and then three months off and then another six months and she as to teach five days a week other than the week when she is having treatment when she only works four days. She can't afford to take time off from work to 'separate herself from the public and focus on her health' as if she did her family wouldn't be able to pay their mortgage and feed themselves.
She is lucky that financially she is able to do that. For many people they have to continue going to work while undertaking any form of cancer treatment. I have a friend who is having chemo once a month for six months and then three months off and then another six months and she as to teach five days a week other than the week when she is having treatment when she only works four days. She can't afford to take time off from work to 'separate herself from the public and focus on her health' as if she did her family wouldn't be able to pay their mortgage and feed themselves.
I think people need to remember that things are very different in many countries of Western Europe...

The USA with its appealing/inexistant social safety net is not the norm. Therefore, to us Europeans, the fact that she stopped working altogether during her active cancer treatment is not a cause of envy/showcasing any privilege. It's just a basic right many European countries afford to their citizens...
But Iluvbertie is Australian, not American, and her friend is Australian. Australia, where I also live, has a far greater comprehensive national health care system than the US possesses. And Kate is British, not receiving US health care.

Even in Britain, from which I migrated many moons ago, in spite of the NHS being the first universal health care provider shortly after the end of WW2, health care assistance is certainly not perfect. Unless you are immensely privileged, cancer patients still suffer disadvantages, even in Australasia or in the UK or Western Europe.
I don't think its very helpful to make comparisons because everyone's circumstances are different. I'm also in Australia and have a dear friend whose work allowed her time off for her cancer treatment. She's not wealthy, just lucky to have an excellent, forward-thinking boss. :flowers:
I had mortgage protection insurance, which paid my mortgage for a year whilst I was ill. I do not have an excellent boss, so I was put on statutory sick pay, which is only £117 per week and only lasts for 28 weeks, and then employment support allowance, which is even less. Twenty years in the job, but, when you're ill, they don't want to know. However, there are other benefits available for people on low incomes, and I'm fortunate enough to have family members who were able to help me out. Everyone's circumstances are different. I don't think anyone thinks badly of Catherine for taking time out.
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I very much doubt that she feels ‘ lucky’.
I can't speak for Catherine (obviously) but as for my friend, she absolutely loves her job and is very, very good at it. So she feels lucky in the sense that she has a boss who is very decent and understanding, and totally supportive of her. I could hazard a guess that Catherine also loves some of the work that she does too and is also blessed with a supportive and understanding boss!
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