Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

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Note that when they announced her surgery and the recovery period, this was based on the assumption that it was non-cancerous. So, that long recovery period was not based on her having cancer. Unfortunately, later they found out that it however was cancerous, requiring additional treatment - longer than the period that was indicated for the recovery of the surgery itself. Based on Catherine's own words in the video, it seems her post-surgery recovery went as planned, so without the set-back of the tumor ending up being cancerous, she would most likely have been back participating in public engagements after Easter.
When the palace announced her abdominal surgery and long recovery period, I already had a feeling that it was serious. However, I didn't share my thoughts with anyone, hoping that my instincts were wrong. It's truly disheartening to learn that it's cancer. Wishing her a full recovery and hoping that all the rumors and speculation finally come to an end
Why should Stephen Colbert apologize? In the segment, which is only 2min long, he mentioned people were wondering where is Kate, which is true, then stated there is report/gossip that William is having an affair, also true. He mostly made fun of the spelling and pronunciation of "Cholmondeley". There was no joke about Kate's illness or appearance.
This is funny. It’s not necessary to bring up private individuals in the situation at all. He had no business talking about a private individual and making fun of her married name is just very rude and silly. He could have mentioned the “where’s Kate” without alluding to Rose Hanbury. Just because he didn’t start the rumour, doesn’t mean he should continue to spread it on national television. The situation wasn’t just about Kate, but about Rose and her family.
When the palace announced her abdominal surgery and long recovery period, I already had a feeling that it was serious. However, I didn't share my thoughts with anyone, hoping that my instincts were wrong. It's truly disheartening to learn that it's cancer. Wishing her a full recovery and hoping that all the rumors and speculation finally come to an end
She did NOT have the surgery in January for any cancer, the cancer was discovered from testing afterwards.
I am glad that the Princess of Wales has made the decision to be open about her medical condition. Secrecy is counter-productive for public figures these days and it is better that the news comes from her than from some press leak, which would have happened eventually, especially considering the recent attempted breach of her medical records.

Obviously a cancer diagnosis is always unsettling (as I can attest myself from having had many in my own family), and even more so when it involves a younger person like the Princess of Wales (as cancer is comparatively rarer at her age). I wish her the best possible outcome and sympathize with Prince William, their children, the Middleton family, and the extended Royal Family, and what they may be going through right now.

Hopefully the press will give her some room to breathe now and will kill those silly stories about body doubles and photoshopped pictures.
To be honest I wouldn't care if she wasn't seen in public for the rest of the year. She needs to look after herself and be with her family. I think the reason it was announced today because of George, Charlotte and Louie and the start of the easter holidays.

To the trolls on social media I hope you are happy with yourselves.

To the Princess of Wales even though I know you don't read this, get well and best wishes.

On a personal note to me I had cancer back in 2020 so with the King and Princess of Wales now being in the same club so to speak I know how they feel. I remember when I found my lump and I was so scared telling my family, she needs to tell the whole country and world. I am fine now by the way thank goodness
I too hope she will be fine.

As for 'caught early' I don't even know what that means anymore. My brother had no symptoms at all until the Tuesday before Christmas. On Wednesday his wife insisted on him going to hospital. On Saturday he had two 'benign brain lesions' removed. After the lesions were 'tested' he was diagnosed with Grade 4 brain cancer. How early could he have been 'caught' with no symptoms and all the tests done on the Wednesday and Thursday before surgery showing no signs of cancer and now he is battling Grade 4 brain cancer.
I just read Page6 article about Catherine’s diagnosis. I’m praying for her. She has great support from her family and it’s very important.
Again, it’s not our business what kind of cancer she has.
I’m really hoping that the princess will recover soon.
I too hope she will be fine.

As for 'caught early' I don't even know what that means anymore. My brother had no symptoms at all until the Tuesday before Christmas. On Wednesday his wife insisted on him going to hospital. On Saturday he had two 'benign brain lesions' removed. After the lesions were 'tested' he was diagnosed with Grade 4 brain cancer. How early could he have been 'caught' with no symptoms and all the tests done on the Wednesday and Thursday before surgery showing no signs of cancer and now he is battling Grade 4 brain cancer.
I think caught early to me really means the stage and how likely it is to treat. So sorry to hear about your brother though, if you need to chat message me. To me I was stage 1 and had a good prognosis because it was caught early
I too hope she will be fine.

As for 'caught early' I don't even know what that means anymore. My brother had no symptoms at all until the Tuesday before Christmas. On Wednesday his wife insisted on him going to hospital. On Saturday he had two 'benign brain lesions' removed. After the lesions were 'tested' he was diagnosed with Grade 4 brain cancer. How early could he have been 'caught' with no symptoms and all the tests done on the Wednesday and Thursday before surgery showing no signs of cancer and now he is battling Grade 4 brain cancer.
I’m so sorry to hear your family is dealing with this and my best to your brother.

That being said, in the context of cancer treatment, caught early refers to the cancer being caught in the beginning phases of the disease. This does not relate to when a patient first experienced symptoms, but rather to how much the cancer has progressed/how dangerous it is.

I think we are all hoping that the Princess of Wales has a cancer that is treatable and that has not yet done too much damage to her body and health.
Not sure if he'll outright apologize, but between this news and Rose issuing a 'cease and desist', you have to hope he recognizes it's time to drop the topic and quietly move on.
I am so very disappointed in him. […]. I think his so called jokes about an affair were quite distasteful and I’m surprised he stooped that low. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him […]
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I can understand you finding it distasteful but my point is that William missing the service was sort of a boiling point for all of the brewing conspiracy theories online. William attending the service would have most likely delayed that boiling point for a bit.

Except the debate regarding missing the service plays into the wider discussion of how the Wales's team has handled Catherine's absence. There was always going to be
lots of interest in this and the Wales's, I believe, were correct to draw such a firm boundary around her health and medical information. However, William and his team have failed to understand and manage the vacuum created around her absence. It was clarified today that William had already known about Catherine's diagnosis by the time of the service yet he and his team still chose to wait until the last minute to announce he was missing the service and for "personal reasons". That amped up the drama and added fuel to the fire.

This isn't about the GRF in my opinion but rather how Williams actions have added, rather than tempered, the insanity on social media. I know I am being harsh on William, but his actions bear some responsibility for the firestorm around this. He just had to show up. I understand that he as a husband and father was also going through a lot but by not playing the game a little bit, the way his father and grandparents have/had, he was not helping the situation. There is a lot to be learned from these past few months and I really hope William and his team have been paying attention.
Cancer is not a game that you play. Maybe he just couldn’t face people that day, it was not a royal event as such., it was a family event.
According to The Standard:
“The palace also said Prince William's sudden absence from a memorial service in late February was because of the discovery of Catherine's cancer diagnosis.“
Please post the source. I have read through every article and have yet to see a "direct quote" from the palace as saying that was the reason.
This article from Standard does not cite a source for their article. Like the Daily Mail they are *assuming* that is the reason the Prince did not attend.
William pulled out of godfather’s King Constantine of Greece's memorial service after Kate cancer diagnosis

People (including the press) are blaming the Prince's absence at the Memorial on the Princess' cancer results. However, recall Kensington Palace made it clear that the Prince's absence had nothing to do with the Princess' health and that his absence was for "personal" reasons.
I think its hopeful that, like the King, Catherine was not treated for cancer outright but it was found during an operation for something else, and caught early.
This was indeed the case for the king. However, if I understand it correctly, in Catherine's case the doctors thought it was benign/non-cancerous (the message that is wasn't cancer was also passed along by the palace when her surgery was first announced) but later on the hospital found cancer cells when doing their analysis. So, it seems it wasn't an 'operation for something else'; it was an operation related to this cancer diagnosis but they didn't know yet at that point.
I am so very disappointed in him. […]. I think his so called jokes about an affair were quite distasteful and I’m surprised he stooped that low. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him […]
I agree that Colbert's comments were in bad taste, but he didn't say anything derogatory about Kate or William. He was cracking jokes about the rumors that have floated around for years, not making accusations. It was clearly satirical.

I suspect the media will back off the conspiracies...for a few weeks.
However, recall Kensington Palace made it clear that the Prince's absence had nothing to do with the Princess' health and that his absence was for "personal" reasons.

I think it’s important to realize that the true nature of what was happening was likely deliberately kept from Kensington Palace communications staff until they were ready to share it. In William’s childhood, sensitive information was often leaked by staff. As a result, I think truly sensitive information is not cascaded down to his staff until he is ready for them to action it.

I think that Kensington Palace said on the day that it wasn’t related because they were told to say that.
People (including the press) are blaming the Prince's absence at the Memorial on the Princess' cancer results. However, recall Kensington Palace made it clear that the Prince's absence had nothing to do with the Princess' health and that his absence was for "personal" reasons.

In my view, your wife's receiving a cancer diagnosis can be a "personal reason" to cancel an engagement.
I think it’s important to realize that the true nature of what was happening was likely deliberately kept from Kensington Palace communications staff until they were ready to share it. In William’s childhood, sensitive information was often leaked by staff. As a result, I think truly sensitive information is not cascaded down to his staff until he is ready for them to action it.

I think that Kensington Palace said on the day that it wasn’t related because they were told to say that.
The KP comms team have received a great deal of criticism but they can only release what the boss wants, and if he says no then that’s it.
The KP comms team have received a great deal of criticism but they can only release what the boss wants, and if he says no then that’s it.

I actually think it’s an enormous communications success that they were able to control the information successfully and release it only on the Friday before their children’s school break where they can help them process public reaction privately as a family before the kids go back to school.

When any strategy is evaluated, it should be evaluated with the question of whether the strategy achieved its intended goal. People have trashed that team, with the assumption that the goal was to keep the public informed and minimize speculation. As someone with a graduate education in business, I suggest that people got it wrong. That was never the goal. The primary goal was always about what would be most manageable for their children.

From that perspective, KP was very successful in obtaining the outcome most important to William and Catherine.
If your wife, mother of 3, receives this diagnostic, pretty much anything can be considered “personal reason”. She’s dealing with an awful reality, so anything her husband can do to help I’m sure he’ll do it, including cancelling his presence at a private event.

Anyway, in light of today’s news, William’s personal reasons is really none of our business tbh.
Please post the source. I have read through every article and have yet to see a "direct quote" from the palace as saying that was the reason.
This article from Standard does not cite a source for their article. Like the Daily Mail they are *assuming* that is the reason the Prince did not attend.
William pulled out of godfather’s King Constantine of Greece's memorial service after Kate cancer diagnosis

People (including the press) are blaming the Prince's absence at the Memorial on the Princess' cancer results. However, recall Kensington Palace made it clear that the Prince's absence had nothing to do with the Princess' health and that his absence was for "personal" reasons.
At that time, it was made clear that his absence was not related to Thomas Kingston's death. They didn't say anything about whether the personal reasons were related to Catherine's health - which most people assumed it was in one way or another.
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